The twins both know the person who took
Madeleine has done something very bad.. they just want her
back home |
Madeleine McCann’s four-year-old twin siblings are now slowly
grasping the horror of her abduction, their parents revealed yesterday.
Sean and Amelie were just two when their big sister was snatched
but Kate and Gerry have since gradually explained the grim truth to
It is poignantly clear the youngsters still hold Madeleine close
to their hearts.
Gerry, 41, said: “They talk about her more than Kate and I do.
It’s incredible.
“They don’t ask so many direct questions but as they’re getting
older more of the gaps are being filled in.
“They know Madeleine’s missing, they believe she has been taken
and they know it’s not right that she has been taken. They understand
the person who has taken Madeleine has done something very bad.
“They have asked why she’s been taken and we said, ‘We don’t
know, but obviously they wanted Madeleine’. They know it’s not right and
they want her back.”
Kate, also 41, added: “We made it as light as possible for Sean
and Amelie but in a way they can understand.
“We made it sound like, ‘Even if you really want something you
shouldn’t take it if it belongs to someone else’.”
The kids, who now attend school, are so heartbroken at having
Madeleine ripped out of their lives they have even vowed to attack the
kidnapper when he is caught.
Heart specialist Gerry revealed: “They’re saying, ‘When we find
who took her we will fight them’. That doesn’t come directly from us
saying that.
“Amelie this week was saying, ‘When I find that man I’m going to
do this and that’. I said, ‘No, we will give them to the police and then
we’ll put them in jail’.”
Since Madeleine’s May 2007 abduction in Praia da Luz, Portugal,
her bedroom at the family home in Rothley, Leics, has remained just as
she left it.
It is a bedroom her parents fervently hope she will return to one
day. Kate said: “There are lots more presents and pictures from Sean and
Amelie. She’s an integral part of our life, of our home.”
Meanwhile, they have bravely striven to give the twins happy,
normal childhoods and shield them from the anguish the couple endure.
But the youngsters know there are times their parents’ mask of
calm slips. Kate said: “It’s difficult. I don’t want to be upset in
front of them all the time.
“We have as many happy times as we can, which is what they
deserve. There will be occasions when one or another of us gets upset,
but that’s inevitable.
“Anything can spark that – the most innocent thing. But they know
it’s OK to be sad. They know we’re sad because Madeleine’s not with us.”
She and Gerry believe the twins having each other has helped them
develop into cheerful children. He said: “They’re not sad very often,
and that makes life for us an awful lot easier. They have each other and
I’m sure that has helped them.
“Had this just been one other younger child it would have been
harder. To the casual observer it would look superficially quite normal,
especially when we have the kids. We make sure they get the love and
attention they deserve and Madeleine got.”
The couple refuse to give up hope that Madeleine is alive and
Gerry vowed: “We’re going to do everything in our power to find her and
her abductor.”
The latest step in the search saw the release of an online video
this week showing how she might look aged at six.
Gerry told how the twins were aware of the efforts going on to
find her.
He said: “When I think of Madeleine I think of the little girl
running around the house and on holiday.
“Sean and Amelie do a brilliant job of bringing us back to
reality. They see stickers or wristbands and say, ‘Oh look, that person
is helping us to find Madeleine’.”
Kate admitted she was sometimes fearful about her daughter’s
whereabouts and confessed: “I try to push it out of my mind because it
upsets me and it doesn’t help.”
And she pleaded: “It would be fantastic for Sean and Amelie –
regardless of myself and Gerry – for Madeleine to be back. We’re urging
people to help us. Please don’t give up on Madeleine.” |