New age-progressed images of Madeleine are released in conjunction with the launch of a viral video campaign, produced
by the Child Exploitation and On-Line Protection Centre (CEOP), entitled 'A Minute for Madeleine'. In addition, the
McCanns conduct a series of TV interviews.
Front page 'teasers' for the forthcoming 'A Minute For Madeleine'
campaign, placed on the official findmadeleine.com website, 22 October 2009

McCanns open hearts to TV in search for Maddie, 01 November 2009

'McCanns launch TV blitz to find Madeleine' |
Tracey Kandohla and James Murray Sunday November 1, 2009
KATE McCANN will take part in a round of heart-rending TV interviews this week appealing for
anyone who has knowledge of her daughter Madeleine’s kidnapping to come forward.
The 41-year-old
mother has been keeping a low profile for months but has now decided that she wants to take a more active part in the effort
to find her daughter, who would now be six.
Madeleine vanished from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz on the
Algarve on May 3, 2007.
Kate will join her husband Gerry for a series of face-to-face interviews with the BBC and
And in a new move they will also speak to several Portuguese TV journalists who are flying to London later
this week to interview the couple.
Kate and Gerry, of the village of Rothley in Leicestershire, hope that emotional
appeals broadcast in Portugal could persuade someone to come forward with vital information and have employed a Portuguese
press officer to help them get their message over.
The woman press officer is also helping the couple deal with
the Portuguese press over their long-running legal battle with former local police chief Goncalo Amaral, who is being pursued
for £1million damages over a book he wrote about the case, which has been banned.
Last month Kate travelled
to Lisbon to meet her Portuguese lawyers and also gave a brief interview to Portuguese TV, saying she cried every day for
Madeleine. It was her first trip back to Portugal in two years.
Both she and Gerry intend to make a private
visit to Praia da Luz in the coming months.
Now that the McCanns' twins, Sean and Amelie, are at school, Kate
is finding she has more time to spend on the hunt for Madeleine.
She works closely with their private investigators
David Edgar and Arthur Cowley, who believe the answer to the riddle lies within a 10-mile radius of Praia da Luz.
"Kate has renewed vigour to get involved," said a source. "She realises emotional appeals from her have a
powerful effect and could provide the breakthrough in the case.
"There is a greater awareness now on getting
the Portuguese media involved in all the initiatives they do."
The findmadeleine.com website has been changed
to carry a poignant internet appeal which says: "Imagine if she was your child, imagine the pain and grief, imagine if
someone like you never came forward.
"If you stay quiet you are as guilty as those who took her."
Madeleine McCann And A New Appeal, 02 November 2009
Madeleine McCann And A New Appeal Sky News
By Martin Brunt November 02, 2009 3:24 PM
Watch this space....from midnight tonight there will be a new online appeal for information on Madeleine McCann's disappearance.
Viral video targets family and friends of Madeleine abductor, 02 November 2009
Viral video targets family and friends of Madeleine abductor Timesonline
O'Neill, Crime Editor November 3, 2009 (appeared online November 2, 2009)
A viral message directed at a friend, relative or partner of the person who abducted Madeleine McCann, telling
them that "it is never too late to do the right thing", went online at midnight.
The video was created
to "infiltrate the internet" by spreading from news websites to blogs and social networks until it is the first
thing that appears when the missing child's name is typed into a search engine.
Jim Gamble, the head of the
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, said that the message was founded on the belief that, like Jaycee Dugard
in California and Natasha Kampusch in Austria, Madeleine could be rescued or reappear despite being missinghaving gone missing
for more than two years ago.
"This is about hope, it's about collective hope. I believe this message will
deliver answers for us," said Mr Gamble, who studied 11 child abduction cases in which the victims had reappeared after
long periods in captivity.
Mr Gamble launched "A Minute for Madeleine" with a plea to internet users
to view the video and disseminate it.
Harnessing the power of the viral message is a new technique in an investigation
but the core idea of the 60-second film is based on the old detective's adage that "everyone has a best friend"
and someone will talk.
