On 08 April 2009, the official
findmadeleine.com website was revamped and Gerry's blogs were removed.
Messages from the
McCanns were subsequently transmitted by means of 'Updates' - essentially press releases, rather than in the form
of a traditional 'blog'.
This page contains the increasingly rare updates, through 2011 to 2014, and a
selection of postings from the Official Find Madeleine Facebook page.
Official Find Madeleine Campaign Facebook
Page Rules of the Road, 18 October 2013
Rules of the Road Official Find Madeleine Campaign Facebook Page
This page includes rules and guidelines for posting
on our Facebook page. This is our page and we ultimately have the say on the content and tone. We do not ban on a whim, but
anyone criticising Madeleine or her family in any way, will be banned. This is not a place for you to post your negative opinions
about the McCann family. We are not a debate page or a place to analyse the investigation. This is a support and information
page for Madeleine's family and the Official Find Madeleine Campaign (findmadeleine.com). If you feel these rules
are something you cannot abide by, please unlike the page.- Posts should be on topic and relate to the post
by the campaign. Sometimes we delete a post due to the content and subsequent replies get deleted too. If your post is deleted,
please do not take it as you have said anything wrong on the page. Your reply just may have been deleted as a result of a
comment you were replying to. We try to keep the page flowing and positive.
- We
don't care what you think about leaving children alone. It's been six years, let it go already! Posting your perfect
parent advice will be deleted and you will be banned.
- Do not post YouTube videos on our page.
We ask this because many of the videos are questionable and may even have copyrighted material in them.
- You
are not to post spam, sell anything or do any sort of recruiting on our page.
- Do not post sensitive information.
If you are unsure whether something is sensitive or infringes on someone's privacy, please Email Webmaster@findmadeleine.com.
We will answer your questions as quickly as possible.
- Do not ask questions about the investigation. We
will not post investigation information on an open page.
- Do not use obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy,
or excessively violent language.
- Do not harass, insult, taunt, provoke, demean, or personally attack other
people on the page, Be friendly even if others are not.
- If you observe someone breaking a rule, or behaving
in an otherwise questionable fashion, please Email us at Webmaster@findmadeleine.com. Do not try to deal with them yourself.
- PLEASE do not feed trolls. Trolls feed on havoc and causing chaos. If we do not feed them,
they will starve for attention and hopefully spread their hate someplace else.
- Let's keep the page
- WE have the final say on everything on our page. That includes modifying,
interpreting, and enforcing these rules.
A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for supporting Gerry,
Kate, Sean, Amelie and most of all, Madeleine. Let's get her home!
Official Find Madeleine Campaign: Mobile
upload No.1, 24 November 2013

Sunday, 24 November 2013 at 04:00
Never lose hope! Madeleine will be found!
Official Find Madeleine Campaign: Mobile
upload No.2, 01 December 2013

Sunday, 1 December 2013 at 03:15
Don't forget about Madeleine. Please share.
Find Madeleine webmaster under instruction
not to remove discredited Jane Tanner sighting from the official website, 07 December 2013
Find Madeleine webmaster under instruction not to remove
discredited Jane Tanner sighting from the official website Twitter
Official Find Madeleine Campaign: Statement
on unavailability of online store, 07 December 2013
[Text version of above]
7 December 2013 at 15:58
We've had questions regarding our online store being unavailable and when will
it be available again. Google Checkout was retired on 21 November. Because Google Checkout is no longer available, we are
redesigning our online store with another merchant system. I'm finishing the design/setup and will have the online store
available soon. Thank you for your patience while we make this change.
If you have any questions, please Email
me at Webmaster@findmadeleine.com. ~FM Webmaster
On 20 May 2013,
Google announced that Google Checkout would be retiring in 6 months time. Merchants were advised they could continue to accept
payments up to that date, 20 November 2013, whilst they sourced and implemented an alternative payment system.
did not offer a replacement product but stated that they were 'partnered with three premier players in the payments industry
to offer alternatives for your eCommerce needs'.
Payment processing was offered through Braintree Payments,
who, according to their website, are prepared to offer Google Checkout Merchants 'a lifetime discounted price' and
are able to integrate their payment system in an hour.
An update to Google Checkout for merchants Google Commerce
20 May 2013
Where hope grows, miracles blossom.
- Elna Rae, 11 December 2013

Wednesday, 11 December 2013
at 00:03
Official Find Madeleine Campaign: Mobile
upload No.3, 15 December 2013

