Chapter 01 |
Monday, September 15, 2014 |
For Madeleine A chapter by chapter
Those of you who have read my blog
posts about the DNA evidence will
know that I am neither for or
against Kate & Gerry McCann. I have
no vested interest except that my
training as a scientist requires
that I examine all evidence
critically and that I seek the truth
based only on a thorough examination
of all the evidence. Science also
teaches us that evidence &
predictions drawn from it can often
be tested by experimentation which
in turn can generate new evidence
that leads to a greater
understanding of the truth. Instinct
& gut feeling have no place in
science other than, perhaps, in
helping to form an initial
hypothesis. Nor do personal attacks
so if you do reply to this blog
(please do by the way) please stick
to facts.
My motivation for doing this review
is that the authors have claimed to
be able to demonstrate that
speculation that the McCann's played
a role in Madeleine's disappearance
are unfounded. I sincerely hope they
have been able to do so because that
would be a significant step forwards
in solving this case. However if
this is a false claim, and if it
becomes widely accepted that would
have the opposite effect. Thus I
embark on this project with hopeful
For the record I am reading the
kindle version of the book. If there
are differences between this and the
hardback version I will not be aware
of them.
Looking For Madeleine Chapter 1.
The opening phrase of the book is
concerning as it appears to set the
tone for the rest of the book. I
know I have not finished the book
yet, but I have read the authors
opening note,extracts in press and
several summaries so I have an idea
of the books conclusions.
Back to the opening phrase " 'There
she was, perfect,'" is attributed to
Kate McCann. Anyone who has studies
the case will be well aware of Gerry
McCann's "She was almost perfect"
comment in an interview. A comment
that has led to a great deal of
criticism. Thus the opening phrase
seems to be an attempt to do several
things. 1. Right Gerry's wrong. 2.
Give a slightly false impression to
the reader. & 3. Provoke those who
are convinced that the McCann's
faked Madeleine's abduction.
In fairness to the authors Kate does
say something very similar in her
book, but this was written after
Gerry made his "almost perfect"
comment so can also be seen as
trying to right a previous wrong. I
would have hoped that what the
authors claim to be the first
independent, objective account of
the case would not have such a
provocative opening phrase.
Unfortunately within just a few
paragraphs we come to an inaccuracy.
The authors refer to Madeleine's eye
"defect" (it is no more of a defect
than having blue or green or brown
eyes) as a coloboma. A coloboma is a
hole in , or an imperfectly formed
iris. As far as we can tell from
studying photographs, and the
McCann's stressed this in a TV
interview, Madeleine's right eye
contained a fleck of brown colour in
a perfectly formed iris. It was
almost certainly not a coloboma so
to say it definitely was a coloboma
is not accurate.
Next we come to a description of the
young Madeleine. The authors are
honest in describing her as a
difficult child, but try to give the
impression that her sleeping &
behavior problems had been largely
solved. "The stars mounted up"
suggesting that the stars Madeleine
was awarded for sleeping a whole
night in her own bed were issued
almost every night. The evidence
that this was the case is not good.
A photograph of the reward chart has
only 7 stars on it (http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/ROTHLEY.htm)
& Kate states in her book that a
star was put up every time Madeleine
stayed in her own bed all night.
Furthermore we know that Madeleine
spent woke up & spent one night in
her parents bed while on holiday in
Praia Da Luz. These two verifiable
facts suggest to me that Madeleine
was not good at sleeping all night
in her own bed.
There are a number of questionable
things in the next few paragraphs,
but the authors are setting the
scene for the start of the holiday
so I'll let most of these pass.
However the authors make a
significant omission when relating
the story of the camera-phone
footage taken in the bus at Faro
airport. They say that David Payne
exclaims "Cheer up, Gerry! We're on
holiday!" , but they omit Gerry's
reply. There are a number of
versions of this reply on the
internet, but it is fairly certain
that Gerry said "I not here to enjoy
myself". He may also have used an
expletive. Of course it is possible
that Gerry was making a sort of
joke, but there seems to be no humor
in his reply & no one appears to
laugh. In the light of what was to
happen later this could be
significant, but it is omitted.
In relating what happened on the
holiday the authors do depart from
the McCann party line when
discussing the name by which
Madeleine was called. They accept
that at the creche she seemed happy
to be called Maddy. Credit to the
authors for this.
The description of the holiday
continues with reasonable accuracy,
although with a rather one sided
slant. The description of the
reasoning behind the decision to
leave the children alone and make
checks every 15mins or so seems
somewhat biased. There is no
questioning of how or why such a
decision was taken. No discussion of
whether any, not even one, of the
group questioned the safety of such
a scheme. This is one of the main
reasons people criticise the
McCann's yet the authors simply
accept the version given. Perhaps
they will tackle this issue later.
There is a comment about Gerry's
addiction to tennis and running.
This is something that has been
questioned. How much tennis did
Gerry play before the holiday. What
does the tennis coach from the OC
say about Gerry's proficiency and
attitude to tennis. Was Gerry a
member of a tennis club? Does he
still play tennis? I say this
because there are people who claim
that Gerry prefers golf & some who
say that he hardly played tennis at
all before or since this holiday.
The authors should have been in a
position to check these facts.
The description of evenings in the
tapas bar concentrates on the
Wednesday night. There is an
admission that the group drank quite
heavily that night and stayed up
well past midnight. There is a
description of Gerry leaving shortly
before Kate & of Kate finding Gerry
asleep and snoring. Such a brief
account of what could be a critical
event seems strange. Did the authors
ask the tapas 7 or Kate and Gerry to
elaborate. How long did Kate remain
in the bar after Gerry left? Did she
try to stop him leaving? Was there
any reason for him to leave
abruptly? This event could suggest
that there was something amiss. Some
source of tension between them. I
hope that the authors explore this
later in the book.
It is worth pointing out here that
if they stayed till after midnight
on 2nd May & if there story about
checking on the children is true the
McCann's would have made a total of
at least 12 return trips to the
apartment that night in spite of
having a fair amount to drink. I
mention this simply to draw
attention to the nature of the
regime they claim to have adopted.
Now we come to another of the
important incidents of the week. The
account that has been given by the
McCann's of Madeleine's comment
early on Thursday morning that she
and Sean had been crying the night
before and that no one had come to
her or Sean. The authors accept
Kate's version that when she asked
Madeleine what she had meant
Madeleine had already become
interested in something else.
This story may or may not be true.
If it is true it raises a number of
questions. If it is not true it
raises even more questions. Some
people find Kate's account of this
difficult to believe. It is
impossible to say for sure whether
it is true or not, but some critical
analysis of the subject is warranted
in an objective account of the case.
Perhaps the authors cover this
later. We shall see.
The account of Thursday 3rd May
continues. In just a couple of pages
the authors describe in very simple
terms the events of the day and the
fateful evening that Madeleine went
missing. Amazingly description of
the largely uneventful day is more
detailed that the description of the
events of the fateful evening. The
checks are not analysed in detail.
The only detail given is of Kate
telling Jane & Fiona that Madeleine
had said she & Sean woke up the
previous night. Only the bare bones
of the checks are there. There is no
mention of Gerry being gone longer
than expected, of his meeting with
Jez Wilkins or of Jane Tanner seeing
a man carrying a child. Perhaps
these will be covered later, but it
does seem odd to hurry through the
events of that evening. The chapter
ends with Kate returning to the
tapas bar and shouting "Madeliene's
This is followed by a quote from the
tapas waiters statement, the book
says :-
"Long minutes later, still in the
restaurant, waiter Jeronimo Salcedas
heard what he would come to assume
had been Kate screaming 'Never in my
life'....'had I heard a cry like
that....' ".
These is an accurate quote in it's
meaning, but not 100% word for word
as quotes should be. Nor is it given
it's full context by the authors.
The quotes in the book come from his
second statement made in April 2008
almost a year after the event. His
statement made on 6th May 2007 when
events should have been fresh in his
memory he makes a similar, but
slightly different comment. Here is
a 100% accurate quote from his
second statement:
"I ran out of
the Tapas and noticed that some of
the childcare works of the Mark
Warner had begun to arrive. At the
point I left the Tapas I heard a
scream from a woman I did not know.
I do not know who screamed, but I
had never heard a similar cry. I
cannot even describe it but thought
it had come from the child's mother."
