Day 2562
Thursday 08 May 2014 |
Tuesday 10 June 2014 |
No Update |
Wednesday 07 May 2014 |
DAY 2561 |
7th of May, 2014
We are devastated with the way the
media has behaved over the last couple of days in
relation to our daughter’s case. |
7th of May 2014 - Media Interference
We are dismayed with the way the media has behaved
over the last couple of days in relation to our daughter’s case.
There is an on-going, already challenging, police investigation
taking place and media interference in this way not only makes
the work of the police more difficult, it can potentially damage
and destroy the investigation altogether – and hence the chances
of us finding Madeleine and discovering what has happened to
her. As Madeleine’s parents, this just compounds our distress.
We urge the media to let the police get on with their work and
please show some respect and consideration to Madeleine and all
our family.
Thank you.
Gerry and Kate |
Day 2557
Saturday 03 May 2014 |
TO |
Day 2560
Tuesday 06 May 2014 |
No Update |
DAY 2556 |
3rd May
2014 - Seventh Anniversary Since Madeleine’s Abduction
years without our daughter, seven years without a big sister for
Sean and Amelie. Sometimes we feel totally stuck for words. A
lot of the time there are no words. Our situation seems as
unbelievable as it did that very first night without Madeleine.
Whenever I
find myself becoming paralysed with disbelief, unease,
frustration or sadness, I have to refocus my mind on the
positives, of which there are many.
Metropolitan Police force continue to make encouraging progress
in their investigation with new evidence being uncovered, fresh
information coming in to the inquiry following appeals and
subsequently, links being made between people and events. We are
hugely grateful to the general public for continuing to support
the investigation, especially those who have found the courage
to come forward with information despite difficult
circumstances. Whilst the MPS are cautiously optimistic of
beginning enquiries on the ground in Portugal in the near
future, we really hope that this will turn into a concerted
effort from the Portuguese authorities as we know there is still
a lot to do. Working together is key to the progress of the
investigation and a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) could provide
a more streamlined way of working with less bureaucracy. It may
be seven years since we last saw Madeleine but the passing of
further weeks and months as a result of unnecessary delays and
barriers are not only frustrating, they are incredibly
distressing. Each day without Madeleine and each day of not
knowing is another day too many, regardless of how much time has
already gone by.
May is an
important month for all missing children and their families
worldwide with May 25th being International Missing Children’s
Day. This May is particularly special in the UK as a new
enhanced Child Rescue Alert (CRA) system (to help find abducted
and missing children in serious danger) is to be launched by the
charity Missing People and the National Crime Agency. This
system (based on the highly effective
‘Amber Alert’ in the USA)
I believe, will help to save the lives of abducted children and
ease the suffering faced by their families. It’s a very exciting
step forward.
the whole month, the charity Missing People are running a
‘Forget-Me-Not’ campaign with several different ways for the
public to get involved to help find missing children. One really
important and simple way you can get on board is by signing up
to the Child Rescue Alert. By registering, you will receive an
alert with relevant information, by text or email, when a child
is abducted in your area. This way you can join the search
immediately and play a vital role in helping to find a child in
danger. Please take a minute to visit
and sign up today. There are several other ways to help too –
Take a look on
It goes
without saying, but needs to be said….We are grateful beyond
words for the continued and unwavering commitment, help and love
from all our faithful supporters. Thank you SO much for keeping
Madeleine in your hearts.
Day 2456
Wednesday 22 January 2014 |
TO |
Day 2555
Thursday 01 May 2014 |
No Update |
Unidentified People of Interest to the Inquiry Update |
2455 |
Contact Us
Have you seen
these men? Do you know who they might be?
These two
pictures show a man carrying a child away from the family's
apartment. This sighting was seen by a witness at 21:15 on the
evening of Thursday, May 3rd, 2007.
Based or more
recent information, the Metropolitan Police now believe this man
may represent a guest at the Ocean Club who was carrying his
daughter back to their apartment. However as it is not possible
to be certain that these two men are actually the same person,
if you have seen this man in the pictures or suspect who it may
be, please contact the Metropolitan Police's OPERATION GRANGE on
0207 321 9251 (0044 207 321 9251 from outside the UK) or and/or the Find Madeleine
team on +44 845 838 4699 or
The picture
shows a man that was seen several times by different witnesses
during the days leading up to Madeleine's abduction on May 3rd
2007. He was described as ugly with pock-marked skin and was
said to be watching the family's apartment intently.
