Madeleine - Age Progression image, published 01 May 2009 |
"I think some paedophile or some other swine has taken Madeleine."
- Gerry McCann, on the phone to his brother John, in 'What happened to little
Madeleine?' Dateline NBC, broadcast 02 March 2008
"I bet she's giving whoever she's with her tuppence worth."
- Kate McCann, Women's Own magazine, 13 August 2007
Madeleine eight months on: FBI expert shows how missing 4-year-old may look now, 14 January

Madeleine eight months on: FBI expert shows how missing 4-year-old may look now Daily Mail
Last updated at 14:23 14 January 2008
A haunting picture of Madeleine McCann as she might look today should be used in the hunt to find the four-year-old,
a former police chief said yesterday.
State-of-the-art "age advancement" digital techniques were used by an FBI expert to create the image, which shows how
Madeleine might have changed over the eight months since she disappeared.
Former assistant chief constable John Stalker called for the picture to be used in the search to find the missing child.
He told The People newspaper, which commissioned the image: "This shows the little girl we should now be looking for.
"My first thought when I saw the image was 'Who is this little stranger?'
"It was only after looking closer that I realised it was her - and that is why this image is needed so badly because
many people could have walked straight past her."
New York Police Department forensic artist Stephen Mancusi who also advises the FBI, altered a photograph of Madeleine
to show how she might look after eight months in the hands of an abductor.
Her blonde hair has been cut and dyed, her face looks strained and haggard and her cheeky smile has gone. But the distinctive
fleck in her right eye - the so-called 'mark of Madeleine' - remains.
The techniques are usually used in the case of children who have been missing for several years and even grown into adulthood.
But Mr Mancusi, whose digital reconstructions have helped to catch murderers, rapists and paedophiles, said Madeleine
could already look dramatically different.
He said: "This tragic ordeal would have taken her brightness away. Now that eight months have passed, I think that sunny
little girl illustrated in so many of her pictures would have faded.
"She most likely will look tired and possibly unkempt. Since her image has been so publicised around the world, the suspects
would want to hide Madeleine as much as possible.
"Changing her image would be the first priority and with the passage of time - even less than a year - she could look
like a complete stranger."
Mr Stalker added: "What makes it so realistic and tragic is that you can almost see the sorrow in the face - the pain
of being away from her mum and dad for over eight months. We are looking for a new Madeleine."

Madeleine as she would look with short hair

Maddie: The face of 2009 Daily Star Sunday (Note: picture and article appear in paper edition only)
Experts reveal how missing McCann girl could look now

Click image to enlarge |
by MIKE PARKER in Los Angeles
January 4, 2009
How FBI artists see Madeleine, aged 6, 19 April 2009

Sunday Express, 19 April 2009 |

How FBI artists see Madeleine, aged 6

Is this the face of Maddie? Sunday Express, 19 April 2009 (Thanks to 'MaryPoppins2' for scan) |