In this first statement he also
appears to be unaware of Kate
entering the tapas bar to raise the
alarm. He does not mention it at
all. He says he only noticed
something when he saw Diane Webster
was sitting alone. He says seconds
later that Gerry appeared & was
looking for Madeleine & headed for
the pool area. Here is a more
complete quote from his first
"At that time, at about 22.20 -
22.30 he noticed that there was only
one person sitting at the group's
table, the oldest of them and he
asked her jokingly whether they had
left her alone.
The person in question said that the
others had gone to the apartment to
look for a girl who had disappeared.
Seconds later Madeleine's father
appeared, greatly agitated, looking
for his daughter everywhere,
obviously and immediately heading
towards the pool and surrounding
Shortly afterwards Luz Ocean Club
was in a state of absolute
commotion. Everyone was trying to
help in the search for Madeleine
which was multiplied in numerous
search actions over a large
perimeter. The witness immediately
perceived the seriousness of the
situation. Madeleine's mother was
shouting desperately for her
daughter. The witness told another
chef at the Millenium restaurant so
that he would also help in the
I make no judgement about the
significance of the statements. The
waiter clearly heard someone
(probably Kate) screaming some time
after the alarm had been raised and
searches were ongoing. However the
way this is presented in the book is
subtly misleading & not what I would
hope to see in a definitive,
unbiased account.
So all in all not a great start, but
hopefully some concerns expressed
above will be addressed in later
Next installment tomorrow.
Chapter 02 |
Chapter 2
I have just finished reading chapter 2
of the Summers & Swan book. I hope to
get this review posted before the end of
today, but I fear this may take some
time to write.
First some thoughts about the chapter
It seeks to describe the events of the
night of 3/4 Mat 2007 from the time Kate
raised the alarm till the time of the
first news broadcast on SkyNews at about
07.30. Unfortunately many important
things are omitted from the narrative
while others are given as fact without
any references, corroboration or
validation. At times it reads more like
a dramatization of events than a piece
of investigative reporting.
Having had a sneeky peek at the start of
chapter 3 I can see that one of the
omissions is covered there. This strikes
me as odd. Events should be presented in
chronological order. To present things
selectively and out of order can only
serve to confuse the reader. I do hope
that is not the intention. |
Chapter 2 detail
Detailed review of
Chapter 2.
The chapter starts
with the group of
friends rushing back
to the apartment and
an explanation of
why Kate said the
words "they've taken
her", by paragraph
three we are back to
Kate in the
apartment alone
doing her check,
paragraph 4 has
David Payne's
impression of Kate
as she entered the
tapas bar. To say
that the start of
chapter 2 is
disjointed and
confused is an
understatement! It
does settle down
into a description
of the early
searches by the
tapas group.
There is a strange
and seemingly
criticism of
Portuguese officials
before a section
explaining how the
police were called.
This section fails
to address one of
the important
unexplained facts of
the case: namely
:-who decided to
call the police,
when & why. The
authors accurately
describe the OC
receptionist hearing
from staff in the
tapas restaurant
that a little girl
was missing. They
say the receptionist
called the police at
once. These events
are recalled in the
OC staff statements
to the police. The
authors describe
Oldfield (one of the
tapas 7) going to
the OC reception and
having a surreal
conversation trying
to persuade them to
call the police. The
authors do not
mention that the OC
receptionist does
not mention this
conversation in
their statement, nor
does anyone mention
directly telling the
tapas staff that
Madeleine was
missing or that it
was necessary for
the police to be
A few paragraphs
later after a
section about
searches and nanny's
the authors mention
that the McCann's
were frantic about
why the police
hadn't arrived and
Oldfield went back
to the reception
this time with Gerry
McCann. The OC
statement shows that
he remembers Gerry
coming to the
reception after the
initial call was
made and that he
then made a second
call timed just 11
minutes after the
first call.
If you are a bit
confused by this it
isn't surprising.
The authors seem to
have deliberately
tried to confuse the
question of the
calls to the police
while at the same
time having a
completely out of
context swipe at
some Portuguese
officials. The
involvement of
Matthew Oldfield in
attempts to call the
police is, at the
very least,
Careful reading of
statements and phone
record logs in the
official published
PJ files reveals the
1. Tapas bar staff
realised because of
the commotion and
searching that a
child was missing on
the resort.
2. Of their own
initiative they
phoned the OC
reception to relate
this news.
3. The OC reception
immediately phoned
the police. This
call was logged in
phone records as
being made at 22.41.
(The statement of
the receptionist
says it was between
21.30 and 22.00.
Given that it seems
likely the alarm was
not raised till
22.00 and the call
to the GNR was
logged at 22.41 it
seems likely the
time in the
statement is out by
4. A few minutes
later Gerry McCann
and another man,
possibly Matthew
Oldfield, but the
receptionist states
it was John Hill,
arrived at
reception. (It is
unlikely that the
receptionist would
mistake Matthew
Oldfield for John
Hill because Mr Hill
was the OC manager.
John Hill states
that he did go to
reception around
this time but it
appears that he went
alone or at least
was not with Gerry
5. The receptionist
made a second phone
call to the GNR.
This call was logged
in phone records as
being made at 22.52.
At this point I
would like to ask
the authors why they
have written a
record of the calls
made to the GNR that
does not agree with
at least some of the
statements in the
official police
files. Particularly
with statements made
by the person who
actually made the
calls. I would have
expected them to at
least highlight the
doubt that exists
over this matter
rather than state as
fact something that
is at best doubtful.
The chapter
continues to
describe what
happened after the
GNR (police) arrived
at the apartment.
The authors are
again selective in
their choice of
quotes from
statements selecting
things that support
the suggestion that
Madeleine had been
abducted while
ignoring quotes that
might give the
opposite impression.
This strikes me as
For example they
quote GNR officer
Roque. Here is the
passage from the
book: 'Roque
noted that the
bedclothes on
Madeleine's bed
seemed "too tidy".
It appeared, he
thought "that she
had been picked up
from or had left the
bed with great care.
There was a mark on
the sheet that
appeared to be made
by a child's body"'.
To me this reads as
if the officer felt
that the scene was
that of a child
However the full
quote from officer
Roque's statement
"During the search
he did not find
anything strange
apart from the
bedclothes on
Madeleine's bed,
which were too tidy,
it appeared that she
had been picked up
from or had left the
bed with great care.
There was a mark on
the sheet that
appeared to be made
by a child's body."
To me this has a
slightly different
tone. He found the
"strange", "it
appeared she had
been picked up or
left the bed with
great care", the
"mark" "appeared
to be made by a
child's body".
Perhaps I am wrong,
but he says a little
later in the same
"He found the
parents to be
nervous and anxious,
he did not see any
tears from either of
them although they
produced noises
identical to crying.
He did not feel that
this was an
abduction, although
this was the line
indicated by the
Of course officer
Roque could have
been quite wrong in
his opinion, but
that is not the
point. Summers and
Swan have been
selective in the
quotes they have
used. They appear to
be trying to create
a specific
impression for the
reader rather than
present accurate
The rest of the
chapter proceeds in
similar vein. The
impression given is
of distraught
parents, frantic
searching, and
incompetent police.
As someone who has
studied the case I
know that some of
the criticism of the
police is justified
& I have no doubt
the scene was
chaotic and
confused. However
earlier dishonesty
by the authors and
the one sided tone
of the narrative
lead me to doubt
whether this really
is an impartial
account, but things
do improve a bit
towards the end of
the chapter.
There is an
interesting section
about the various
attempts to contact
the press. One of
the first two PJ
officers to arrive
told them "No
media!" but was told
Sky News had already
been contacted
unsuccessfully). The
authors relate that
attempts by the
group to contact the
press began quite
early, probably
before 03.00, and
continued in spite
of the PJ's request
for "No media!".
There is also a
section about
attempts to locate a
priest and the fact
that finding a
priest seemed very
particularly to
Kate. It is related
that even when a
priest in Liverpool
was called and
spoken to on the
telephone Kate still
wanted a local
priest to be found.
A few paragraphs on
and we are told that
beds were made up in
the Payne's
apartment for them
to lay down and rest
if not actually
sleep. We are also
told that at this
time, about 04.30,
Gerry knew about
Jane Tanners
sighting but had not
yet told Kate.
These sections do
not portray the
McCann's in a good
light. Several
attempts to contact
the press against
police instructions,
attempts to find a
priest and anger
that one could not
be found, and
attempts to sleep or
rest while others
searched for their
daughter. Finally
the fact that a
friend and also her
husband withheld
information from
Kate about a
possible sighting of
an abductor.
