Sofia Leal & Goncalo Amaral
have been married for the last eight years and have two
young daughters |
“I will not get divorced. That
would be a fraud. Our family lives in full communion
Sofia Leal, who has been married for the last eight years with the
former Judiciary Police coordinator
Amaral, reacted indignantly upon being notified with a
citation requested by the McCanns, to proceed with a separation of
assets in order to allow the arrest of a house in the municipality of Olhao, within the scope of a 1.2 million euros claim.
The claim made by the McCanns is based on the contents of the book
- The Truth of the Lie” (written by Amaral, in July 2008) concerning the
investigation into Maddie's disappearance, the McCann's daughter, in
Praia da Luz (Algarve), back in
May 2007. The couple alleges that the former investigation coordinator
accuses them of being responsible for their
death and persists on the abduction thesis.
The interim measure [injunction]
was filed at the 1st Civil Court of Lisbon in June 2009 and was allowed.
The McCanns gained all the still due book authorship rights, half of
Amaral's retirement pension as well as his “share [moiety, half] of
their rural property” in Olhao. In July this year, the house division in
two parts at the registry office was refused on the grounds that it
affected a common asset.
The McCann couple via their lawyer [Isabel
Duarte] applied for
Sofia Leal to execute a separation of assets, as foreseen by law. She
refused and in August the court carried into completion the full arrest.
“My husband and I have never abandoned our daughters, or allowed
paedophiles in our circle of friends. I am shocked that a couple who
affirm to be religious is seeking out to destroy our family”, said Sofia
Leal. |
British Rule Out Abduction
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom (Foreign &
Commonwealth Office) does not held
Madeleine McCann's disappearance
recorded as an abduction, thus accepting that there is no evidence to
suggest that a crime of that nature has taken place; exactly what was
concluded by the Portuguese Judiciary Police investigation initially led
by Goncalo Amaral and that is mirrored in the book “Maddie - The Truth
of the Lie”.
In a reply to an investigator, who requested [FOIA
PDF here] information regarding British
missing children abroad, the Consular Directorate of the Foreign Office
- dated December 14, 2009 to which the CM had access - affirmed: “The
FCO filed the case in May 2008 [Ben
Needham]. You will also be aware of the Madeleine McCann
case. Both this and the Needham case are categorised as a missing
persons, rather than child abduction cases, as there is no evidence in
either case to support whether the children were or were not abducted.”.