Madeleine was 3 years old when she went missing on a family holiday in Portugal in May 2007.
The new video contains "aged progressed" images of how she might look today, aged 6. One shows the girl with blonde
hair, while the other shows her with dark hair and tanned skin, as she might look if she was being held in a hot country.
The message has gone online in seven languages — English, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German and Italian
— and will be promoted around the world by police forces, missing persons agencies and Interpol.
It represents
the first time that a British law enforcement agency has taken the lead in the international hunt for the missing girl. Her
mother, Kate McCann, will conduct a series of television interviews today to promote the message.
Mr Gamble stressed
that the video was not a public appeal but a message to one person who knew or suspected that someone close to them had taken
the child. "It's aimed at prompting the conscience of the person who is keeping the secret," Mr Gamble said.
"The person we are looking to reach is likely to be a partner, family member, friend or colleague of the person
or people who were involved in Madeleine's disappearance." He said he believed that the abductor would be regularly
checking the internet for developments in the investigation and would be "rattled" by the video, which was prepared
with the help of psychologists.
Mr Gamble said: "This is not the normal criminal psychology approach. We're
not looking at the criminal, but at the associate and saying to them, 'You can redeem yourself'.
believe there is someone out there who is associated and who knows. This person doesn't need to see an age progressed
image of Madeleine — this person knows who Madeleine is and who committed the crime." Mr Gamble stressed that there
were no new leads, nor fresh intelligence behind the launch of the message. He added: "In a case like this the investigation
is never closed".
Natascha Kampusch was
abducted aged 10, in 1998 in Vienna. She was found, aged 18, in 2006
Shawn Hornbeck was abducted
aged 11 in 2002 in Richwood, Missouri, and held captive for more than four years
Jaycee Lee Dugard
was abducted aged 11 in Lake Tahoe, California in 1991 and found this year aged 29
Sabine Dardenne
was abducted aged 12 in Belgium in May 2006 and held for 80 days
Sano Fusako was abducted aged
10 in Narita, Japan, in 1990. She was held captive for more than nine years and found in 2000
Treanor was abducted with his brother Marcuse at age 7 in 1980 in London. Held by a child prostitution ring that
carried out 38 kidnappings. Found alive in 1983. His brother died
Madeleine McCann: How she may look now, 02 November 2009

By Jon Clements 3/11/2009
(appeared online 2/11/2009, 22:20PM)
These are the images that show how Madeleine McCann would look
two and a half years after she vanished.
Police hope the new computer generated pictures will spark a flood of
possible sightings and lead them to the missing youngster's whereabouts.
One shows how she would appear, now
aged six, if being held in Europe – with her skin still pale.
The other is an image of her face had she been
taken to North Africa, with a suntan and dark hair.
The pictures were released after Madeleine's heartbroken
parents Gerry and Kate, both 41, begged one of Britain's leading child abduction police officers to help them find their
precious daughter, who vanished from a Portuguese holiday apartment in May 2007.
They wrote a letter to Child Exploitation
and Online Protection centre boss Jim Gamble – and he was so moved by it he decided there and then to get involved.
The officer yesterday launched a 60-second internet video clip aimed at people who may know Madeleine's kidnapper.
Mr Gamble said: "It is the first time it has been done and I absolutely believe this has the opportunity, the
potential, to get to the person we are looking for. We are not looking for someone who has seen this girl particularly.
"We are looking for the person who knows or strongly suspects the individual or individuals involved in Madeleine's
disappearance. The person who for a long time has perhaps struggled with their conscience keeping a terrible secret."
Mr Gamble is convinced Madeleine may still be alive and pointed to the case of American teenager Jaycee Dugard as evidence.
He added: "I've reviewed cases of children who turned up four, eight, eighteen years later. Statisticians do that
most awful of thing, taking away people's hope.
Kate and Gerry, of Rothley, Leics, pleaded for help after reaching
a "low point" in their hopes they would ever see Madeleine again.
A friend said: "Jim was moved
by the letter and agreed to do what he could. It personally touched him."