The chapter ends
with the word
paedophile. Used in
the context of Gerry
talking to his
sister Patricia
about what might
have happened. I
found this a little
unnecessary. This is
meant to be an
unbiased truthful
account, not a pulp
fiction page turner.
However I finished
the chapter with my
hope of an impartial
account somewhat
revived. Many things
are omitted from
this account of the
hours 22.00 - 07.30
, but I live in hope
that the authors
will tackle them in
later chapters.
Chapter 03 |
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Chapter 3
I'm starting to feel like Dr Who,
jumping back and forward in time. This
chapter starts with by taking us back in
time from 07.30 to near dawn although
the authors fail to tell us exactly what
time that was. I checked a couple of
websites which both said dawn was at
06.34 in nearby Faro that morning.
According to Kate's book they went out
"as soon as it was light, to resume our
search." Anyone who has seen the dawn
will know that "as soon as it was light"
is very imprecise.
Anyway regardless of the exact time S&S
tell us Kate & Gerry went out,"wrapped
up warm", so can we expect them to tell
us what they did & where they went?
Unfortunately the answer is no, so
another of the big questions from that
night remains unanswered. We still have
no idea what Kate & Gerry McCann did
that morning in spite of 7 years of
interviews & books including this latest
"definitive" account. In her own book
Kate says:
"As soon as it was light Gerry and I
resumed our search. We went up and down
roads we had never seen before, having
barely left the complex all week. We
jumped over walls and raked through
undergrowth. We looked in ditches and
holes. All was quiet apart from the
sound of barking dogs,which added to the
eeriness of the atmosphere. I remember
opening a big dumpster-type bin and
saying to myself, please God, don't let
her be in here. The most striking and
horrific thing about all this was that
we were completely alone. Nobody else,
it seemed, was out looking for
Madeleine. Just us her parents.
We must have been out for at least an
hour before returning to David & Fiona's
If you read that carefully you will
see that Kate reveals nothing about
where they went. Not a mention of the
direction they took even to start with.
No comment about whether they tried to
be systematic, returning to the last
place either of them had looked the
night before and moving out from there.
Nothing. No detail at all except the
very generic "undergrowth" "holes" "ditches"and
"dumpster-type bin".
I had hoped that S&S would be able to
fill-in this gap. That they would have
been able to provide evidence that Kate
& Gerry really did search for Madeleine
at least for that hour around dawn, but
sadly they do not. Nor do they make any
challenge to the question of what Kate &
Gerry might have done at that time. They
accept that they went out searching even
though there is only their word for it.
Instead S&S choose to focus on the fact
that Kate & Gerry say the police were
doing nothing at this time and
highlighting ways in which the police
effort was inadequate while conceding
that individual officers did make great
sacrifices to search for Madeleine.
The chapter continues to describe the
searches on May 4th. It includes a lot
that seems rather irrelevant for example
describing residents thoughts about
holes & roadworks. It's just filler
which is odd considering the book is
really quite short.
Next we come to what is for some another
important episode in the case, the
encounter that Yvonne Martin had with
Kate, Gerry and David Payne. Curiously
this is told from the viewpoint of a
journalist Len Port who lived locally. I
say curious because the encounter has
been described by Yvonne Martin herself
and by Kate and David Payne. The whole
encounter is dealt with in four
sentences and does not mention anything
of note except saying that "David
Payne, who like Kate apparently thought
her(Yvonne Martin) intrusive, asked her
to leave." There is no mention of
Gerry being present. This is part
(I'm sorry it's quite a large part, but
is important) of what Yvonne Martin had
to say in the statement she made to the
police in May 2007:
"At the scene,
she found a group of three people, two
males and one female.
She went over to the group and
identified herself.
Two members of that group, a male and a
female, identified themselves as the
parents of the missing child - the
McCann couple.
The couple was visibly upset, and the
mother was crying intensely.
The third person never identified
himself, upon the witness's insistence
the couple replied that he was a close
friend of the family.
She adds that this third person appeared
familiar to her.
Taking advantage of the information that
she had heard on the news, she began
questioning the couple about how often
they had checked on the children,
obtaining the reply that people would go
to see them every hour.
As is normal and routine in her service,
she asked whether Gerry was the
biological father of the missing child,
to which he replied yes.
She clarifies that she asked this
question because during the course of
her 25 years of service working with
children at risk, it is very normal that
when a couple has child and where the
father or the mother is not a biological
parent, the biological parent may have a
tendency to come and "get" his child.
After having obtained the verbal
response from Gerry, the mother, Kate,
questioned what she was doing asking
these questions which should be asked by
the police, who were already on the
scene in large numbers searching for her
daughter, who had been taken by a
At this moment, the witness notices that
the couple began to have doubts about
her capacity and she immediately showed
them her official documents and
credentials issued by the British
government to calm them down.
Gerry took her documents and showed them
to the third person and told him that
they were authentic and were certified
by the police.
At this moment, the witness wishes to
clarify that, in England, anyone who
works with children, whether a doctor,
police officer or social worker, has to
have a proper credential certified by
the police and that this was one of the
documents she showed to the McCanns.
Because she found it strange that Kate
told her that her daughter had been
taken by a couple, she tried to separate
her from the other two individuals so
that she could speak to her with more
privacy, suggesting to Kate that they (Y
and K) should enter the apartment, Kate
aggressively rejected this idea and told
her that they could speak on the street.
The witness then asked whether anyone
from the Medical Centre had been with
Kate as she was very agitated and needed
some support, she was told they hadn't.
At this point, Kate told her that her
daughter had disappeared 13 hours ago.
It was about 10 in the morning.
Meanwhile a fourth individual came
towards the group and identified himself
as a journalist. The witness alerted the
couple to the type of statements they
should give and that it would be better
for them to keep silent.
At this moment, the third person, who
was always near to the couple and the
witness, moved the couple away from her
and the three of them talked in whispers
for some time.
After this, and leaving the couple
behind him, he approached the witness
and told her that the couple did not
want to speak any more with her, nor
with anyone else.
The witness replied to him that if the
McCann couple felt the need to talk to
her later, she would be at their total
I do not draw any sinister conclusion
from this account, but I am amazed by
how different the account is to that
given by the authors. Again I cannot
help but think that the authors are
being dishonest in the way they are
describing some episodes in the story.
It is too early to accuse them of bias,
but I am already starting to have
serious doubts about the accuracy of
their reporting. I am imagining someone
with little knowledge of the case or the
police files reading this book and
getting a completely false impression
about the case.
The authors go on describe Kate's
continued desire to see a priest which
appears somewhat out of context, before
a very brief section dealing with Kate &
Gerry's first formal statements to the
police. Here they again stress the
tension between the McCann's and the
police, something that is becoming a
recurring theme in spite of the fact
that the police have been on the scene
for about 12 hours at this point. There
is little comment about what is said in
those first statements except to say
that both Kate & Gerry mentioned the
sighting by Jane Tanner.
Next there is a section about the press
presence in Praia Da Luz when the
McCann's returned from the police
station in Portimao and how this was
received by the police. The decision by
Gerry McCann to make a statement to the
press is mentioned, but there is no
discussion about how this decision was
reached or how it was decided what
should be said to the press. Only part
of Gerry's statement to the press is
reproduced. A few paragraphs later the
full 'Report of Disappearance' form
logged by GNR officer Roque is
reproduced even though it adds nothing
to the readers knowledge of the case.
More filler? I can think of many things
more interesting and informative that
could have been included in the three
chapters I have read to date.
Now S&S focus on the fact that Goncalo
Amaral, the senior PJ officer assigned
to the case, had doubts about whether
this was an abduction or not. We are
told that one of his officers disagreed
with him and that the McCann's later
sued Amaral for libel and that the
proceedings are continuing. We are not
told that they lost the libel case on
appeal, but are still seeking damages
through the Portuguese courts.
The book continues with the theme of
conflict between the McCann group and
the police for a few more paragraphs,
but at no point do the authors give any
details about why the police were
suspicious of the McCann's and their
story. The whole thing appears to be
very one sided. The chapter ends with
the following comment attributed to Kate
in a phone call to her friend Nicky Gill
: 'judging from the actions of the local
police, one would think that she had
merely "lost a dog"'.
This chapter seems to be intent on
establishing a conflict from day 1
between the McCann's and the Portuguese
police. Once again the authors have been
very selective in their presentation of
facts surrounding important episodes in
the case. The number of important
episodes and facts that have been
omitted from the story is very worrying.
