The purpose of
this site is for information and a record of Gerry McCann's Blog
Archives. As most people will appreciate GM deleted all past blogs
from the official website. Hopefully this Archive will be helpful to
anyone who is interested in Justice for Madeleine Beth McCann. Many
Thanks, Pamalam |
Note: This site does not belong to the McCanns. It belongs to Pamalam. If
you wish to contact the McCanns directly, please use
the contact/email details
12 - Launch of International Missing Children's Day 25 May 2010 |
Yesterday was the UK launch of
International Missing Childrens Day
The day began with an interview about Andrew (& the
bicycle ride) on ITV?s Good Morning TV program. This is
the most widely viewed news & public interest program in
the UK. It is also broadcast into Europe where it is
watched by many thousands of UK ex-pats &
holiday-makers. Photographs of Andrew & Melinda were
featured throughout the program & have now been posted
on the GMTV website, as well as their Twitter page.
This was followed a short time later by the official
launch of IMCD at The Deck, which is part of the
National Theatre. The launch was attended by a large
number of very senior government officials;
left-behind-parents & family members, and national &
international media.
I was invited to deliver a speech as part of the launch
during which I raised a number of issues including the
enormous range of negative psychological effects
experienced by abducted children; the role of the
international media in helping to find missing children;
shortcomings in The Hague Convention on the Civil
Aspects of International Child Abduction (The Hague
Convention); the need for improved anti-child abduction
legislation in several countries; the gross violation by
abducting parents of the United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Child, & the role of new technologies
in locating missing children.
I also talked about the circumstances surrounding
Andrew's abduction & disappearance, & the international
effort being put into finding him and Melinda.
Immediately after the launch, there was a very high
level of media interest in Andrew by media outlets
including the BBC & Al Jazeera.
It was a very moving experience being with other parents
whose children have been abducted and meeting for the
first time with the many people who are trying to find
them, including representatives of missing children
organisations, senior government officials including the
UK's most senior police officers, and senior staff from
the UK Police Missing Children's Unit.
A highlight of the event for me was meeting six-year-old
Nadia Taylor & her mother Sarah. Nadia was abducted to
Libya by her father when she was four. Her mother fought
all efforts by Nadia's father to stop Nadia being
returned to the UK and to prevent Nadia having any
contact with her mother. Sarah refused to give up & took
the unprecedented measure of enlisting the personal
support of Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi to have Nadia
returned to the UK. Nadia is a wonderful little girl who
sat with me while her mother delivered an address to the
audience. Nadia kept telling me to keep looking for
Andrew because she knows he wants to see his dad.
Despite everything that has happened, Nadia's mother is
doing everything possible to make sure Nadia has every
opportunity to maintain her relationship with her
father. I also had a long talk to
Kate McCann
whose search for her daughter
is unrelenting. We've agreed to stay in touch because we
both share the horrible ordeal of not knowing where our
children are.
I also caught up with two wonderful & determined ladies
I'd been very privileged to meet a couple of days before
the launch. Denise Allan-Hovarth has been searching for
her son Charles who disappeared while holidaying in
Canada 21 years ago. Cathy Phillips has been searching
for her sister (Maria) who disappeared from the southern
part of England 21 years ago as well & her case has just
been reopened by police. Neither of them has given up
searching for their child & sibling.
The list of parents I met at the launch is very
extensive. Sadly, it's a sign of how serious the problem
of International Parental Child Abduction has become.
Everyone agreed that more needs to be done to reduce the
risk of this happening to other kids by addressing the
types of issues I raised in my speech.
My London cycling skills have improved to the extent
that the past four days have seen me cycling more than
200 kilometres in & around Central London (even the bus
drivers & taxi drivers are sharing the bus lanes with me
now!). I cycled to Buckingham Palace on Sunday where
dozens of people from many different countries
approached me to ask about Andrew & to take ?Missing
Andrew? bumper stickers. The same thing happened at the
other tourist icons I cycled to as well.
At the end of the IMCD events, I cycled along the banks
of the Thames River from to Kingston-on-Thames to
prepare for the next stage of the ride, which will take
me from London to Bournemouth in the south of England. |
ken ?? -
Chief Inspector Peter Neyroud
- Sarah Nadia |
??? |
Ken Nadia Sarah |
Ken Thompson
Father of Andrew Mr
Thompson last saw his son on
the 22 April 2008 - two days
before he was abducted.
BBC-25-05-10 |
Ken Thompson
Father of Andrew Mr
Thompson |
Grandmother |
Grandmother Andrew and Father Ken |
Andrew and Father Ken |
Andrew and
Father Ken |
Andrew and
Father Ken |
Andrew and
Father Ken |
Andrew and
Father Ken |
Andrew and
Father Ken |
Andrew and
Father Ken |
Andrews Mother Melinda |
Andrews Mother Melinda |
Andrews Mother Melinda |
Andrews Mother Melinda |
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