Day 1046: 14/03/2010
Sunday |
TO |
Day 1050: 18/03/2010
No Update |
1,045 |
Update: Saturday 13th March 2010
Today we joined hundreds of runners to
take part in a 10km run in Hyde Park to support the work of
the charity 'Missing People' (
for Missing People' is the first of what will now be an
annual event.
relatives who also have a family member missing (through a
variety of different circumstances) came to support the
event and raise awareness for all missing children and
We want to thank Martin Houghton-Brown and the team at
Missing People for organising today's run, and of course for
all their commitment and hard work, despite limited
resources and recognition.
We would also like to thank everyone who came to run and/or
show their support today, as well as all those who have very
generously sponsored me and the other runners.
Events like that today, help to remind the world that these
children and adults are still missing. By supporting such a
cause, we are all giving them a much needed chance of being
found - and hopefully reunited with their family
Day 1039: 07/03/2010
Sunday |
TO |
Day 1044: 12/03/2010
Friday |
No Update |
1,038 |
Statement March 5th 2010
Events this week
have yet again been
incomprehensible and
On Tuesday, the
Prosecutor in
released a large
number of
(relating to the
investigation to
find our
Madeleine) to
the British
Media, following
their request
for access.
Disclosing such
publicly greatly
jeopardises the
search for
Madeleine and
puts witnesses
and innocent
members of the
general public
at risk (as well
as causing them
great anxiety).
Release and
publication of
information in
this manner also
It is difficult
to see how
anyone benefits
from this week's
It is imperative
that the
Authorities take
for sensitive
and confidential
information. We,
together with
the general
public, need
assurances that
this will not
be allowed to
happen again.
Equally, we need
assurances that
all credible
information and
leads will be
We also urge
each individual
working for the
media to
consider their
own personal
responsibility -
to put
interests aside
occasionally and
to bear in mind
the potential
consequences of
their actions,
especially when
people's lives
and well-being
are at risk.
Our own
have acted
and with
integrity. We
are eager to
anybody who has
any information
which may relate
to Madeleine's
abduction to
contact our
team directly by
phone (0845 838
4699 or 800 814
028), by email
or via the P.O
box address
given on the
Information may
be given
anonymously via
each route.
We are
grateful to all
those who
continue to
support us in
our search for
During weeks
such as these,
it is invaluable
to know that we
are not facing
this difficult
journey alone
Day 1033: 01/03/2010
Monday |
TO |
1037: 05/03/2010
Friday |
No Update |
Day 1024 : 20/02/2010
Saturday |
TO |
Day 1032: 28/02/2010
Sunday |
No Update |
1,023 |
Verdict on
Goncalo Amarals book and DVD
We are very pleased
and relieved with
the judge's decision
today. By upholding
the injunction
against Goncalo
Amaral's book and
DVD, the judge has
rightly agreed that
there has been
significant, ongoing
damage to the search
for our beloved
daughter Madeleine
and to the rights of
our family. We are
grateful to the
judge for accepting
that this injustice
must not continue.
The court case
once again, that
there is no
evidence that
Madeleine has
come to any
harm. It has
also clearly
shown that no
police force is
actively looking
for Madeleine,
even when they
are, shockingly,
presented with
new information
and leads. The
motives of those
who have tried
to convince the
world that
Madeleine is
dead, and who've
and falsely
tried to
implicate us in
need to be
As painful and
damaging as the
claims of Mr
Amaral and his
supporters have
been to us and
our family, our
primary focus
has always been,
and always will
be, to find
through our own
efforts. It is
still incumbent
upon the British
and Portuguese
authorities to
ensure that
every credible
lead has been
investigated and
that a
search for our
innocent and
little girl is
properly carried
We must and will
keep looking for
Madeleine and
responsible for
her abduction.
We implore the
especially the
people, to help
us look for
Madeleine, to
remain vigilant
and to give us
any information
that could help
us find our
daughter. Please
do not give up
Please call 800
814 028 (In
Portugal) or
0845 838 4699.
Thank you
Kate and Gerry
Day 1005: 01/02/2010
Monday |
TO |
1022: 18/02/2010
Thursday |
No Update |
Day 1001: 28/01/2010
Thursday |
TO |
Day 1004: 31/01/2010
Sunday |
No Update |
Day 1,000:
Wednesday 27th January 2010
Today marks 1000 days since Madeleine was taken from us. It's hard to even say
the number. We remember the first few days after Madeleine was
taken, watching the clock and counting every hour. Now we've
reached 1000 days.
