Original Source:
Leveson report November 2012 |
Taken from PDF |
0780 |
Chapter 5: some case studies 5391
1 Introduction 5392
2 The Dowlers 5423
3 Kate and Gerry McCann 5474
4 Christopher Jefferies 558
5 The
Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP and his son’s illness 5646
6 Hugh Grant and ‘the mendacious smear’ 5727
7 Sebastian Bowles 5768
8 Recent events: Royal photographs 579 |
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Victims of crime
3.22 This category of individual includes those who have been harmed
emotionally as well as suffering damage to their
reputations, such as Drs Kate and Gerry McCann
whose daughter
Madeleine disappeared when the family was
holidaying in Portugal in May 2007. The subsequent
coverage of Madeleine’s disappearance included libellous
and highly inaccurate
articles in a number of newspapers, particularly in The
Daily Express which made a number of allegations about
the entirely unproven role of Drs Kate and Gerry
McCann in the
disappearance of their daughter.
3.24 These high-profile cases are far from isolated examples. The
Inquiry also heard evidence from the parents of Diane
Watson, who was murdered at school in Glasgow in 1991.
In their
evidence to the Inquiry, Mr and Mrs Watson not only
raised the issue of unwarranted and
indeed intrusive press attention but also, like the
McCanns, pointed to the highly inaccurate and
sensationalised reporting around their daughter’s death. |
Culture, Practices and Ethics of the Press: the Press
and the Public |
Sun |
2.31 “We smash poison doc’s prison plot to kill ex and baby” (14
May and 16 June 2012). The Sun revealed how a doctor,
already jailed for six years for drugging his mistress
to try and force a miscarriage, was planning a revenge
plot to kill her and her baby. In an undercover
investigation, reporters from The Sun asked another
convict secretly to film the doctor, Edward Erin,
explaining his plan. The evidence was handed to the
police and as a direct result Erin was jailed for an
additional two years.
“Court in the act – clerk brags of £500 bribes to wipe
records of dangerous drivers” (4 August 2011 and 19
November 2011). After a tip-off that a Magistrates Court
clerk was offering to wipe clean convicted drivers’
licences, The Sun mounted an undercover operation to
test the allegation. The Sun reporter sought and won
approval from the editor and The Sun’s legal advisers to
offer the clerk £500 and film the transaction, even
though this was in contravention of the Bribery Act
2010, which came into force the previous month.14 The
evidence was handed to police and the clerk, Munir
Patel, became the first person to be convicted under the
Bribery Act 2010; he was subsequently imprisoned for six
“Maddie fraudster nicked” (25 November 2009).
Kevin Halligen
was a private detective employed by
Drs Gerry and Kate McCann to help find their missing
daughter. He swindled their charitable fund of £300,000
and went on the run after being accused of a £2 million
fraud for which he was wanted in the US. The Sun tracked
him down, he was arrested and he has now lost his appeal
against extradition.
2.34 “We’re in jail, dude”, (6 February 2007). The Sun revealed the
secret cockpit tape from a US jet which attacked a
British convoy and killed a British soldier, Lance
Corporal Matty Hull, in a friendly fire incident during
the Iraq war. The Ministry of Defence had failed to
produce the video at the inquest into Lance Corporal
Hull’s death. But, as a result of The Sun’s
investigation, the Coroner was able to deliver a verdict
of unlawful killing. |
Press F2. T The complaints |
Failing to respect individual privacy and dignity
2.1 An overarching complaint which encompasses many of
the individual cases set out below is that the press has
failed always to treat individuals with common decency,
and has failed always to respect individual privacy.
This encompasses many of the unethical techniques
complained of, including phone hacking, surveillance,
blagging and harassment. It is also exemplified by
complaints relating to the publication of private and/or
sensitive material without any public interest
justification, and the intrusion into grief or shock.
Three of the ‘case studies’ examined below7 are prime
examples of this tendency: the way in which parts of the
press treated the Dowlers, the McCanns, and
Christopher Jefferies indicates a press indifferent to
individual privacy and casual in its approach to truth,
even when the stories were potentially extremely
damaging for the individuals involved.
2.2 Further evidence relevant to this complaint
included Sienna Miller’s complaints of harassment, and
the intrusion into the private grief of Anne Diamond and
Baroness Hollins. Further evidence suggesting that parts
of the press have failed to respect individual dignity
and privacy were the examples seen by the Inquiry of the
access and publication of sensitive personal
information, including medical information, without any
or any adequate consideration of the rights of, and
effects on, the person in question and his or her
family. Examples included the publication of
confidential medical information relating to one of
Gordon Brown MP’s children in 2006, and the publication
of extracts of the
Kate McCann diaries in the
NoTW in 2008: these are both the subject of detailed
analysis below.
Unlawful or unethical treatment of individuals
Harassment |
2.21 Ms Marshall’s memoirs (which she sought to dilute in her
evidence by talking about the use of ‘top-spin’) record
a pattern of behaviour which is also described by a
number of witnesses. Ms Miller, Sheryl Gascoigne and the
McCanns gave consistent evidence of high-speed car
chases by journalists and press photographers. Ms
Gascoigne explained how, following her marriage to the
footballer Paul Gascoigne, she was subjected to intense
press scrutiny that sought to depict her as a money
grabber and the cause of her husband’s issues with
addiction and mental illness. This scrutiny went beyond
coverage of her public appearances and extended to the
sustained harassment of her in and around her home. At
times it took extraordinary forms. One journalist
followed Ms Gascoigne and her children from their home
in Hertfordshire to the Bluewater shopping centre in
2.22 In very different contexts, Christopher
Jefferies and Kate and Gerry McCann described
their experiences of sustained scrutiny and intrusion
following the well-publicised events which attracted
press interest. All three witnesses described how
journalists and press photographers camped outside their
homes, sometimes for days on end, making it impossible
for them to go about their daily lives or indeed live
comfortably or securely in the family home.27
2.23 In his witness statement Dr McCann told the
Inquiry how at times his car was mobbed by journalists
and photographers as he, or his wife, tried to drive
with their family from their home. He recalled that
journalists and press photographers banged on the car
windows and shouted at the family even though their
young children were not only visible but were also
clearly distressed by such behaviour.28 |
Inaccuracy and inaccessibility |
2.27 Many witnesses have complained of stories about
them being inaccurate or misleading (see, for the most
egregious examples, the evidence of Christopher
Jefferies and the McCanns); some have gone
further to allege that evidence and quotations are
deliberately fabricated in order to substantiate a
story, add colour to it, or to pursue a particular line.
Furthermore, organisations such as Full Fact have drawn
to the Inquiry’s attention many examples of allegedly
knowingly inaccurate or misleading reporting in areas
such as asylum, immigration and climate change. |
Failure to take reasonable steps to pre-notify |
2.46 Article 8 of the ECHR does not place an obligation
on newspapers to pre-notify the subjects of intended
stories as a matter of course54 and it is easily
understood why some stories cannot be the subject of
pre-notification. However, concerns have been expressed
during the course of the Inquiry that, in some of those
cases where pre-notification did not occur, culture and
practices have existed within a section of the press of
deliberate decisions not to take reasonable steps to
pre-notify the subjects of news articles in advance,
without there being a good reason not to do so. The
principal aim of this was to unfairly deny the subject
of the article the possibility of verifying or
challenging it, or to ensure that the story is not lost
to a competitor. A number of journalists and editors
testified to a reluctance to pre-notify in certain
situations; the evidence relating to Max Mosley’s
privacy action and the publication of the Kate McCann
diaries provides a powerful insight into the key
drivers of press conduct in this type of situation. Each
of these cases is considered as an individual example
below,55 but the absence of pre-notification is not
examined as a problem to be addressed generally. All the
evidence suggested that a failure to pre-notify was the
very rare exception rather than a recurring practice or
culture within the press. |
Consequences of inaccurate reporting |
3.11 It goes without saying that reporting of this
nature is particularly distressing to the family and
friends of the deceased.
3.12 The cases of the McCanns and Christopher
Jefferies are especially egregious examples of
defamatory and sensationalised reporting causing, in
their different ways, personal anguish and distress.
These examples are treated in more detail below. |
Pressures on journalists |
2.23 Mr Edmondson described an environment where anyone in the
newsroom had to comply with an instruction from the
editor, even when the editor’s instruction might be
morally or ethically questionable. He said that an
instruction from Mr Myler (denied by Mr Myler) that he
misled Clarence Mitchell, the PR assistant to the McCann
family, about the NoTW’s position in relation to Dr
Kate McCann’s diaries was a particularly egregious
example of an instruction effectively to deceive
someone, but that there had been other occasions. |
Privacy |
3.8 Mr Sanderson said that in every story he would consider
privacy, the public interest and whether he was adhering
to the Editors’ Code. However, he was unable to point to
any consideration of breach of privacy in relation to
the acquisition of the diaries of Dr McCann,
appearing to feel that the matter would be
satisfactorily covered by obtaining the consent of the
McCanns to any proposed publication.88
3.17 A similar example of a casual and cavalier approach to privacy
is offered by the handling of the diaries of Dr Kate
McCann by the NoTW, discussed in detail below.101 In
short, the NoTW had come into possession of the personal
diaries of Dr McCann, via a Portuguese journalist
who had, himself, acquired them from the Portuguese
police. It chose to publish highly personal excerpts
from the diaries without the consent of Dr McCann.
