ENGLAND 14-10-2013
Thanks to Anne Guedes
& Shininginluz
Kirsty Young : Live for
the next hour tonight.
Journalist : The case
that’s fascinated the
world, but what really
happened to Madeleine
McCann? With exclusive
access to Scotland
Yard’s investigation we
can now reveal the most
detailed understanding
of what took place that
night in Portugal.
DCI Andy Redwood :
Things that have not
been quite as
significant or received
quite the same degree of
attention are now the
centre of our focus. The
e-fits are clear and I’d
ask the public to look
very carefully at them.
Journ : We’ll explain
why the images are so
critical and debunk the
existing theories.
AR : We are almost
certain now that this
sighting is not the
VO : And Madeleine’s
parents tell us how
they’ve coped in the
media glare without
their beloved daughter.
Kate MC : I kind of knew
straight away then that
Madeleine had been
taken. It’s not us that
have committed this
crime. It’s a person
who’s gone into that
apartment and taken a
little girl away from
her family.
KY : This is Crimewatch.
Hello and welcome to
Crimewatch. We’re live
for the next hour with
this month’s latest
crime news and appeals.
We’re gonna be revealing
the latest Madeleine
McCann findings in just
a moment. And following
tonight’s major
reconstruction, I’m
gonna be speaking live
to Madeleine’s parents,
Gerry and Kate, for
their latest reaction to
all these new
...(appeals not related
to Madeleine McCann)...
KY : There must be very
few people who don’t
know about the
disappearance of
Madeleine McCann. She
was just three-years-old
when she went missing
whilst she was on
holiday with her family
in Portugal. That
was way back in May
2007. She of course
hasn’t been seen since.
And whoever took her,
well they have yet to be
brought to justice.
There was widespread
criticism of the initial
Portuguese investigation
and even, at one point,
accusations that her own
parents were to blame.
Well along with Kate and
Gerry McCann, in the
studio tonight are the
Scotland Yard detectives
who are leading this new
investigation. We’ve
been working closely
with them for several
months to reconstruct
their latest findings,
and tonight we can
reveal the major
revelations that they’ve
uncovered, and the true
significance of those
crucial e-fits you may
have seen today if
you’ve been watching the
news. Now we ask you to
cast your preconceptions
aside, to examine this
new information and to
do what you can to help
find Madeleine McCann. |
Journ : The initial
Portuguese police
inquiry lasted a year.
Private investigators
have followed up
sightings around the
world. And the media
storm surrounding the
story came up with
numerous theories.
(snippets and clips)
But what actually
happened to Madeleine
McCann remains a
mystery. In June this
year, after reviewing
the evidence, officers
from the Metropolitan
Police began a fresh
investigation. Now, for
the first time, the lead
detective is ready to
reveal what they have
AR : I would say it was
a, it was a revelation
Journ : And we speak
to Kate and Gerry McCann
about how they’ve coped
over the past six years.
Gerald MC : When there
is a special occasion,
when you should be at
your happiest and
Madeleine’s not there,
that’s when it really
hits home.
Journ : Speculation
will be cast aside and
new leads revealed, as
we ask you to help
police finally uncover
the truth what happened
to Madeleine McCann.
(snippets and clips)
KY : Gerry, what are
your first memories of
Madeleine as a baby?
GMC : Well she came out
screaming. She was a
McCann. There’s no doubt
about that. She was very
loud, but she came out
almost perfectly formed.
It’s really.. she was
instantly beautiful.
KY : : Because you had
been through IVF to
conceive her that it
must have had an extra
poignancy when she was
born. Can you tell me …
KMC : Very overwhelming
and it’s that sort of,
that immediate love
really. And she did feel
special. I mean it did
feel like after all
we’ve been through wow !
KY : I’ve looked at
photographs of your
family around about that
time. I think not long
after the twins had been
born. The thing that
constantly strikes me –
you have this sort of
giant smile in every
picture, which is like
Here we are. This is it.
This is all that
matters. Is that how you
Kate MC : Yeah. I mean
it was all I kind of
dreamed of really. I can
remember one morning, my
mum and dad were there.
And we had all piled
into their bedroom and
the three kids were
climbing on top of me.
And I just thought we
were so lucky, 3 kids
And you know, it’s just
great. It was perfect,
you know.