From Mike Parker in Los Angeles
Sunday, 19 April 2009
THE hair is longer, the face less "puppy fat" chubby and the mouth and nose slightly wider
but those innocent wide eyes are unmistakable.
This is how experts believe Madeleine McCann might look today, almost two years after she went missing.
This remarkable image was created for the Sunday Express by forensic computer specialist Jovey Mae Hayes, using techniques
she has employed in scores of kidnapping and missing persons cases for the FBI and police in America.
Madeleine vanished on Thursday, May 3, 2007, just days before her fourth birthday, while on a family holiday in Praia
da Luz, Portugal. Her appearance would have altered significantly, with a two-year growth spurt, according to Ms Hayes.
Her Michigan-based company Age Progression spent hours studying the "missing poster" of Madeleine as well as photos of
her parents Kate and Gerry to create the image.
The McCanns are to appear on a one-hour television special in the US with Oprah Winfrey, whose team is getting its own
image from the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in Washington DC.
Commenting on Madeleine's striking resemblance to her mother, Ms Hayes said: "That resemblance will almost certainly
grow stronger as she gets older.
"She has her mother's cheeks and chin. She is at an age where the structure of her face is discernibly changing. This
will give it a slightly longer appearance, with less of the chubbiness of two years ago. Her cheeks and mouth will, however,
look fuller, with teeth coming through.
"Her nose, also, will appear wider. The cartilage growing will possibly make her slightly 'gummier'.
"Her hair, if allowed to grow naturally, would be very noticeably longer. This would make her face appear even longer
and possibly contribute to the illusion hat her eyes are smaller.
"There is a slight two-tone pigmentation in her right eye, which, from her photo, looks blue/brown. Sometimes this pigmentation
issue can vanish with age but some people, like singer David Bowie for example, retain it all their lives."
Many kidnappers try to alter the victims' appearance during the intense early days of a search. In Madeleine's case,
the most logical step would have been to cut short her long blonde hair and dye it dark. But after all this time the kidnapper
may feel safe enough now to allow her a natural look.
Today's Sunday Express image will be followed by Oprah unveiling fresh clues during her TV special. New leads unearthed
in Portuguese police files will be revealed during the McCanns interview. The new clues were found by lawyers who spent
eight months sifting through volumes of legal documents.
Heart specialist Gerry, 40,and GP Kate 41, will be interviewed by Oprah in front of a studio audience. Footage of the
McCanns at home in Rothley, Leicestershire, with Sean and Amelie, who bears a striking resemblance to her sister at the same
age, will also be shown.
Kate and Gerry are not being paid for the interview.
A separate reconstruction of Madeleine's disappearance will be shown on Channel 4 on May 7.
Ms Hayes said she created her image of Maddie with an enigmatic hint of a smile, adding: "Even in the worst possible
circumstances, it would be impossible to imagine that her life today is totally bereft of even slight happiness.
"This, at least, may be of some comfort to her loved ones."
Face of Maddie two years on, 20 April 2009

By Josh Layton
20th April 2009
THIS is how missing Madeleine McCann may look today – two years after she went missing.
The picture was created by experts used CSI-style forensic wizardry.
A growth spurt would have left Maddie, who vanished in a Portuguese holiday resort aged three, with less puppy fat and
a wider mouth and nose – but with the same innocent eyes.
Forensic computer specialist Jovey Mae Hayes employed cutting-edge techniques used in FBI missing person cases.
Her Michigan-based company Age Progression spent hours studying pictures of Maddie and her parents.
Talking about Maddie's resemblance to mum Kate, 41, Miss Hayes said: "That resemblance will almost certainly grow stronger
as she gets older.
"She has her mother's cheeks and chin. She is at an age where the structure of
her face is discernibly changing.
"This will give it a slightly longer appearance, with less of the chubbiness of two years ago.
"Her cheeks and mouth will, however, look fuller, with teeth coming through."
Miss Hayes, who has worked on scores of missing person cases, kept in distinctive details, including the pigmentation
in Madeleine's right eye.
She said: "Sometimes this pigmentation issue can vanish with age, but some people, like singer David Bowie for example,
retain it all their lives."
Madeleine vanished in Praia da Luz on May 3, 2007, a few days before her fourth birthday.
Her parents Gerry, 40, and Kate, will appear in a one-hour special on the Oprah Winfrey show.
Oprah, 55, will interview the couple in front of an audience and footage of them
at home with their twins will also be shown.
The appearance, which they are not being paid for, will fall on the second anniversary of Maddie’s disappearance.
A separate reconstruction of known events will be shown by Channel 4 on May 7.
Miss Hayes said that any kidnapper would want to change Maddie's appearance in order to avoid attention.
But as time went the culprit might feel safe enough to let her grow her blonde hair.
She said: "Her hair, if allowed to grow naturally, would be very noticeably longer."
Oprah has ordered her own updated image from the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in Washington DC.
The McCann's spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "Kate and Gerry see the show as a very important platform to reach a global
"Oprah has a high profile and reach and they felt that it was important to appear.
"They hope it will lead to crucial information that will bring their daughter home."
The version of a free Madeleine, 20 April 2009
The version of a free Madeleine 24horas

