UK law
on contempt applies to any publication that creates 'a substantial risk'
of prejudicing the course of justice
Although not covered by UK contempt laws, the disappearance
of Madeleine McCann demonstrates the consequences of
overreporting criminal cases. The Express Newspaper Group
had to publish front-page apologies to the McCanns for false
allegations. Photograph: Cate Gillon/Getty Images
UK law
on contempt is set out in the
Contempt of Court Act, which applies to all publications that create
"a substantial risk" the course of justice will be "seriously
prejudiced". The 1981 Act was passed, in part, in response to the
decision of the European Court of Human Rights in a case involving The
Sunday Times, and was perceived as representing a shift in the balance
of public interest in favour of freedom of speech.The law does not set
out what is allowed or not but lays down broad principles: it is a
question of judgment in each case as to what may create "substantial
risk". The most obvious examples are revealing a defendant's previous
convictions or otherwise implying guilt.
In the
US, the power of the courts to punish for contempt by publication is
extremely limited. Compare, for example, the UK position to the US media
coverage of the proceedings against OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson and Phil
Spector. Or that of Los Angeles Lakers basketball player Kobe Bryant,
charged with the rape of a young woman in a hotel in Colorado. One cable
television station invited viewers to vote on Bryant's innocence or
guilt ' a US judge subsequently dismissed the case against Bryant, after
the accused failed to testify. There is a TV channel and website
dedicated to ongoing prosecutions, where you can watch the trial, access
the evidence and vote on matters relating to the trial as a "13th"
practice, a number of matters are relevant when considering if a
publication is likely to create a "substantial risk of serious
prejudice": if the trial involves lay assessors, such as a jury (judges
should be able to rise above what they read in the papers); the
likelihood of the publication coming to a potential juror's attention;
its likely impact on an ordinary reader at the time of publication; and
the so-called fade factor (how far away the trial is likely to be) ' the
longer the gap between publication and the trial, the less the
substantial risk of serious prejudice is likely to be. In previous cases
involving the media, gaps of three and 10 months between publication and
trial were held to have lessened any risk; in another case involving ITN
and the publication of widely circulated information that a prisoner who
had escaped from jail was a convicted IRA terrorist did not negate that
Publication during a trial is clearly problematic. In June 1999 the Sun
published serious allegations about a defendant in a murder trial just
as the jury were retiring; the charge was dropped and the Sun was fined
'35,000. The collapse of an assault trial involving Leeds United
footballers in April 2001, following publication of an interview with
the victim's father in the Sunday Mirror (which some jury members had
read while deliberating), resulted in its editor, Colin Myler,
resigning; the paper was subsequently found guilty of contempt of court,
fined '75,000 and ordered to pay costs of '100,000.
recent years the UK attorney general's office has taken to issuing what
it calls "guidance" in high-profile criminal cases (as it has done in
the Joanna Yeates case) but this does no more than remind newspaper
lawyers what they already know. Whether because successive attorney
generals have believed the law is against them or because they think
that coverage had been distastefulbut not overstepped the line, there
has been an apparent reluctance to bring contempt proceeding against the
media in recent years over their post-arrest/pre-trial reporting. Judges
seem to accept that most pre-trial coverage, while it may be
prejudicial, falls short of creating a "substantial risk of being
seriously prejudicial". On a practical level, one factor that will rein
in the media's reporting of a case is the risk of being sued for
defamation. Go too far in reporting speculation and innuendo after an
arrest and there is a real risk of that if the accused is not charged.
McCann's disappearance took place abroad and was not covered
by UK contempt rules, it serves as a salutory reminder of the
consequences for the UK media of overreporting criminal cases. Following
accusations in the press,
Gerry and Kate McCann and
Robert Murat instigated libel
actions: the Daily Express and the Daily Star published front-page
apologies and agreed to pay the McCanns '550,000 in damages; and a group
of British newspapers settled with Murat for a '600,000 payout and
issued a public apology. The Tapas Seven (friends of the McCanns) were
awarded about '375,000 in damages and secured printed apologies from
Express Newspapers.
have changed greatly since 1981, not least with the advent of new
technology and the web, which have made reporting a truly global affair,
reaching into the corners of every country in the world. Looking
forward, the options appear to be: enforce the present regime more
rigorously, based on the belief that jurors are easily influenced and
misled and consequently need to be protected; reinstate the practice of
isolating juries by sending them to hotels to deliberate their verdicts
' this is unlikely to happen other than in the most sensitive of cases,
as it is too expensive; or operate tighter jury vetting to see if people
have been influenced.
Realistically, the UK courts are fighting a losing battle in trying to
control publications under the contempt of court provisions ' even if
the law in the UK were to be made more restrictive, it would not
restrict foreign media outlets or the blogosphere.
sensible way forward appears to be to give jurors robust instructions at
the outset of a trial ' not to discuss the case with others; to
disregard any media reports; not to be tempted to be amateur detectives
and go searching on the internet; to make their decision based only on
the evidence they hear in court.
In 1996,
the then lord chief justice, Peter Taylor, refused to accept as a ground
of appeal against conviction by Rosemary West (who had been sentenced to
life imprisonment for the murder of 10 young women and girls) that
adverse publicity surrounding her arrest had affected the jury's ability
to reach a fair verdict; he felt juries were capable of concentrating on
the evidence and resisting the media's sensationalist excesses.
Phillips is the Guardian's director of editorial legal services |