Dowler |
'It happened in the blink of an eye', said the QC in the trial of the
man accused of kidnapping and murdering Milly Dowler.
For any parent it is a bone-shuddering statement.
For Milly's mother and father what torment it must induce. Nausea,
illogical guilt and dreadful anguish.
One minute their beautiful 13-year-old daughter was 'walking breezily
home, the next she was gone.
How they must empathise with Kate and Gerry McCann. Madeleine, whose
eighth 'birthday it was last week, also disappeared 'in the blink of an
And what have they been through these past four years. At least the
Dowlers had their daughter back to bury and a trial is under way, as
they await the verdict. Comfort of sorts.
But for Kate McCann the pain remains brutal and unending.
She's tough though, isn't she' We knew that when she didn't cry for the
cameras in those early days of media hysteria.
We knew that when 'Portuguese police declared them suspects. But the
truth is you and I knew nothing. We knew nothing really of what she was
going through. We knew nothing of the fa'de she tried 'desperately to
maintain for Madeleine, and for her own dignity.
Well now we know the truth. Just read her book, read about the
soul-wrenching hurt.
Read about the guilt and read about her instinct to swim out to sea and
not come back or to rip the skin off her body.
Read it. And then pray you'll never live the same hell as the McCanns or
the Dowlers or many, many others. |