An American expert drew a 6-year-old Maddie, but looking like an older girl. And looking
very good.
by Duarte Levy
20 April 2009
Thanks to Astro for translation
An American expert that was hired by newspaper "Sunday Express" has also drawn a portrait of how Madeleine McCann may
look today, if she is alive, obviously. Jovey Mae Hayes worked on the photo that is shown above and transformed it, based
on the assumption that Maddie didn't spend the last two years in captivity, but rather enjoying a normal life.
The child that is portrayed in the image is 6 years old and displays longer hair, a less chubby face and a slightly wider
mouth and nose.
The head of a firm that works for the general public – also on the internet – where anyone can order this
type of image for less than 80 euros, Jovey Mae Hayes has created, for the second time, an image of Maddie, which has been
very well received by the little girl's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann. In January this year, alleging once more to use the
same procedures as the famous FBI, Hayes had already published another image of Maddie in the "Daily Star Sunday", slightly
different but always smiling.
According to a source that is close to the McCann couple, this is not the image of Maddie that is to be revealed during
the interview for American television where Kate and Gerry will be interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, on the 3rd of May.
Contested interview
The announcement of Kate and Gerry McCann's interview with the most powerful woman on American television is already
prompting reactions in England: an independent organisation that reunites British citizens who campaign for the reopening
of the inquiry into the disappearance of Maddie – "The Madeleine Foundation" – has already written to Oprah Winfrey,
suggesting that she might seize the opportunity to ask Kate and Gerry some of the questions that they refused to answer during
the investigation.
English forensics artist did the experiment one year ago
"This tragic story can only have taken all her shine away"

by Joaquim Eduardo Oliveira
20 April 2009
Thanks to Astro for translation
The mere challenge or the media exposure
that was "bestowed" on the case of Maddie's disappearance have captivated the forensics arts experts since the beginning.
That was the case of Stephen Mancusi, the author of a digital image of Madeleine McCann, which was even praised by a senior
English police officer.
Based on one of the child's most famous
images, Mancusi took a change and advanced an image of the little girl, one year older.
"If Madeleine McCann was abducted –
the author said at the time – what is most likely is that her appearance was changed. Firstly, this tragic story would
have robbed her of her cheerfulness. One year later, I think that the image of the turbulent little girl that we can see on
so many of the photos that have been made public, is gone. We're looking for a child that could now look much older than only
4 years. What's most likely is that now, she's more tired and restless", the forensic artist explained on the internet site
In order
for it to work…
"The loss of a child or a younger family
member is a sad and tragic situation. The technique of progressive aging may contribute for us to have an idea of how someone
who we've lost or has gone missing, would look like", he explains.
For a portrait of this kind to be made
in the best manner possible, its base (a photograph) should comply with some requirements: it should be a frontal photo and
a coloured one, if possible. The technical details that are associated with the image are essential as well: non-aggressive
illumination (with flash spots) on the face, free of hair.
Maddie, two years later, 20 April 2009