If either of
these men appear familiar to you in some way, please contact our
investigation team as soon as possible. |
Day 2445
Saturday 11 January 2014 |
TO |
Day 2454
Monday 20 January 2014 |
No Update |
Friday 10 January 2014 |
You can
access our online store via direct link at:
or below.
Welcome to
the Find Madeleine Online Store
there are many cases of abducted children being found and
returned to their families - even after long periods of time.
The vital piece of information that leads to a happy and
longed-for reunion is usually thanks to a caring and vigilant
member of the general public, often recognising a face from a
poster. |
Day 2441
Tuesday 07 January 2014 |
TO |
Day 2443
Thursday 09 January 2014 |
No Update |
06 January 2014 Entry page changed back to suspects
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Day 2422
Thursday 19 December 2013 |
TO |
Day 2439
Sunday 05 January 2014 |
No Update |
Wednesday 18 December 2013 |
18 December 2013 Wednesday Entry
page and update
This year
seems to have passed particularly quickly - a sign undoubtedly
of a very busy year. It would still be a comfort if we could
slow time just a little. Thankfully however there have been some
very positive aspects with regards to Madeleine. The
Metropolitan police review becoming an investigation and more
recently, the reopening of the case in Portugal. We are
incredibly relieved and buoyed by these developments and
continue to hope for further collaboration in the near future
with the possibility of a JIT (joint investigation team) between
Portugal and the UK to enhance the search for our dear daughter.
Once again we
would like to thank all our supporters for their commitment to
Madeleine and their ongoing support of our efforts. Please spare
a thought and prayer for all families similar to ours who will
be unable to share this Christmas with a special loved one.
We wish you a
wonderful Christmas and a happy and peaceful 2014.
Kate xx |
Day 2367:
Friday 25 October 2013 |
TO |
Day 2420:
Tuesday 17 December 2013 |
No Update |
16 November 2013
The online store and the PayPal donation button been removed from
Find Madeleine site. today 16 November 2013
See day 2178 |
Thursday, 24 October, 2013 |
2366 |
Thursday, 24 October 2013
We are very pleased that the investigation to find our missing
daughter Madeleine has officially been reopened in Portugal. We
hope that this will finally lead to her being found and the
discovery of who is responsible for this crime.
We once again urge any member of the public who may have
information relating to Madeleine's abduction to contact the
police in Portugal or the UK.
Please be patient and respect the work of the police as they
endeavour to find the answers we so desperately need. In
particular, we request that the media consider carefully
Madeleine’s safety and the integrity of the investigation in
their reporting.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Gerry and Kate
Gerry and Kate will not be giving any comments regarding
the progress of the investigation unless there is a significant
breakthrough. |
Day 2358:
Wednesday 16 October 2013 |
TO |
Day 2365:
23 October 2013 Wednesday |
No Update |
Tuesday, 15 October, 2013 |
Suspect efit:
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Image 4B |
Home Page
Are any of these men you?
Were you in Praia da Luz on or around 3rd May 2007, but
have not yet spoken to the police?
Were you a victim of a previously unreported crime, in
particular a burglary or approached by a charity
collector in this area?
The investigation team need to identify and speak to
these people. Please contact the Operation Grange team
Operation Grange
0207 321 9251 (in the UK)
+44 207 321 9251 (non-UK)
or |
to |
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Day 2193:
Friday 03 May 2013 |
TO |
Day 2356:
Wednesday 14 October 2013 |
No Update |
Thursday, 02 May, 2013 |
DAY 2192 |
Thursday, 2 May, 2013
SIX YEARS. I don't think we are the only ones who find this
hard to believe.
It's difficult to know what to write as each year passes, still
without news of Madeleine. In many ways, nothing's changed. We
still worry about her, we miss her as much as we ever did, we
remain as determined as ever to find her and to know what has
The one thing that has progressed significantly over the last year
is the work of the Metropolitan Police. We remain greatly
encouraged by their work and the many things they have managed
to uncover so far. Their commitment and increasing determination
parallels our own and brings us great comfort and reassurance.
We continue to hope and pray that the Met working with the
Portuguese Authorities will lead to a significant breakthrough.
We need to find Madeleine and bring some peace to our family.
In the early days, Gerry remarked that we weren't sure whether this
journey would be a sprint or a marathon. It's been much, much
more than a marathon (I'm qualified to say that now!) We really
appreciate how lucky we have been to be surrounded by such
fabulous support for so long. Thank you to all our supporters
for being there alongside us and for never forgetting about
Madeleine. We're here for the long haul, for as long as it
takes. Thank you for being there too.