3.18 Paragraph 3.8 above explains that Mr
Sanderson, the NoTW journalist who acquired the diaries,
confirmed to the Inquiry that he applied no
consideration of privacy when acquiring them. His
understanding was that the diaries would not be
published without the consent of the McCanns; he
appeared not to realise that the acquisition of the
diaries alone involved a substantial breach of Dr
McCann’s privacy, even without the intention to
3.19 The Inquiry heard two conflicting accounts of the
approach taken by the NoTW to gaining the consent of the
McCanns to publish. First, Mr Myler told the
Inquiry that he had instructed Mr Edmondson to make it
clear to the McCann’s PR assistant, Clarence
Mitchell, that the NoTW had the whole diary and that
they were planning to publish extracts of it. He
asserted that Mr Edmondson led him to believe that this
had been done.102 3.20 Mr Edmondson, by contrast, gave
evidence that he had had express instructions from Mr
Myler to do no such thing.103 Instead, he said he was
instructed to have a conversation with Mr Mitchell that
was ‘woolly’ and ‘ambiguous’. He was told not to reveal
that the NoTW had the diaries in its possession, and not
to reveal that they intended to publish extracts from
the diaries, but to indicate that something would be
published and to seek consent for the publication. This
tactic of not giving full disclosure was to avoid the
McCanns preventing publication by direct approach to
Mr Myler, or by seeking an injunction.104 For the
reasons I set out in greater detail below,105 I accept
Mr Edmondson’s account.
3.21 It seems clear from these examples that, despite
some evidence to the contrary, the NoTW was not
particularly exercised by issues of privacy,
particularly in the context of ‘big’ stories. While Mr
Crone was able to advise on what approach a court might
take, such advice was used at least as much to determine
strategy for evading legal intervention such as
injunctions as to inform a principled decision on how to
proceed. This is another manifestation of what may be
identified as a general theme running through the
culture, practices and ethics of the press, not merely
prevalent at the NoTW but also elsewhere: the focus was
only on legal risk, not on ethical risk (and, one might
add, the dictates of ethical journalism) and the rights
of the individual. |
Chapter 5 Some Case Studies 1. Introduction |
1.2 In this Chapter, before proceeding to examine the evidence as a
whole,1 I examine in detail a number of individual
examples of press reporting in recent years. Some of
those examples will be well known to many reading this
report and include the reporting of the disappearance of
Amanda (Milly) Dowler, the disappearance of Madeleine
McCann, the arrest of Christopher Jefferies on
suspicion of murder and the publication of details of
the medical condition of the former Prime Minister, the
Rt Hon Gordon Brown’s son. The first three of those, at
least, were chosen because they exemplified what might
be described as the most egregious cases of unethical
journalistic conduct. |
1.8 The Inquiry also heard at length from Dr Kate and
Dr Gerry McCann, who, following the disappearance of
their daughter Madeleine in Portugal in May 2007, were
the victims of what may only be fairly described as
serial defamations in a number of newspapers between
September 2007 and January 2008. The McCanns were
initially the subject of balanced and sensitive press
reporting in the British press: not merely did the story
attract the open-hearted sympathy of the public, owing
to the way that it resonated on a number of obvious
levels, but the parents took a strategic decision at a
very early stage to engage with the press in order to
avail the search for their daughter. |
1.9 By the summer of 2007, however, what had begun as a
sympathetic approach by the press to an ongoing personal
tragedy had altered; this change had been prompted by
‘leaks’ from the Portuguese police to the local and
British media representing their version or speculation
of what might have happened to Madeleine. Some, but
certainly by no means all, sections of the press in the
UK decided to run with stories which alleged that the
McCanns were in some way responsible for the
disappearance of their daughter. One title prided itself
in the fact that it was apparently fair minded because
on one day it would print a hostile story while the next
it would provide a more sympathetic portrayal. The
defamatory reporting continued for approximately four
months, the principal perpetrator asserting that the
public appetite for the story was undiminished.
Ultimately, it took the threat and then the reality of
libel action to bring this spate of reporting to an end,
and the McCanns received substantial damages and
a front page apology in settlement of their claims. |
1.10 It was inevitable and entirely in the public
interest that there be full reporting of stories about
both Milly Dowler and Madeleine McCann. Like the
Dowlers, however, the McCanns were also treated
as if they were a commodity in which the public, and by
extension the press, had an interest or stake that
effectively trumped their individual rights to privacy,
dignity or basic respect. The press believed that the
public’s legitimate interest in the story was
insatiable, and that belief required it to sustain that
interest by following every possible development or
turn, however implausible or apparently defamatory. Also
like the Dowlers, the McCanns were the victims of
grossly intrusive reporting, prying photographers and an
ongoing ‘media scrum’ which paid little or no regard to
their personal space, their own personal distress and,
in particular, the interests of Madeleine’s younger
siblings. |
1.11 There are two other aspects of the McCann
‘case study’ which merits its inclusion as such. First,
the PCC did nothing until it was too late, and the
reasons for this inactivity need to be explored.
Secondly, the NoTW published highly personal extracts
from Dr Kate McCann’s diary in September 2008
following a telephone conversation between its news
editor and the McCanns’ spokesman, Clarence
Mitchell, on 12 September. The Inquiry was provided with
a transcript of that conversation at an early stage, but
without knowing the full background it was difficult to
discern the true purpose of the conversation and what
was understood or agreed by or between the participants
to it. However, when he came to give evidence, the news
editor accepted that Mr Mitchell had been deliberately
misled so that it would appear that he had given his
consent to the publication of the extracts on behalf of
Dr McCann whereas in truth he had not. |
1.13 The next case study which will be examined concerns
the story published in The Sun in 2006 regarding the
illness of one of Mr Brown’s children. This story is of
interest for a number of connected reasons. First, even
without disclosing its source so as to permit his or her
identification, The Sun has refused to explain how the
story was sourced. The second reason concerns the
absence of any public interest justification for
publishing a story about the health (ie the private
life) of a child; and the third is the circumstances in
which the paper sought to obtain the consent of Mr and
Mrs Brown to its publication. The evidence in this last
respect has clear resonances with the evidence of Anne
Diamond, the broadcast journalist and presenter,
relating to the death of her infant son and her enforced
association with The Sun’s cot death charitable appeal,
and the evidence relating to the obtaining of Dr Kate
McCann’s consent, through a conversation with her
agent, to the publication of extracts from her personal
diary. |
1.14 There is much that could be discussed about the
evidence that actor Hugh Grant provided and he would be
the first to say that press treatment of those who have
achieved what is called ‘celebrity status’ should only
be considered behind the complaints of people like the
Dowlers, the McCanns and Mr Jefferies. He is
included as a case study because of a detail in his
evidence and the reaction that it provoked. He gave
evidence to the Inquiry as to his belief that a story in
The Mail on Sunday about an alleged flirtation with a
‘plummy-voiced executive’ had been obtained by voicemail
hacking. Mr Grant accepted that he had no hard evidence
to support this belief; it was an exercise in
speculation (although it might otherwise be described as
inference). The day after he had appeared before the
Inquiry, on 22
November 2011, the Daily Mail published a piece which accused Mr Grant of
making a ‘mendacious smear’ against the Mail titles. It
is of value because it is a good example of the strategy
of ‘defensive attack’ (although the Mail titles argue
that the story was entirely justified) which itself
represents a strand within the culture of the press. It
is also of interest since the relevant evidence grew out
of the Inquiry’s proceedings themselves. |
3. Kate and Gerry McCann |
In his submissions opening Module One of the Inquiry,
David Sherborne, Counsel for the Core Participant
Victims, described the press treatment of the McCanns as
a ‘national scandal’: not merely had they suffered the
personal tragedy of the abduction of their daughter,
they were subjected to a barrage of press reporting
which could only be fairly characterised as a diatribe.
Clearly, therefore, it is appropriate to take the
experience of the McCanns as a ‘case study’ warranting
further examination for the light it throws on the
culture, practices and ethics of the press. Their case
is also highly illuminating in the context of the
action, or rather the inaction, of the PCC. |
The McCanns’ personal perspective |
3.2 Madeleine McCann was abducted from a holiday apartment in Praia
da Luz, Portugal, on 3 May 2007, shortly before her
fourth birthday. Her parents were dining with a number
of friends at a tapas bar within the holiday complex and
also within sight of the apartment where she was
sleeping, together with her younger twin siblings.
As Dr Gerry McCann’s witness statement makes clear, much
has already been written about the details concerning
Madeleine’s disappearance, and no one reading this
Report is likely to be unaware of the basic facts. These
include the fact that the McCanns are still searching
for their daughter. In terms of the chronology, however,
it should be noted that on 7 September 2007 the McCanns
were accorded the status of arguidos (ie persons of
specific interest to the investigation, but not a
synonym for an accused) by the Portuguese Policia
Judicaria (PJ). This was somewhat of a watershed in
terms of the nature and quality of press reporting.
3.3 Just as the Dowlers had articulated the need to
engage with the press in order to gain their assistance
and support, the McCanns explained that they had no
option but to implement a proactive press strategy: they
were in a foreign jurisdiction, and time was of the
essence in this, as in all other, child abduction cases.
Such were the pressures of press engagement that it was
necessary at an early stage to enlist the full-time
assistance of a press advisor, Clarence Mitchell; he had
been seconded to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as
part of the media liaison at this town. Dr McCann
stressed to the Inquiry that the initial experiences of
dealing with the press were positive: |
‘I think for those people who can remember, it was a very unusual
scenario, and we got a distinct impression
that there was a genuine want to help
attitude from the journalists there, and I
think also many of the executives who
perhaps saw what had happened to us and
there was a huge amount of empathy. So I
really did feel early on there was a desire
to help.’’ |
3.4 Unfortunately, these favourable impressions began to dissipate
when the McCanns returned home from Portugal. Much has
been said by other witnesses about press intrusion and
the behaviour, in particular, of paparazzi; the
experiences of the McCanns were no different. They had
become a news item, a commodity, almost a piece of
public property where the public’s right to know
possessed few, if any, boundaries. As Dr McCann
explained |
‘‘When we got back to our home in Rothley, again there were tens
of journalists – we live in a cul de sac, at
the end of it – camped outside our house,
cameras, helicopter crews following us. We
were hemmed in the house for a couple of
days before the police moved them to the end
of our drive.