Kate and Gerry say in the clip:
"We are extremely grateful to Ceop for launching this new message.
"If you know what has happened to
Madeleine, it is still not too late to do the right thing and come forward. We love Madeleine. Please help us bring her home."
'A Minute for Madeleine' video, 03 November 2009
Nigel Moore
Screen text:
Madeleine McCann disappeared on 3 May 2007 while on
holiday with her family in Portugal
She was nearly four years old at the time
She will now be six years
Here is a special message
Delivered by the UK's Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)
Dr Joe Sullivan: [Voice Over] Madeleine disappeared on the 3rd of May 2007 while on holiday
with her family in Portugal.
Madeleine is now six years old.
This is how she might look today [age-progressed
We know that there's someone out there who knows who's involved in her disappearance.
They may be keeping this secret out of fear, misplaced loyalty or even love.
Keeping this information secret
only increases the anguish of Madeleine's family and friends and increases the risk to other children.
If you
know who is involved and you're keeping this secret, remember that it's never too late to do the right thing.
We urge anyone who knows anything about the whereabouts of Madeleine, or who has information regarding her disappearance,
to do the right thing now and give that information to their local police.
Screen text:
It is never too late to do the right thing
If you know anything at all
Do the right thing now and
contact your local police
Cops' pics of how Maddie might look abroad, 03 November 2009
Cops' pics of how Maddie might look abroad The Sun

'Maddie in Morocco?' |
SULLIVAN Crime Editor Published: Today (03 November 2009)
THESE startling new images show how
missing Madeleine McCann's appearance could have dramatically changed if kidnappers are holding her in North Africa, as
detectives believe.
Cops say Maddie's captors may have dyed her hair dark brown to make her
look like other kids in Morocco or Tunisia.
The strong African sun would also have darkened her young skin considerably
in the two-and-a-half years since she was snatched from her family's holiday flat in Portugal.
The computer
images contrast how she would look now if she had been kept in North Africa/Southern Europe - or Northern Europe.
The pictures were released last night as part of a new global net appeal to find Maddie, who vanished shortly before her
fourth birthday.
Parents Gerry and Kate, both 41, of Rothley, Leics, were said to be shocked when shown the picture
of "African Maddie". Spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "Kate feels North Africa is very important in the search.
"That is based on her research - North Africa is one of the top areas for organised child trafficking - on top
of a mother's gut feeling.
"Kate was very shocked when she first saw the image, but can see Madeleine
in it. The hard reality is Madeleine will look different now. It is important people realise that."
reported sightings of Maddie in Morocco in the days after she vanished in May 2007 were never ruled out, Mr Mitchell added.
The new images appear in a one-minute internet video, shown above, in English, Arabic, Portuguese, French, German,
Spanish and Italian. A plea for information is interspersed with poignant photos of Maddie before her disappearance. The internet
campaign was put together after Kate wrote to Jim Gamble, head of the UK Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre.
It will come up every time someone types "Maddie" or "Madeleine McCann" into a search engine.
The film names 11 kidnapped kids who have been saved, including Jaycee Dugard, found in California this summer after
18 years as a captive.
Mr Gamble said: "If they can be found, so can Madeleine." And he urged: "Please
use your blogs, Twitter or social network sites to spread this viral message to every corner of the world. It is critically
Kate and Gerry asked Sun readers to log on and spread the film, saying: "Please take a minute
and help us bring Madeleine home."
Muslim Maddie, 03 November 2009
Muslim Maddie Daily Star

'Is Maddie a Muslim?' |
By Jerry Lawton 3rd November 2009
BRITISH police believe Madeleine McCann could now
be living as a Muslim.
They think she might have been held captive in the human trafficking haven
of North Africa.
Detectives last night launched a global internet appeal urging people to help catch Maddie's
They also released an image showing how the youngster, who vanished in Portugal in May 2007, would now
look if she had been raised by Arabs.