I still hope that the authors will
return to deal with at least some of
these, but I have decided that I will
need to keep a list because the number
of omissions is starting to grow at
quite a rate.
Perhaps most disappointing of all is the
complete absence of any new information
or any attempt to interpret known facts
in a novel, but fair & balanced way. |
Chapter 04 |
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Chapter 4
Good news Chapter 4 opens with some
praise for the police investigation and
continues with a description of some of
the actions taken by the police. This is
necessarily incomplete, it would simply
take to long to list everything that the
PJ & GNR did, but the authors present a
picture of police forces working hard
with limited resources.
The first hint of criticism of the
Portuguese police comes a few pages in
when the authors refer to the finding
that one of the fingerprints collected
from the apartment (the one from the
patio door) was identified as being that
of a GNR officer. This is referred to as
an embarrassment for the Portuguese
Then the tone becomes even more
"Claims that the
Portuguese police had run an efficient
operation would draw scepticism, even
derision, from some of the foreigners
who took part in the searches."
We might hope then that this claim would
be backed up, that some of these
foreigners might even be named &
quoted. There is only a feeble attempt
to do this by quoting Peter Patterson.
' "I never saw any police involvement in
the operations carried out by civilians"
said Peter Patterson, a friend of the
McCann's . "I felt dispirited because
there appeared to be no coordination or
Then the authors refer to Kate McCann
herself doubting that the house to house
searches were ever completed & being
critical of the technician who took the
fingerprints not wearing gloves.
Peter Patterson is a friend of the
McCann's. He arrived in Portugal on the
8th of May. Several days after Madeleine
had gone missing. Thus not only is this
a biased point of view it comes from
someone who did not start to get
involved in searches until 4 days after
Madeliene went missing by which time the
town and immediate area had been
thoroughly searched.
The only other point of view given is
Kate McCann's own view about house to
house inquiries and the forensic
technician. Do the statements of these
two people justify the comment "scepticism,
derision from some of the foreigners who
took part in the searches"? I think not.
The criticism of the Portuguese police
stops, perhaps surprisingly, when the
authors relate that CCTV was difficult
or impossible to obtain apparently
through no fault of the police.
The authors then describe how UK
agencies became involved in the case.
I'm not in the best position to judge
the accuracy of this as it is not
something I have studied in great
detail. I'm sure readers will point out
any serious errors or omissions.
Oh dear, then another unnecessary dig at
the Portuguese police. "Competent or
not, the early Portuguese police search
for any sign of Madeleine in or around
Praia da Luz proved fruitless." Why put
the first three words on that sentence?
The fact that these three words are
there at all suggests the authors have
an agenda to paint the PJ as
The chapter quickly turns to sightings,
ranging from a bag of what turned out to
be rubbish to sightings of a live child
accompanied by adults in various towns
and cities. The authors list several
examples and stress that as time went by
the number of sightings grew, but they
fast forward through a year claiming
1000's of sightings & creating the
impression that all these sightings
happened within a few days of Madeleine
going missing. They fairly comment that
only a small fraction "deserved to be-or
could be- followed up."
The very next paragraph opens with two
of the most incredible sentences I have
ever read about this case. Here they
"There seemed to be virtually no leads
to go on. No clues of any substance at
the scene of the crime-if there had been
a crime."
I find these sentences incredible for
two reasons:
1. To say there were "no leads to go on"
is simply untrue. There were lots of
leads. Not least the numerous sightings
including the Tanner sighting, but also
leads suggesting that the McCann's
and/or their friends might be involved
in some way. The police had many leads
to follow up.
2. "if there had been a crime." How on
earth could there not have been a crime?
A three year old girl was missing. She
clearly had not just wandered off and
had she done so & been injured or killed
someone must have concealed this fact
because she had not been found after
extensive searches. The crime scene
itself, apartment 5a, had many clues and
the open window and shutters clearly
indicate that Madeleine didn't just
wander off. There is no doubt a crime
had been committed.
The rest of the paragraph says that the
problem, or the perceived problem would
be "Virtually no leads from the public,
seemingly nothing to follow up." This
comes straight after the authors list
some of the thousands of sightings from
members of the public. Far from there
being nothing to follow up as the
authors suggest there was in fact too
much to follow up thanks, at least in
part, to the massive media interest.
Bizarrely after saying "if there had
been a crime." The authors go on to
discuss all the possible causes for
Madeleine's disappearance i.e. crimes.
There is some discussion of the
possibility she wandered off, but this
really isn't possible as discussed
The focus of the chapter then switches
to paedophiles and in particular the
police efforts to trace known local
offenders and question them. A few
examples are given of people who were
quickly eliminated from the
investigation. I have to question why
these examples are included in the book.
They contribute nothing except to show
that the PJ were doing their job and,
perhaps this is the reason they are
included, their inclusion creates an
impression that paedophiles and child
abuse & abductions were commonplace in
the Algarve. Yes, there are paedophiles
in the Algarve, just as there are
everywhere. Child abductions do occur
rarely in the Algarve as the do
everywhere. As far as I know there is no
reason to think that the Algarve is any
worse than anywhere else in the world.
Then more padding, relating stories of
people who were investigated for one
reason or another but turned out to have
nothing to do with the case. Why bother
recounting these parts of the
investigation? They were shown to be
nothing to do with the case.
The final paragraph hints at what is to
come in chapter 5 (I had a sneeky peek
;-)) by referring to accounts by
reputable witnesses involving bogus
charity collectors.
Today, however, now that there has been
time for analysis, some of the
information that flowed in early on
seems relevant and potentially valuable.
Take the accounts by reputable witnesses
of visits they received from a charity
collector-or collectors- for a charity
that apparently did not exist. "
All things considered this chapter is
the best effort yet by the authors to
give a balanced factual account. It
portrays the Portuguese police in a more
favorable light, although there are a
couple of unnecessary digs, and does a
better job of presenting facts
accurately. Having said that I am saying
that it only gets a C- while the
previous Chapters got an E or even F. |
Chapter 05 |
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Chapter 5 (Sorry it's quite long)
Before I begin:-
The final paragraph of chapter 4 hinted
at what is to come in chapter 5 namely
the stories of bogus charity collectors
and others operating in and around Praia
da Luz in 2007.
I doubt that anyone will be shocked when
I say that holiday resorts attract all
sorts of petty criminals the world over.
People are usually less careful with
their money and possessions on holiday.
People on holiday tip more often and
more generously and are more likely to
donate to causes and give cash to
beggars. Petty criminals seek to exploit
this relaxed behavior.
So I am really hoping that once I have
read this chapter I will find that the
authors have found something that
actually links the reports of petty
criminals etc to the McCann case.
Chapter 5
We start with tourist Gail Cooper. The
authors describe information given to
the police by Ms Cooper.
During this description they say:
had found him 'pushy', somewhat
'intimidating', and he made her feel
'very uncomfortable'.
Here is what Ms Cooper actually said
in her police statement:
"This person was very
pushy and seemed intimidating but he was
not threatening however he did make me
feel very uncomfortable and did not
appear to be Portuguese and his English
was very good."
So the man was not threatening, but was
pushy, seemed intimidating and did make
her feel uncomfortable. Not very
different from the S&S account, but why
leave out the fact that she said he was
not threatening?
The authors go on to say that Gail
Cooper thought she remembered seeing him
on two other occasions, both times on
the beach on one of these occasions he
was walking behind a group of children
who might have been from the OC creche.
This all sounds very interesting. A
dodgy character was following children
from the OC creche. However the truth
turns out to be a bit different.
Gail Cooper's statement to the PJ on
21st May 2007 makes no mention of seeing
the man near the beach. Nor of seeing
him following children or of the
possibility that the children were from
the OC creche.
A quick study of the official PJ files,
surely Summers & Swan looked at these,
reveals that Gail Coopers daughter gave
her mothers phone number to the Daily
Mirror who then contacted Gail Cooper.
She gave them the same version that was
in her original statement to the PJ.
Gail Coopers daughter on seeing the
article in the Daily Mirror then
reminded her mother that they thought
they had seen the man on other
occasions. Having been reminded by her
daughter she then gave a statement to
Leicestershire police in which she
describes the other occasions she thinks
she saw the man.
Here is an extract from that statement:
I watched the children I saw a male
walking behind them. He was
approximately 10 ? 15 yards away from
where I was sitting. He didn?t really do
anything, he was just walking behind
them and I initially thought he was with
the group, but as they got to the beach
he turned right towards where I was
along the promenade area. He did not
stay with the children at all."