Journ : The resort of
Praia da Luz in Portugal
is popular with families
from across the UK and
the rest of Europe. But
six years ago it became
known for a very
different reason. It was
the place where
three-year-old Madeleine
McCann was abducted from
her apartment. Since
then, the mystery of
what happened to her has
continued to make
headlines, but amid the
speculation, what are
the facts? |
(reconstruction begins
with actors)
Kate and Gerry McCann
arrived at the Ocean
Club complex with a
group of friends. They
brought their three
children, two-year-old
twins Sean and Amelie,
and three-year-old
KY : What did Madeleine
make of the swimming
pool? Was she right in
KMC : Yeah, she was. She
was desperate to get in
there. Yeah I mean, it
was then end of April,
we went out and it
wasn’t that warm. She
was straight in,
swimming and I really..
GMC : … Madeleine loved
it. She really wanted to
get in that water.
Journ : The McCanns
got involved with
activities provided by
the complex. There were
kids clubs for the
children. Kate and Gerry
signed up for tennis
lessons. There was also
time for them to be
together, as a family.
KMC : And then generally
it was probably about
6:30, and we’d all go
back to our respective
apartments and then it
would be the bedtime
Journ : In the
evenings the adults
would dine in the
resort’s Tapas
restaurant, which was
fifty metres from the
McCanns apartment. Five
days into the holiday,
the group was settled
into this routine.
KMC : I think we’ll all
woke up around 7:30 and
went through to have
breakfast. It was at
that point that
Madeleine said “Where
were you when Sean and I
cried last night?” And
it’s one of those
questions that kind of
throws you.
GMC : We just made a
mental note of it. We
said, you know, actually
we go out tonight, we
need to make sure that
we are really checking,
we wouldn’t like to
think they might wake
up, be crying and
looking for us.
KMC : The time we had by
the, the pool and the
play area that day was,
the five of us, it was a
really fun time that
day. It was particularly
GMC : She was sitting
in there in her little
dress and hat on, and I
was paddling my feet.
KMC : And it was sunny
and that’s why we’ve got
the um, the photograph.
The last photograph.
GMC : We had a, a
lesson booked, for the
two of us, a tennis
lesson. And then I
stayed on and Kate went
for a run. So at 5
o’clock I went over, em,
to meet the kids and
Kate came back from her
running. Madeleine
looked really tired. She
was really pale and
quite washed out. We
decided to take them
straight back to the
apartment. And just
before six, I then
headed off back to play
tennis and left Kate to
get them ready.
Journ : (reading) G...
swallowed bravely as he
walked toward the floor,
but the lions saw him
coming and they soon
began to roar.
KMC : Again, it’s quite
a nice memory really.
Madeleine was sitting on
my knee. Sean and Amelie
were alongside. We’d had
a story, and Madeleine
asked if she could put
my engagement ring on,
which she did quite a
bit. So, she had that
on. Yeah, it was just a,
a really nice moment
really. And then Gerry
got back pretty prompt
at seven.
GMC : They were sitting
all on the couch
together. And all had
their jammys on. They
had their milk.
KMC : We sat on
Madeleine’s bed and we
had a story. And then,
Gerry came through and
we kind of put the twins
into their travel cots
they were sleeping in
and said goodnight.
GMC : We’d a ground
floor apartment and the
window had a shutter on
it outside that was
right down. And, eh, the
window was closed and we
had curtains right
across. So it was nice
and dark in the room.
KMC : And then as always
I just closed the door,
not right over but just
so it was open a little
bit so that the light
from the living room
would get through. And I
have to say it was quiet
within seconds I think
they were all just so
tired, fell asleep. |
Journ : The McCanns
left their apartment at
8:30 . They were joined
at the Tapas restaurant
by their friends Matt
and Rachael Oldfield,
and Jane Tanner and her
partner Russell O’Brien.
At about 9 o’clock, Matt
left to make sure his
children were alright.
Shortly after he’d gone
the remaining 3 people
GMC : A few minutes
after 9 I said to Kate –
that’s half an hour, I'm
gonna go up – and as I
walked in I noticed that
their bedroom door was
open slightly wider than
I had left it. So
naturally, I went into
the room and I stood, I
could see the twins
clearly in their cot,
and Madeleine was lying
there, sound asleep.
