The Huelva trip. Sniffer dogs allegedly pick up scent of death. Gerry travels
to Edinburgh.
Gerry makes another trip to the airport this morning to pick up
their Campaign Manager.
In the afternoon Kate does a series of interviews for women's magazines
and the Sunday newspapers.
Kate's parents arrive and will be staying for a week.
McCann family friend, and film producer, John Corner arrives to film promotional material for
the official 'Find Madeleine' site. Although this never transpires, segments do appear on the Panorama programme aired
on 19 November 2007.
Gerry is laid low all day with a 'viral illness' forcing them to
cancel a planned trip to Huelva in Spain.
Kate manages to put up some new posters of Madeleine in shops around
Praia da Luz.
Kate and Gerry make an early start on their 50km drive to Huelva
in Spain. Unfortunately, it was a public holiday in Huelva and the main shopping centre, that Kate and Gerry planned to visit,
was closed.
At night they make their regular Friday night visit to the local
church to pray for Madeleine.
In Belgium, details emerge of a possible sighting of Madeleine.
A child therapist says she is '100% sure' she saw the girl at a restaurant in the town of Tongeren, not far from the
Dutch border. A bottle is taken for DNA testing.
As many as 10 police officers spend the day clearing away thick
vegetation from the grounds of Casa Liliana, the house that Robert Murat shares with his mother. At night, a British sniffer
dog is used to search the home and grounds.
Another trip to the airport as Gerry drops off John Corner and his
cameraman, who have done some filming for the website and forthcoming events.
Kate and Gerry spend most of the day with the twins and Kate's family.
Gerry remarks, in his blogs, that the recent searches by the police
have resulted in renewed media interest with satellite trucks arriving back in Praia da Luz.
The McCanns are understood to have expressed serious concern about the tactics of the press for the first time, after
the Daily Mirror publishes a 'spoiler' piece ahead of Kate's first interview - due to be published in full tomorrow.
The Daily Mirror article, teased 'My Dark Moments by Kate McCann' on it's front cover, was actually based on interviews
with the McCanns' relatives - not Kate. However, a spokesman for the Daily Mirror said: ''We have received no complaint from
the McCanns or their representatives.''
British detectives, with Portugese detectives, continue to search
the home and grounds of Casa Liliana, the home in which Robert Murat lives with his mother.
Kate's first interview, without Gerry, is published.
Kate and Gerry attend church this morning as usual.
After lunch they meet with their Campaign Manager and Kate's family
to run through a few things that will happening this week, leading up the 100 day marker.
British sniffer dogs, brought in to review the investigation, allegedly
pick up scent of death in the McCanns' apartment and find traces of blood. Keela, who can detect minute quantities of blood,
and Eddie, who is trained to detect dead bodies, work in the apartment and several cars, including the hire car the McCanns
rented 25 days after Madeleine disappeared.
Gerry goes to Portimao to buy a new printer and ink due to the large
number of posters that have been printed this last week.
Police fail to find any new evidence after a two day search at the
home of Murat's mother, according to BBC sources.
Samples of suspected traces of blood, found by sniffer dogs
in Madeleine's apartment, sent to Forensic Science Service lab in Birmingham for analysis.
Two British police technicians, using specialist 'Pulsar' equipment,
check the grounds of Casa Liliana to detect whether any earth has been 'disturbed' in the last few months.
Members of the Murat family drive 4 vehicles, shared by the Murat
family, to police headquarters for them to be searched again by sniffer dogs.
Kate and Gerry manage an early morning run in 'pleasantly cooler'
They record a short interview with Sky News
UK lab to test blood found in Madeleine room
Sandra Laville, crime correspondent
Tuesday August 7 2007
Blood samples from the Portuguese apartment where Madeleine McCann was staying while on holiday with her family will
reach a British laboratory tomorrow for analysis.
The samples, which are understood to have been found in the apartment by a team of sniffer dogs operated by police from
Leicestershire, will be examined by scientists from the Forensic Science Service (FSS), based in Birmingham, the Guardian
The first task for scientists will be to try to get a DNA sample from the blood, reported to have been found on a wall
of the villa in Praia de la Luz where the McCann family was staying.