Here is another talking about the same
was only in my view for a matter of
seconds, but I had a clear unobstructed
view of him and the weather was bright
and sunny. I saw about three quarters of
his face as he walked by, he did not
face me full on, but I saw more of his
face than just looking at his side
I even commented to my
daughter P**** that it was the same man
who I had spoken to at the villa."
Here is a third talking about the second
time she thinks she saw the man, this
time on the beach:
can recall that on Friday 20th April
about 1 or 2 o?clock I was sitting on
the beach front again at P da L. This
was just before the man came to the
villa later on that day. I was sitting
at the bar Paraiso. It faces out onto
the sea and is near to the bar Habana I
mentioned earlier. I was with my friends
Trudy and L** Dawkins, my husband,
Trudy?s daughter and son. It was raining
on this particular day and I recall
seeing a man walking alone on the beach.
I thought it strange because of the
weather. He was only in my sight for a
few seconds, and was some distance away.
I could not fully see his face but as I
have sat and thought about the
suspicious man, I feel sure that this is
the same man I saw at the villa and
again on the beach on Sunday."
So her actual statements to the police
tell a rather different story to the one
presented by S&S. Here is what I think
is a fair summary of the facts she has
communicated in her statements to the
1. A man who spoke good English and did
not seem to be Portuguese came to her
holiday villa and tried to persuade her
to give money to an orphanage.
2. The man was pushy and seemed
intimidating, but was not threatening.
He made her feel uncomfortable.
3. A third party says the man did not
stop at the next house.
4. She may have seen the man standing in
the rain on the beach a few hours before
he visited her holiday villa.
5. She may have seen the man a few days
later walking behind a group of children
for a few yards before taking a
different route.
That is it. That is what Gail Cooper has
told us. Could this man be connected
with Madeleine's disappearance? Maybe,
but nothing Gail Cooper has told us
suggests that he was connected in any
way. I have belaboured the point about
Gail Coopers evidence because I want to
illustrate just how easy it is to
present a distorted impression by being
selective when examining evidence as
Summers and Swan have already done
several times so far in this book.
Next the authors discuss the account of
Paul Gordon another tourist, one who
stayed in the same apartment as the
McCann's in the week before the McCann's
Mr Gordon also recalls having a visitor
who claimed to be collecting for an
orphanage. The authors accurately state
that this was almost certainly a
different man to the one seen by Gail
Cooper, the descriptions do not match
and the man was polite and not
persistent. Here the authors are very
dishonest. They say :
"Unlike Mrs Cooper's visitor, he was
polite, not aggressive or persistent."
This suggests Mrs Cooper's visitor was
"aggressive", a word that she did not
use to describe him in her statements to
the police. What possible reason could
S&S have for being so misleading?
The reference to Mr Gordon in the book
is brief and appears to be used to
provide a link between apartment 5a and
the bogus charity collectors. Clearly
there is a link, but it is hard to see
what connection there might be to the
McCann case. Perhaps that will become
clear later in the chapter or book.
Now the authors describe other similar
incidents all of which happened on
03.05.2007, the day Madeleine
disappeared. They say:
"As many as four more such efforts to
collect money are reported to have
occurred- all of them late afternoon of
the very day 3rd May, that Madeleine was
to vanish."
and go on to describe:
1. Rex & Iris Morgan Reported in January
2008 that 2 men asked for money for a
hostel or hospice at 16.00 in the
afternoon of 03.05.2007.
2. Denise Ashton Reported in May 2007 2
men asked for money at about 17.00 on
3. ????????
4. ????????
A question for Summers and Swan Where
are the other two examples?
Once again it appears that the authors
are being dishonest. They have presented
4 examples of bogus charity collectors,
but only two were on the afternoon of
3rd May. The other two incidents covered
in the book occurred a week or so
earlier. All the incidents of bogus
charity collections mentioned by S&S so
far are recorded in the official PJ
Next Summers and Swan speculate that
these bogus charity collectors were
really burglars trying to find out
whether properties were occupied or not.
As far as I can tell there is no
evidence to suggest that these men were
in fact burglars. Summers and Swan
certainly do not provide any such
evidence in this chapter. They quote
Goncalo Amaral's comments that
burglaries are not rare in holiday
season & then go on to say that there
"was in fact a veritable epidemic of
burglary in Praia da Luz in 2007". I
read on eagerly, anticipating official
crime statistics and perhaps a few
examples to illustrate the nature of
these crimes.
Sadly I am disappointed. No official
crime statistics. Instead we are told
"In the first four months of 2007,
according to a briefing issued during
the later British probe into the
Madeleine case, there was a fourfold
increase in burglaries in the area."
Well that is something, but what is it?
Who issued the briefing? When was it
issued? What "later British probe"? Is
the "British probe" operation grange? If
so when did they issue this briefing &
how did Summers & Swan see it or hear
it? If not then who carried out this
probe? Was it one of the McCann's hired
PI's ? What is the "area" in which the
fourfold increase occurred? The Algarve?
Praia da Luz? Portugal? The Iberian
peninsula? Southern Europe? Surely the
figures issued in the "briefing" were
based on some actual statistics so why
didn't the authors chase down and check
the source of these statistics? Without
the source, or at least some more
information, it is impossible to accept
what the authors clearly state :
"There was in fact a veritable epidemic
of burglary in Praia da Luz in 2007".
Next we are treated to "Residents'
concern was reflected by postings like
this on the Expatforum website:"
"Mar, 23 Luz area........Sitting in the
lounge watching Deal or No Deal (around
4.30 p.m.) while burglar got in kitchen,
took handbag left on table and we did
not hear a thing. Only one shutter was
open, door was locked, window was
closed...... No signs of break-in.
Second villa to be burgled this week"
Very sad for the people involved, but
really? Come on, this book is supposed
to be definitive, well researched etc.
"Mar 23" which year? "Luz area" how
close? & most importantly this is a post
from an internet forum not a police
report or statement. Is that the best
example S&S could find to illustrate
their point?
Next we are told that a dozen OC workers
mentioned that there had been break ins
at the resort in their statements to the
police. Please notice that this is a
dozen people saying that there had been
break ins at the resort. IT IS NOT a
dozen break-ins being reported. If a few
break-ins had occurred it is likely that
ALL members of the OC staff would know
about them & might mention this to
Next we are given a few examples of
burglaries in Praia da Luz during early
1. Ian Robertson, not in PJ files as far
as I can tell, allegedly reports a
burglary in February and says two
neighbours had also been burgled. What
is the source for this?
2. Three weeks earlier than the
Robertson burglary, so perhaps January,
£500 & personal items were taken from an
apartment in same block as 5a. No
details e.g. apt number, name of victim,
or source of the story.
3. April 16th another flat in the same
block was burgled apparently after being
"cased" earlier in the day. No details
e.g. apt number, name of victim, source
of story.
4. According to reports (newspaper?)
quoting police sources there was yet
another break-in at the OC that month
(April?) in which a child was disturbed
and the intruders fled when the parents
came in. No details e.g. apt number,
name of victim, source of story.
5. The week before Madeleine vanished
Pamela Fenn's flat directly above the
McCann's apartment was perhaps the
subject of an attempted burglary "She
was sitting watching TV," a friend said
"when she heard a noise in her
bedroom....The man must have heard her
coming and was scrambling out of the
window. She just saw the back of his
head." How strange that neither Mrs
Fenn nor her neice Carol Tranmer mention
this incident in the statement by her
that is in the files. It is worth noting
that a statement made by Carol Tranmer
in May 2007 is not included in the PJ
Why do S&S include this report,
presumably from a newspaper, of an
unnamed friend's account of an incident
they did not witness, in their
definitive book.
All high hopes I had for this book
are vanishing fast.
Pressing on, we are told that apartment
5a itself may have been a target....oh
dear.... wait for it.....because it is
on the ground floor, has doors and
windows on two sides & two weeks before
the McCann's arrived the front door
light was dangling out of order. Really?
No wait, there is more, there is an
actual incident involving apartment 5a
and a police statement! Maybe this is
better than the rest.
In summer 2006 baby sitter Margaret Hall
we are told heard a noise and went out
of the apartments front door to
investigate she saw a man in the shadows
and shouted. He came towards her saying
'no,no'. Frightened she went back inside
without finding out what he was doing or
why he was there.