It's difficult sometimes to understand how we've been able to keep going and
survive without Madeleine, especially since nothing has changed
since that terrifying first night. Madeleine is still missing.
Sometimes it even feels ?wrong' to be coping. And yet if we
weren't, there would be no search and no campaign to find
Madeleine and that just doesn't bear thinking about! We are very
aware though that our ability to cope and keep going for
Madeleine has been greatly augmented by the incredible support
we have received from so many people and this should never be
underestimated. We will always remember and be forever grateful
for this help, support and kindness.
This evening we will be holding a fund-raising event in London - ?Still
Missing,Still Missed; An Evening for Madeleine'. We will be
remembering Madeleine and other missing children throughout the
world. We are hoping to raise a good amount of money to further
the search for Madeleine but also to benefit the charities,
Missing People and Missing Children Europe and the fantastic but
often unrecognised work that they do on behalf of all missing
children in the UK and Europe.
Also this evening, 1000 lanterns will be released into the night sky - an
event which has been called ?Look Up & Look Out for
Madeleine'.They will be released from many different locations
in the UK, Portugal and the USA. It is a symbolic way for our
family, friends and supporters to show that we have not
forgotten Madeleine and will never give up on her.
In addition to the above, Simon Armitage has very kindly(and courageously)
written a poem for Madeleine to coincide with the 1000th day
since her disappearance. It is called ?The Beacon'. We think it
is an incredible and really beautiful sonnet. It manages to
convey so accurately and succinctly, both our darker moments and
the reality of hope and possibility, aswell as including
powerful and touching references to Madeleine. We hope it will
be read by many.
One thousand days.
Madeleine is still missing and she needs to be found.
We will continue to turn every stone. We will never give upon Madeleine.
Thank you for your support and solidarity. Together we can bring
Madeleine home. |
Day 989 : 16/01/2010
Saturday |
TO |
Day 999 :26/01/2010
Tuesday |
No Update |
Court Case(
Injunction) in Lisbon 14th January 2010
We are currently in Lisbon for the trial to determine whether the injunction
against Mr Amaral's book and DVD should remain in place.
This trial is about whether the book is a true reflection of
the official judicial process in to Madeleine's
disappearance and whether its contents damage the ongoing
search for Madeleine, her siblings and our reputations.
Mr Amaral's book and DVD contains some information from the PJ files but there
is a lot in the files which is not in Mr Amaral's book.
Hence it is highly selective and therefore biased. Mr
Amaral's book contains his opinions rather than fact. His
opinions differ from the findings in the PJ file. The
conclusions of the latter are: 1.there is no evidence
that Madeleine is dead and 2. there is no evidence
that Gerry or I are involved in Madeleine's disappearance.
This is very different to the theories and conclusions of Mr
Amaral. It is logical and common sense that spreading these
theories as Mr Amaral did (and continues todo) damages the
search to find our little girl. If the general public (and
the Portuguese people in particular) are bombarded day in
and day out with such theories, this will eventually
'colour' their understanding and judgement -lies and
inaccuracies become fact. If people subsequently believe
that Madeleineis dead and that we are involved in her
disappearance then they will not look for Madeleine, will
not consider any suspicions about others which they may have
and will not come forward with information. We consider this
highly detrimental to the search for Madeleine.
There are few points which have been raised in the last few days which I would
like to address specifically:
Abduction theory:For us, there is only the abduction theory
possible because we were not involved in Madeleine's
disappearance and we know Madeleine did not wander off by
herself. It is obvious and right that the police should
consider other theories initially.
The window: I described to the police officers exactly what I
found that night, as it was and is highly relevant and I
knew that every little detail could be helpful in finding my
daughter which is our only aim. The window which is a ground
floor window was completely open and is large enough for a
person to easily climb through it. Whether it had been
opened for this purpose remains unknown. It could of course
have been opened by the perpetrator when inside the
apartment as a potential escape route or left open as a 'red
The dogs: We realise that the behaviour of the dogs was the
turning point in the investigation for the PJ. The use of
dogs has proved to be problematic and unreliable in previous
(please refer to the Jersey ?Haut de La Garenne' case and other research
published about their use and reliability). It is vital to
note that alerts by such dogs are classified as intelligence
rather than evidence, as police officers familiar with their
use will verify. These alerts must be supported by forensics
in order to be used as evidence. The results of the forensic
examinations did not identify any blood or Madeleine's DNA.
To suggestor use the dogs? reactions as evidence is simply
wrong and abusive.
