SCOTLAND YARD detectives are trying to
find a middle-aged couple said to have
entered Madeleine McCann’s holiday
apartment to comfort her because she was
crying, we can reveal today
tears alerted a resident on
eve of her disappearance |
It is believed they entered the bedroom
on May 2, 2007, the evening before
Madeleine disappeared from the Ocean
Club at Praia da Luz on Portugal’s
The tip-off was given by two key
witnesses who were reinterviewed as part
of the Yard’s two-year, £4.5million
It is already known that Pamela Fenn,
who lived directly above apartment 5a,
heard a child, believed to be Madeleine,
crying for about an hour on the evening
of May 2.
She was so concerned she rang a friend
in the village to ask what to do and
considered ringing Portugal’s Policia
At the time, Madeleine’s mother Kate and
father Gerry were dining with friends at
a tapas bar some 50 yards from the
A source said: “Police were astonished
when this new information came to light.
Officers spoke to other key witnesses to
discover more about the middle-aged
“Apparently they were concerned about
the crying and went to see if they could
comfort the girl.”
Pamela Fenn has since died, so police
have been speaking to other people who
were staying in the same apartments.
Our revelation comes as Scotland Yard
detectives say there are potentially 20
suspects they want to speak to. Retiring
Detective Chief Superintendent Hamish
Campbell, head of the Yard’s Homicide
and Serious Crime Command, urged
Portuguese authorities to investigate
the new leads.
He said: “There are a lot of people of
interest. There are people who could be
properly explored further, if only to be
Scotland Yard officers have been
interviewing witnesses here for months,
although the public prosecutor in
Portugal has decided against reopening
the investigation.
Despite claims of a “Mexican stand off”
between Portuguese police and Yard
officers, the Sunday Express understands
there is in fact very good co-operation
between both squads.
Pedro de Carmo, deputy national leader
of the PJ, said yesterday: “We still
co-operate with their team. There are
good communications.”
Portuguese officers are very impressed
with the diligence of the Met
investigation and have been impressed
with their interviews with witnesses in
We can confirm that a couple staying in
the same block as apartment 5a were
interviewed last February.
They were in their apartment on the
night Madeleine vanished. Afterwards
they wrote an account of what they saw
but were never formally interviewed by
Portuguese detectives.
They had been at a restaurant earlier in
the evening and left at about 9pm.
Ocean Club
view, showing distance
between tapas bar and
McCanns’ apartment |
On their way home they walked directly
past the entrance to the Ocean Club
pool, where the “Tapas 7” (the name
given to the friends eating with the
McCanns on the night Madeleine
disappeared) were enjoying the meal with
Kate and Gerry.
They walked past apartment 5a but
noticed nothing untoward. The woman said
in her statement: “I stood on the
balcony at about 9.15 with a whisky.
“I saw people eating at the tapas bar
and children in the play area. We went
to bed at 10pm-ish. We were woken up by
our bell ringing at 11.30pm. It was a
friend of the McCanns, saying that a
little girl had been abducted. The
friend asked if we had a computer so
they could get the media involved in the
“Two police were on the corner of our
block, one lady said that off-duty
police had come and were searching. We
did see single men on mobiles while we
were out who could have been police.”
The couple took part in the search for
Madeleine and then returned to their
The woman’s statement continues: “We
walked back up towards our apartment, a
group had gathered on the corner. The
McCanns were in bits, he was crying on
the shoulder of a friend. She was
screaming: ‘The f*****g bastards have
taken her’. Finally, at around 4am, we
said: ‘Is it OK if we go to bed?’ We
directed this comment towards a man in a
white shirt and jeans, who seemed to be
At the couple’s home here, two Yard
officers questioned them separately for
three hours and got them to sign lengthy
statements. They further interviewed
them this year to double check their
The couple are key because at precisely
9.15pm on May 3, Jane Tanner, a friend
of the McCanns, said she left the tapas
bar and walked past Gerry, who was
talking to holidaymaker Jez Wilkins
outside apartment 5a.
Neither Gerry nor Kate said they saw
Jane. She reported that she had seen a
man carrying a child, believed to be
Madeleine, walking across the top of the
At the time she had not realised the
significance. Officers asked the couple
if they saw Jane, Gerry or Jez but they
insist they did not.
The Sunday Express has visited the
couple’s holiday apartment, which looks
over the tapas bar. From its balcony you
can see directly into the garden of
apartment 5a.
The woman said: “We have one of the best
views of the whole block. We are sure of
the timings. If we had seen anyone we
would have remembered.
“We will continue to answer the Yard’s
questions. We have given our
fingerprints and DNA. We were happy to
assist. They should be left to get on
with their inquiries.” |