With the investigation into the child’s
disappearance apparently in good hands
in Portugal and the UK we’re content
to wait for the outcome. Should any UK
citizens be charged here in connection
with the disappearance of the child
then, obviously, the constraints of
British contempt of court rules – which,
historically, stipulate that a
commentator should exercise caution in
what is written “once charges appear a
real possibility” – mean we won’t be
commenting on them until the trial is
The question of McCanns v Amaral
is a rather different matter.
In the UK the result of a libel trial is
not usually a matter of argument but of
observation: one party sobs and the
other is exultant, telling us more or
less all we need to know. In this case,
though, we assume the spin and
misinformation will continue awhile,
though with every day that passes the
energy and conviction, not to mention
the expertise, that once accompanied
the McCanns’ attempts to misrepresent
the facts bleeds away a little more. If
you’re a dynamic fund raiser, a paid PR
liar, a grande horizontale journalist
with ambition or a lawyer on the way up,
up, up, then working with the McCanns
against Amaral hardly looks like a good
career move these days, does it? |
don’t need a weatherman to know which
way the wind blows |
Look around you. The sense of weakness
and loss in the claimants’ camp is
perfectly portrayed by Duarte’s weary
resignation, Mitchell’s graphic
impression of an increasingly unwell man
seeking to walk away, the curiously
bloodless tone of UK MSM support and the
apparent specks of dust which turn out,
on examination, to be celebrities
disappearing over the horizon. In late
2007 you could detect unfathomable power
in the McCann defence team, a
confidence that the hapless and
outmanoeuvred Portuguese authorities
were going to be massacred in their
attempts to lay hands on the couple, all
exemplified by the shadowy Angus
MacBride, fresh from his triumph with
Pinochet and fuelled by apparently
bottomless funds. Six years on in
Lisbon he emerged, blinking, from the
shadows to a different world, one no
longer driven by the tsunami of public
hysteria which Gerry McCann and the MSM
had accidentally triggered and which had
then been so brilliantly channelled by
the PR men and lawyers into the harmless
culvert of the archiving summary. |
Angus MacBride back then.
All heart, don’t you think? |
Spellbound! |
Those were the days! – when tsunami
power washed all opposition away so that
creatures like Smethurst could strut and
waddle amid the dripping BBC, James
Landale and all, and be granted an
episode of Panorama for the
explicit purpose of preventing the
extradition of two police suspects in
the disappearance of a child.
Six years of case files and Portuguese
legal judgements instead of hysteria
and rumour made the Lisbon courtroom a
very different place by 2013 and it
showed: the quietly menacing MacBride
of a defence team which boasted that it
was going to expunge bad thoughts
about the McCanns – a megalomaniac as
well as unusual strategy for an
innocent couple, don’t you think? – sat
impotently with absolutely nothing of
substance, importance or even interest
to offer the court. Close your eyes and
it could have been Pa Healy talking on
September 8 2007. The power has gone.
Public hysteria spells, from Titus Oates
to Profumo, always fracture in the end,
leaving people baffled and wondering
what was all that about? How could
people have believed that? But that
alone is not the problem for Kate and
Gerry McCann; nor is the well-known lack
of any emergent evidence of abduction
since 2007. The real and quite
insurmountable difficulty is that every
single time for eight years that light
is thrown into a specific corner of the
case, whether from the files or the
other primary sources or the courts, the
original McCann version is never
confirmed, let alone strengthened. Not
even, incredibly, something as obvious
and measurable as the weather,
for Christ's sake. Only the McCanns
could have described the weather – the
door-slamming Praia da Luz wind – and
have it refuted by the records. Does it
get any worse? |
Favourite Paper Again |
The process continues, naturally, with
the Lisbon trial material. On top of the
humiliation of most of their witnesses
we have the findings of fact and other
material that is emerging in Portugal.
We are no longer, for example, so
dependent on the UK Mirror
version of the libel writ since the real
details are now entering the public
domain. Here’s a quiz for you: given the
McCanns’ history would you expect the
Team-provided Mirror version of
the 2009 writ to be revealed by legal
records as an exhaustive and truthful
account of its contents?
It’s a no-brainer, isn’t it? Still, we
won’t bore you with all the stuff that
the Mirror left out since the
Find Madeleine website is bound to
put the original out in the interests of
truth, perhaps alongside the picture of
Bundleman. Maybe the writ’s contents
ring less weirdly in countries where
wild legal rhetoric is more common than
in the straitlaced British system but to
us the now-revealed details of claim
seem to have completely taken leave of
reality. A sublimely comic moment
follows a momentous and no-holds-barred
list of GA’s wicked crimes which reads
like the declamations of an Old
Testament prophet and stresses time and
again the famous permanent and
irreversible nature of the damage to
the couple.
In Duarte’s own Alice in Plunderland,
though, words mean just what she wants
them to so “permanent and irreparable”
definitely doesn’t mean giving up hope,
oh dear no. Liberal applications of a
mysterious wonder-product called money,
it seems, can work wonders and turn back
time, or as Dr Duarte tells us in the
writ, “pecuniary compensation
can possibly minimize an irreparable
On a more serious note the writ makes a
very far reaching claim against Dr
Amaral. Instead of the approved line
parroted by the McCann camp and its
mouthpieces that GA was incompetent and
uncaring, a buffoon who misread
evidence, we have a much more serious
charge: that the whole “thesis” was a
criminal plot, a pack of lies
invented by Amaral, not the police
team, purely and solely to make himself
a millionaire. Even the dirty little
Mirror’s “lawyers” blanched at
printing that in the UK. |
Foolproof Legal Guide |
Anyway, here’s the Bureau’s
updated winners and losers guide to
help readers, the news agency Lusa and
the UK mainstream understand the verdict
when it’s announced on judgement day -
taken directly from the writ’s summary
of claim.
Has the court ordered
Goncalo Amaral to pay € 1
200 000 damages?
If so he weeps, Kate and
Gerry exult and the kids get
a pound of flesh from the
deal. Otherwise they’ve
lost their claim.
Has Goncalo Amaral been
ordered to pay interest on
the damages backdated to
If so he gnashes his teeth
and Kate & Gerry lose that
hunted look. Otherwise
they’ve lost their claim.
Has Goncalo Amaral been
ordered to publish the trial
verdict at his own expense
for two consecutive days in
a major Portuguese paper, a
major UK paper and a major
Portuguese and UK weekly in
the fifteen days following
the verdict?
If so Goncalo looks ashen
and the McCanns as cheerful
as when the balloons are
popping. Otherwise
they’ve lost their claim.
Has Goncalo been ordered to
pay the legal costs of both
If so Goncalo is potless
and the couple are spotless.
Otherwise they’ve lost
their claim.
With all the implications
that follow. |