The proposed reconstruction: The suggestion of a reconstruction
of our movements and other key witnesses at the crime scene
and/or surrounding area in the early days following
Madeleine's abduction was declined by the PJ as 'not usual'
for Portugal. When the PJ finally requested a reconstruction
to take place in 2008, Gerry and I were still arguidos and
as such would have attended for a reconstruction. Some key
witnesses (including some of our friends)declined to attend
the planned reconstruction as they were not convinced of the
aims and usefulness of it. In particular, as the
reconstruction was not to be shown to the media (and hence
the general public), they did not feel it would help to find
Madeleine. Had the intention been to show it to the general
public, it may have 'jogged' memories and encouraged people
to come forward with information. It should be added that
other key witnesses were not invited to attend.
Our team is confident that the injunction will remain in place because none of
thewitnesses thus far have been able to prove in court that
Mr. Amaral's right to express his opinion is superior to the
rights of our family to peace, respect and protection of
reputation, and above all, the right to continue the
searchfor our daughter Madeleine effectively and without
hindrance. As has been made clear this week, Mr Amaral's
?thesis' is not supported by any evidence. The search for
Madeleine must go on until we find her and bring her
abductor(s) to justice.
Kate McCann |
Day 974 : 01/01/2010
TO |
Day 987 : 14/01/2010
Thursday |
No Update |
Day 962 : 20/12/2009
TO |
Day 973 : 31/12/2009
Thursday |
No Update |
961 |
Update: December 18th 2009
It is heartbreaking for our family to accept the likelihood of spending a
third Christmas without Madeleine. Her absence is even more
tangible at this time of year. It is difficult also to believe
that another year has passed by.
It has however been an incredibly busy year with so much hard work going
into the investigation and campaign to find Madeleine. This fact
alone is positive in many ways and probably explains why the
last twelve months appear to have flown by! There is however
also a feeling of great disappointment when the one thing that
we want so badly still eludes us.
Some people (thankfully in the minority) may have their own reasons and
agendas for wanting to discontinue the search for Madeleine, and
for others it may be easier or more ?convenient' to give up. For
us, there is no option, no alternative. We long for our ?baby',
our daughter, our sister, our granddaughter, our friend, our
dear sweet Madeleine to be home. This drive and perseverance to
find her is not wishful thinking; it is reinforced by facts and
evidence. The facts and evidence say: Madeleine is still missing
and there is a very real likelihood that she is alive. Hence the
search to find her must continue.
Whilst it has been left for us as Madeleine's parents to find our daughter,
there is no doubt that our chances of finding her are much
greater with the eyes, ears, hearts and minds of the general
public assisting us.
We would like to thank everyone who continues to support and help us. Thank
you also for all the Christmas cards, kind messages, flowers and
gifts, as well as the many masses and prayers offered for
Madeleine. This wonderful support, together with the commitment
of so many people to finding Madeleine is quite incredible and
We can assure you that we will never stop looking for Madeleine and our
resolve will not weaken, no matter what challenges are put in
our way. We are prepared to pursue all avenues if it is felt to
be of benefit to Madeleine. We continue to hope and pray that
the coming year will be a happy and successful one.
Merry Christmas to all of Madeleine's supporters and our best wishes for a
very good and peaceful 2010. |
All we want this Christmas is for Madeleine to be
home. If you know something say something |
Christmas is a time for children. Please help us
bring ours back |
Madeleine is just one of many children who aren't
with their families this Christmas. Please spare a
thought for them. |
There will be a spare place at the Christmas table
again this year.
If you know anything - do the right thing and help
us fill it. |
There's only one thing Madeleine wants for Christmas
- and thats to be back home. If you know where she
might be please help. |
Day 955 : 13/12/2009
Sunday |
TO |
959 : 17/12/2009
Thursday |
No Update |
Day 954: 12/12/09 : Saturday
12th December 2009:
Yesterday morning Gerry and I attended the Civil Court in Lisbon
for the planned trial relating to the injunction against Goncalo
Amaral's book and DVD. The trial was postponed until January as
Mr Amaral's Lawyer was unable to attend. As the injunction
remains in place (following the Judge's decision in September),
we have no reason to be dissapointed. For us it was important to
be there, especially for Madeleine.
We travelled to Praia da Luz yesterday afternoon. I have longed
to come back here for two years for personal and emotional
reasons. Early this morning we went to the lovely little church
of Nossa Senhora da Luz. It was so quiet and peaceful - a real
sanctuary. Although our pain feels much rawer here, it is
comforting at the same time since we feel closer to Madeleine.