Journ : On his way
back, Gerry stopped to
have a chat with a
fellow guest. At about
the same time Jane
Tanner went to check on
her children. Her route
took her past the
McCanns apartment.
Jane By the time the
starters arrived
everyone appeared
settled for dinner.
KMC : And then at 9:30,
which is the time I
thought – right I need
to check, I stood up and
at the same time Matt
stood up. Matt and
Rachael actually stayed
in the apartment next to
us, 5B, (Matt) said I
can pop in. So I said
Ok, I’ll go next one.
Journ : As Matt left
the table, Jane’s
partner Russell also
went to check his
GMC : Matt, em, checked
and when he came back,
said are they all-right,
and he said it’s all
Journ : Russell stayed
behind as his daughter
had become unwell. Jane
went to relieve him once
she had finished her
KMC : So at ten o’clock,
em.. I got up to do the
next check. I’d finished
eating then so I headed
back to the apartment
the usual route. And I
just stopped and
listened in the living
area for a bit and it
was all quiet but it
just caught my eye that
the children’s door was
quite far open. And at
that point I thought it
must have been when Matt
checked and he’s left it
open. And as I was just
drawing it over, it was
like it had been caught
by a draft and it just
kind of slammed shut. It
was only at that point
really that as I kind of
opened it a bit, I kind
of looked into the room.
And I was, I guess I was
looking at Madeleine’s
bed and I couldn’t,
couldn’t make her out.
And then I realized
actually she’s not in
that bed. Aw, I wonder
if she’s woken up and
gone through to our bed.
She wasn’t in our bed.
And that was, that was
the first time I guess,
you know, a panic kicked
in. And it was literally
at that point the
curtains that I said
were closed just kinda
whoosh... And then I
could see that the
window had been pushed
right open. The shutters
were up. So, em,
alright, err, so, so I
kind of knew straight
away that, that
Madeleine had been
taken. |
Journ : Within hours
of Madeleine going
missing the world’s
media had descended on
the resort. Searches of
the local area were
carried out. While
reporters camped outside
the apartment. A day
after she disappeared,
Gerry gave a statement
to the press.
GMC : Words can not
describe the anguish and
despair that we are
Journ : Later Kate
made an emotional speech
after visiting the local
KMC : Please continue to
pray for Madeleine.
She’s lovely.
Journ : As the McCanns
and their friends tried
to piece together that
night, Jane Tanner
remembered seeing
something that was to
become the main thread
of the investigation.
When she walked past the
McCanns apartment at
about a quarter past
nine, she had seen a
man. He was carrying a
child. Her description
helped create this
artist’s impression. Was
he the man who took
Madeleine? A month after
her disappearance, the
McCanns made an appeal
on Crimewatch.
GMC : For the
Crimewatch viewers at
home I think this would
be a good time now to
review all the
KMC : These are
virtually identical to
the pyjamas that
Madeleine was wearing
when she was taken.
Journ : By now,
Madeleine’s abduction
was a major news story
all over the world. But
not all the publicity
was welcome.
KY : The day that you
yourselves were named as
being suspects. Tell me
about that day.
KMC : I think Gerry was
scared because he knew
that we were in a system
that we didn’t know. And
I think I just lost it
actually. I was, I was
upset. I was angry and I
was.. I just thought,
you know, this is just
crazy, you know, it’s
unjust, we’re never
going to find Madeleine.
