A classic
example of misdirection. While everyone
discusses the Jaguar, justice is under
way, silent but certain.
Posted by Laura from Algarve on
If Mr Amaral
sold the car now, to pay for his
defence, he would be arrested for trying
to alienate his assets. People simply
have no idea what they are talking
about! This man bought himself a car
with his own money, which he earned
through honest work. He never lost a
child, he did not neglect or abandon his
daughters, and he is being persecuted
because he wanted to investigate a
crime! Has the world gone mad?! He
should be granted legal aid from the
very same State that failed to defend
him when he was attacked as a
PROFESSIONAL and as a member of a POLICE
FORCE, of course he should be helped
now. And I am absolutely sure that there
is nothing that he wishes more than to
be able to defend himself, and present
his case, in a Court of Law. That day
will come, rest assured. That day will
Posted by Paulo from Lisbon on
Amaral, put them
away. Re open the case, because you know
in your heart exactly who the preps were
in this case. The whole world does.
Children do not go poof into the night.
They do however go Poof from the hands
of those who are supposed to love and
care for them.
Posted by Kat from on 31/10/2009
Muchas personas
creen que pueden, en el nombre de "la
libertad de expresi?", decir lo que les
da la gana y no habr?ninguna
consecuencia. Cada vez que decimos o
hacemos algo, puede provocar una
reacci? en los dem?. No podemos decir
cosas que pueden herir a otras personas
y creer que no habr?consecuencias,
simplemente por la creencia de que es
nuestro derecho a expresarnos. Si
lastimamos o herimos a otros ya sea con
nuestros dichos o nuestras acciones,
tarde o temprano nos enfrentaremos a las
consecuencias. Es hora de que el Sr.
Amaral responda por lo que ha dicho.
Posted by Anna from Other.. on
This newspaper
lost it's credibility of reporting
anything about the McCann Case a long
time ago. The Jag information is
completely wrong - the jag's value is
estimated at 70.000 euros new at the
stand, Amaral's jag was bought in second
hand. Maybe Mr. Paul Luckman should
inform his journalists to not copy the
Expresso newspaper.
Posted by Joana from Lisbon on
Is it normal in
Portugal for legal aid to be granted to
someone who owns a 70,000 euro Jaguar?
Posted by Chinagirl from Other.. on
If he still has
the Jaguar, then I'm sure he can afford
the 5000 Euros to defned the action. Why
on earth this man should need legal aid
anyway is a total mystery.
Posted by Mildred from UK on
Mr Amaral has
NEVER sugested "they might have been
involved in the death of their
daughter". If you are just repeating the
McCanns' baseless accusations, then you
do your readers a bad service. If you
are making this up just because you need
to show your support for the McCanns,
you are still doing your readers a bad
service. Either way, you do your readers
a bad service by omitting that Dr Amaral
has appealed the Lisbon Court's
injunctions against him. And finally,
maybe you would like to check your news:
the Jaguar was in Portimao, in Dr
Amaral's hands, as recently as yesterday
Posted by Sofia from Algarve on