Click image to enlarge |
Twenty-four months after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Praia da Luz, everyone
wants to know how the little girl's face now looks. An expert drew the portrait for 24horas
by Joaquim Eduardo Oliveira
20 April 2009
Thanks to Astro for translation
A firmer looking, better defined features, longer hair, wider eyebrows and a firm "trace" around the eyes. The "dimples"
on the cheeks remain. Could this be the face of Madeleine McCann, two years after her mysterious disappearance?
24horas launched the challenge, on Friday, for Margarida Aguiar, a portraitist with a degree from the Fine Arts
Faculty at Lisbon University (FBAUL), to "age" the face of the little English girl, who is at the core of a media hurricane
that refuses to dissipate, in 24 months. Curiously, a British newspaper published the same "exercise" yesterday, but with
apparently different results.
24horas’ intention was to anticipate the "surprise" that Madeleine McCann's parents may have when on the
3rd of May – the date of the child's disappearance in 2007 – they sit down in the studio of the "Oprah" talk show,
hosted by the not less media-exposed Oprah Winfrey, in Chicago, in the United States.
During the show, Gerry and Kate McCann will show the world (the show is broadcast in 144 countries) a digital image that
represents the child how it would look today.
Watching them grow
And what did portraitist Margarida Aguiar do? "I increased the size of the face, trying to keep the eyes because I think
that at that age, nothing much changes. The face changes more. I also thought that longer hair would make her look a bit older",
portraitist Margarida Aguiar told 24horas.
The young artist, aged 25, deals with children ages 3 to 6 every day, as she teaches extracurricular classes at a private
school in Lisbon. "I watch them grow", she said, while keeping a certain reserve over the proposal that she delivered to 24horas.
"One can't be certain of how she would really look, the portrait is based on supposition", this portrait expert says.
If a criminal police force would ever contact her to draw e-fits, it would be a job she would "eventually" accept, as
she confesses. By hazard, out of the photographs that 24horas sent her, Margarida Aguiar's choice coincided with
the… Polícia Judiciária.
Forensic art for all occasions
Forensic art is a technique that the criminal police forces and the judicial circles usually recur to, and it may be
fundamental in cases of simple identification of people, for detention purposes or even to condemn somebody. This speciality
covers a series of disciplines, including composition, image treatment, progressive aging or even facial reconstruction or
bodily post mortem (after death). The art of composite drawing has been used by investigators for a long time, all over the
world. Who has never seen the bandit’' face on a poster with the word 'Wanted', in movies? And below it, the reward?
English simulate 6-year-old Maddie, 20 April 2009
Maddie Case: McCanns go to the famous progamme of Oprah Winfrey
Tânia Laranjo/João C. Rodrigues
20 April 2009 - 00h30
"The hair slightly longer, the face less chubby, the mouth and nose slightly larger, but her wide and innocent eyes are
still the same". This is how the forensic computers expert Jovey Mae Hayes - employing techniques used by the FBI and
the US Police in investigations into missing and abduction cases - describes Madeleine McCann, as if alive, two
years after her disappearance.
The image was published yesterday by the 'Sunday Express' and should be publicised in the famous Oprah Winfrey TV programme,
in the United States. Gerry and Kate will travel to that country in the coming days, but the programme is likely to be a recorded
show. It is to be broadcast on May 3rd, to mark two years since Maddie was last seen in Praia da Luz.
Letters in Lagos
In Praia da Luz and in all of the villages within the Lagos region, images of Madeleine have been received over the last
few days. The campaign was launched by the parents and its purpose is to bring the child's image to the Algarve again. The
result is far from what the McCanns expected. In Luz, there's not a single poster – and the few that are put up, are
removed by the residents within a few hours.
In Lagos, the population was not happy to see their mailboxes flooded with photos of the child. "I don't know how they
still have so much money. Photographs of the little girl have been placed into every mailbox. People received letters from
a company, asking them to search for the child again", CM was told by Alda Almeida, a shopkeeper in Luz who doesn't hide her
discomfort about the campaign.
"I met the little girl two years ago. She was sparkly and she would always enter my shop. At the beginning, I also put
up a poster on my door, now I don't do that anymore. I don't believe the parents, I think they know full well what happened
with the little girl. They should tell and put an end to this".
Attorney General receives emails asking for investigation
Over the last few days, several emails have been received at the Attorney General's Office, asking for the Maddie case
to be re-opened. The TVI documentary that was broadcast last week ended up giving fresh breath to the process, that has been
archived at the Court of Portimão.
Pinto Monteiro has not pronounced himself after that, and it is not likely that the Polícia Judiciária will
again investigate what happened to the English child. Unless some new fact becomes known or information about the possible
whereabouts of the child's body emerges – a theory that was defended by the PJ's investigation and which led the parents
to being made arguidos.
Meanwhile, the McCanns are also making a documentary, for an English television channel, in which they will defend the
abduction theory again.
Robert Murat holds lectures about journalism
Two years after having been made an arguido over the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, Robert Murat has returned to
his normal life and holds lectures about journalism in England. The Anglo-Portuguese citizen continues to live in Praia da
Luz, less than 300 metres away from the Ocean Club, where the little girl disappeared, and has returned to his normal life.
Vivenda Liliana has suffered profound renovations, due to the millionaire indemnity that the British press paid him. What
used to be a visibly degraded house is now a luxurious villa. Murat is regularly seen in Luz.
152 Euros per Work
The firm who simulated the current image of Madeleine McCann, Ageprogression.org charges 152 euros for each work. At
this point they are doing a promotion for half the price, however it is unknown the value paid.
Elvis and Cobain on the List
In addition to helping the FBI, the Ageprogression.org edits photos of celebrities who died or disappeared with commercial
purposes. Elvis Presley and Kurt Cobain are the brand images of the company.
Maddie images are not from the FBI, 23 April 2009
Duarte Levy
April 23, 2009 • 2:08 pm
The two images showing Madeleine McCann as she would look today, that were presented by the British
media, are not the work of the FBI, agent Ross Rice from the Chicago delegation of that North American organization confirmed.
Confronted with the last article that was published by the Sunday Express in England, Ross confirmed that he knows about
the existence of artist Jovey Mae Hayes, but refused any connection between her and the FBI whatsoever.
The subtitle that had been given by the paper, "How the FBI created this picture", is incorrect, agent Ross said, adding
that the article states that Mrs. Hayes has previously worked on criminal cases for the FBI, which does not match the truth.
Grown-up face her mother doesn't recognise: The technology behind Madeleine McCann's computer-generated
image, 01 May 2009
Grown-up face her mother doesn't recognise: The technology behind Madeleine McCann's computer-generated image
Daily Mail
Last updated at 10:55 PM on 01st May 2009
It's an imperfect combination of art and science, but Kate and Gerry McCann believe this 'age progression image' may
be how their daughter looks today.
The picture was drawn up using photographs of Madeleine at three, pictures of her parents around the same age, and computer
U.S. experts from Virginia's National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children created the image, which aims to show
Madeleine at the age of six. Her parents are 'happy' with the result.