Then you tell us that photographers were
still banging on car windows, even with one
or more children in the car; is that right?
MRS McCANN: And they stayed there until
December 2007.That was only after we had
help to get them removed, but they were
there every day, and they’d wait for Gerry
to go and they knew I’d have to come out of
the house at some point with the children.
It would be the same photograph every day,
we’d be in the car, myself and two children,
the photographers would either spring out
from behind a hedge to get a startled look
that they could attach “fragile”, “furious”,
whatever they wanted to put with the
headline, but there were several occasions
where they would bang on the windows,
sometimes with the camera lenses, and Amelie
said to me several times, “Mummy, I’m
scared.” |
3.5 In answer to the suggestion that the positive decision made by
the McCanns to engage with the press in order to serve
their own interests effectively meant that they had
waived their rights to privacy and everything else, Dr
McCann said this:‘‘ |
‘‘Well, it has been argued on many occasions that by engaging then
it was more or less open season, and I think
it’s crass and insensitive to suggest that
by engaging with a view to trying to find
your daughter, that the press can write
whatever they want about you without
punishment.’’ |
3.6 Dr McCann was not of course suggesting that the press was
obliged to write about him only on his terms rather than
on theirs. However, the point he was making was entirely
valid; a decision to engage with the press does not make
a private person public property for virtually all
purposes, still less does it begin to justify defamatory
3.7 The protracted spate of defamatory reporting
commenced in September 2007 and had to be endured by the
McCanns over four torrid months ending in January 2008.
It only stopped after the McCanns were driven to take
legal action against the worst perpetrators. It is well
known that British newspapers were relying on reports in
Portuguese journals and other sources which were either
associated with, close to, or directly part of the PJ.
But, as the McCanns themselves explained, the British
press often did not know the source; or did not know
whether it was accurate, exaggerated or downright
untruthful; or (as the McCanns believed) sometimes made
3.8 A number of titles were guilty of gross libels of the McCanns
and of serious and total failure to apply anything
approaching the standards to which each has said they
aspire. For that reason, the nature of the errors
perpetrated by certain sections of the press will be
explored, but at this stage it is sufficient to make the
observation that, aside from the gross inaccuracy of the
reporting in issue, some of it was, to put it bluntly,
outrageous. One particular piece in the Daily Star
published on 26 November 2007 certainly justifies being
so described and Dr McCann was moved to go yet further: |
Q. “Maddie ‘sold’ by hard-up McCanns.” This is the article you do
refer to, the selling into white slavery
allegation. Probably you don’t want to
dignify that with a comment?
A. That’s nothing short of disgusting.
MRS McCANN: I think this same journalist, if
memory serves right, also said we stored her
body in a freezer. I mean, we just ...
LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: Just to make the
comment, there’s absolutely no source for
that assertion in the article.’’ |
3.9 In January 2008, letters before action were sent to a number of
newspapers. The first response came from Northern &
Shell, on behalf of the Daily Express, on 7 February.
According to Dr McCann, the Express rejected the
complaint on the straightforward ground that the McCanns
were arguidos, but the paper suggested that they do an
interview with OK! magazine; this was an offer which was
rightly (and without any exaggeration) characterised by
Dr McCann as ‘rather breathtaking’.
3.10 It did not take very long, however, for Northern &
Shell to modify their position and, on 19 March 2008, a
statement was read out in open court in which liability
was admitted. The settlement also involved the making of
a substantial payment into the Madeleine fund and the
printing of an apology on the front page of the Daily
Express and the Daily Star. The apology correctly
pointed out that ‘it is difficult to conceive of a more
serious allegation’. It also correctly recognised that
‘there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Mr and
Mrs McCann were responsible for the death of their
daughter, they were involved in any cover up and there
was no basis for Express Newspapers to allege
otherwise’. Given this admission, it is difficult to
understand why the defamatory articles ever saw the
light of day in the first place.
3.11 It should also be mentioned that others involved at the
periphery of the McCann tragedy were the subject of
defamatory reporting which led to substantial libel
settlements. Mr Robert Murat was wrongly accused of
being involved in some way in the abduction and was
traduced in the British press; and the friends of the
McCanns who had dined with them on the evening of
Madeleine’s abduction were falsely accused of being
implicated in a cover up.
If ever there were an example of a story which ran
totally out of control, this is one. The appetite for
‘news’ became insatiable, and once the original story
had run its course the desire to find new leads and
‘angles’ began to take over, with their corollary
tendencies of sensationalism and scandal. Not merely was
the rigorous search for the truth the first principle to
be sacrificed but also was any respect for the dignity,
privacy and wellbeing of the McCanns.
3.13 Sections of the press have suggested that this was
very much a ‘one off’ and scarcely illustrative of their
culture, practices and ethics. But all the material
evidenced below26 indicates that this is not the case:
although the treatment of the McCanns may very well be
one of the most egregious examples, the inquiry heard
examples of similar practices from numerous witnesses.
As paragraph 373 of the CMS Select Committee’s Second
Report, dated 9 February 2010, makes clear: |
“The newspaper industry’s assertion that the McCann case is a
one-off event shows that it is in denial
about the scale and gravity of what went
wrong, and about the need to learn from
those mistakes. |
The press perspective |
3.14 The Inquiry heard from two of the Daily Express journalists
involved in reporting the McCann story. No criticism is
made or to be inferred of them, because it was not their
decision to run with the story generally or to publish
any specific or individual pieces. For present purposes
it is necessary to draw attention only to a short
extract from the witness statement of one of the
journalists: |
“Although I was confident of the veracity of the reports I was
writing, due to the secrecy of justice laws
they were impossible to prove, to any
satisfactory legal standard, at that
time...Due to the restrictions of the
Portuguese law, anyone who was unhappy about
something that had been written or said
about them and wished to take action would
almost certainly have been successful. As a
journalist this is a wholly unsatisfactory
position which, in my view, leaves news
organisations at the mercy of potential
litigants. They simply are unable to defend
themselves.” |
3.15 The witness elaborated on this in oral evidence, and stated
that he was certain that there were conversations
between the news desk and lawyers about this. He
continued: ‘and that was the situation we were in and
there was no way round it’.This reveals much about the
culture, practices and ethics of the press. The
journalist made it sound as if his newspaper was in the
metaphorical cleft stick but, even on cursory analysis,
this was not the case. There was no imperative to
continue to report on the McCanns, still less to tell
this particular story unless, of course, it is accepted
that there was overwhelming pressure, both commercial
and otherwise, to tell it. The news desk recognised that
if the story were told on the basis of the unconfirmed
reports coming out of Portugal, then ‘anyone who was
unhappy’ would have had a close to cast-iron claim.
3.16 It is of interest that the journalist could not bring himself
to mention the McCanns by name; they, after all, would
be the prime candidates for being ‘unhappy’ about the
story. By then, they had become almost depersonalised, a
commodity. Further, the newspaper decided to publish in
the face of the concerns they had identified, placing
themselves at ‘the mercy of potential litigants’. Again,
the McCanns are not mentioned by name and the newspaper
is close to being placed in the role of victim. As the
journalist put it, ‘they [the newspaper] simply are
unable to defend themselves’. One might have thought
that the more sensible response to this assessment,
rather than bemoaning the apparent unfairness of being
placed in an impossible position, would have been the
prudent course of not publishing stories which not only
could they not prove, but for which they had not a
scintilla of evidence. Behind the scenes briefings by
police officers, themselves under pressure and
constrained by Portuguese law which were passed through
third and fourth parties, could hardly be thought to
constitute any, let alone a sound, basis for publishing
such allegations as truth.
3.17 These issues were taken up with the editor of the
Daily Express at the relevant time, Peter Hill. He
frankly accepted that running the McCann story was very
high risk, given all the factors identified by his
journalists. When asked to explain why he chose to
publish in those circumstances, Mr Hill explained: |
‘‘Because this was an unprecedented story that in my years of
experience I can’t remember the like. There
was an enormous clamour for information and
there was enormous – there was an enormous
push for information. It was an
international story, on an enormous scale,
and there had not been a story involving
individuals, as opposed to huge events, like
that in my experience and it was not a story
that you could ignore and you simply had to
try to cover it as best you could.’’ |
3.18 But ‘covering it as best you could’ meant running a story in
circumstances where there was a high chance that it was
untrue and, in any event, was utterly unprovable. Mr
Hill accepted the ‘very high risk’, and felt driven to
publish anyway, placing him and his paper in ethical
difficulties in the context of clause 1 of the Editors’
Code and legal difficulties with the law of defamation.
His answer also betrays a curious form of logic: if, as
was probable, the particular story was untrue, then it
both could and should have been rejected. A different,
truthful and, by definition, better story should have
been written based on the research that the journalists
could undertake that generated facts that could be
proved. ‘Covering it as best you could’ did not mean
throwing caution to the winds.
3.19 Mr Hill was also asked whether the interests of the
McCanns were taken into account. He was adamant that
they were: |
‘Of course. We published many, many, many,
many stories of all kinds about the McCanns,
many stories that were deeply sympathetic to
them, some which were not’ |
3.20 Unfortunately, Mr Hill’s answer betrays a similar curious form
of logic: the deeply sympathetic stories on this
approach should be regarded as being capable of being
weighed in the balance in some way against the stories
‘which were not’, these being the stories which, as was
put to Mr Hill, accused the McCanns of killing their
child. His answer to that proposition was that the
stories he ran were only repeating the accusations of
the Portuguese police.