We then walked down to the rocks on the beach, with its crashing
waves and sense of vastness and freedom - another place where
I've always felt able to reach out to Madeleine and find a
little solace. For the rest of today we are planning to catch up
with some very good friends. We hope that the media will respect
our privacy and needs, as requested, as well as those of the
local community. |
Day 944 : 02/12/2009
Wednesday |
TO |
Day 953 : 11/12/2009
Friday |
No Update |
943 |
Day 943:
01/12/09 UPDATE:
Update November
Thank you to
Tony McVey and
all at Atlantic
Scaffolding in
Liverpool for
this fantastic
show of support
and help with
our campaign to
find Madeleine.
Day 922 : 10/11/2009
Tuesday |
TO |
Day 942 : 30/11/2009
No Update |
DAY 921 |
Day 921: 09/11/2009
UPDATE: [Date Gerry used November 8th 2009]
Earlier this week, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre (CEOP)
launched a special message, an appeal, to the person who knows
or strongly suspects who was involved in Madeleine's abduction.
The aim of this initiative was (and still is) to prick the
conscience of that person who knows and prompt them to come
forward with that key piece of information which could lead to
Madeleine coming home. The more people we can reach worldwide
with this message, the greater the chance of us reaching that
person who knows. And the more times this message reaches that
person, the greater the chance of them doing the right thing and
passing on the information that they have been keeping secret.
With this in mind, we would like to thank everyone around the
world, individuals and organisations, who have helped us by
watching this special message on-line and forwarding it on to
their friends, business contacts and network communities. We are
once again overwhelmed and uplifted by the amazing commitment
and kindness shown by the general public in our efforts to find
Madeleine. The message can still be viewed, downloaded and
forwarded in 7 different languages from We would be really grateful for your continued help. Together, we can reach
that person who knows.
If you are that person, remember that it is never too late to do the right
thing. This will never go away until we have found Madeleine. We
love her too much. Please do
the right thing by giving that information to your local police.
Alternatively, please call the ?Find Madeleine? investigation
team on +44 (0)845 838 4699 or email the team at
email or one phone-call ? and this nightmare could be over for
everyone. |
Day 913 : 01/11/2009
Sunday |
TO |
Day 920 : 08/11/2009
Sunday |
No Update |
Day 909 : 28/10/2009
Wednesday |
TO |
Day 912 : 31/10/2009
Saturday |
No Update |
Day 908 : 27/10/2009 |
Tuesday |
Day 908 27/10/09 From
today the Find Madeleine website can now be accessed
in 3 Languages. English, Spanish and Portuguese. |
Day 904 : 23/10/2009
Friday |
TO |
Day 907 : 26/10/2009
Monday |
No Update |
/ |
If you stay quiet you are as guilty as those who
took her. |
/ |
little girl stolen? a family torn apart. But saying
nothing is the worst crime of all. |
/ |
The world is watching, If you know something? say
some thing |
/ |
It's never too late to do the right thing. |
/ |
One phone call. One email can end one familys
nightmare. |
/ |
Imagine if she was your child? Imagine the pain and
the grief?
Imagine if someone like you never came forward? |
/ |
New website entrance page. Day 12/10/2009
Aisling Symes Blog now removed from site. |
DAY 903 |
1 |
22-10-09- NEW ENTRY PAGE |
22-10-09 NEW HOME PAGE |
903: 22/10/2009 THANK YOU EVERTON 22nd October 2009
This is a heartfelt note to say a very big thank you to all at
Everton Football Club and all of their fantastic supporters. To
see so many fans wearing a Madeleine t-shirt was an incredibly
uplifting (and emotional!) sight ? such invaluable support and
an amazing show of solidarity.
Regardless of tonight's result
against Benfica, you have made one family very proud
and have made a special and
significant impact on the search for a very precious little
On behalf of Madeleine and all
of her family, thank you so much. We are very proud to be Blue! |
Day 894 : 13/10/2009
Tuesday |
TO |
Day 902 : 21/10/2009
Wednesday |
No Update |
Day 12/10/2009 Aisling Symes Blog removed from site on 22/12/09. |
DAY 893 |
Day 893: 12/10/2009
Aisling Symes
"Our thoughts and prayers are with Aisling and
herfamily. We wish Aisling's parents
the strength and support
they'll be needingat this most painful time and we join them
in hoping for Aisling's safe andspeedy return. We urge
anyone who has any information about Aisling to comeforward
to the local police as soon as possible and end this
family'ssuffering." |
Day 882 : 01/10/2009
Thursday |
TO |
Day 892 : 11/10/2009
Sunday |
No Update |
Day 873 : 22/09/2009
Tuesday |
TO |
Day 881 : 30/09/2009
Wednesday |
No Update |
DAY 872 |
Day 872: 21/09/09
[Date Kate used September 13th 2009]
At the start of
August this year,
our investigators
appealedto the
general public for
more information
following a credible
account by a
witness. This
related to a lady
acting suspiciously
in Barcelona on the
7th May
2007 in the early
hours of the
morning. Our
approximately 1000
emails and phone
calls following this
appeal and have been
busy working through
this information.