Journ : In July 2008,
more than a year after
she disappeared, the
Portuguese investigation
was closed and all
suspects, including Kate
and Gerry, were formally
cleared. The McCanns
continued to campaign
for police to reopen the
case of their missing
KY : Do you always feel
conscious that there’s
a, there’s a
Madeleine-shaped hole
GMC : When it’s a
special occasion, when
you should be at your
happiest, and
Madeleine’s not there,
that’s when it really
hits home. Obviously
Madeleine’s birthday
goes without saying. But
it’s when you’re really
getting …
KMC : Yeah, when you
have big family
occasions really. That’s
basically it, family
occasion and you haven’t
got your complete
Journ : In 2011, the
McCanns made a direct
appeal to prime minister
David Cameron for help
in the search for
Madeleine. In an
unprecedented move, a
team from the
Metropolitan Police was
given the go-ahead to
review the mass of
evidence that had come
from Praia da Luz. Would
the UK’s top detectives
be able to crack a case
that had baffled the
Please come in. DCI Andy
Redwood is leading the
AR : Primarily what we
sought to do from the
beginning is trying to
draw everything back to,
to zero if you like, try
and sort of take
everything back to the
beginning and then
reanalyse and reassess
everything, excepting
Journ : The work of
detectives in
re-examining thousands
of documents paid off
when they were finally
given the green light to
launch a full-blown
Journ : What follows
is the result of this
painstaking new
investigation by
Scotland Yard’s elite
detectives. The truest
account yet of what
really happened that
(to AR) : Tell me now
about the crime scene
AR : Yes, I mean the
family with their three
children were in
apartment G five A. This
was on the edge of a
sort of contained area
which was known as the
Ocean Club, within which
there was a Tapas bar
and swimming pools and
tennis courts. But the
actual apartment where
they were staying was
outside that perimeter
area and it was,
effectively, from front
and back, accessible to
the public. The front
door was accessed by a
car park and then the
rear entrance was aside
a set of steps that lead
up and into a rear
balcony area that go
into and through patio
doors. Madeleine and her
siblings, Sean and
Amalie, were staying in
the front bedroom which
looked out onto the
front car park. Errm,
Madeleine was in a bed
and the two children
were in travel cots
between Madeleine’s bed
and the (another) bed
that was nearest to the
The careful and critical
analysis of the time
line has been absolutely
key. Primarily, we’re
focussed on the area
between 8:30 and 10. We
know that at 8 thirty,
that was the time that
Mr and Mrs McCann went
down to the Tapas area
for their dinner and we
know that around 10 pm,
that was when Mrs McCann
found that Madeleine was
missing. |
Journ : One of the
most pivotal events on
the time line was Jane
Tanner’s sighting of a
man carrying a child. He
was walking in this spot
just meters from where
Madeleine had been
sleeping. This man was
widely thought to be
Madeleine’s abductor but
the team was taking
nothing for granted
AR : One of the things
that we picked up very
quickly was the fact
that there was a night
crèche that was
operating from the main
Ocean Club reception,
and 8 families had left
eleven children in there
and one particular
family we spoke to gave
us information that was
really interesting and
exciting. In fact I
would say it was a, it
was a revelation moment
when having discussed
with them what they were
doing on the night they
themselves believed that
they could be the Tanner
Journ : The British
father had collected his
two-year-old daughter
from the crèche. He had
been walking near the
McCanns apartment: This
is the actual photograph
taken by Metropolitan
Police officers of the
man dressed in the kind
of clothes he wore on
holiday. This image was
compared to the artist’s
AR : It is uncannily
similar, and we know
that the pyjamas that
their child was wearing
that it is again is
uncannily striking, the
Journ : So, what
you’re saying is, that
the timing that everyone
was working on for years
in this case was wrong.
AR : We are almost
certain now that this
sighting is not the
abductor but very
importantly what it says
is that from 9:15, we
were able to allow the
clock to continue to
move forward. And in
doing so, things that
have not been quite as
significant, or received
quite the same degree of
attention, are now the
centre of our focus.
Journ : This was an
enormous discovery for
the team, an innocent
explanation for the
suspect who’d been at
the centre the case for
six years. Their
attention quickly turned
to another sighting
which could now be the
key to the entire
It was here at 10 p.m.
that an Irish family
witnessed another man
carrying a child. They
saw him come down the
hill from the direction
of the Ocean Club
heading that way towards
the beach. Could this
have been Madeleine and
her abductor?
AR : He was a white man
with brown hair. And the
child that he had in his
arms was described as
being about three to
four years and with
blonde hair possibly
wearing pyjamas, a
description very close
to that of Madeleine
Journ : Two of the
witnesses helped create
e-fits of the man they
saw. Today for the first
time we can reveal the
true significance of
these images.
AR : This could be the
man that took Madeleine,
but very importantly
there could be an
innocent explanation.
The e-fits are clear and
I’d ask the public to
look very carefully at
them. If they know who
this person is, please
come forward.
(clip) |
Journ : As part of
their exhaustive
investigation, the
detectives are
particularly interested
in a number of
blond-haired men who
were seen near the
McCanns apartment. Do
they hold the answer to
her disappearance?
Journ : One witness saw
a fair-haired man near
the McCanns apartment
twice. On the first
occasion, she saw him
standing on the path
that runs behind the
block. The second time,
near the entrance to the
Tapas restaurant looking
towards apartment G 5 A.