3.21 The self same logic underpinned the evidence of the proprietor
of Express Newspapers, Richard Desmond, when he was
asked about this topic. Mr Desmond said this: |
‘‘I’m not trying to win points here, because we did do wrong, but
I could say there were more, if there were
102 articles on the McCanns, there were 38
bad ones, then one would say – and I’m not
trying to justify, please, I’m not trying to
justify anything, but you could argue there
were 65 or 70 good ones.’’ |
3.22 Notwithstanding the language deployed, this was an attempt by
Mr Desmond to expiate, or at the very least to mitigate,
his company’s conduct, which simply fails to recognise
that it is completely misconceived. It is additionally
unfortunate that further questions revealed that Mr
Desmond’s apology was not entirely unqualified: |
‘‘and once again I do apologise to the McCanns, you know, et
cetera, et cetera, et cetera, but there are
views on – there are views on the McCanns of
what happened. And there are still views on
the McCanns of what happened...What I think
is free speech is very important and if we
get any more regulation – I mean, what are
we trying to do in this country? Are we
trying to kill the whole country with every
bit of legislation and every bit of
nonsense?’ |
3.23 This was another revealing answer, since by it Mr Desmond
revealed what I consider to be a very disturbing
philosophical approach to the concepts of free speech
and a free press. For him, at the end of the day, the
issue was all about free speech and the threat of
excessive regulation. On this approach, press standards
and ethics were close to being irrelevant. Mr Desmond
had made that clear towards the start of his evidence,
when he disputed that ethical lines could be
drawn.Finally, it should be noted in this context that
Mr Desmond was inclined to blame the PCC for failing to
give his paper guidance rather than accept that his
editor should accept at least some responsibility.
3.24 The PCC should have done more, but Express
Newspapers could not reasonably infer from the PCC’s
inaction that their action was ethical. Mr Desmond, like
his Finance Director Paul Ashford, also blamed the PCC
for acting hypocritically by criticising Mr Hill after
the event, particularly in circumstances where Express
Newspapers had behaved no differently from anyone else.
There is merit in the argument that an even-handed
regulator should have taken everyone to task and there
is force in the point that criticism of the approach of
the press generally could and should have gone wider,
but this is not an allegation of hypocrisy: the PCC were
not applauding the conduct of other titles while
condemning the Express (which demonstrated the most
egregious failings); they were simply using emotive
language borne out of a degree of anger to condemn the
Express and saying nothing about others.
3.25 On the other hand, the real point is that a regulator, acting
in the interests of the public, while respecting free
speech, should have taken much firmer action in relation
to the way in which this story was reported, even though
the titles affected would have found unpalatable the
criticism that they should have faced. That the PCC did
too little too late is not a complaint which it lies in
Mr Desmond’s mouth to make.
3.26 One of Mr Hill’s journalists had said in evidence
that his editor was ‘obsessed’ with the story. Mr Hill
rejected that description of his state of mind, although
in explaining his motives and reasons for persevering
over so many months, his revealing answer was as
follows: |
‘‘I’ve already explained to you the basis for that decision, which
had gone all the way back to my time on the
Daily Star when I had realised that it was –
that the readers were more – the readers
continued to be interested in the stories
far longer than the journalists, and it was
my policy to continue the stories and I
followed it with many different stories. It
started with Big Brother, it went on to
Princess Diana, various other things, and
that had always been my policy. It was
nothing to do with an obsession, it was more
to do with a method of working.’’ |
3.27 In other words, Mr Hill’s ‘method of working’ tended to
discern little or no difference between ‘Big Brother’
and the McCanns: this was all about similar commodities
and what he believed his readers were interested in. The
obvious potential link between what Express readers were
apparently interested in and circulation figures was one
which the Inquiry explored, but in the end it was not
possible to reach any firm conclusions. Mr Hill
testified that he believed that circulation went up as a
result of the McCann stories and that this was a factor
in his persisting with them. He himself viewed the
circulation figures and came to that empirical
conclusion. However, the Inquiry’s examination of the
data did not disclose any clearly discernible patterns.
3.28 Overall the justifications advanced by Messrs Hill
and Desmond for the frankly appalling treatment of the
McCanns were, as has been clearly demonstrated, both
self-serving and without foundation. |
The PCC’s response |
3.29 Two days after Madeleine’s disappearance, the PCC contacted
the British Embassy in Lisbon and asked the consular
service to inform the McCanns that the services of the
PCC were available to them. Dr Gerry McCann’s evidence
was that he was unaware of this until 2009 when he gave
evidence before the CMS Select Committee. He told that
Committee that he did not recall receiving such a
message but, had he done so, it would have been lost in
all the other information the family was bombarded with
at the time
3.30 Dr McCann accepted that the PCC had been extremely helpful in
dealing with the unwanted intrusion into the privacy of
the twins.The PCC intervened to contact editors and
broadcasters reminding them of the Code and, thus, not
to take photographs or similar images of the children;
this practice stopped.The PCC was also helpful in
removing photographers from outside the McCanns’
driveway, although this was only after “what we felt was
a very long period”.
3.31 A meeting took place between Dr McCann and Sir
Christopher Meyer, former PCC Chairman, on 13 July 2007.
There is no dispute between them as to what was said.
Sir Christopher’s evidence was that he explained to Dr
McCann, at a time when there had only been one complaint
to the PCC against a newspaper and that was not
proceeded with, that he effectively had a choice: either
he could complain to the PCC, or he could take legal
action, but he could not pursue both courses
simultaneously. When asked what the PCC did for the
McCanns over the most distressing period, which was
between September 2007 and January 2008, Sir Christopher
said this: |
‘‘We were in pretty close contact with the press handlers of the
McCanns. By that time, it was as gentleman
called Clarence Mitchell, who I think may
have appeared before you, and we stood ready
to intervene if they wanted it. We come
again to the question of the first party.
You see, you can’t be more royalist than the
king on these matters. You cannot wish to
stop something more ardently than the first
party. But by that time, I think they had
chosen to go to law. I can’t say exactly,
because it’s not for me to say, when they
first hired Carter Ruck. So it’s not as if
we were sitting there...’’ |
3.32 This was a roundabout way of saying that the PCC did nothing.
True, the PCC was on hand if the McCanns had not decided
to litigate, but they should not have been presented
with such a choice. Given the options which Sir
Christopher had himself explained to Dr McCann, and
given the scale of the defamatory treatment to which he
and his wife had been subjected, this was a classic case
of Hobson’s choice. Further, as Dr McCann himself
pointed out, it was invidious that he and his wife were
being asked to contemplate bringing a complaint against
a body on which the editor of the Daily Express sat. A
regulator of press standards, worthy of that name, would
not have left the McCanns in such a predicament at the
time of their maximum distress. Either the McCanns
should not have been presented with mutually
incompatible alternatives and given the option of
pursuing both, or the PCC should have been ‘more
royalist than the king’ (to quote Sir Christopher) and
taken unilateral action.
3.33 Sir Christopher took the editor of the Daily
Express to task for his conduct on the very day that the
McCanns’ libel action was settled. This was too little,
too late, and even after the facts had been conclusively
established (by admission) the PCC took no formal
action. As the CMS Select Committee correctly pointed
out, and as will be discussed in more detail below, the
PCC was empowered under its Articles of Association to
launch an inquiry in the absence of a complaint. The
McCann case ought to have been visualised as a prime
candidate for such a course of action.
3.34 The Inquiry cannot improve on the conclusions of
the CMS Select Committee in February 2010 when reviewing
the McCann case: |
374. In any other industry suffering such a collective breakdown –
as for example in the banking sector now –
any regulator worth its salt would have
instigated an enquiry. The press, indeed,
would have been clamouring for it to do so.
It is an indictment on the PCC’s record,
that it signally failed to do so.
375. The industry’s words and actions
suggest a desire to bury the affair without
confronting its serious implications – a
kind of avoidance which newspapers would
criticise mercilessly, and rightly, if it
occurred in any other part of society. The
PCC, by failing to take firm action, let
slip an opportunity to prevent or at least
mitigate some of the most damaging aspects
of this episode, and in doing so lent
credence to the view that it lacks teeth and
is slow to challenge the newspaper
industry.’ |
The Kate McCann Diaries |
3.35 Dr Kate McCann had kept a personal diary recording her
innermost thoughts and feelings following the
disappearance of her daughter. It was intensely private,
and she did not share its contents even with her
husband. The diary was seized by the PJ in August 2007
pursuant to its investigations, but the Portuguese court
ordered its return to Dr McCann, as well as the
destruction of all copies in its possession. The PJ had
translated the diary into Portuguese and unfortunately
one of the copies of the translated version found its
way into the hands of a Portuguese journalist.
3.36 A former NoTW journalist told the Inquiry how a
copy of the diary was acquired by the paper on payment
of a substantial sum and then translated back into
English. As Dr McCann pointed out in her evidence, the
re-translated text did not completely match the wording
of the actual diaries, but this is a minor point when
set against the scale of the violation to her privacy
which came to be perpetrated.
3.37 The journalist’s understanding was that the news
editor, Ian Edmondson, would ‘confirm with the McCann
press spokesperson that the diary was genuine’, and
would obtain his consent to publish extracts from the
diary. However, his written and oral evidence about
these matters was somewhat vague, not because he was
seeking to mislead the Inquiry in any way but for
reasons which will soon become apparent.
3.38 One piece of evidence given by the journalist was
particularly revealing: |
‘But I think in terms of considering it being appropriate to
publish Mrs McCann’s diary and the obvious
considerations over privacy, the view taken
by senior executives was that there were all
sorts of false allegations being made about
the McCanns and they really were being
pilloried in the press, that this account
gave a true picture of the McCanns and
dispelled some of the lies being written
about them’ |
’In other words, the predominant consideration was not concerns
about the McCanns’ priva-cy but rather the newspaper’s
own evaluation that this was a sympathetic story which
placed them in a good light and was above all else true.