This is not 100% accurate, one detail is
wrong and the time is not given. Here is
part of Margaret Hall's statement.
that there were problems with rodents in
the apartments she went out to have a
look in the area at about 00.30. She
left by the front door and in the
darkness, by the movement sensitive
lights, she saw something move and
thought its was a rat. To her surprise,
when she examined it closely, she saw
that it was a brown shoe of a man who
was watching the dark zone outside the
apartments. She shouted and the man came
out of the darkness, the lights were
activated at which point he came towards
her and said "No, no".
She said the man was aged
between 25 - 35 years, with a
Mediterranean aspect with tight black
curly hair. She is certain that he had a
Mediterranean accent, surely Portuguese.
From the only two words he said. He wore
light coloured trousers and a blue
checked shirt.
After this she returned
to the apartment in a state of shock, it
was obvious that there was no good
reason for him to be hiding in the
darkness outside the apartment.
She does not mention hearing a noise.
She says she went outside because there
had been problems with rodents. The time
of this incident in 00.30 so rather late
at night.
I don't know about you, but I can think
of a few reasons for this man being
there. My favorite is that he might have
stopped in the darkness of the "car
park" in front of apt 5a to relieve
himself while on the way home & was
surprised by a young lady who came out
of the apartment. There could of course
be all manner of other reasons for him
being there, 9months before the
McCann's arrived & not committing any
sort of crime at all!
What do the authors serve up next?
"Information given to Kate McCann the
night after her daughter vanished- by
the British consul in the Algarve, Bill
Henderson- indicated there had recently
been instances of an intruder getting
into children's beds."
OK, that sounds interesting and
relevant. I am surprised that the
British consul was there within 24hrs of
Madeleine's disappearance and that he
chose to give this info to Kate McCann
at that time or that Kate was in any
state to receive it, but yes this is
interesting & probably very important.
OH bother! "No details were
forthcoming...................That line
of inquiry, potentially highly
significant, will be covered later."
Just a literary trick to tease me then.
I'll have to wait till I get to the
right chapter to find out more about
What next?
Compelling testimony from British girl
Tamsin Sillence. OK let's hope this is
good. We are told that Tamsin (aged 12)
used to live in apartment 5a. She twice
saw a man near the apartment. First on
April 30th 2007 at about 08.00 she saw
him leaning on the wall looking up at
the balcony of apartment 5a. Then on 2nd
May at about 12.30 she saw him standing
in front of the entrance to the tapas
restaurant looking in the direction of
the apartments.
Tamsin Sillence statement is in the
official PJ files and agrees with the
account given by the authors.
Then the authors present an account
given by a tourist who doesn't want to
be named who they say says she saw a man
in more or less the same spot (as Tamsin?)
on the same day (2nd May?) who appeared
to be watching 5a. So this could be two
witnesses reporting the same event. This
unnamed woman also is reported to have
seen the same man several days later
"loitering nearby".
Is there more? Disappointingly not.
The authors go on to the account of
Carol Tranmer, Mrs Fenn's niece. Once
again the authors state that Mrs Fenn
had confronted an intruder in her
apartment a few days before Madeleine
went missing. I repeat, this incident IS
NOT mentioned in Mrs Fenn's statement
nor in Carol Tranmer's statement in the
PJ files. We are then told of an
incident that Carol Tranmer does mention
in her statement:
"I saw someone," she would remember,
"come out of the ground floor apartment,
closing the gate very carefully and
quietly. It looked very strange to me.
He looked to one side and the other,
shut the gate and walked very quickly
We are told that this happened at about
17.00 on 3rd May 2007 just a few hours
before Madeleine disappeared and there
this dreadful chapter reaches its
So what have I learned about the case
from reading this chapter? Allow me to
1. There were a few reports of several
men visiting a few properties in Praia
da Luz posing as collectors for
orphanages, hostels & hospices that did
not exist.
2. There were some burglaries in Praia
da Luz in the months before Madeleine
went missing.
3. A man was seen outside the apartment
late at night perhaps hiding in the
4. There may be evidence of an intruder
getting into children's beds, but no
details were given, just a promise to
return to this subject later.
5. Two or three people saw a man near
apartment 5a. He was described as
looking at the apartment or looking in
the direction of the apartment or
loitering somewhere near the apartment.
On one occasion, one witness saw him
leaving the apartment patio and closing
the child gate very carefully.
It's not much is it?
1. Con men in a holiday resort. Hardly
2. Burglaries happen everywhere. The
authors present only a few examples.
3. A man committing no crime was seen
perhaps hiding in the dark.
4. This could be something important,
but is just a teaser at the moment no
information given.
5. A man seen near apartment at least
twice not committing any crime.
Conclusions about this chapter.
When I first read this chapter I almost
thought WOW all that evidence of people
snooping around 5a, criminal activity,
burglaries, paedophiles getting into
childrens beds. It's obvious Madeleine
was abducted by a paedophile. Only my
training to examine evidence carefully
made question what seemed obvious. Then
I started to go through checking exactly
what was being said and checking
available statements and facts. It soon
became clear that what was being
presented here was either a deliberate
distortion of the evidence, or very
shoddy research work. I'll let you judge
which , but either way I'm giving it an
F-. |
Chapter 06 |
Friday, September
19, 2014
I start reading this chapter thinking
that it cannot possibly be as bad as
chapter 5. I do hope I am right. I hope
to get a proper factual description of
events and facts of the case. Maybe even
some thoughtful analysis as well.
The opening line "Where's Madeleine,
Mummy?" is a disappointment. Not
only because it seems a little unlikely
for a 27month old child to form such a
sentence ("Where Madlin?" would be far
more likely), but because it can only be
seen as an attempt to engage the
emotions of the reader rather than the
There follows a description of Kate's
supposed suicidal thoughts in the early
days after Madeleine disappeared. I say
supposed suicidal thoughts because I
could find no evidence except Kate
McCann's own words that she had such
In any case the thoughts Kate claims she
was having were not of suicide. She has
claimed that she thought about her whole
family dying in an accident of some
sort. It is familicide that Kate was
contemplating and it is a very
interesting subject usually with shame
as it's motive. If I have time I may
write another blog post about this at a
later date.
Suffice to say that the opening
paragraphs of this chapter seem to be a
cynical attempt to engage the emotions
of the reader by presenting hearsay as
fact with no comment on the fact that
Kate's instinct seemed to be to want the
death of herself and the rest of her
family rather than to find Madeleine.
The appeal to the readers emotions
continues with descriptions of images
that we are told Kate had scrolling
through her mind. This section is in
quotation marks:
" 'I was tormented with a macabre
slideshow of images that no sane human
being would want in their head. I would
see her lying cold and mottled on a big
grey stone slab, and awful pictures of
her being torn apart scrolled through my
mind. I was desperate to talk to someone
about them, and when Gerry and I took a
walk on the beach in Portugal, I
confided in him. Of course, he'd had
similar thoughts.' "
I'm not certain from where this
supposed quote is supposed to come, I
couldn't find it. It looks as if it is
not a quote, but rather a paraphrase &
fusion from two separate and
controversial sections of Kate's book in
which she says:
Kindle (location 1568)
"I also felt a compulsion to run up to
the top of the Rocha Negra. Somehow,
inflicting physical pain on myself
seemed to be the only possible way of
escaping my internal pain. The other
truly awful manifestation of what I was
feeling was a macabre slideshow of vivid
pictures in my brain that taunted me
relentlessly. I was crying out that I
could see Madeleine lying, cold and
mottled, on a big grey stone slab."
This passage is in a section that is
about the events of 5th May 2007.
Kindle location 1942
"I remember this walk well. It had been
a chaotic and confusing ten days, shot
through with unremitting cold dread and
dark thoughts that were hard to push
away when we had nothing else with which
to replace them. That is the anguish of
the 'not knowing'.
I asked Gerry apprehensively if he'd had
any really horrible thoughts or visions
of Madeleine. He nodded. Haltingly, I
told him about the awful pictures that
scrolled through my head of her body,
her perfect little genitals torn apart.
Although I knew I had to share this
burden, just raising the subject out
loud to someone else, even Gerry, was
excruciating. Admitting the existence of
these images somehow confirmed them as a
real possibility, and with that
confirmation came renewed waves of
Kate is specific that this walk happened
on Sunday 13th May.
I have to ask S&S these questions.
Why paraphrase and fuse two sections
of Kate's book separated by many pages
and about 8 days in real time?
Why omit Kate's reference to
Madeliene's genitals?
The chapter continues with description
of the arrival of a catholic priest
Father Pacheco and a counsellor Alan
Pike and their first encounters with the
We are told about the church, Gerry's
"vision" moment when he became energised
to become positive & active in the
Then the arrival of a media advisor,
also hired by Mark Warner is mentioned
as is the growing media presence.