Clarence Mitchell, spokesman for Madeleine's parents Gerry and Kate,
both 41, of Rothley, Leics, said: "Even though she has much darker hair and features, Kate knows she's still looking
at her beloved daughter."
McCanns: Help us to bring her home, 03 November 2009

'Maddie: We believe she is alive' |
By John Twomey Tuesday November 3 2009
THE parents of Madeleine McCann told yesterday of their fresh hope that their kidnapped daughter was still
Kate and Gerry McCann spoke as two haunting photographs were released showing how Madeleine might look today,
aged six.
The dramatic new images are released today – poignantly demonstrating the changes which would
have occurred to her appearance since she vanished two-and-a-half years ago.
The images, come as her parents back
a global internet appeal to catch her kidnapper.
Experts in the US have produced the two haunting pictures of how
Madeleine would look now.
The "age-progressed" photos are part of a unique 60-second film released in
seven languages across the internet today.
"A Minute for Madeleine," endorsed by Kate and Gerry McCann,
is not targeted at the abductor but at his relatives, friends and associates.
Supported by law enforcement agencies
worldwide, it was produced by Britain's Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre, the CEOP.
The McCanns
said in a statement last night: "We are extremely grateful to CEOP for launching this new message around the world in
such an effective way.
"It is vital that it is seen and heard as widely as possible.
"If you
know what has happened to Madeleine, it is still not too late to do the right thing and come forward to your local police
with that information. We love Madeleine. Please help us bring her home."
One image of Madeleine shows her
looking fresh-faced with long strawberry-blonde hair. In the other she has a tanned appearance as if she has been taken to
a North African location.
In both images she is smiling and has a distinctive fleck in the iris of her right eye.
Jim Gamble, head of CEOP, said: "This message will rattle the offender but we hope it will prompt the conscience
of someone who is close to them who is keeping a dark and terrible secret.
"It is never to late to do the
right thing, never too late to come forward and end the anguish of the family and protect so many other children."
Madeleine was snatched while on holiday with her family in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in May 2007. She was only three
at the time and will now be six.
The "A Minute for Madeleine" film is the first appeal of its kind to
seek to harness the global power of internet users.
CEOP, with the backing of the McCann family, is urging internet
users to spread the word via websites, e-mails and social networking sites including Facebook and Twitter.
Mr Gamble
said: "It is highly probable that the kidnapper or kidnappers, or someone close to them is using the internet to search
for any updates that may suggest the police are getting closer to discovering the truth.
"We're asking
everyone who goes online to help us. We want the message to become so widespread that it becomes just one click from any Madeleine
search as a constant reminder to that person that it is never too late to do the right thing, never too late for that person
to redeem themselves."
Mr Gamble urged internet users to view the film and then "link it, share it and
post it in the online communities you occupy."
He said: "Do everything you can to spread it around the
online world. We would like to make it omnipresent so that the person we are trying to reach sees it and is prompted to do
the right thing."
The idea for the film came after the McCanns met Mr Gamble and CEOP colleagues to discuss
ways to progress the hunt for Madeleine.
Mr Gamble said: "We have been in contact with the family since the
beginning. They felt frustrated that lines of inquiry seemed to be drying up. We met and talked about what could be done."
He added: "We have come to the point when we are in the right place to launch this initiative. It is the first
time it has been done."
The film is in English, Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish, German, French and Italian.
Interpol, which covers 188 countries, will ensure that all new leads will be fed back to CEOP and to the Portuguese
Mr Gamble was adamant that missing child cases like Madeleine's will never simply be left on the file.
For Kate's sake, don't give up on Maddy McCann, 03 November 2009
For Kate's sake, don't give up on Maddy McCann Daily Mirror
By Sue Carroll 3/11/2009
For most of us,
the events in Portugal's Praia da Luz three summers ago are now a blur – a distant unhappy memory of lighting candles,
prayers and appeals for a little girl snatched from a holiday apartment.