Thank you to
everybody who passed
information on to
our team.We would
like to encourage
anyone who may still
have potentially
relevant information
to come forward. It
is important to note
that although the
witness thought that
the woman in
question may have
had an Australian
accent, it
ispossible that this
may not be the case.
At the end of
August, we
learnt of the
discovery of
JayceeLee Dugard,
28 years after
she was abducted
at the age of
11. There was
nothing new here
for Gerry and
me, as we have
been told of
many cases of
missing children
who have been
found years
after they were
taken from their
families. It is
though, as it
emphasises yet
again how vital
it is to never
give up on
missing children
and how criminal
and unjust to
assume they are
no longer alive.
A missing child
cannot be
expected to find
their way home,
we need to find
them. It is
tragic and
heartbreaking to
think of the
life which has
been stolen from
Jaycee and her
family. We hope
and pray that
they will be
able now to find
the happiness
and peace that
they all
Last week, a
judge in
Portugal decided
to pass an
against Goncalo
Amaral's book
and documentary
in which he
insists that
Madeleine is
dead and implies
that Gerry and I
were somehow
involved in her
Nothing can be
for a parent
than for
somebody to
?write off' your
missing child
(for whatever
reason) without
any evidence to
support such a
theory. The
anguish and
torment that we
have suffered as
a result of Mr.
unfounded claims
and actions has
been immense,
compounding the
pain and sadness
we feel every
day without
Madeleinein our
lives. Madeleine
deserves so much
more than
treatment like
this. She is
still missing
and we will
never give upon
It is important
to remember that
the good people
far outweigh the
bad, even though
those with cruel
intentions can
bring you down.
Every day we
still receive a
bundle of
letters to our
home and kind
messages via the
website, as well
as positive
words from
Aftera ?not so
good' day, it is
this kindness
and solidarity
that lifts us up
and keeps us
going. To those
people, we are
so grateful
and we will
never forget the
great benefit of
simple human
you from all our
Day 861 : 10/09/2009
Thursday |
TO |
Day 871 : 20/09/2009
Sunday |
No Update |
DAY 860 |
Day 860: 09/09/09 Mr
Amaral's Book & dvd banned by court order
" We are pleased
with the Judge's
decision today
preventing further
distribution and
sale of Mr Amaral's
book and dvd -'The
Truth of the Lie'.
Mr. Amaral's
central thesis
has no evidence
whatsoever to
support it. To
claim as he did,
that Madeleine
is dead,
and that we, her
parents, were in
some way
involved with
has caused our
distress and it
continues to do
Without doubt,
Madeleine will
have suffered as
a result of the
negative effect
this book and
dvd will have
had on the
search for her.
Sean and Amelie
need protection
too from such
awful claims.
Hopefully this
injunction today
will go a long
way towards
reducing further
unnecessary and
unjust distress
to us all and
allow people to
completely on
what is
important -
Madeleine. "
DAY 859 |
Day 859: 08/09/09 [Date Gerry used
27th August 2009:] The Finding of Jaycee Lee Dugard in the USA
"Once again - this shows that children can seem to disappear
off the radar, only to be found years later alive. It emphasises
that we should never assume that
someone is not alive without
any evidence to support this - we should never give up.
This case only makes us more
determined to find Madeleine. She is somewhere and somebody
knows where. Our thoughts and best wishes are with Jaycee and
all her family for a happier and peaceful future." |
Day 856 : 05/09/2009
Saturday |
TO |
Day 858 : 07/09/2009
Monday |
No Update |
DAY 855 |
UPDATES 04/09/09 |
Day 855: 04/09/09
Updates have been removed from Find Madeleine website from
Messages of support have
stopped at 04/08.09
Day 852 : 01/09/2009
Tuesday |
TO |
Day 854 : 03/09/2009
Thursday |
No Update |
Day 851 : 31/08/2009 |
Monday |
No Update |