Age progression pictures are intended to give an idea of how a person may look several years after he or she disappeared.
It is not an exact science, explained Auriole Prince, a British forensic and age progression artist who trained at the
FBI academy and has helped police in missing person inquiries, but 'an educated guess'.
She said: 'It is a cross between art and science. You are trying to create an impression of what you think that person
will look like today.
'It's a little like piecing together a puzzle.
'You start with a photograph of the missing person, use reference photographs of their parents and siblings and try to
create an accurate new image.
'Every face is obviously different but everyone has a unique likeness, that triangle of features, the eyes, the nose
and the mouth and how the features sit in relation to one another. People get older but they don't look completely different.
'In the case of a child of Madeleine's age, the changes are sometimes marked. You start to lose that baby look. Everything
will be moved on a stage - the bone structure, the nose, the jaw line.
'It is not going to be 100 per cent accurate but that unique likeness remains and hopefully enables people to recognise
her still, to make a connection.'
McCann family still hold hope, 02 May 2009
Page last updated at 09:47 GMT, Saturday, 2 May 2009 10:47 UK
An image of how Madeleine McCann might look now, if still alive, has been released ahead
of the second anniversary of her disappearance.
Kate and Gerry McCann's spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, said Madeleine's parents still believe she is alive.
Short film shows Maddie 'ageing', 06 May 2009
Short film shows Maddie 'ageing' The Sun
By LEON WATSON Published: Today (06 May 2009)
McCann's parents have released an incredible short film showing their missing daughter GETTING OLDER.
The stunning morphing clip was produced to go with an image released last week revealing what experts in America think the
tot would look like now aged six.
They used the latest computer technology to mimic how Maddie's features would have changed — based on photos of
mum Kate and dad Gerry at around the same age.
The amazing image — which appears on new posters — contrasts starkly with a world-famous one of Maddie aged
And the video shows how Maddie — who disappeared in Portugal two years ago, just short of her fourth birthday —
may have changed in appearance from age three to six.
In a message posted on their www.findmadeleine.com site Kate and Gerry said: "We are no longer looking for a four-year-old little girl – but a six-year-old one.
"This is crucial. We are hoping that the new age-progressed image of Madeleine aged six, produced by the National Center
for Missing and Exploited Children in Washington, will help people to see what Madeleine may look like today."

Click to enlarge |
Madeleine McCann: How she may look now, 02 November 2009

By Jon Clements 3/11/2009
(appeared online 2/11/2009, 22:20PM)
These are the images that show how Madeleine McCann would look
two and a half years after she vanished.
Police hope the new computer generated pictures will spark a flood of
possible sightings and lead them to the missing youngster's whereabouts.
One shows how she would appear, now
aged six, if being held in Europe – with her skin still pale.
The other is an image of her face had she been
taken to North Africa, with a suntan and dark hair.
The pictures were released after Madeleine's heartbroken
parents Gerry and Kate, both 41, begged one of Britain's leading child abduction police officers to help them find their
precious daughter, who vanished from a Portuguese holiday apartment in May 2007.
They wrote a letter to Child Exploitation
and Online Protection centre boss Jim Gamble – and he was so moved by it he decided there and then to get involved.
The officer yesterday launched a 60-second internet video clip aimed at people who may know Madeleine's kidnapper.
Mr Gamble said: "It is the first time it has been done and I absolutely believe this has the opportunity, the
potential, to get to the person we are looking for. We are not looking for someone who has seen this girl particularly.
"We are looking for the person who knows or strongly suspects the individual or individuals involved in Madeleine's
disappearance. The person who for a long time has perhaps struggled with their conscience keeping a terrible secret."
Mr Gamble is convinced Madeleine may still be alive and pointed to the case of American teenager Jaycee Dugard as evidence.
He added: "I've reviewed cases of children who turned up four, eight, eighteen years later. Statisticians do that
most awful of thing, taking away people's hope.
Kate and Gerry, of Rothley, Leics, pleaded for help after reaching
a "low point" in their hopes they would ever see Madeleine again.
A friend said: "Jim was moved
by the letter and agreed to do what he could. It personally touched him."
Kate and Gerry say in the clip:
"We are extremely grateful to Ceop for launching this new message.
"If you know what has happened to
Madeleine, it is still not too late to do the right thing and come forward. We love Madeleine. Please help us bring her home."
How does photo ageing work?, 04 November
How does photo ageing work? BBC News Magazine
Page last updated at 11:26 GMT, Wednesday, 4 November 2009
have issued a picture of how Madeleine McCann might look now, two-and-a-half years after she disappeared from a Portuguese
holiday resort. But how do you go about ageing someone?