And finally, a special 'thank you' to everybody who sponsored me to
run the London marathon recently. Your kind donations, which
have now amounted to more than £21,000 (fantastic!) will allow
the charity, Missing People, to continue the search for many
missing children and vulnerable adults, as well as provide
essential support for their families. Your compassion and
generosity will help to ease the suffering of many people. Thank
Kate |
Day 2179:
Saturday 20 April 2013 |
TO |
Day 2191:
Wednesday 01 May 2013 |
No Update |
On line shop update |
Day 2060:
22 December 2012 Saturday |
TO |
Day 2177:
18 April 2013
Friday |
No Update |
Friday, 21 December, 2012 |
2059 |
As we approach the end of another year, we’d like to thank everyone
again for their amazing support.
It is both heart-warming and reassuring to know that after all
this time Madeleine still remains in so many people’s hearts and
This solidarity and commitment gives us great hope. Thank you.
The Metropolitan Police Review of all the material in the inquiry
has been underway for over eighteen months.
We have been really impressed and greatly encouraged by the work
which has been done and its findings to date which are revealing
there are definitely many stones yet to turn. We continue to
wait and hope that the Portuguese authorities will agree to
reopen the case so that the many lines of enquiry can be
investigated. As Madeleine’s parents, we won’t be able to rest
until we know that all that can be feasibly done to find her,
and the person who took her, has been done.
In the meantime, we will continue to do all that we can to aid the
search for our daughter and assist the Review process.
This year, Madeleine’s Fund has paid for:
1. A 24 hour, 7 day a week telephone line to receive and capture
information from around the world which may assist the
2. A small investigation team, including a Portuguese speaker to
help with the above and with campaign activities.
Since March 2012 independent ‘physical’ investigation of lines of
enquiry by our team has been put on hold whilst the Metropolitan
Police Service (MPS) Review progresses. This has been to avoid
duplication (and thereby unnecessary expenditure) and to prevent
the risk of compromising any work, albeit unintentionally,
carried out by the MPS. The private investigation team employed
by the Fund continue to cooperate and work with the Metropolitan
Police as and when necessary.
3. Part-time administrative support to aid the investigation and
campaign to find Madeleine (campaign coordinator and media
4. The awareness-raising campaign to ensure that Madeleine is not
forgotten and to encourage the general public to remain
vigilant. This has included the running of the Find Madeleine
5. Assistance from a specialist Portuguese communications agency to
ensure that our message is communicated as widely and accurately
as possible in Portugal, where support and help to find
Madeleine is especially needed.
We are very aware that without public help it will be virtually
impossible to find Madeleine. It would have been incredibly
difficult for us to have maintained a search for her this long
without such support, including donations to the Fund. Due to
the sales of my book, ‘Madeleine’, the financial position of the
Fund has significantly improved from a year and a half ago so we
would like to reiterate our gratitude to everybody who bought
the book. This has helped the search in more ways than one.
Whilst fund expenditure has decreased over the past six months
(due to a reduction in investigation spending as outlined in
point 2) the Directors feel it is important that the fund
maintains reasonable reserves so that the search for Madeleine
can be resumed quickly should the MPS review not lead to a
reopening of the case in Portugal. We desperately hope of course
that the official investigation to find Madeleine will be
reopened – and soon – as we still believe this is probably our
best chance of finding our little girl.
Despite becoming stronger in ourselves and being able to create as
special a Christmas as possible for our children, this time of
year will never be as it should without Madeleine. Whilst Gerry
and I think it constantly, Sean and Amelie now vocalise it,
especially when doing something really nice like putting up the
decorations….”If only Madeleine was here too…”
If you know what has happened to Madeleine, or where she might
be now, please, please do the right thing: Find the compassion
and courage and let us know. Thank you.
This past weekend we sat and opened the many, many Christmas cards
which have been sent to us, at what is now our sixth Christmas
without Madeleine. The majority were from people we have never
met. It was once again a very humbling yet totally uplifting
experience. We are deeply touched by the thoughtfulness and
compassion which we continue to experience and for the love and
hope which shine through for Madeleine. Thank you so much. It
means such a lot - and helps us immensely.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of our supporters. We wish you a festive
period full of laughter, warmth and friendship – and hope for a
special 2013.
Kate |
Day 2038:
30 November 2012 Friday |
TO |
Day 2058:
20 December 2012 Thursday |
No Update |