On the day Madeleine
disappeared, two men
were seen on the balcony
of a nearby empty
apartment, believed to
be 5C, two doors down
from the McCanns. A man
was also seen in the
same area two hours
later. At 6 p.m., a man
was seen in the
stairwell in the McCanns
apartment block. And an
hour after Madeleine was
reported missing, two
men were seen speaking
with raised voices. When
they saw the witness,
they walked away talking
in hushed tones.
Journ : How important
are these sightings, do
you think?
AR : Madeleine McCann’s
disappearance does, on
one reading of the
evidence, have the
hallmarks of a
pre-planned abduction.
That would undoubtedly
have involved
reconnaissance, and so
we’re really keen to
understand who these
people were. They may
all be separate. So it’s
really important this
evening to say to the
public that if you
recognize yourself then
please have the courage
to come forward, because
it’s really important
for us to eliminate any
sightings that are
innocent and nothing to
do with Madeleine’s
Journ : As well as that
line of inquiry, and the
sighting by the Irish
family of a man carrying
a child, the police are
also looking at a third
important strand of
their investigation.
AR : We have noticed
that there was, between
January and the time
Madeleine went missing,
a four-fold increase in
the number of burglaries
that were taking place
in the vicinity.
Journ : In the three
weeks prior to her
disappearance, two
incidents took place in
the very block when
Madeleine slept. In
both, windows were used
to gain access.
AR : Possibly, there is
a scenario where
Madeleine could have
possibly disturbed
somebody trying to
commit a burglary.
Journ : To date, nobody
has been caught for
these crimes.
(reconstruction clip and
Madeleine clip)
KY : You’ve said in the
past that there can be
nobody who knows your
story who can look back
on that night as much as
you yourself have looked
back on it and said What
could we have done? What
should we have done? How
you deal with those
feelings now?
GMC : Maybe I’ll say it
first because I think I
realised really early on
that we could, guilt,
ifs, buts, maybes, could
just eat away at you and
it doesn’t change what’s
happened. Ermm, it’s
always been a mantra for
me is to look forward,
and always look forward
to what can still be
KMC : I think it took me
longer to get to that
point, you know, I
didn’t persecute myself
further, our decision to
eat at the Tapas
restaurant for weeks,
months, years, I’d say.
KY : For years, did
KMC : Yeah, you know
(slightly embarrassed)
I´d, you know, why did
we think that was OK?
You know, obviously with
eh, with hindsight, but
then, as Gerry said, it
doesn’t help. It doesn’t
help us. It doesn’t help
Madeleine. to somehow
put And ultimately, it’s
not us that’s committed
this crime. It’s a
person who’s gone into
an apartment and taken a
little girl away from
her family.
(clip Madeleine) |
KY : That’s what they’ve
done. They’ve taken a
little girl away from
her family. Let’s speak
now live to DCI Andy
Redwood who, as you’ve
seen, is leading this
big investigation, has
taken the time to join
us here tonight. In
front of you and your
team has been a massive
task. You genuinely feel
that you are making
significant advances
here, do you?
AR : Yes we do. We are
making good progress.
There is still much to
do. but our revision of
the time line and a
re-emphasis on events
beyond 9:15 means that
we are bringing new
information this evening
to the public.
KY : OK tell me about
that then. Let’s focus
on 10 p.m. Let’s focus
on this sighting and you
tell me what’s
important, and what
people watching need to
concentrate on tonight.
AR : Well at 10 p.m., we
can see a man walking
down towards the sea. A
white man in his
thirties with brown
hair, and in his arms is
a child three to four
years of age, blonde
hair, wearing pyjamas,
very close description
to that of Madeleine
(e-fits of Smithman) |
Two e-fits that have
never been in the public
domain of this one
individual. Really
important for us to
understand who he is.
KY : Andy, another
aspect that seems, to
me, very important, are
all these different
sightings of what might
be the same fair-haired
man, might be a
different fair-haired
man. Give us a bit more
detail on those.
AR : Well, there is a
number of other
incidents on either, on
both the day that
Madeleine went missing
and in days leading up
to her disappearance
where one man or two
were seen lurking around
the apartments. Now
there may be a
completely innocent
explanation for that but
we really need the
public to help us to
identify these men are.