If the scientists are successful, the profile will be checked against the DNA of the missing four-year-old and against
the national DNA database, set up by the FSS.
Police from Leicestershire, where the McCann family live, are leading the UK contingent of officers in Portugal helping
detectives. Among the team is a detective sergeant from the Metropolitan police who speaks Portuguese and is working as a
translator. Also on the team is a British-based profiler who is helping to build a picture of the suspected abductor.
Leicestershire police refused to comment yesterday on whether it was their officers who discovered the blood smears.
But reports from Portugal suggested officers from the Leicestershire force used specialised equipment and their own sniffer
dogs to re-examine the two-bedroom apartment on the Mark Warner holiday complex.
Blood was reportedly found on a wall in the bedroom where Madeleine had been sleeping with her younger brother and sister
on May 3, the night she disappeared. A source was quoted as saying that one of the dogs stopped at the spot and barked to
indicate it had found something.
Reports in the Portuguese press today suggested police had suspected for some months that Madeleine died in the apartment
on May 3. The Diario de Noticias (DN) quoted a source close to the inquiry as saying that police had completely discounted
kidnap as a result.
The source said detectives from Britain and Portugal had been closely monitoring the movements of the parents, Gerry
and Kate, since Madeleine's disappearance.
Police sources told DN that they were concentrating "on the family circle and their friends", some of whom had been under
surveillance in the UK.
Meanwhile, it was reported that Portuguese police had been monitoring a second suspect in the investigation.
The new suspect, said DN, is a man of about 40, about 1.70-1.75m tall, with brownish hair and who could be African or
English. This man was seen with Robert Murat, the only named suspect in the case, and, before Madeleine's disappearance, in
the company of the McCann family.
Separately, the lawyer for Mr Murat said he would sue for wrongful arrest once his client was proved innocent.
Mr McCann said today he could not comment on any specific details of the police inquiry. He told Sky News: "We do know
some information that, one, we're not allowed to tell, and, two, we would never ever put anything into the public domain that
might put the investigation of Madeleine at risk."
Mr McCann, a cardiologist, said he and his wife "strongly believed" Madeleine was alive when she was taken from the apartment.
"We're not naive, but on numerous occasions the Portuguese police have assured us that they were looking for Madeleine alive
and not Madeleine having been murdered," he added.
The fact that he and his wife had come under scrutiny from detectives was "difficult", Mr McCann said, but he insisted
they were "more than happy" to cooperate.
"We expect the same thoroughness and to be treated the same way as anyone else who has been in and around this. And we
wouldn't expect it any other way," he said. "The same high levels will be applied to us as would be applied to anybody else,
and that's only right and proper."
The results of DNA tests on a drinks bottle used by a young girl resembling Madeleine who was seen in Belgium could be
returned on Thursday. A customer at a restaurant in the Flemish town of Tongeren, not far from the Dutch border, said she
was "100% sure" that she had seen the missing youngster.
Kate's parents leave early in the morning.
Kate McCann interviewed by BBC Woman's Hour radio programme.
By Richard Edwards in Praia da Luz
Last Updated: 1:42am BST 08/08/2007
Police investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann are carrying out tests on blood traces found inside her apartment
bedroom, it has emerged. The dramatic discovery was made by British detectives brought in to launch a review of evidence,
and led to renewed criticism of an "inept" Portuguese investigation.
The British team used specially-trained sniffer dogs and ultra-violet technology to scan for specks of blood inside the
holiday apartment in Praia da Luz where Madeleine disappeared 96 days ago. Tests will now establish whether the traces are
those of the four-year-old.
The review, led by Leicestershire police, also focused this weekend on the home of Robert Murat, and is expected to be
the final stage in clearing him of his status as the only formal suspect in the case.
Samples have been sent away for urgent DNA testing and detectives believe the discovery could "change the direction"
of the investigation.