Madeleine McCann's face is probably one of the most recognisable
in the world, but it is the face of a four-year-old Madeleine and that is the problem.
Two-and-a-half years after
she vanished from a Portuguese holiday flat, police have issued age-progressed images of how she may look today.
They are aimed at "pricking the conscience" of people who know what happened to her. But how are the pictures
Police use specialist age-progression artists to generate such images. They use different techniques,
including drawing, but usually produce computer-generated images.
There is no specific age-progression software,
but the artist uses existing computer packages to manipulate features.
As a child grows their eyes will largely
stay the same but everything below the eyes grows outwards and downwards, says age-progression artist Auriole Prince.
"Trying to show how this growth changes a face is like piecing together a puzzle," she says. "There's
an upside down triangle between the eyes, nose and the mouth. The relationship between these features is the most important
in keeping the likeness."
Ideally an artist will have an original portrait-style photograph of the person
who is going to be age-progressed, along with other photos showing them at different angles and with varying expressions.

Madeleine, left, and two aged-progressed photos of her |
They also use photographs of other family members. As a rough guide,
70 to 75% of an age-progressed face can be extrapolated from pictures of the subject's parents taken at the same age as
the child, says Ms Prince. Pictures of siblings will also be helpful.
Along with artistic skills, age-progression
artists also need to have a good knowledge of the anatomy of the face. This is because bone growth and dental changes can
have a real impact on what a person looks like, especially at certain ages.
"From age four to six, like Madeleine,
a person will go through a lot of changes," says Ms Prince, who works with police and also worked for the National Missing
Persons Helpline for eight years. She trained in the US with the FBI and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
"But some of the biggest alterations take place from age seven to eight. This is because a person's underlying
bone structure really grows, milk teeth fall out and the new teeth emerge."
Contrary to popular belief, a
child's eyes do not remain the same size from birth. But their growth is minimal compared with the lower face. However,
an age progression artist will sometimes shrink the iris - revealing more whites of the eyes - to imply aging, says Ms Prince.
In cases of vanished children, the child must usually have been missing for at least two years to warrant an age progression
image, says Ms Prince. The child must also tend to be at least two at the time they went missing.
In terms of success
in reproducing a likeness, Ms Prince stresses age progression is more about renewing publicity and moving on the public's
perception of a person, than creating a facsimile of what a person may look like. They are often used in long-running missing
persons cases like Ben Needham, who disappeared on the Greek island of Kos in 1991.
"In this case the public
will still be looking for the four-year-old Madeleine and the police want them to look for six-year-old girl," says Ms
Daily Star Sunday (paper edition): 'Maddie Three Years On', 25 April 2010