But then something happens to remind us
of Madeleine McCann and once again we catch our breath and try to imagine the misery her parents, Gerry and Kate, experience
every day as another reminder of their missing daughter emerges in a child's laughter or a little girl's sudden captivating
This will be their third Christmas without Madeleine and the maxim "time heals" could hardly be
less fitting. If anything the ordeal of not knowing worsens with every bogus sighting and false claim. Yet still brave, strong
and united they refuse to give up hope.
"If you know what has happened to Madeleine," Kate and Gerry
said this week, "it's still not too late to do the right thing and come forward."
There's no
blueprint for how couples should manage an ongoing nightmare. The rule book on dealing with the pain of a missing child has
yet to be written.
But at home, when twins Amelie and Sean are attending lessons at the school where Madeleine
would have been their watchful big sister, Kate spends hours sifting through paperwork, searching for simple overlooked clues.
When Gerry returns from work he joins her.
At one time I believed this need to scour every last detail might have
been a ritual to assuage the guilt, real or imagined, any parent would feel over a child's disappearance.
three years on it doesn't seem futile or pointless.
Children do, against all odds, reappear and might have
done so earlier had every stone been turned or every minute detail properly examined.
A policewoman's hunch
led to the discovery of Jaycee Lee Dugard a few months ago.
Snatched at the age of 11 from a bus stop in America's
South Lake Tahoe we now know had there been more thorough searches of her captor's property her 18-year imprisonment in
Phillip Garrido's filthy garden sheds may have ended sooner.
If anything has given succour to the McCanns it's
the story of Jaycee Lee.
But it's also helped persuade the cynics, who feel the couple have been pointlessly
banging their heads against a brick wall, that they could be wrong.
And right now, as they face another difficult
Christmas, the family need all our support.
The chilling reality is that someone knows what happened the night
Madeleine disappeared. They understand the motive and the way her abduction was orchestrated.
It would be terrifying
if, in our lifetime, despite all the advances of modern technology, high-speed communications and sophisticated policing skills,
a three-year-old girl was able to disappear off the face of the Earth without a single human being's knowledge.
The McCanns have already backed a Europe-wide alert system for snatched children. Now the Child Exploitation and Online
Protection Centre (CEOP) has gone further with a global campaign targeted at kidnappers and paedophile rings.
for those of us who have pushed Madeleine to the furthest recesses of our memory we're reminded, thanks to age-processed
pictures, of how she might look now.
For years America looked at similar photographs of Jaycee Lee Dugard and despaired.
She wasn't delivered back to her family by a miracle but by the sloppiness of an over-confident, arrogant criminal.
Everyone makes mistakes. And one day, the person responsible for Madeleine's disappearance will too.
Madeleine McCann... the guilty web surfer, 03 November 2009
Madeleine McCann... the guilty web surfer Daily Mirror
By Jon Clements Nov 3, 09 11:01 AM
Among the many interesting
comments made by Jim Gamble, Britain's most senior child trafficking and abuse cop, about the disappearance of Madeleine
was his theory about how whoever was involved would be regularly checking the internet to see if the net is closing in.
Gamble believes the new viral advert will "rattle" the offender or offenders because "every time you
search for updates about where the investigation is you will meet this prompt to your conscience".
His willingness
to discuss the case was a welcome relief after two and half years of complete silence from Leicestershire police, the Association
of Chief Police Officers and the Serious Organised Crime Agency.
Gamble was reluctant to offer his own theory of
what happened in Praia da Luz saying it "didn't matter" if Madeleine was taken for trafficking, or sexual exploitation
or by some "deluded soul" who wanted to raise their own child.
Two words which did not pass his lips
at any point, however, were "kidnap" and "abduct". Instead the case was strictly referred to as a "disappearance".
One thing Gamble did make clear, however, was his passionate belief that the advert would help find Madeleine and
that it was still possible she remained alive.
"Statisticians do that most awful thing", he said. "They
take away people's hope".
Madeleine McCann disappearance: New internet
campaign launched, 03 November 2009
Madeleine McCann disappearance: New internet campaign launched
ITN [Source]

03 November 2009
The criminal psychologist behind a new Madeleine McCann appeal has told ITV News that
her abductor is very likely to strike again.