A Portuguese police source said: "If the results are positive, this will open up a completely new line of inquiry". The
tiny traces of blood - invisible to the naked eye - were found at a low height on the wall in the bedroom of the McCann holiday
apartment at the Ocean Club.
Specially trained cocker spaniel sniffer dogs, which are able to detect blood up to seven years old, located an area
of the bedroom in which to search. The windows were blacked out using a tarpaulin and a specialist ultraviolet torch pinpointed
the specks of blood.
Police sources played down reports in a Portuguese newspaper that the blood had been identified as Madeleine's. Previous
forensic tests have taken a month to return from the national laboratory.
The potential breakthrough led to immediate criticism of Portuguese police for missing key forensic evidence, and failing
to bring in outside expertise earlier in the investigation. The apartment was searched this weekend even through it had been
"released" as a crime scene by Portuguese authorities on June 11, cleaned and rented out to other families.

A Portugese newspaper claims police had 'intercepted' emails and
phone calls between Kate and Gerry McCann and their friends, which provide 'decisive proof' that Madeleine was not abducted
but died in the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz.
Kate and Gerry do a series of pooled interviews to publicise the
launch of the YouTube channel 'Don't You Forget About Me'.
Gerry remarks in his blog how the media attention has become intrusive
following the developments of the last few days.
They take the twins out of kids club.
Kate and Gerry do a further series of interviews for Portugese and
foreign TV. During the Portuguese interview, Gerry is asked if he gave the children Calpol
or something to make them sleep.
At night Kate and Gerry attend the weekly vigil to pray
for Madeleine.

Kate and Gerry mark 100 days since Madeleine's disappearance with
a prayer service at the local church.
In the afternoon they go to a local swimming pool and play
area with the twins and their cousins.
Police in Portugal acknowledge for the first time that, in light
of new evidence, Madeleine may be dead. Chief Inspector Sousa adds that Mr and Mrs McCann are not being considered as suspects
following newspaper speculation that they were under suspicion.
Gerry's brother and family leave early in the morning. To be replaced
by a couple of other friends and their daughter.
Police remarks 'hearten' McCanns
BBC News
Last Updated: Sunday, 12 August 2007, 09:01 GMT
10:01 UK
The parents of missing Madeleine McCann have said they are "heartened" that the Portuguese police do not consider them
suspects in the case.
Earlier, Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa publicly declared that Kate and Gerry McCann, and their friends who were on holiday
with them, were not suspects.
He told the BBC the parents were "victims" who had lost their child and also witnesses in the case.
He also acknowledged for the first time that the four-year-old may be dead.
Mr Sousa said new clues, taken together, had given "intensity" to that line of inquiry.
He was referring to traces of blood found inside the apartment room where Madeleine was sleeping, which are now being
analysed by forensic scientists in Britain.
Mr Sousa refused to confirm or deny reports in Portuguese newspapers that sniffer dogs had detected odours of a dead
body that had been in the apartment in Praia da Luz.
The BBC's Steve Kingstone say the investigation now hinges on the results of the forensic tests, which are expected at
the end of this week.
Under Portuguese law, police are not normally allowed to speak publicly about the details of an investigation.
'Constant ache'
Mr and Mrs McCann have spoken to the BBC's Heaven and Earth show about Madeleine's disappearance.
Mrs McCann was asked if she was angry about the recent press speculation that they were being treated as suspects, but
said the pain of missing her daughter was worse.
She said: "We've had the worst and nothing's going to be as bad as that really so, we'll just ride through it really."
She added: "We just want Madeleine back, you know, and all this speculation will go on - and we've just got to ignore
it really and keep focused."
The couple also talked about how their Catholic faith has been a comfort to them.
Mrs McCann said that she had a "constant ache" and admitted she had lost her faith but only for brief periods.
"It's usually in those darker moments when that fear and panic sets in again and you find yourself saying why, why, why
do this to Madeleine, why have you let this happen?" she said.
"I kind of calm down and realise that God hasn't done this, somebody else has."