The media come in for criticism here,
perhaps justified, although the comment
that "elements of the
media-Portuguese and British alike-now
seemingly sympathetic, would come to
libel them." is not 100% accurate.
This part of the chapter is not too bad,
although it is not perfect & many things
are omitted that could be considered
relevant e.g. Alan Pikes credentials as
a counsellor and his speedy arrival in
Praia da Luz.
The authors now return to the McCann's
relationship with the Portuguese police.
They describe the day , 10th May, when
Kate, Gerry , Matthew Oldfield, Russel
O'Brien and Jane Tanner were asked to
return to the police station to be
interviewed. Once again the authors are
guilty of being dishonest in their
description of events. They say:
"Having waited for eight hours to be
seen, however, Kate was told she could
go home. Four months were to pass before
the police would call her in again."
Now here is what Kate McCann herself
says in her book:
"I sat in the waiting area for eight
hours before I was told it was now too
late for me to be interviewed and I
should go home and come back the next
day. Gerry was there for thirteen hours.
When he finally returned to the
apartment he related how Matt had been
almost hysterical during his interview,
Gerry had heard him shouting and crying.
Apparently, it had been put to Matt that
he'd handed Madeleine out through the
window to a third party. It was like
something out of Life on Mars.
Alan Pike was concerned about my
wellbeing and asked for my rescheduled
interview to be postponed for a few
days. The PJ couldn't have considered it
all that important: it was 6 September
before I was interviewed again."
So even in Kate's own words the PJ
wanted her to return the next day, but
she with the help of Alan Pike got that
interview postponed. Kate says it cannot
have been very important to the PJ. She
is correct in a way because Robert Murat
suddenly became a possible suspect the
very next day and became an arguido on
14th May just 3 days after Kate had been
due to return to give her statement.
Why are S&S so reluctant to present the
whole truth about events? This sort of
dishonesty should have no place in such
a book.
Now we come to the McCann's and their
friends working on a formal version of
the timeline of the night of 3rd May. We
are told that this was requested by the
"The police had said that those rough
documents, written on the covers of a
child's book, would not do. So it was
four or five days later, that they
worked on the chronology again."
This seems most peculiar. We were told
earlier that a PJ officer was present
when the first timelines on the book
cover were written, although there is no
evidence that was true. Now after the
police have interviewed all of the tapas
group and have asked them all for their
version of events including times. Twice
in the case of Gerry McCann, Jane Tanner
and Russel O'Brien. They now require the
most important witnesses to work
together without a PJ officer present to
produce a better version. That just
didn't sound right to me so I decided to
Fortunately Kate McCann's own book
provided a much more believable account
of the reason the group drew up a new
timeline document. Here is what Kate
"By Sunday evening," (presumably this is
Sunday 13th May) we found ourselves
giving our statements again, this time
to a couple of detectives from Control
Risks." (Kate had earlier explained that
Control Risks was a company brought in
by a shadowy character called Hugh {no
surname, 'Just call me Hugh'}.) "We were
concerned that parts of the statements
we had made to the Portuguese police,
especially on that first day, might have
been lost in translation. We also felt
that these accounts were not
sufficiently thorough and wanted to have
every detail we could remember
registered properly."
So S&S have been dishonest once more.
The PJ had not requested that the group
provide a more detailed timeline at all.
I'm starting to wonder whether all this
dishonest reporting is deliberate or
S&S now go on to reproduce the document
that the group compiled with the help of
a firm called Control Risks and a man
called Hugh. They describe it as:
"the single most rounded summary, by
those directly involved, of the critical
events of the night"
What they don't say is what Kate
McCann said in her book:
"we made the mistake of assuming that
the transcripts would be correct and
discovered only many months later that
these, too, contained inaccuracies."
Yet more dishonest reporting by S&S. How
many more examples will I find? This is
only chapter 6.
Now the authors turn to Jane Tanner who
they say was by now convinced that she
had seen Madeleine being abducted. There
follows some description of the pyjamas
Madeleine and the child in the sighting
might have been wearing.
Next the incident of Madeleine
supposedly asking Kate why she hadn't
come when she & Sean were crying. The
suggestion by Kate that this might have
been an attempt to abduct her the
previous night is repeated.
The chapter moves on to consider the
fact that the twins did not wake up in
spite of the commotion on the night of
May 3rd/4th and that the child Jane
Tanner saw was motionless while being
carried. There follows a discussion of
ways that children might have been
sedated by the abductor.
This discussion is accurate in what is
said about the various anaesthetic
agents, but it is written in a way that
seems to give the impression that such
sedation by an abductor would be
possible. The alternative, that if they
were drugged at all, it is far more
likely to have been by someone they knew
and trusted administering an oral
sedative is not considered.
S&S also take this opportunity to say
that Kate requested that the twins be
tested for sedatives just two days after
Madeleine went missing. I could not find
any corroboration that such a request
was made to the investigating police
The fact that the twins were tested many
months later is mentioned & possible
reasons for the negative results
The chapter concludes with a description
of Saturday May 12th Madeleine's 4th
birthday. Events in Rothley, Glasgow and
Praia da Luz are described including the
McCann's visit to the church. The
authors do not mention the scene of them
leaving the church, something that has
rightly been considered an important
event. Another omission which I shall
add to the growing list.
Finally the name Robert Murat is
mentioned. Presumably that tale will
form the subject of chapter 7.
Summary & Conclusion
What can I say? More dishonest
reporting. Not even staying true to Kate
McCann's own account of events.
Omissions of important facts and events.
Obvious attempts to appeal to the
readers' emotions by inaccurate,
distorted and selective reporting,
rather than their intellects. These
early chapters purport to be accurately
relating the story of events in Praia da
Luz in early summer 2007. This chapter
along with the first 5 completely fails
to achieve a reasonable level of
accuracy. Hence if I was marking it as I
would a students assignment I could only
award it a D- (if I was feeling
particularly generous). |
Chapter 07 |
Saturday, September 20, 2014
I don't want to waste a lot of time on
this chapter. It is no surprise that it
is about Robert Murat, Michaela Walczuch
& Sergey Malinka. S&S relate reasonably
well the story and conclude as the PJ
did that there is no evidence linking
Murat, Walczuch and Malinka to
Madeleine's disappearance.
I will content myself with just a few
short questions and answers.
1. How accurate are S&S in their
description of the events surrounding
Murat, Walczuch & Malinka?
As we might expect from previous
chapters it's not 100% accurate, but
it's not too bad. The role of Jane
Tanner in Murat's identification is
covered quite accurately & fairly as are
other aspects of the episode.
2. Are there important omissions from
the Murat tale told in this chapter?
A few, but I have chosen not to go into
any detail about omissions (there are
just too many) in this review.
3. Is there any discussion about the
possible significance or effect of the
Murat episode on the case?
No. This is disappointing. I am pleased
that S&S did not choose to attack the PJ
over this episode, but disappointed they
make no attempt to consider its wider
implications and consequences.
I will conclude by saying that in my
opinion it is a mistake to gloss over
the Murat episode in this case. There
are aspects of its causes and timing
that could yet prove highly significant
in solving the case.
As I've started giving each chapter a
grade I'll continue with a C+. Harsh?
Perhaps, but there are omissions and a
lack of discussion |
Monday, September 29, 2014
I have been persuaded by men
in suits that I should not
publish another post about
the McCann case.
Posted by Richard Philips at
3:55 AM
1 comment:
Lillybet Miles September 29,
2014 at 9:36 AM
That's such a shame. You
probably had more readers on
your site than the book had.
Perhaps that's the problem?
Bad publicity for S&S.
But you are not alone with
your analysis Richard, there
are many others who have
read the book and also feel
that S&S failed miserably in
many areas, especially as
they are supposed to be
investigative journalists.
Least of which is their lack
of references and links to
the information they
supposedly sourced (as
outlined here):
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
To clarify. I have been advised &
persuaded that a blog under my real name
is not advisable.
Posted by Richard Philips at 4:38 AM 11
comments: |
15/19 or 15/37 & 100% or NOT 100% |
Friday, September 12, 2014
There are people in the world who are
convinced that Madeleine McCann was not
abducted. They believe that Kate & Gerry
McCann hid Madeleine's body following
her death. One central plank of evidence
in this hypothesis is the DNA that was
found in the boot of the car hired by
the McCann's about three weeks after
Madeleine was reported missing. They
argue that the only way her DNA could
have been in the car is if they moved
her body at some time after they hired
the car.