This is exactly the same sort of reasoning process which
the Inquiry has so often noted in its review of the
critical material below.
3.39 Colin Myler, the editor of the NoTW at the time, was asked
about these matters. He had had previous dealings with
the McCanns and had, for example, berated Dr Gerry
McCann for doing an interview with Hello! Magazine in
preference to the NoTW. His version of events was that
his news editor,
Ian Edmondson, obtained consent to the publication of
extracts from the diaries from Mr Mitchell:
‘‘Q. But the obvious question, Mr Myler, is this: why did you not
telephone either of the McCanns and find out
whether they consented?
A. Because Ian Edmondson had assured me on
more than one occasion that Clarence was
aware of what we were intending to do and
had said, “Good”. I think it was very clear
from Mr Edmondson’s point of view how he’d
spelt out what he was doing, and indeed I
stressed very clearly by using the phrase
that I did not want Kate to come out of
church on Sunday morning and find that the
diaries were there without her knowledge.
Q. But you were of course aware that if Dr
Kate McCann had not given her consent to the
publication of this personal diary, she
would be outraged by the publication. You
were aware of that, weren’t you?
A. I wouldn’t have published if I’d thought that she hadn’t been
made aware of it.
Q. And Mr Edmondson was telling you that
he’d obtained consent on what day?
A. Well, it was absolutely clear from the
Friday to the Saturday that that assurance
had been given to him and given again to me.
Q. It was going to be a front page story,
wasn’t it?’’ |
3.40 Mr Edmondson’s account differed from Mr Myler’s. He explained
that he tape-recorded his telephone conversation with Mr
Mitchell without the latter’s knowledge in the interests
of ‘accuracy’, although he accepted that this entailed
an element of misleading his interlocutor.Mr Edmondson
was asked to state whether he made it clear to Mr
Mitchell that it was the intention of the NoTW to
publish extracts from the diary verbatim. It is worth
setting out his answer in full: |
A. I didn’t make it clear.
Q. And you say because you were given
express instructions by Mr Myler?
A. Correct.
Q. When did he give you those instructions?
Can you recall?
A. From memory, at a meeting on Thursday of that week.
Q. Why did he give you those instructions?
A. I attended a meeting with Mr Myler and
Tom Crone where we discussed this story. I
think we got the story to a point where I
was prepared to present it to Tom and Colin,
the editor. Colin gave – sorry, I beg your
pardon, Tom gave his legal view, which I’m
told I’m not allowed to repeat, but which
dismayed, shall I say, Mr Myler. So he
decided to ask me to make a call to Mr
Mitchell, not make it clear what we had,
tell him in general terms, basically make it
very woolly. I think someone previously used
the word “ambiguous”, and that is absolutely
spot on what he wanted.
Q. So the preferred outcome for the end
point of the conversation with Mr Mitchell
would be what?
A. To give him the impression that we were
running a story but not tell him
specifically what story, certainly don’t
tell him that we were in possession of the
complete diaries, as we understood. There
had been extracts in the diaries – of the
diaries in Portuguese papers which had been
translated into the English papers, but
certainly not to the extent that we had. He
was frightened that if Clarence knew what we
had, he might take action.
Q. Well, he would do – was the fear that he
would, at the very least, tell his clients,
the McCanns, what was going on?
A. Correct.
Q. And they would certainly get back to Mr
Myler by phone?
A. Correct.
Q. Or make an application for an injunction
to stop the News of the World publishing? Is
that what it amount to?
A. That’s exactly what it would.’’ |
3.41 This was devastating evidence. It would be remarkable if Mr
Edmondson was seeking to mislead the Inquiry regarding
Mr Mitchell being given a ‘woolly’ or an ‘ambiguous’
account of the newspaper’s intentions: it was a frank
admission of unethical conduct and fits the transcript
of the conversation. Mr Edmondson’s version of events
was not available when Mr Myler testified some eight
weeks previously, but it has since been put to him for
comment. It is inherently more probable that Mr
Edmondson would have been acting on instructions with
regard to an issue of this nature rather than making the
executive decision himself. In any event, the frankness
and precision of his evidence on this issue, including
his reference to Tom Crone and legal advice, renders it
more likely than not61 that his account is correct.
3.42 Regardless of issues of individual responsibility,
this case study is particularly illuminating for this
reason. Read in isolation and out of context, it could
be said that the transcript is somewhat ambiguous so
that it could be deployed in support of a contention
that, in some way, Mr Mitchell consented on behalf of
the McCanns to the publication of extracts from the
diaries. Thus, it was regarded by the paper as important
to obtain written evidence which could be used if
necessary to justify what happened. Read in the context
of Mr Edmondson’s explanation, however, the position is
crystal clear. It is equally clear that deliberate
decisions were made within the NoTW to obtain this
evidence by obfuscatory tactics and to deploy to their
advantage the fact that a conversation of sorts had
occurred should the need subsequently arise. In the
result, there was a letter before action, and the matter
was settled without the necessity of its ventilation in
3.43 But the impact on Dr Kate McCann in particular was traumatic.
As Dr Gerry McCann explained in his witness statement,
‘Kate was distraught and morally raped.’
3.44 What the McCanns did not make explicit when giving
their evidence, but was or ought to have been entirely
obvious to any empathetic observer, is that the conduct
of the press as highlighted in this section of the
Report served only to magnify and compound their
distress and upset consequent upon the abduction of
their daughter.
3.45 Overall, it is impossible to disagree with
Professor Brian Cathcart, professor of journalism at
Kingston University, and his pithy and trenchant
assessment: |
“I draw the analogy with, you
know, other areas of life. If there’s a
railway accident, there is an inquiry and
lessons are learned. In the press, I was
very influenced by observing the McCann case
develop over month after month after month
like a slow motion crash, and yet there was
no introspection in the industry afterwards.
The damages were paid, the books were
closed, and they moved on. That is not – you
know, we wouldn’t accept in the railway
industry or in, for example, a hospital, we
wouldn’t accept that nobody went back and
assessed what had happened and tried to
identify how things could be changed to
prevent it happening again. So I think a
mechanism – a regulator who is prepared to
go in and do that is essential.” |
press perspective |
4.11 The Inquiry heard from two journalists involved in these
stories, one employed by MGN and the other by NGN, the
publishers of the Daily Mirror and The Sun newspapers
generally, as well as from those who played an editorial
role. As with the McCanns, no criticism is made
or to be inferred of the journalists, because it was not
their decision to run with the story generally or to
publish any specific or individual pieces.
4.12 It is clear from their evidence that a number of former pupils
of Mr Jefferies were approached by journalists to give
their views of his character, personality and
temperament. This in itself was a risky and unwise
course of action; it could be treated as an opportunity
for old scores to be settled, and some may also have
believed that there could be no smoke without fire. To
their credit, not every pupil succumbed to these
temptations. Whereas it is true that many of the
articles written about Mr Jefferies included favourable
material, the point made by the Lord Chief Justice in
the contempt proceedings (namely that this was quite
insufficient to nullify the prejudicial impact of the
disparaging material) is of course entirely valid; and
in any event that which spoke of Mr Jefferies in
positive terms did not do full justice to the quality
and weight of that material. Furthermore, evidence given
by one of the journalists does altogether chime with
evidence the Inquiry has already noted in relation to
the McCanns: |
4.21 Mr Jefferies was the victim of a very serious injustice
perpetrated by a significant section of the press.
Without such reporting, it is hard to accept that he
would have found it necessary to change his appearance
and effectively lodge with friends for approximately
three months. For those who have said that the Inquiry
has been overly concerned with the complaints of
celebrities, Mr Jefferies was not such an individual.
Nor were the McCanns or the Dowlers. Clearly, all
of these witnesses would have wished for nothing more
than to have remained well out of the public eye and off
the front pages of newspapers but, for reasons beyond
their control, that was not where they found themselves. |
The aftermath of Mr Brown’s evidence to the Inquiry |
5.29 Considering the episode as a whole, the treatment of Mr and
Mrs Brown by NI left much to be desired. It cannot be
equated with the treatment experienced by the McCanns,
Dowlers or Mr Jefferies, but, as a whole, the experience
of the Browns provides a fine example of a number of
aspects of unsatisfactory and/or unethical press
practices further examined below. |
Lack of respect for privacy and dignity |
2.2 The experiences of the McCanns, the Dowlers, Christopher
Jefferies and Max Mosley, already discussed in some
detail above, also exemplify this indifference. However,
these high profile examples were by no means
exceptional, nor were all or predominantly concerned
with the practices at the News of the World (NoTW). The
Inquiry heard evidence from numerous public figures and
private individuals alike, who were victims of a
tendency within sections of the press to treat people
without respect or dignity and to publish private
information without regard to the consequences of, or
public interest in, doing so. |
2.44 Again, it seems that the intrusive reporting that Mr Grant
spoke of is part of a cultural indifference within parts
of the press to individual privacy and dignity. That
manifests itself most frequently in the celebrity press,
where individual private lives are treated, at least to
some extent, as commodities. The evidence given by Miss
Church, Ms Rowling, Mr Coogan and Mr Grant support this
conclusion, as does the similar evidence heard by the
Inquiry from Sienna Miller,61 Sheryl Gascoigne,62 Anne
Diamond63 and Heather Mills.64 But the cultural
indifference to privacy and dignity does not apply only
to celebrities or those in the public eye. In addition
to the experiences described by the Dowlers, the
McCanns and Christopher Jefferies, the Inquiry heard
evidence from, or about, numerous others who were not
public figures but who had experienced seriously
intrusive coverage and/or treatment from the press. |
2.63 That approach from the proprietor may or may not have
influenced the thinking of the editor of the Daily
Express, Peter Hill, when considering whether to publish
38 defamatory and intrusive stories about the McCanns.