Mr McCann said "if the worst possible scenario happens", then he was at least comforted by the belief Madeleine was "in
a better place".
Asked if they could ever forgive the person who had taken Madeleine, Mr McCann said: "We don't know who's taken her,
we don't know why they've taken her and we don't know what's happened to Madeleine, so it's very difficult to forgive in advance.
"We've had incredible pain over the last three months and we pray that Madeleine hasn't."
'Hope and pray'
Following Mr Sousa's comments, a spokeswoman for the McCann family said: "It is obviously heartening that the police
in Portugal have finally confirmed that Kate and Gerry McCann are not suspects following the hurtful and unhelpful comments
that have been made this week.
"Kate and Gerry understand that the police in Portugal are working hard to do everything in their power to find Madeleine
"They continue to hope and pray that Madeleine is still alive."
Mr Sousa spoke on Saturday after Kate and Gerry McCann attended a church service marking 100 days since Madeleine's disappearance.
The couple have sought solace in the church of Nossa Senhora da Luz since Madeleine disappeared on 3 May while they were
having dinner at a nearby restaurant.
On Saturday, Mrs McCann asked the congregation to "stay with" her and her family as they continued their "journey of
hope" and to keep Madeleine in their prayers.
Gerry remarks in his blogs that the campaign will now be entering
a 'quieter phase'.
Quiet day for Gerry allowing him to catch up with e-mails, phone
calls and administration.
Feast of the Asumption day, a holiday in Portugal, and Kate
and Gerry attend morning mass.
Gerry spends the morning catching up with phone calls and e-mails.
In the afternoon, Kate, Gerry and the twins are invited round to
a friends house with a pool. They enjoy themselves and stay for dinner.
Gerry uses his blog to state that their current accommodation is
not a 'luxury villa' (doesn't even have a swimming pool) as described in the Portugese press and was one of the cheapest accommodation
available. He also stresses that the Madeleine Fund has not paid for any of their accommodation whilst in Portugal.
DNA test bossts parents' hope that Madeleine is still alive
Paulo Reis in Praia da Luz and Duarte Levy
August 16, 2007
Traces of blood discovered in the bedroom where Madeleine McCann was sleeping on the night that she disappeared do not
come from the missing girl, The Times has learnt.
The conclusion that the blood came from a man follows two weeks of reports that the traces proved that Madeleine had
been killed in the Algarve holiday apartment.
The finding will give fresh hope to Kate and Gerry McCann, who have said that they continue to believe that their daughter
will still be found alive 105 days after she was taken from her bed.
The minute spots of blood, which were discovered on a bedroom wall by British sniffer dogs, had been sent for testing
at the headquarters of the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham.
The four pages of technical results conclude that the blood did not come from Madeleine.
The analysis shows that the blood probably comes from a white man from the “northeast European subgroup”.
However, this conclusion is only 72 per cent accurate owing to the poor condition of the sample because of its age and also
that the bedroom wall had been cleaned with a detergent. The Forensic Science Service is carrying out further tests on the
Detectives had already suspected that the blood came from a man who had injured himself while staying at the two-bedroom
apartment after Madeleine disappeared. This explains why the blood was not discovered when Portuguese police examined the
apartment in the first weeks of the investigation. The ground-floor apartment in the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz was
cordoned off by police for five weeks after Madeleine’s disappearance before being handed back to its British owners.
Mrs McCann contemplated for the first time yesterday returning to Britain to live without Madeleine: "We know we will
be going back and I guess one day we will wake up and it will be right. We never thought that we would go before she came
back. Now we just don’t know. We have the twins to consider. I can’t imagine how we came out as a family of five
and going back as a four."
The Times reported yesterday that Portuguese police have said for the first time that the focus of the inquiry is that
Madeleine is now dead. Inspector Olegário Sousa, of the PolÍcia Judiciária (PJ), said: "The possibility of Madeleine’s
death is the one that we are paying more attention. However, none of the other possibilities is closed."
