Kate McCann said she needs
to know what happened to
Madeleine |
McCann's mother has said she would
rather know her daughter was dead than
live in limbo forever.
McCann said she and her husband Gerry
needed to know what had happened to her
- even if that meant learning the worst.
couple have always said they will cling
onto the hope Madeleine is still alive
until they see concrete evidence to the
contrary. But on Saturday Portuguese
police acknowledged for the first time
that she could be dead in the light of
newly discovered clues.
McCann told Woman's Own magazine: "I've
never liked uncertainty. And this is the
worst kind of limbo. Gerry and I have
spoken about this and in our heart of
hearts we'd both rather know - even if
knowing means we have to face the
terrible truth that Madeleine might be
dead. We both need to know."
In her
interview Mrs McCann paints a vivid
picture of her daughter as a sociable
and funny child.
She said:
"She has a lot of personality and her
name actually means 'tower of strength'.
But she hated it when we called her
Maddie - she'd say, 'My name is
Madeleine', with an indignant look on
her face. I bet she's giving whoever
she's with her tuppence worth."
McCann has almost always been seen
clutching Madeleine's favourite soft
toy, Cuddle Cat, in the months days
since her disappearance. Referring to
the stuffed animal, she said: "In a way
I wish they'd taken this with her. It
would be a comfort to know Madeleine had
something she loved, wherever she is. I
can't prepare myself for bad news. I
simply don't know how."
Madeleine's mother also spoke about her
daily struggle to carry on. "When
children have gone missing in the past -
Holly Wells, Jessica Chapman and Sarah
Payne - and I've watched the news and
thought, 'that's my worst nightmare',"
she said.
"I had no
idea how those mothers got through the
day. But until you're in that situation,
you can't even begin to imagine what it
is that gets you out of bed and into the
shower. You just have to go on."
She also
responded to criticism of her and her
husband for leaving their three children
alone in their flat while they dined in
a nearby restaurant on the night
Madeleine disappeared. Mrs McCann said:
"I ask myself, 'Why did I think it was
safe?' But it felt safe. You don't
expect a predator to break in and take
your daughter."
Holly Wells, Jessica Chapman |
Payne |