Mr Hill’s evidence to the Inquiry betrayed a distinct
lack of consideration for the dignity and privacy of the
McCanns, and showed instead a focus on the circulation
of his newspaper.86 Despite his knowledge that his
reporters on the ground in Portugal had very real
concerns about the truth of the articles they were
writing, Mr Hill told the Inquiry that he was not
troubled by the decision to publish because, in his
view, there was a clamour for information about the
Madeleine McCann story and his readers wanted to
read about it.87 His evidence suggested a remarkable
elision between what was justified in the public
interest, and what would interest his readership. Such
elision leaves little room for the protection of privacy
if a readership is interested in reading about the
private lives of others. |
4. Breach of confidence and misuse of confidential
and/or sensitive information |
4.7 Although there was no clear evidence that the press remain
directly involved in the trade in confidential
information, there was ample evidence to suggest that
large parts of the press were willing to publish
confidential, private or sensitive information, without
regard to the impact on the individuals concerned and
without consideration of the public interest. The NoTW’s
publication of Dr McCann’s diaries is a prime
example of this, as is the publication of photographs,
and the personal blog, of Sebastian Bowles after his
death. |
5. Harassment |
5.1 One of the recurring complaints advanced by the Core
Participant Victims was that the attention they received
from the press and paparazzi amounted, at times, to
harassment. Ms Miller gave the most striking description
of her harassment as she recalled frequently running
down dark streets on her own pursued by ten or more men
with cameras. Her evidence is dealt with in more detail
above. Similarly, the evidence of Ms Church, Ms
Rowling,2 and Mr Coogan contained further examples of
persistent, intrusive and distressing levels of
attention by press and paparazzi. Furthermore, the
evidence of the McCanns, the Dowlers2 and
Baroness Hollins illustrated that complaints of
harassment were not limited to so-called celebrities,
but were shared by those with no public persona who, for
a variety of reasons, were thrust into the public eye. |
5.33 The harassment experienced by the McCanns on their
return from Portugal, discussed above is another prime
example of where responsible editors and photo-editors
could not reasonably claim to have been unaware of the
harassment experienced, but where employed and freelance
photographers, as well as journalists, were sent to
pursue the McCanns nonetheless. Mr Edwards could
see in retrospect that the situation they faced was
unacceptable but, at the time, he had sent his
photographer to join the pack who had gathered outside
their house. Mr Silva also acknowledged that, with
hindsight, “possibly” some of the photographs (in
particular those featuring unpixellated images of the
McCann children) should not have been used, but
noted that the story was “unique”, “intense” and one of
the most difficult he had had to work on. |
5.37 In a letter to the Inquiry, Mr Edwards referred to the
treatment of the McCanns on their return from
Portugal, acknowledging again that the situation was
unacceptable. He blamed it on a “collective” problem for
which television crews and international press were also
responsible, but defended The Sun, denying that it had
made any inappropriate publication decision. That cannot
be right in circumstances where The Sun had a
photographer within the pack outside the McCanns’
home. It is one thing to say that there is a collective
problem and we are all responsible. It is another thing
entirely to say that there is a collective problem, and
therefore we cannot be held responsible individually.
5.38 Second, it seems that where a story is too big, as
in the case of the McCanns, or where a
readership’s interest in a celebrity is too great, as in
the case of Mr Grant, the general principles applied to
avoid harassment are relaxed, or even set to one side.
That is consistent with Piers Morgan’s observation in a
note to Assistant Chief Constable Jeremy Kirkby that
“Fame and crime sends most of the usual rules out of the
window”. It is also consistent with two observations
made in other parts of this Report: first, that where
the perceived imperatives of very big stories are
concerned, there is a tendency to disregard the rule
book, and second, that there has been, within parts of
the press, a conflation of the public interest with what
interests the public, such that individual privacy and
dignity is ignored to satisfy the demands of a
readership. |
6. Intrusion into grief and shock |
6.1 Shock Partly a subset of harassment, a further complaint that
has been levelled at the press is that it has shown
insufficient respect for the special sensitivity of
those grieving the death of those close to them, or in
shock from tragic events. The press intrusion
experienced by the McCanns, the Dowlers, and the
Bowles family, are some of the more high profile
examples of this complaint. But the Inquiry heard
evidence of many more examples. |
6.8 It might be said that the evidence of Ms Diamond, along with
that of the Watsons and the Hillsborough example, are of
purely historical interest, given that they each relate
to publications more than 20 years ago. But the evidence
heard by the Inquiry does not support that view. The
experiences of the McCanns, the Dowlers and the
Bowles family, all of which occurred much more recently,
suggest that parts of the press can continue, on
occasion, to display a cavalier attitude to intrusions
into shock or grief. |
7.3 The Inquiry was told that the demand for photographs and
information about the children of those in the public
eye continued well beyond the early days of the
childrens’ lives. Mr Coogan spoke of the publication,
without consent, of a photograph of his seven year old
and five year old children.In addition to the many
examples given by Ms Rowling of photographers seeking to
take (and newspaper titles publishing) photographs of
her children without consent, she told the Inquiry of a
journalist placing a note in her five year old
daughter’s schoolbag, and another journalist contacting
the headmaster at her 15 year old daughter’s school to
discuss private (and fabricated) information about her
daughter.The intolerable levels of press and paparazzi
harassment experienced by the McCanns on their
return to Portugal was suffered not only by Drs Kate
and Gerry McCann, but also by their two and a half year
old twins who were with them throughout and who
found the experience very upsetting. Photographs of the
twins were published in numerous newspapers, without
pixellation, and without any clear justification except
for the fact that the story was “unique” and “intense”. |
Deliberate or reckless inaccuracy in respect of big
stories |
9.35 A third category of inaccurate reporting of which the Inquiry
heard substantial evidence was a tendency in parts of
the press to set aside the need for rigorous fact
checking in the context of fast moving and high profile
stories. The clearest examples of this practice are the
highest profile: the defamatory and reckless reporting
of the McCanns and Mr Jefferies, dealt with above
9.36 Notably, this tendency was not limited to tabloid newspapers:
in respect of Mr Jefferies in particular the broadsheets
were not blameless. In addition, Mr Davies gave an
example of the Guardian’s reporting of the Haut de la
Garenne children’s home story as an example of where the
Guardian, amongst others, had published inaccurate
articles in circumstances where greater care would have
led to the conclusion that there was no basis for the
story. Consistent with the McCann and Jefferies
examples, there was limited information available at the
time of the reports of the alleged murders, torture and
burials at the Jersey children’s home, but a significant
public demand for information. Mr Davies said |
Complaints handling |
The first example was the response of a number of
newspapers to complaints made by the McCanns in
light of defamatory reporting of the circumstances of
their daughter’s disappearance. Although some of the
narrative has already been described, it bears brief
repetition here. In September 2007, the McCanns’
solicitor Angus McBride met with all the editors of the
national newspapers to convey the McCanns’
concerns about the defamatory reporting of
Madeleine’s disappearance and the harmful impact
this reporting was having on the search for her. That
first meeting appeared to have no effect and, after
continuing libellous reporting by a number of daily
newspapers, further meetings were arranged between Mr
McBride, Clarence Mitchell and the editors responsible.
Those further meetings also appeared to have no effect
and the defamatory reporting continued. On 26 September
2007, a solicitors’ letter threatening libel proceedings
was sent to those newspapers which appeared to be the
worst offenders. That letter, and a further letter sent
on 10 October 2007, appeared to have no impact on the
continuing libellous reporting.
12.3 In January 2008, the McCanns’
representatives sent a formal letter before action in
advance of a libel claim to both the Daily Express and
the Daily Star newspapers. Notwithstanding the fact that
the newspapers were aware they had no clear factual
basis for any of the libellous stories published,597 the
Express Group wrote that they were not willing to
publish an apology for the libels, but were willing to
offer the McCanns a “platform” to tell their side
of the story, and offered them an exclusive interview
and photo-shoot with OK! Magazine. Unsurprisingly, the
McCanns rejected the (astonishingly misjudged)
offer. As Dr Gerry McCann wrote: |
“I found it simply breathtaking that they would think it
appropriate to offer us interviews or other
coverage in their own newspapers that they
would subsequently make money from, as an
appropriate remedy for the distress and hurt
they had caused.” |
12.4 Although the Express Group subsequently published what they
described as an “unprecedented” front page apology to
the McCanns, that was not matched by their
apology to the friends of the McCanns who had
also been falsely accused (on the front page) of
covering up the truth about Madeleine’s disappearance:
their apology in the Daily Express was found on page
12.5 The McCanns also brought proceedings against
Associated Newspapers Ltd (ANL), on the basis of
defamatory coverage in the Evening Standard and Daily
Mail. The claim was settled with a substantial payment
to the Find Madeleine fund, and an apology in the
Evening Standard. The Daily Mail offered the McCanns
free advertising for the Find Madeleine fund, but
refused to apologise essentially on the basis that the
defamatory stories published by the title had been
balanced with a number of favourable reports about the
McCanns. Unsurprisingly, the McCanns were
disappointed by the newspaper’s stance, but chose not to
continue a protracted dispute. |
Commercial pressures |
2.11 By contrast, Mr Davies has suggested that tabloid newspapers
are likely to place a greater emphasis on circulation
numbers than the broadsheets. In part, this view has
been substantiated by the evidence to the Inquiry
presented by both tabloid and middle market newspaper
editors, as well as by evidence presented to the Inquiry
by the former tabloid journalists Richard Peppiatt,
Mathew Driscoll and Paul McMullan. On the other hand, Mr
Richard Desmond, the owner of the Northern and Shell
Group and publisher of the Daily Express and Daily Star
newspapers, said in evidence that he did not believe
that there was a direct correlation between stories and
sales. Other witnesses from his titles (and indeed
elsewhere) expressed the same view, drawing on
circulation data relating to the period when the story
of the abduction of Madeline McCann featured
heavily on the front page of the Daily Express.