Maddie Three Years On, 25 April 2010
Maddie Three Years On Daily
Star Sunday (appears in paper edition)
World Exclusive: Changing
face of missing girl
By Mike Parker in L.A. 25 April 2010 (Thanks to Mercedes for scan)
This is the little girl the whole world longs to see alive and well. The image is of Madeleine
McCann, just eight days away from the third anniversary of her disappearance on a family holiday in the Portuguese resort
of Praia da Luz.
It was created specially for the Daily Star Sunday by forensic computer age-progression expert
Jovey Mae Hayes employing the same techniques she has used in kidnapping and missing persons cases for police across America.
Maddie's appearance will have changed significantly, according to Jovey Mae, since she vanished on May 3, 2007,
just days before her fourth birthday.
For a start, she will be somewhere between four and seven inches taller than
parents Kate and Gerry remember her. And Maddie's face will be longer than that of the cute, chubby-cheeked infant seen
on millions of "Missing" posters.
"She has high cheekbones, just like her mother," said Jovey
Mae, joint owner of ageprogression.org in Michigan.
"These will appear to be even more pronounced than at
the time of her disappearance.
"Girls tend not to shed the last of their
facial 'puppy fat' until well into their teens but her face will look noticeably longer, as well as her nose.
"Consequently, those lovely wide, angelic eyes we all remember from those sad posters will seem to be slightly smaller
because, while the rest of the face grows, the eyes don't."
Despite numerous false leads and several possible
sightings of Maddie since her disappearance, her distraught parents have never given up hope that one day she will be returned
to their family home in Rothley, Leics.
Jovey Mae said: "I would urge people to focus strongly on Maddie's
new facial features in the image, rather than her hair, which I have kept in the same longish style and the same colour."
Jovey Mae has also "re-dressed" Maddie. She said: "She would probably be wearing jeans most days and
maybe lace-up deck or tennis shoes.
"It's almost a 'uniform' for many kids these days but nothing
that would make her stand out in a crowd."
Sunday Express (paper edition): Maddie aged 7?, 25 April 2010

Latest image of how Madeleine McCann
might look now, 27 April 2014
![OLDER: Madeleine McCan would be ten years old now [MIKE PARKER]](sitebuilderpictures/dailystar270414i.jpg)
'Madeleine McCann is not a little
girl any more': New image shows how she might look now, 27 April 2014
'Madeleine McCann is not a little girl any more':
New image shows how she might look now Daily Star Sunday
THIS is how experts think missing Madeleine McCann may look now.
Mike Parker / Published 27th April 2014
![CHANGE: The image on the right shows how Maddie may look now [PA/MIKE PARKER]](sitebuilderpictures/dailystar270414f.jpg)
Saturday marks seven years since the little girl vanished.
And on Thursday her mum Kate will relive the torment in a television interview with Lorraine Kelly.
of that an age progression expert has produced an image of how a ten-year-old Madeleine may look.
Jovey Mae Hayes,
a forensic computer age progression expert, used the same techniques she has employed in numerous kidnapping and missing persons
cases for police forces across America.
She said: "Madeleine would be much taller than her parents remember
and, because girls begin to physically mature before boys, she would appear to them to have put on a little weight and her
shoulders would appear broader.
"Her face would also be more filled out and it's interesting to note from
original photos that she has her mother's eyes and father’s mouth.
"Her lips would look fuller now
than they did when she was little and, at almost 11, her eyebrows would have begun to look more pronounced."
![OLDER: Madeleine McCan would be ten years old now [MIKE PARKER]](sitebuilderpictures/dailystar270414g.jpg)
She said Madeleine's jawline would also be more defined
and her nose would appear more elongated and a little wider.
She added: "The whole world remembers a little
girl about to turn four from those posters.
"But she isn't a little girl any more, although even not-so-close
friends and relatives would probably recognise her from the likenesses to her parents that are still extremely evident."
Madeleine was just three when she vanished from the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May
3, 2007. Scotland Yard believe she was abducted and last week gave details of a new "smelly, pot- bellied"
On the ITV interview on Thursday Kate McCann will reveal fresh hope in the search for her daughter.
But conscious of not wanting to spark a war between rival stations, ex-GP Kate, 45, will also be talking to the
BBC, which recently screened a Maddie Crimewatch appeal.
![BELIEF: The McCann family refuses to give up hope that Maddie will be found alive [AP]](sitebuilderpictures/dailystar270414h.jpg)
A source close to Kate said: "She just wants to speak from
the heart to thank the public for their continued support over these seven difficult years and to tell viewers that she still
has hope Madeleine can be found alive."
It is not yet clear if heart specialist husband Gerry, 45, will join
The couple, from Rothley, Leics, have been buoyed by "very significant" new information gathered
by police.
The couple's spokesman Clarence Mitchell said yesterday: "There is a lot of information that
still needs to be checked and Kate and Gerry are hoping that it leads to Madeleine being found."