The parents of Madeleine McCann have launched another desperate appeal,
a one minute film, featuring a fresh attempt to show what she might look like now. It's aimed at millions of internet
users. The hope is that it will touch the conscience of someone, perhaps the one person, who can tell the McCanns what happened
to their daughter on that summer night, more than 2 and a half years ago. So far it has received a phenomenal response.
By Nigel Moore
Simmons: [to Dr Joe Sullivan] So, this is where you planned this appeal, thought about these words, in close detail?
Dr Joe Sullivan: That's right, this is the Behavioural Analysis Unit at CEOP, where, errr...
Presenter: [Voice Over] Tonight the police psychologist who designed the message spoke exclusively
to ITV News.
Dr Joe Sullivan: The person responsible for the disappearance of Madeleine McCann
is a significant risk to children. This person is very likely to behave in the same way again and there's... it's
crticially important that we identify that person.
Presenter: [Voice Over] He says that person
will have persuaded those around him to keep quiet.
Dr Joe Sullivan: Most people associate grooming
with something that the perpetrator does to the victim but grooming is also something that is, errr... used by the perpetrator
to silence those people around them, that will potentially, errm... disclose information or cause their identity to be...
to be known to the police.
'The twins both know the person who took Madeleine has done something very
bad.. they just want her back home', 04 November 2009
'The twins both know the person who took Madeleine has done something very bad.. they just want
her back home' Daily Mirror
By Martin Fricker 4/11/2009
Madeleine McCann's four-year-old twin siblings are now slowly grasping the horror of her abduction, their parents revealed
Sean and Amelie were just two when their big sister was snatched but Kate and Gerry have since gradually
explained the grim truth to them.
It is poignantly clear the youngsters still hold Madeleine close to their hearts.
Gerry, 41, said: "They talk about her more than Kate and I do. It's incredible.
"They don't
ask so many direct questions but as they're getting older more of the gaps are being filled in.
know Madeleine's missing, they believe she has been taken and they know it's not right that she has been taken. They
understand the person who has taken Madeleine has done something very bad.
"They have asked why she's
been taken and we said, 'We don't know, but obviously they wanted Madeleine'. They know it's not right and
they want her back."
Kate, also 41, added: "We made it as light as possible for Sean and Amelie but in
a way they can understand.
"We made it sound like, 'Even if you really want something you shouldn't
take it if it belongs to someone else'."
The kids, who now attend school, are so heartbroken at having
Madeleine ripped out of their lives they have even vowed to attack the kidnapper when he is caught.
Heart specialist
Gerry revealed: "They're saying, 'When we find who took her we will fight them'. That doesn't come directly
from us saying that.
"Amelie this week was saying, 'When I find that man I'm going to do this and
that'. I said, 'No, we will give them to the police and then we'll put them in jail'."
Madeleine's May 2007 abduction in Praia da Luz, Portugal, her bedroom at the family home in Rothley, Leics, has remained
just as she left it.
It is a bedroom her parents fervently hope she will return to one day. Kate said: "There
are lots more presents and pictures from Sean and Amelie. She's an integral part of our life, of our home."
Meanwhile, they have bravely striven to give the twins happy, normal childhoods and shield them from the anguish the couple
But the youngsters know there are times their parents' mask of calm slips. Kate said: "It's
difficult. I don't want to be upset in front of them all the time.
"We have as many happy times as we
can, which is what they deserve. There will be occasions when one or another of us gets upset, but that's inevitable.
"Anything can spark that - the most innocent thing. But they know it's OK to be sad. They know we're
sad because Madeleine's not with us."
She and Gerry believe the twins having each other has helped them
develop into cheerful children. He said: "They're not sad very often, and that makes life for us an awful lot easier.
They have each other and I'm sure that has helped them.
"Had this just been one other younger child it
would have been harder. To the casual observer it would look superficially quite normal, especially when we have the kids.
We make sure they get the love and attention they deserve and Madeleine got."