The Inquiry need not resolve this issue, but I make the
following broad observation. It may well be that the
examination of any one individual case, such as the
McCann example, will fail to demonstrate a ‘spike’
in sales over a relatively short period of time.
However, it is a different question, and one less
verifiable by empirical evidence, as to whether the
publication of particular types of story over many
months and years is responsible, at least in part, for
long term trends and patterns in newspaper circulations. |
Leadership and governance |
2.70 For example, Mr Desmond would not accept that Mr Hill behaved
unethically in relation to his stewardship of the
coverage of the McCann story. When asked whether
he agreed that it was up to the editor not to behave in
such a way, he replied “No, not at all. Every paper – I
didn’t bring every paper with me, but I’m sure we can
justify my statement – every paper every day for that
period of time was talking about the McCanns. It
was the hot story – it was the story.”
2.71 Mr Hill was likewise unrepentant about the coverage
of the McCann case. He justified it as follows: |
“My decision was made because I believed that the stories were true
and that the readers of The Daily Express
had an interest in them. The Daily Express
was not the only medium that published
offending stories. They appeared widely in
the press and on every TV station. I have
never made up a story or asked anyone else
so to do. Of course, if there is a big
story, there is also pressure to get the
best lines because it is a highly
competitive industry. However, that does not
mean that journalists will invent stories
and that newspapers will print made up
stories.” |
2.72 It is notable that his justification again relied heavily on
the fact that other titles were printing the stories, as
if that in itself provided a basis for vindicating the
accuracy of the story. Editor-in-Chief of Associated
Newspapers, Paul Dacre, whilst accepting that errors had
been made in the reporting of Mr Jefferies’ case,
emphasised that coverage by the Daily Mail was less
offensive than at many other titles. In this respect, he
agreed with the suggestion that there is a snowball
effect that impacts on the way in which other newspapers
report the same story, observing: “I think the way the
boundaries are pushed by the press collectively almost
encourages some papers, not all papers, to push the
limits too far”.
2.73 An element of relativism was again evident in Mr
Dacre’s appraisal of Daily Mail’s coverage of the
McCann story: |
think looking back there was obviously the
odd article that we regretted. I think – but
I think, on a balanced view of the Daily
Mail’s performance on that story over the
years, I think we were at the more
responsible end.” |
Dacre described the pressure within the newsroom to
carry the same stories as other papers. |
“[T]his was the most extraordinary story. There have only been two
or three in my lifetime. You could actually
see, when you got the circulation reports of
other newspapers that week, people putting
the McCanns on the front pages, their
circulations went up. I remember the rows
and recrimination in our offices that we
weren’t carrying these stories. Well, in
retrospect, I’m glad we didn’t carry those
stories.” |
4. The press response to this Inquiry |
4.2 The publicist, Max Clifford was asked to comment on the effect,
if any, that the Inquiry and the general public mood
were having on the current work of the press. He said
this: |
“Q. Do you have any feel for what’s going on at the moment? Has the
scandal which broke last summer had a
chilling effect on the types of methods
which are being used now to obtain stories?
A. I mean hopefully yes, I mean, it’s
frightened people and made them stop those
kind of things, which is what I believe and
sincerely hope, but also the effect of this
Inquiry, I think, has frightened editors,
so, you know, for example, in recent months
there’s several major stories which would
have dominated the headlines that I’m aware
of which haven’t come out.
Q. I don’t want you on that topic to say
anything which would invade any individual’s
privacy, but can you give us some idea of
what exactly it is which is holding editors
back from publishing the sort of story you
have just mentioned?
A. Well, I think it’s a backlash. It’s a
public backlash. I mean, what really got the
British public angry was Milly Dowler and
the McCanns, wasn’t it? People like
that. You know, stars having their phones
tapped, people like myself that are
successful, wealthy, have done very, very
well out of the media or films, television,
so what, those people don’t care, they have
far more important things to worry about.
But when they read and heard about Milly
Dowler, when they read and press. It’s the
best chance anybody’s got, otherwise we’re
like Chinese and Russians and just slaves to
the system. But are they savage? Can they be
savage? Absolutely right. Of course some of
the most successful papers are the most
savage because an awful lot of people would
much rather read nasty things about other
people than nice things.” |
3. Tensions in the relationship between
the media and the police |
3.9 Dr Gerry McCann said of the media interest following the
disappearance of their daughter Madeleine:
“Nothing could have prepared us for the unprecedented
media coverage, particularly in Portugal and the UK
which followed” and spoke of “the intensity of media
focus”. |
0780_iii |
Relations with News Corporation and News International |
Rebekah Brooks |
3.42 Turning to specific issues, the Inquiry explored with both the
Home Secretary, the Rt Hon Theresa May MP, and the Prime
Minister what role Mrs Brooks and The Sun had played
in the decision for the Metropolitan Police to review
the case of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. The
review had the benefit of extra financial support from
the Home Office and was a subject of interest to a
number of newspapers and their readers. The object of
the review was to establish whether there were any other
avenues of inquiry that should be pursued.
3.43 On 11 May 2011, Mrs Brooks saw two of Mr Cameron’s SpAds about
the review. Both she and Mr Mohan also spoke to
the Home Secretary about it by telephone. Mrs May was
able to explain that the decision to have the
Metropolitan Police review the case was, in fact, not
one which had been made suddenly: |
No, a review was not
ordered – was not requested or required at
short notice. The Home Office had been
discussing – first started discussing with
ACPO the possibility of a Police Review or
further police work on this – they first
started discussing with ACPO under the
previous government. So the discussion had
been taking place for some time – it took
place with ACPO initially – for ACPO to
identify which police force would be
appropriate to undertake the is work, if it
was to be undertaken, and at the same time
there were discussions taking place with the
Portuguese authorities, because of course,
no UK police force can go into another
country and start investigating; they can
only do so with the agreement, approval and
assistance of the resident authorities in
that country.” |
3.44 She was clear that she had not been threatened with adverse
coverage if she did not support the review by
either Mrs Brooks or Mr Mohan. On the contrary, she had
called them to tell them about developments: “I think it
was a call at my instigation”. The exchange with Counsel
to the Inquiry was as follows: |
"Q. Did Mrs Brooks say anything about – words to this effect: that
unless you ordered the review, you would be
on the front page of the Sun until that
A. No. Neither Mrs Brooks or Mr Mohan made
any indication of that sort to me. The
nature of the telephone conversation was to
alert them to the fact that the government
was taking some action, that there was going
to be this further work by the police here
in the UK and to put forward the point that
it was very important that the UK
authorities were able to work with the
Portuguese authorities.” |
3.45 The Home Secretary did not feel that she had been pressured
behind the scenes on the issue to take a position she
would not otherwise have taken. Rather, she said: |
“I felt that the work that we were doing to look at this review
had been going on for some time, it was
coming to a fruition around this time
anyway, and obviously the issue was a matter
of public concern.” |
3.46 The Prime Minister similarly had not felt pressured by Mrs
Brooks, whether directly or indirectly, to support and
finance the review: “Pressure? No I wasn’t aware of any
pressure”. He had checked and confirmed that the
additional central government funding that was to be
provided to the Metropolitan Police was being properly
deployed. When asked whether Mrs Brooks’ visit to his
SpAds had been reported to him, he said: |
“I don’t recall. It might well have been. I don’t recall the exact
conversations. I do recall, because I can
see what might lie behind the question,
which is: are you treating different
investigations and campaigns fairly? And I
do remember actually, as Prime Minister,
consulting the Permanent Secretary at Number
10 about the step that the police were about
to take, backed by the government, which was
to provide some extra funding for the
investigation, and it was drawn to my
attention that there is a special Home
Office procedure for helping with
particularly complex and expensive
investigations that’s been used in various
cases, and it was going to be used in this
case and he was satisfied that that was –
that had been dealt with properly and
effectively. So it’s an example, if you lie,
of the importance of making sure these
things are done properly and I believe it
was.” |
3.47 When it came to the influence of newspaper campaigning on the
issue, Mr Cameron had rightly taken care to ask himself
whether he was being confronted with self-interested
media pressure or genuine public pressure: |
“Well, I mean clearly this was a very high-profile case, and a
case that a number of newspapers wanted to
champion because their readers wanted to
champion it, and obviously as government
you have to think: are we helping with this
because there’s media pressure or is it
genuine public pressure, is there a genuine
case, are we treating this fairly? And I
did ask those questions of the Permanent
Secretary at Number 10, and so I think we
made an appropriate response. But I don’t
remember any sort of specific pressure being
put on me…” (emphasis added). |
3.48 Mr Cameron and Mrs Brooks did discuss the phone hacking story.
Mrs Brooks recalled that in the period after the
Guardian’s July 2009 story, they spoke about it in
general terms “on occasion” and once more specifically
in late 2010 when there was an increase in the number of
civil claims alleging phone hacking and seeking
compensation. About the general conversations, Mrs
Brooks said: |
“I think on occasion – you know, not very often, so maybe once or
twice, because of the news and because, you
know, the phone hacking story was a sort of
a constant, or it kept coming up. We would
bring it up, but in the most general terms.