Sunday, 15 December 2013 at
Please keep looking for Madeleine.
Updates, 18 December 2013
Christmas 2013
year seems to have passed
particularly quickly - a sign
undoubtedly of a very busy year.
It would still be a comfort if
we could slow time just a
little. Thankfully however there
have been some very positive
aspects with regards to
Madeleine. The Metropolitan
police review becoming an
investigation and more recently,
the reopening of the case in
Portugal. We are incredibly
relieved and buoyed by these
developments and continue to
hope for further collaboration
in the near future with the
possibility of a JIT (joint
investigation team) between
Portugal and the UK to enhance
the search for our dear
Once again
we would like to thank all our
supporters for their commitment
to Madeleine and their ongoing
support of our efforts. Please
spare a thought and prayer for
all families similar to ours who
will be unable to share this
Christmas with a special loved
We wish you a
wonderful Christmas and a happy
and peaceful 2014.
Kate xx
The Find Madeleine website, 19 December 2013
1) The e-fits, created in conjunction with the Smith family,
which DCI Andy Redwood described as being of 'vital importance' to the investigation - and which were suppressed for
five years, under the threat of legal action by the McCanns - were removed from the site, after just 2 months, to be replaced
by a snowflake Christmas tree and a seasonal message from Kate (see above).
[Update: The Christmas message
was removed and the e-fits returned to the front page on 06 January 2014]

2) The alleged sighting by Jane Tanner, which was summarily
dismissed by DCI Redwood and his investigation team during the Crimewatch programme is still being promoted by the
site. Two images of the man - one from a sketch of Jane Tanner's description and the other from the documentary Madeleine
Was Here - are shown but no image appears for the man seen by the Smith family.
[Update: On 21 January 2014,
the McCanns cast doubt on the SY investigation team by indicating on their Find Madeleine website that 'it is not possible
to be certain that these two men are actually the same person'. i.e. The man allegedly seen by Jane Tanner and the man
identified by SY as being that man.]

3) The Google Checkout button, used previously for donations,
remains on the site, even though Google Checkout ceased to exist from 21 November 2013. The new payment provider recommended
by Google state on their site that they can integrate their payment system in an hour, or in under half an hour for a competent
website developer. Google gave 6 months notice of the change.
[Update: New online store launched on 09 January
2014 with PayPal]
Official Find Madeleine Campaign: Mobile
upload No.4, 01 January 2014

Wednesday, 1 January 2014 at
Happy new year! Thank you for continuing to by our side and giving us hope. Here's to 2014 and
Madeleine coming home. ~FM Webmaster
Find Madeleine Online Store relaunched,
09 January 2014

Text version of above
9 January 2014, at 23:10
We have relaunched our online store. Here you will be able to purchase holiday
packs, t-shirts or make a donation.
If you have any questions or issues with the store, please Email me at Webmaster@findmadeleine.com.
to the Find Madeleine Online Store shop.findmadeleine.com
The new standalone online store contains a 'sign in'
facility, which the site claims 'helps us make your shopping experience easier':
The online store also remains accessible through the official
Find Madeleine site:.
Online Store findmadeleine.com
Official Find Madeleine Campaign: 'The
Angel Of Hope', 19 January 2014
Sunday, 19 January 2014 at 20:43
The Angel Of Hope
I felt the flurry of wings stir the air Within the darkness
a light glimmered And hope was born
Official Find Madeleine Campaign: 'Don't
lose hope', 24 January 2014
Friday, 24 January
2014 at 23:49
Still hoping, still looking.
lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.
- unknown -
Official Find Madeleine Campaign: 'Life
is an echo...', 08 March 2014
Saturday, 8 March 2014 at
Thank you for continuing to show us love and support. Most of all for caring so much about Madeleine.
~FM Webmaster
Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you.
~ Zig Ziglar
Official Find Madeleine Campaign: 'keep
on hoping', 02 April 2014
Wednesday, 2 April 2014 at 00:50
Thank you for your support. We will never stop looking for Madeleine.
keep on hoping
Official Find Madeleine Campaign: 'Never
lose hope', 20 April 2014
Sunday, 20 April 2014 at
Even after almost seven years, we still have hope. We are continuously grateful for your love and
support. We will never give-up until Madeleine is home.
~FM Webmaster
Hope is a wonderful thing, something to be cherished and nurtured, and something that will refresh us in return. And it can be found
in each of us, and it can bring light into the darkest of places. Never lose hope.
Official Find Madeleine Campaign new
cover photo, 04 May 2014

Sunday, 4 May 2014 at 01:07
Banner after amendment:

[Text version of above]
Sunday, 4 May 2014 at 01:42
Official Find Madeleine Campaign Kate asked
me to change the wording in the Facebook cover; so as to thank everyone for continuing to look for Madeleine. If you shared
the other one I put up earlier today, please share this one instead. Thank you for holding Madeleine in your heart and reminding
people that she still needs to be reunited with her family.
~FM Webmaster
Gerry and Kate McCann: Media interference,
07 May 2014
[Text version of above]
7th of May
2014 - Media Interference
Wednesday, 7 May 2014 at 21:58
We are dismayed with the way the media has behaved over the last couple of days in relation to our daughter's case.
There is an on-going, already challenging, police investigation taking place and media interference in this way not only makes
the work of the police more difficult, it can potentially damage and destroy the investigation altogether – and hence
the chances of us finding Madeleine and discovering what has happened to her. As Madeleine's parents, this just compounds
our distress. We urge the media to let the police get on with their work and please show some respect and consideration to
Madeleine and all our family.
Thank you.
Gerry and Kate
Official Find Madeleine Campaign new
cover photo, 12 May 2014

[Text version of above]
Monday, 12 May 2014 at 02:14
Happy 11th birthday, Madeleine!
We love you and we're waiting for you and we're never going to give up.
Message from the McCanns, 05 June 2014
Message from the McCanns Official Find Madeleine Campaign - Facebook
[Text versions of screenshots above]
Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 15:02
We would like to ask people to refrain from spreading rumours
and speculation based on inaccurate press reporting. We are kept updated on the on-going work in Portugal and are encouraged
by the progress.
Thank you for continuing to stand by us and supporting our efforts to get Madeleine home.
Gerry and Kate
Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 17:23
those commenting on why Gerry and Kate are not in Portugal, it's because they were asked to not go there. Please let the
police do their job.
And anyone posting their sanctimonious comments about leaving children alone will be banned.
No questions asked. We've heard it all before. ENOUGH with the judging.
~FM Webmaster
Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 23:56
Roger, you are right, but I needed to clear
that up. We take all guidance from the Met. People who question what Gerry and Kate do and don't do, need to realise we
get guidance from the investigation team--especially when Gerry and Kate's actions could impact the investigation (i.e.
being in Portugal at the same time the investigation team are looking for clues). ~FM Webmaster
11 June, 2014 - Statement from Gerry
and Kate, 12 June 2014
Although dated 11 June 2014,
this statement from the McCanns appeared online on 12 June 2014 - both on the Official Find Madeleine Campaign Facebook page
and the official Find Madeleine website.
They appear to have got themselves mixed up with the number of days
Scotland Yard have been searching for their daughter. Initially, they plumped for 'significant activity has taken place...over
the last 10 days' - which is actually correct, given the statement was published on 12 June (work started 02 June).
They then decided to edit it to 'significant activity has taken place...over the last 8 days' - possibly
as a consequence of reading the update statement from Operation Grange. However, what the Met referred to was 'an eight
day period of work' (this being 02-08 June + 11 June) taking place within a 10 day period of time, not work over
the last eight days.
Original version, with '10 days':
Official Find Madeleine Campaign
Thursday, 12 June 2014
at 12:05
11 June, 2014 - Statement from Gerry and Kate
We are very pleased that significant
activity has taken place in Praia da Luz over the last 10 days with police officers and support teams from the UK working
closely with the Policia Judicial and the Guarda Nacional Republicana. We are further encouraged that, despite the intensive
searches, no trace of Madeleine has been found and this reinforces our belief that she could still be alive. As parents of
a missing child, we have always wanted all reasonable lines of enquiry to be followed and it is gratifying to know that a
substantial amount of work will take place over the coming months with close cooperation of the British and Portuguese authorities.
We would like to thank all those involved for their efforts and the members of the public who have come forward with information.
Gerry and Kate
Edited version, with '8
Official Find Madeleine Campaign
12 June 2014 at 12:38
11 June, 2014 - Statement from Gerry and Kate
We are very pleased that
significant activity has taken place in Praia da Luz over the last 8 days with police officers and support teams from
the UK working closely with the Policia Judicial and the Guarda Nacional Republicana. We are further encouraged that, despite
the intensive searches, no trace of Madeleine has been found and this reinforces our belief that she could still be alive.
As parents of a missing child, we have always wanted all reasonable lines of enquiry to be followed and it is gratifying to
know that a substantial amount of work will take place over the coming months with close cooperation of the British and Portuguese
authorities. We would like to thank all those involved for their efforts and the members of the public who have come forward
with information.
Gerry and Kate
Official Find Madeleine Campaign new
cover photo, 11 July 2014

[Text version of above]
Sunday, 11 July 2014 at 19:59
We love you and we're waiting for you and we're
never going to give up.