It is understood Oprah, 54, would be willing to
break the bank for a cosy chat with Kate and Gerry.
Up to now the
couple have resisted offers to appear on celebrity
chatshows but they are considering Oprah after the
fund set up to find Madeleine plunged to £500,000 –
less than half the original amount donated by the
Along with
private eyes’ bills, the cash has been spent on
poster and advertising campaigns appealing for
information about Madeleine and running an website.
The McCanns,
who still haven’t been officially cleared, sparked
controversy when they dipped into the fund twice
last year to fund mortgage payments on their home
Oprah |
Rothley, Leics.
The couple’s
spokes-man Clarence Mitchell has admitted the couple
need to top it up to maintain the hunt for their
five-year-old daughter.
Earlier this
week police agreed to let the McCanns, both 40, see
81 witness statements taken after Madeleine vanished
from their holiday apartment in Praia da Luz,
Portugal, in May 2007.