Maybe in 2010, we had a more specific
conversation about it, which I think is –
yeah, that’s about right”. |
3.49 On the occasion of the more specific conversation, she could
recall only in general terms what Mr Cameron had asked: |
“I think he asked me – I think it had been in the news that day – I
think it was about the civil cases. Maybe a
new civil case had come out, and he asked me
about it and I responded accordingly.” |
As for what she had told Mr Cameron, she said: |
“It was a couple of years ago. It was a general discussion about –
I think he asked me what the update was. I
think it had been on the news that day, and
I think I explained the story behind the
news. No secret information, no privileged
information; just a general update. I’m
sorry, I can’t remember the date, but I just
don’t have my records”. |
3.51 Mr Cameron had little recollection of the conversation but did
not deny asking questions about the subject: |
“I don’t really remember the specifics. I saw in her evidence that
this was perhaps something to do with me
asking a question about some of these civil
cases and what was happening. I suspect it
could have been that. This was an issue that
was obviously being discussed. It was a
controversial issue with all the civil cases
and the rest of it, and I expect I could
have asked some questions about that, but I
don’t recall the specifics”. |
3.52 From these imperfect recollections, it can be seen that the
Prime Minister was paying attention to the emerging
story, recognising its sensitivity, but does not appear
to have focused on any detail. The indications are that
he was provided with only general and publicly available
3.53 When, on 15 July 2011, after the story had reached
its height, Mrs Brooks resigned from her position as
Chief Executive Officer of News International, she
recalled receiving a message of support from Mr Cameron,
albeit indirectly. The exchange with Counsel to the
Inquiry on the subject was this: “ |
“Q. It has been reported in relation to Mr Cameron – but who knows
whether it’s true – that you received a
message along the lines of: “Keep your head
up.” Is that true or not?
A. From?
Q. From Mr Cameron, indirectly. You’ll have
seen that in the Times.
A. Yes, I did see it in the Times. Along
those lines. It was more – I don’t think
they were the exact words but along those
Q. Is the gist right, at least?
A. Yes, I would say so. But it was indirect.
It wasn’t a direct text message.
Q. Did you also receive a message from him
via an intermediary along these lines: Sorry
I could not have been as loyal to you as I
have been, but Ed Miliband had me on the
run.” Or words to that effect?“
A. Similar, but again, very indirectly.
Q. So, broadly speaking, that message was
transmitted to you, was it?
A. Yes.” |
3.54 It was but one of a number of messages of support or
commiseration which she received from politicians, those
working in their offices and others. The messages from
politicians were all indirect and predominantly from
Conservative rather than Labour politicians. This may
have been more a reflection of News International’s
support for the Conservatives and a legacy of the
company’s sudden move away from Labour in 2009 than
anything else.
I3.55 As is well known, Mrs Brooks is currently facing criminal
charges in connection with allegations of wrongdoing at
the NoTW, including in relation to phone hacking,
perverting the course of justice and conspiracy to
commit misconduct in public office. As is equally well
known, she vehemently denies wrongdoing and has declared
her intention of mounting a vigorous defence to all
charges. |
0780_iv |
2. What the PCC did well |
2.5 The PCC was also, on occasion, able to mitigate extreme media
pressure on newsworthy individuals. Dr Gerry McCann,
for example, gave evidence that the PCC managed to limit
the intrusion by journalists and press photographers
into the lives of his twin son and daughter in the
aftermath of the disappearance of his daughter
Madeleine: |
“The PCC was extremely helpful in dealing with the unwanted
intrusion into the privacy of our twins. In
particular, the press were constantly taking
photographs in which our children were
included. Having contacted the PCC this
quickly stopped”. |
J6. Structural problems with the PCC |
6.4 There are a number of further issues that link to the voluntary
nature of membership and the lack of appropriate
incentives to maintain membership. Perhaps most
significantly, if an editor disliked a particular
decision by or approach of the PCC, newspapers could
make credible threats to leave the self-regulatory
system. Although there were a number of factors behind
the decision of Northern & Shell to leave the PCC, one
particular factor identified by witnesses for Northern &
Shell was the public criticism by Sir Christopher Meyer
of Peter Hill , the editor of the Daily Express, in
light of the coverage by the newspaper of the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann. Whether that
criticism should have been couched differently is not
the point: rather the implications of the ability of
editors to react to criticism from the PCC in this way
are real. |
Monitoring and investigations |
6.26 There are clearly circumstances when it would have been
appropriate for the PCC to launch an investigation of
its own motion, deploying the powers at its disposal
under Article 53.1A. One clear case is in relation to
newspaper coverage following the disappearance of
Madeleine McCann. A fuller exploration of the
conduct of the press in that case appears in Part F
Chapter 5 above, but for present purposes the focus is
on the PCC alone. It is easy to see why the McCanns
might not have wished to launch complaints on their own
account, given the scale and tone of media interest in
them, and the nature of Sir Christopher Meyer’s advice
to Dr Gerry McCann. It is, in my judgment,
inexplicable that the PCC chose not to exercise its
discretion to investigate in such a case.
6.27 I note in this regard that a number of individuals gave
evidence that they did not complain to the PCC because
they were concerned that doing so would lead to
retaliation from the newspaper industry in the shape of
negative coverage or future invasions of privacy. Had
the PCC initiated investigations of its own motion, or
accepted third party complaints, the issue of
retaliation would have been deadened. The PCC’s policy
served to perpetuate a wholly unsatisfactory state of
affairs whereby complaints were (and remain) dis-incentivised
and the PCC’s own contribution to the evolving
principles surrounding the issue of privacy in
particular is limited. Lord Wakeham’s view was that “The
PCC’s absence from the debate about privacy – including
high profile adjudications – has … eroded its
authority”. This view was valid in the late 1990s and
remains so now. |
Powers the PCC did not exercise – investigations where
there were criminal or civil proceedings |
6.32 Third, Article 53.3(c) is potentially of extremely wide
application since most breaches of the Code could also
give rise to civil action; this provision as drafted
therefore suggests that in these circumstances (ie, the
paradigm case of Code breach) the entertaining of a
complaint by the PCC requires particular justification.
Since there is no policy setting out how the PCC will
exercise the discretion established by this Article, it
is not clear whether the PCC interpreted this provision
in so restrictive a manner. What is clear is that these
Articles taken together were the purported basis for
Sir Christopher Meyer’s advice to Dr McCann that the
latter should take legal action in relation to highly
defamatory and offensive articles above the
disappearance of his daughter Madeleine, but that
such a course of action would prohibit Dr McCann from
seeking redress through the PCC.
6.33 In one area at least, the PCC appears to have been
eager to take on cases which might otherwise have
resulted in civil actions. Exercising this discretion,
the PCC sought to gather in as many cases relating to
privacy as possible, thereby restricting the number of
privacy actions which went before the courts, despite
(or perhaps because of) the option for complainants to
bring a civil action for breach of privacy at least
since the passage of the Human Rights Act.152 In my view
these provisions have a stifling effect on the operation
of the PCC, and are exceptionable. There was a lack of
consistency and transparency in the exercise of the
PCC’s discretion under Article 53.3(c) that militated
against the proper function of the organisation as a
proper regulator. More so the use of this discretion,
particularly with regard to privacy, helped facilitate
the PCC’s function as a shield for newspapers against
litigation. |
The sanctions did not bite |
6.57 A similar pattern of events followed
the public criticism of the former editor of the Daily
Express, Peter Hill. Sir Christopher Meyer criticised Mr
Hill for his newspaper’s coverage of the story of the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann, coverage for
which the Express eventually apologised publicly and
paid substantial damages to the McCann family for
defamation. However, when, somewhat late in the day, Sir
Christopher excoriated Mr Hill and the Express’s
coverage on the Radio 4 Today programme, the response of
Northern & Shell’s proprietor Richard Desmond was not to
criticise Mr Hill but rather to commiserate with him: |
“I remember that night after he was attacked by the chairman of
the PCC, I remember calling him at 11
o’clock at night. I think he was convinced I
was going to fire him. But I didn’t fire
him, I spoke to him from 11 o’clock for
about two hours and my ex-wife spoke to him
for about an hour afterwards, you know,
because he’d done to the best ability –
report the facts.” |
6.58 In these two instances, criticism of an editor by the PCC –
whether by formal adjudication or very public criticism
by its Chair – does not seem to have had any negative
effect on the careers of the editors concerned. Mr
Morgan went on to continue a very high-profile career in
journalism; Mr Hill is still employed by Northern &
Shell as Editor Emeritus, although he did resign from
the PCC shortly after the events in question. There is
nothing to indicate in either case that the involvement
of the PCC had the impact which is claimed for it. |
8. Conclusions |
8.6 When the PCC failed to initiate an investigation over newspaper
coverage of the McCann case, once again the CMS
Select Committee criticised the PCC for this failure.
That report concluded: |
2 The Self Regulatory Model Proposed by the PCC and
PressboF. |
1. Industry acceptance of the need for reform |
1.1 In the early days of the Inquiry I made it clear that I was
keen that the press industry should come forward with a
credible proposal for the future regulation of standards
across the press. I said that it was critical that the
press should engage in the debate about how its
regulation should move forward,1 that this was a problem
for the industry and that the industry had to solve it.
I also explained that it was important that a solution
should be found which worked both for the press and for
the public and I looked to the press to come forward
with proposals that would fit that brief; however, in
the meantime I would continue looking for ways to
improve the system.3 It is difficult to find an
objective test for what ‘works for the public’. The
public have three distinct roles here: first as readers
of newspapers, second as citizens of a democratic
country and third as the people about whom newspapers
write. It is important that the interests of the public
in all three roles are recognised and protected: the
Prime Minister said that the test must be whether a
solution works for the Dowlers and the McCanns. |