Mr Sousa confirmed that one of the dogs had found a scent indicating that a corpse had been in the apartment.
Kate and Gerry McCann, both 39, from Rothley, Leicestershire, are likely to face fresh questioning by police next week.
The seven British adults with them at the Ocean Club are also likely to be requestioned.
The couple and their friends were dining at a tapas restaurant at the resort complex on May 3 while Madeleine was asleep
in the apartment with her two-year-old twin brothers and sister, Sean and Amelie.
Mr Sousa said this week that the McCanns are regarded as witnesses and are not considered suspects. But he refused to
rule out the possibility that their friends may have been involved.
Portuguese police are believed to have found some new evidence in the case about two weeks ago which led to officers
saying that they now considered it possible that Madeleine, who disappeared shortly before her fourth birthday, was now dead.
However, reports that they are hunting a mystery British man who had stayed in Praia da Luz at the same time as the McCanns
have been dismissed. James Gorrod, 34, a solicitor from Exeter, said that detectives had cleared him and his wife of any link
to her disappearance. They had raised suspicion because they were a couple who were on holiday with the McCanns and had hired
a car with a child seat. However, it transpired that they were travelling with their two-year-old son.
Detectives in Portugal are expected to hold the first press conference on the investigation tomorrow for more than a
month. A judge is expected to decide this month that the only official suspect in the case, Robert Murat, 33, should be cleared.
Usual round of e-mails and phone calls for Gerry.
In the afternoon, they take the twins to the beach for a couple
of hours.
In the evening, they had another vigil in the local church for Madeleine
and other lost children. The service was led by the priest who married Kate and Gerry.
In the morning, Kate drives their friends to the airport.
In the afternoon, Kate and Gerry entertain an British visitor
who has been through an 'ordeal' similar to their own.
In the morning, Gerry goes to the airport to collect one of Kate's
friends who has come out to help out for a few days. Kate goes to church, as usual.
Donations to the Madeleine Fund top £1 million.
At night Kate and Gerry go for a run, Gerry's first run for 10 days.
By Richard Edwards in Praia da Luz
Last Updated: 4:02am BST 20/08/2007
Police investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann are following
a new line of inquiry which could see them carry out a series of searches in the next 48 hours. The developments mark the
first departure from investigations centred on Robert Murat, the only formal suspect in the case, who has been ruled out and
will be cleared of his "arguido" status within weeks.
Every detective in the Algarve is on standby today. Search warrants have been signed and police are awaiting final orders
to start an operation believed to be linked to a new potential suspect. The Policia Judiciaria, the Portuguese equivalent
of CID, has been on alert since Friday. The details of the lead are a closely guarded secret and detectives have been warned
that they are being monitored for any leaks.
The warrants are only vaild until the end of tomorrow, but could be extended if police believe it is worth pursuing.
The Public Prosecutor's Office, which directs the police inquiry, signed a series of documents on Friday, ordering the PJ
in Faro to put detectives on standby and authorising search warrants at locations that may be linked to the disappearance
of Madeleine 109 days ago.
Staff from the Ocean Club complex, where Madeleine disappeared on May 3, will be also be re-interviewed today. A police
source said: "We are re-interviewing several witnesses in order to clarify details that may be relevant to the new line of
inquiry in light of facts we have found."
Pamela Fenn, 70, who lives in the apartment above where the McCanns were staying, and her niece, who is flying to Portugal
from the UK, will be among those spoken to. Mrs Fenn has said that in the weeks leading up to Madeleine's disappearance she
scared off an intruder in her apartment.
There was no apparent sign of a break-in and it is thought the man may have had a key to let himself into the flat. She
will be making a formal statement today at police headquarters in the city of Portimao. There was also another burglary in
the complex a few weeks before in which police also suspected the intruder had a key.