(e-fits A & B of one or
two fair-haired) |
KY : OK, you said to
(the journalist) that
was there was this
spike, this four-fold
increase in burglaries
around about the time
that Madeleine was
taken. And also there
was a rash of, we are
calling them charity
collections. Who knows
if that’s what they
were. You think both of
these things also might
be something that has an
important aspect in
terms of the
AR : Yes. On the
afternoon that Madeleine
disappeared, between
3:30 and 5:30 there were
four charity collector
events, where two men
went to residential
apartments in streets
very close to her
apartment. And certainly
on one of those events
at 4 p.m. – there’s an
e-fit that the public
can look at of a man
with black hair …
(e-fit of C, a black
KY : Right.
AR : ... and we really
need to understand more
about it and and
identify who this person
KY : And just it was
about a week before,
there was another
significant event,again
let’s call a charity
collection sighting.
Tell me about this.
(e-fit of D, a
AR : Yes, and this was
actually the week before
Madeleine disappeared in
the apartment where she
was staying. A man and
the e-fit is in front to
the public now, again
with black hair went up
the rear steps and
approached a gentleman
on the balcony. And
again there are certain
elements of both that
event and the event on
the 4 pm on the day that
we’ve shown prior to
this that have resonance
between each other,
really important for us
to identify these
individuals are.
KY : That’s for sure.
DCI Andy Redwood, thanks
very much for taking the
time for talking to us.
So let’s then join
Madeleine’s parents.
Lets talk to Kate and
Gerry McCann. You saw
there for us they were
reliving that entire
traumatic day and em. |
(Interview live)
Nice to see you again
and I’m sure that can’t
have been easy. Eh,
Gerry if I can come to
you first, you said the
first time you made a
public statement that
Words cannot describe
the anguish and despair
that we are feeling. I
wonder tonight having
come all the way that
you have and having
fought as hard as you
have for this
investigation, hearing
the new information what
are you feeling tonight?
GMC : I think we’re
feeling hopeful and
optimistic. Em, all
along we’ve said that a
review needed done, and
I think the Metropolitan
Police have done a great
job in piecing things
together, bringing all
the information, and
really identifying new
pieces of information
that really are taking
us further forward.
KY : Kate, I was
entirely conscious as I
was speaking to you and
Gerry, when we were,
when I was interviewing
you, that of course I
was asking you about the
most traumatic and awful
day of your life. Of
course there is a reason
for doing that. People
watching tonight might
say, you know what,
Kate, it is six years
on. What do you think’s
gonna come out of this?
You, you, you, you’re
putting yourself through
all this heartache. What
on earth can happen
next? What would you say
to them?
KMC : Well, it doesn’t
matter how much
heartache we put
ourselves through, so
long as, you know, we
get the result that we
need. You know, as Gerry
said, the Met have made
huge progress and that
has given us great hope
that we can find
Madeleine, that we can
find out what’s happened
to her.
GMC : As well as all the
other cases said over
the last few years of
children who’ve been
found after being taken
for a long time. You
know these cases can get
solved, and I think
that’s what the public
need to think about
tonight, the new
information, and really
rack their brains and
come forward.
KY : I was very
conscious when I spoke
to you actually you said
something to me that you
didn’t say during the
interview that you said
later on when we were
chatting off-camera. And
you said, Kirsty, you
know, the younger that a
child is abducted, the
greater chance
statistically there is
that child will be found
alive. Now, obviously
you have to become
experts in this but I
very much got that
feeling that for both
you there is hope there
GMC : I think that
absolutely we don’t know
what’s happened to
Madeleine. Ermm, we
don’t know who’s taken
her. Probably our best
chance of finding her is
identifying that person,
and that’s why the
e-fits and the sketches
and the new information
tonight are so important
to us, because that’s
probably the best chance
we’ve got of finding
KY : can I just ask you
briefly Kate, for
anybody watching
tonight, who thinks, I
know something, I don’t
know I don’t know if it
is worth phoning in.
What would you say to
them personally tonight
if they’re watching.
GMC : Please, please
have the courage and
confidence to come
forward now and share
that information with us
and you could unlock
this whole case. So
please, the general
public has being
fantastic but please
stay with us and come
KY : We wish you and we
wish this twins all the
very best. Thank you
very much for taking the
time to talk to us.
Thank you.
MCs : Thank you.