The couple refuse to give up
hope that Madeleine is alive and Gerry vowed: "We're going to do everything in our power to find her and her abductor."
The latest step in the search saw the release of an online video this week showing how she might look aged at six.
Gerry told how the twins were aware of the efforts going on to find her. He said: "When I think of Madeleine
I think of the little girl running around the house and on holiday.
"Sean and Amelie do a brilliant job of
bringing us back to reality. They see stickers or wristbands and say, 'Oh look, that person is helping us to find Madeleine'."
Kate admitted she was sometimes fearful about her daughter's whereabouts and confessed: "I try to push it
out of my mind because it upsets me and it doesn't help."
And she pleaded: "It would be fantastic
for Sean and Amelie - regardless of myself and Gerry - for Madeleine to be back. We're urging people to help us. Please
don't give up on Madeleine."
Madeleine McCann's parents deny 'pact of silence' accusation, 04 November
Madeleine McCann's parents deny 'pact of silence' accusation Metro
Potuguese journalist raises old allegations
November 4, 2009
Gerry and Kate McCann's latest appeal for help
over their missing daughter Maddie was overshadowed yesterday by some tough questions from a Portuguese journalist.
The 41-year-olds were asked about allegations made in a book by Goncalo Amaral, the detective formerly in charge of the
The pair from Rothley, Leicestershire, denied there was a pact of silence over what happened in Praia da
Luz in May 2007.
Mr McCann said later: 'The place to have those discussions is in the judicial and legal environment.'
Madeleine McCann interenet appeal clip success, 05 November 2009

Up to 100,000 people an hour have watched A Minute For Madeleine, it was revealed yesterday.
The 60-second video has been spread across blogs, social networking sites and search engines since its release on Tuesday.
The film, by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, is targeted at those involved in Madeleine McCann's
disappearance from Praia da Luz, Portugal, days before her fourth birthday in May 2007.
New hope for Maddie's parents as 2.5m a day watch plea on website, 05 November
New hope for Maddie's parents as 2.5m a day watch plea on website Daily Express

David Pilditch Thursday November 5,2009
INVESTIGATORS yesterday said they were a "step
closer" to finding Madeleine McCann after an astonishing response to a new global appeal.
just 24 hours, nearly 2.5 million people around the world viewed dramatic images of Madeleine in a campaign aimed at flushing
out her abductor.
Internet users in 160 countries have watched a special 60-second film targeted at those closest
to the kidnapper.
The campaign aims to shame loved ones into coming forward to reveal what happened to Madeleine.
Yesterday, Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry, were said to be "overwhelmed".
The tidal
wave of fresh interest was mirrored on the official Find Madeleine website, which saw hits surge from an average of 200,000
a day to four million.
Kate and Gerry told how the initiative had given them renewed hope of being reunited with
their daughter who vanished during a family holiday in Portugal in May 2007.
The couple, from Rothley, Leics, said:
"We would like to thank everyone for their help and support. Let's hope and pray that this message reaches those
who know who took Madeleine and they find the strength to do the right thing."
Jim Gamble, Britain's most
senior child protection policeman, urged internet users around the world to help the hunt for Madeleine.
He said:
"Every person who does that brings us a step closer to reaching the individual who needs to see this message."
It comes after the release of two new computer-generated pictures that show how Madeleine might now look two-and-a-half-years
after she vanished. Experts in the US produced the haunting images of Madeleine as a six-year-old.
One shows the
youngster looking fresh-faced with strawberry-blonde hair.
In the second image, Madeleine has a tanned appearance
with darker hair.
Experts believe that is how she would look now if she had been taken to North Africa or harboured
in southern Europe.
The pictures feature in the film called A Minute For Madeleine. The message was released at
midnight on Monday by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre based in London.
Yesterday, the video
was being watched by up to 100,000 users every hour. It has spread across thousands of social networking sites, blogs, chat
forums and search engines.
Celebrities including Chris Evans, Alan Carr and Phillip Schofield have also sent the
link to their followers on Twitter.