Mrs Fenn's niece was staying with her aunt in the week that the McCanns were on holiday. She saw a suspicious-looking
man hanging around the McCanns' apartment about the time Madeleine vanished. She has spoken to British police and told them
that he matched the description of a suspect seen leaving the scene with a child wrapped up in a blanket on the night of Madeleine's
The police are working on the assumption that the four-year-old is dead, but that "strong theory" is not believed to
be related to the new lead. Unconfirmed reports in a Portuguese tabloid claimed that British police are also awaiting instructions
from the Policia Judiciaria relating to an English resident.
Kate and Gerry McCann have still not been briefed on any developments but hope to meet detectives this week. Over the
weekend, friends suggested that the family would stay in Portugal until the end of the summer, pending developments.
The fighting fund launched to help the search has raised more than £1 million. The McCanns clarified this weekend that
they are not using it to pay for accommodation.
By Richard Edwards in Praia da Luz
Last Updated: 3:58am BST 20/08/2007
A British sniffer dog detected the scent of a body inside the apartment of Madeleine McCann, according to Portuguese
police. Olegario Sousa, a spokesman for the Policia Judiciaria, said they are now working on the assumption that the four
year old is dead.
Detectives remain convinced despite reports last night that preliminary test results on blood specks found inside the
bedroom of the apartment were not those of Madeleine. Police have played down the significance of the blood traces, saying
they were not the “decisive” evidence in the case and that they remained convinced that Madeleine died on the
night she disappeared.
Mr Sousa's comments came as Kate and Gerry McCann admitted for the first time that they have discussed returning home
to Britain without their daughter. The four-year-old went missing from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz 105 days ago and
the couple have insisted they could not face leaving Portugal while the search continued.
But in an interview Mrs McCann said: "We know we will be going back and I guess one day we will wake up and it will
be right. We never thought that we would go before she came back. Now we just don't know. We have the twins to consider. I
can't imagine how we came out as a family of five and going back as a four."
After exhausting all leads suggesting Madeleine was abducted, police are now working on the theory she suffered an accident
or was killed inside the flat. They have confirmed that the parents are not suspects. Two specialist British sniffer dogs,
one with the ability to find small traces of blood and the other a "victim" dog who can detect human remains, were brought
in a fortnight ago.
Speaking to a Portuguese TV station, Mr Sousa said that they had traced the scent of a body inside the family apartment
where Madeleine disappeared and found specks of blood. Tests are still ongoing on spots of blood and the inside of the bedroom
of the apartment and the McCann family have been told that results will only be confirmed next week.
However, a four-page interim report received by Portuguese police has concluded that the blood is not Madeleine’s.
Forensic analysis suggests that there is a 72 per cent chance the sample is that of a white man of “northeast European”
origin. The condition of the sample is poor because the wall had been cleaned with detergent.
Mr Sousa also tentatively suggested there could new suspects in the case depending on the results. He said: "Naturally
we could have new arguidos, depending on the result [of DNA tests] there could be a change in the procedural position of those
involved in the case or, eventually, there could arise other people, others involved who until now are not known".
Mr Sousa insisted the results would not be "decisive" in the case and there were other signs "giving strength" to the
theory that the child is dead. However the evidence of the sniffer dogs, which were only used three months into the search
for Madeleine, has thrown up more questions than answers.
Expert handlers said that dogs can only pick up the scent of a body which has been in situ for more than two hours. The
springer spaniels used can also detect small traces of blood up to seven years old, in which time hundreds of people have
used the holiday apartment where they were found.
Earlier this week, Portugal's most senior police officer played down developments. Alípio Ribeiro, national director
of the PJ, said that detectives were "far from throwing light on the case". He added: "Despite the fact that new elements
have appeared in the investigation we still do not know where they will lead us."
Mr Sousa said the case "is complex" and "extremely difficult to investigate". He defended Portuguese police for missing
the evidence found by the British sniffer dogs and added that police teams had found a lot of forensics. "Never has there
been collected so much evidence in a crime scene by specialised teams as in this situation," he said.
Police have not ruled out that Madeleine was abducted but have exhausted all leads suggesting so. All 490 guests staying
on the same Ocean Club resort have been traced and spoken to. No one, with the exception of one of the friends holidaying
with the McCanns, saw anything suspicious in the area.
Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs McCann have been kept in the dark by police of recent developments and the apparent "shift" in
the investigation. Last week the couple were upset and set back when detectives took a cold, "formal" tone with them at their
regular update meeting. Mr McCann said he felt the investigation has gone "back to square one".
In the past 10 days the couple have faced the hardest period since Madeleine disappeared, as Portuguese press turned
suspicions on them. Mrs McCann attacked the local journalists as being "aggressive and intrusive" but said she would not be
hounded out of Portugal. Mr McCann said dealing with the intense scrutiny had come as a shock after a quiet period in the
case in July.
He said: "The frenzy that built up last week, with the resumed searches and a clear shift in the investigation - if that
had happened in the first week or two we would have been prepared for it."
Kate and Gerry go for their early morning run but don't quite make
it to the top of the cliffs due to time limitations. They drop the kids off at kids club and do interviews for the 3 biggest
selling Spanish newspapers.
Kirsty Wark, the Newsnight presenter, writes a piece about the McCann's
and the media.
Gerry makes another early morning drive to the airport but
doesn't specify in his blog who he is dropping off or collecting.
A curious statement is released that 'Kate is keen to get in
touch with a very nice mum, who she spoke with at the toddler pool in the Ocean Club on Sunday 3rd June. She is sure she will
remember the conversation and Kate would be grateful if you could get in touch with her at'
Kate and Gerry record an interview for Spanish television inside
their villa in Praia da Luz. Gerry storms out when questioned about a report that traces of blood had been found in their
holiday apartment. He later apologises and returns to finish the interview.
Gerry travels back to the UK at night 'to attend to a few personal
matters before heading to Edinburgh'. Kate has family staying with her whilst Gerry is in the uk.
In Spain, it emerges that police are investigating a reported sighting
of Madeleine. Two women saw a youngster with a man at a petrol station near Cartagena, in the south east of the country.
Gerry starts the day with some pooled telephone interviews,
for the British press, to talk about the media coverage of the case.
In the afternoon, Gerry heads up to Edinburgh in advance of his
appearance at the Edinburgh International TV Festival. He manages to get 25 minutes aerobic exercise in the gym before meeting
up with a friend, who produced the Madeleiene DVD, for a bite to eat.
Police say they still have doubts over how Madeleine disappeared
and whether she will ever be found.
Portugese newspaper Tal & Qual publish a front page headline
that reads: 'PJ believes that the parents killed Maddie'.
At the Edinburgh Festival, Gerry is interviewed on stage at 9.30am
by Kirsty Wark. Gerry describes the event as being 'very well attended' but there appear to be quite a few free seats in the
short clip that is available.
Gerry leaves Edinburgh early afternoon but spends much of the
day travelling as he has to return to Portugal via Luton airport.
Kate attends the English speaking night service, at the
local church, alone.
Interview that was filmed last Thursday, for Spanish television,
is aired on the Telecinco programme.
Gerry attends Sunday morning mass alone fuelling rumours
in the press that the couple are experiencing relationship difficulties. This is strongly denied by Kate and Gerry.
They spend the afternoon with the twins.
Gerry spends most of the day answering e-mails and telephone calls,
although Kate and Gerry do manage an early evening run along the waterfront before popping in to church for 10 minutes
to pray for Madeleine.
They have dinner with Kate's family who are currently staying with
Kate and Gerry await the results of the forensics from the recent
Gerry does an interview in the morning for a newspaper and spends the
rest of the day at his computer, apart from a couple of hours with the twins.
Madeleine was due to start school today.
Kate and Gerry make a 'good start' to the difficult day by
going on an early morning run, finishing off by running up the steep hill.
The McCanns launch a libel action against Portuguese newspaper Tal
& Qual which claimed that the "police believe" they killed their daughter. The McCanns say they are "deeply hurt"
by the allegations.
Gerry states in his blog that the legal expenses for the proceedings
will not be paid for from the Madeleine Fund.
With thanks
to Nigel at
McCann Files