KY : Right, there you
have it. Now it’s your
turn. If you recognise
the man that we have
shown you tonight in
these e-fits, here he is
again. Or if you have
any single scrap of
information. Could be
about the sightings of
the fair-haired men. It
could be about
burglaries in the area.
I would urge you please
to do the right thing
and call our studio now.
You know the number.
It’s 0500 600 600. You
can also call the
incident room if you
prefer. Let me give you
the number for that.
That’s 0800 09610 double
1. |
14-10-2013 |
images-14-10-2013 |
McCann: The man Jane Tanner saw and, right, stranger on the
beach/Pic: Jamie Jones |
smith Sighting |
So could this TV reconstruction end
the distasteful slurs about Kate and
Gerry? |
Crimewatch-10-10-3013 |
You Tube
Kirsty Young:
It's the case that's captivated the
world but what really
happened to Madeleine McCann?
We exclusively reconstruct Scotland
Yard's latest findings and
hear from Madeleine's parents.
Kate McCann: We're
not the ones who's done something
wrong here, it's the person who's
gone into that apartment and taken a
little girl.
Kirsty Young: And
police reveal the leads they believe
could be key to cracking the case.
Andy Redwood: I
would say it was... it was a
revelation moment.
Kirsty Young:
Crimewatch, Monday at 9 on BBC One
and BBC One HD. |
The McCanns (played by actors) leave
the apartment by the 'unlocked'
sliding patio doors |
Madeleine's bare feet as she is
carried away from the apartment |
Madeleine's empty bed which showed
no obvious signs of having been
slept in |
The Interviews |
Kate McCann: "We're not the ones
who's done something wrong here..." |
The McCanns arrive for their
interview with Kirsty Young |
DCI Andy Redwood: "...it was a
revelation moment." |
15-10-2013 |
Summary of show with thanks to
Cudlycat |
watched the show with a lot of
expectations and was heavily
No news, essential info left out
They must think we are fools with
the memorie of a goldfish
He thinks there's a double agenda
and that this show was made with
another goal
There's an old trick called "making
He then refers to the telephone
analisys which were not mentioned
and he thinks the show was made so
that some people would expose
themselves through making phonecalls
before, during or after the show, in
which they expose themselves (phonetaps)
Redwood played his part very well
He bases himself on Amaral's book in
which JT's sighting was doubted from
the early beginning
Too much of her statements didn't
add up
and the second sighting of the
Smith's was already seen as very
It's a good book that also shows
that it are the English that made
some mistakes
The 2 efits are childish ridiculous,
how can they expect that 6 years on
someone can remember anything,
looking at these efits which are
totally different but 1 and the same
It's ridiculous and can't be taken
Then the fragment with Kate
There's the suggenstion the parents
could have anything to do with it
Think it's very strange shat
someones first thought is abduction,
it wouldn't come to his mind as the
first possibillity
He also think it's strange that the
window is mentioned as point of
The book mentioned that the blinds
were only to be opened from the
inside and that the only
fingerprints found on the window
were that of Kates, in a position
that showed that she opened them
He doesn't want to say they are
guilty but doesn't discount it
Statistics also show this
and he has seen better actors then
they are
They probably found her and acted in
panic, once set in motion, there was
no way back
Then back to the Smith sighting
No mention in the show that Smith
recognised GM when coming down of
the airplane stairs holding his son
Smith is a doctor and highly
It all is in Amarals book but no
word about it in the show, they must
think we are fools and that noone in
the world has read the book
The show was a trap for the
sorry for any typos |
2013 |
Aktenzeichen XY on ZDF tv German
The McCanns with Detective Chief
Inspector Andy Redwood and Presenter
Rudi Cerne |
Wednesday 16
October 2013, 20.15 the ZDF broadcast.
After the film, Andy Redwood, chief
investigator of Scotland Yard, with
the new investigation questions to
the German viewers. New hope,
therefore, that this tragic case but
may still be elucidated.
Furthermore, parents Kate and Gerry
McCann studio in Munich are
expected. The two talk about their
terrible experiences.
In addition to the main case
Madeleine McCann Rudi Cerne asks the
viewers also to their assistance in
the search for the killers of two
young men, the rapist of a
18-year-old woman and a 55-year-old
festival-visitor, after missing the
past five years, women and two
brutal jewellery robberies |