There has been considerable debate about
whether the DNA profile obtained
contained Madeleine's DNA or not. The
report by the now disbanded FSS
(Forensic Science Service) says clearly
that it is impossible to say for
certain. Unfortunately it does not go on
to say anything else about this sample.
There is no attempt to say how likely it
is that the DNA came from Madeleine or
not. So we are left not knowing whether
the chance it is Madeliene's DNA is 1%,
50%, or 99%. All we know is that
according to John Lowe of the now
defunked FSS that it is not 100%.
Perhaps that would be the end of the
matter, but people have taken sides on
this issue. Some say it was her DNA some
say it wasn't. Both points of view are
wrong because no one can say for certain
either way. However it is possible to
gain some understanding how likely it is
that this sample does contain DNA from
Madeleine McCann. This blog will attempt
to do that over the next few weeks.
First of all some background about DNA
The FSS test involves looking at 10
different loci (locations) in human DNA.
Each location (locus) has two copies
sometimes called markers or alleles. The
two markers at a locus are often
different to each other but can be
identical. So by looking at 10 loci the
FSS identify a maximum of 20 markers.
In Madeleine's case there are actually
only 19 markers because at one locus the
two markers are identical.
Each individual person has a unique
combination of markers and this is
called their DNA profile or fingerprint.
Some elements of a DNA profile will be
shared but the total combination of 20
markers is unique to an individual
except in the case of identical twins
who will share identical profiles.
You may find it helpful to think of the
following analogy. Imagine that each
marker is a coloured disc. Now imagine
that each locus is a number from 1 to 10
and that one of these numbers is written
on each disc. The discs can be any one
of many different colours and they can
have any number from 1 to 10. Each
person gets two discs with the number 1,
two discs with the number 2 and so on
till they have 20 discs. Can you see how
unlikely it is that any two people will
get exactly the same set of discs?
In reality everyone gets 10 markers or
coloured+numbered discs from their
father and 10 from their mother. This
means that everyone shares exactly half
their DNA profile with their mother and
the other half with their father. See
the diagram below |
The selection of discs from mother and
father is completely random. This means
that although two children (even twins
though not identical twins) have the
same parents they have very different
DNA profiles. See diagram below: |
The one exception is identical twins
because they form from a single embryo
identical twins will have identical DNA
profiles to each other. As far as we
know Maddy did not have an identical
twin sister so there is no need to worry
about this possibility. |
15/19 OR 15/37
Now we know the genetics behind DNA
profiles we can push on to the next
subject namely was it 15/19 or 15/37?
The answer is BOTH! Here is why.
Maddy has only 19 markers because at one
locus she inherited exactly the same
marker (numbered+coloured disc) from
Kate as she did from Gerry. In the
example above this happens at location 6
(child 1).
We have to assume that when the FSS
tested the sample only 8 loci gave a
positive response. That is to say they
were not able to determine the colour of
the discs at two loci. This can happen
and I may deal with why in a later blog.
For now all we need to know is that 8
loci gave a result (colours in our
analogy) and 2 loci didn't. One of the
eight that did give a result gave only
one colour while the other seven gave
two colours making a total of 15. This
is exactly what you might expect if loci
1 to 8 gave a result and 9 & 10 didn't
in the example above.
Great you say, that means 15 markers
(out of a total of 19) all matching
Maddy's DNA. So it's 15/19! Yes that is
true. However the FSS say that they
didn't just get one or two colours for
each locus, they got more. This can
happen if DNA from two or more people
gets mixed in the sample. So if we take
loci 1 to 8 from the sample above and
count the number of markers we get from
a mixture of Mum,Dad and Child 1 in the
example above we get 31 markers. The
exact number of markers obtained will
depend on how many people's DNA is mixed
and how many markers they share. In the
McCann case FSS say they found a total
of 37 markers at the 8 loci. It is not
possible in a mixed DNA sample to say
which marker came from which person
unless you already know who the
contributors were. So while we can say
that 15/19 of Maddy's markers are
present in the sample we must also say
that 15/37 of the total number of
markers in the sample match Maddy's DNA.
Once again the answer is BOTH! (Well
sort of)
We know that only 8 loci gave a result
and we know that all 15 of Maddy's
markers for those 8 loci were present so
it is a 15/15 i.e. 100% match. If only
14 of Maddy's markers for those 8 loci
had been present the match would be
14/15 i.e. 93.333% and we would be able
to say with a high degree of certainty
that Maddy's DNA is NOT present in the
However because it is a mixed sample it
is not possible to say for sure (i.e.
100%) that all the markers that match
Maddy's DNA came from the same person.
So although the match IS 100% we cannot
be certain that the DNA came from Maddy.
This seems to be the bit that confuses
many people. If you are confused perhaps
thinking about the coloured+numbered
counters can help. Here is another
diagram to help. |
This diagram clearly shows that it is
theoretically possible for the same 37
marker profile to be produced from
Maddie's DNA mixed with two strangers
DNA or from Kate's DNA mixed with DNA
from two strangers. (These are only
representations of what Kate & Maddy's
DNA profiles look like as numbered
discs, but they provide an accurate
illustration of principle).
In my next installment I will consider
how likely it is that the 37 markers
contain DNA from Maddy. |
Was Maddy's DNA in the hire car? |
Friday, September 12, 2014
So we come to the all important
question:- Was Maddy's DNA in the hire
Perhaps we need to phrase this question
a little better before we move on. I
prefer:- Was DNA from Maddy present in
the sample taken from the boot of the
McCann's hire car?
This question has already been answered
in the FSS report >John Lowe said the
answer was "I don't know." (I've put
that in "" for effect I'm not saying
those were his precise words) It is an
accurate answer as far as it goes, but
as I will show here John Lowe could have
said more, MUCH MORE.
Who's DNA could have been in the sample?
(To be clear, in this post "the sample"
always refers to the sample collected
from the boot of the hire car)
How many people? 3, 5 or more?
In my previous blog I explained that the
sample contained DNA from several
people. Lowe says at least three and
possibly as many as five. He does not
say how he arrives at this conclusion,
but I can make a reasonable guess. The
"at least three people" almost certainly
comes from the observation that some
loci contained five (or possibly six)
different markers. The only way 5
markers can be found at one locus is if
at least three peoples DNA is in the
sample.This is because each individual
person can contribute a maximum of two
markers and minimum of one marker to
each locus. Hence 5 markers requires at
least three people (2 contributing 2
markers and 1 contributing 1 marker).
It appears that Lowe may have gone on to
assume that because he never saw more
than 5 markers at a single locus a
maximum of 5 people's DNA was present
(i.e. if each contributed 1 marker).
This is possibly true, in a practical
sense, as it is extremely unlikely that
DNA from more than 5 people would
produce a profile with a maximum of 5
markers at any locus, but in fact it is
theoretically possible for the maximum
number to be more than 5.
One question we might hope to answer is
whether the number of people
contributing to the profile was 3, 4, 5
or more than 5. Assuming that the most
markers seen at any single locus was 5 I
calculate that it is most likely that
only three people contributed to the
sample, but cannot rule out the
possibility that it was more than three.
The maths is complicated by several
factors. 1. Each marker occurs at a
different frequency within the
population. 2. We don't know whether the
contributors were related or how closely
they were related. 3. We don't know how
many loci had 5 markers present in the
sample. Hence it is not possible to say
any more than it was probably three
people, but could have been more than
Which people have DNA in that sample?
It would be easy to say that the DNA
could have belonged to anyone. This is
simply not true. The DNA can only have
come from a limited number of people who
had been in contact with the car or the
sample after it was collected from the
car. It would have helped greatly if
several samples had been taken from
different parts of the vehicle & all
subjected to LCN analysis. The fact that
this was not done is a great pity as it
might have allowed a simple subtraction
analysis to have been performed. Here is
how it works:-
The group would include people at the
car hire company, McCann's (including
Maddy) + friends & family and forensic
scientists + others who had hired the
Anyone whose profile has a marker from
the 8 loci that is NOT present in the
sample can be eliminated. This would
probably take care of most people. All
of the people remaining would be
potential donors to the sample. A
potential breakthrough for the case
could be made at this point. If it turns
out that Kate & Gerry McCann are both
potential donors to the sample it
becomes highly probable that Maddy's DNA
is not present. Their combined DNA would
account for all the 15 markers from
Maddy's profile. It would not rule out
completely that Maddy's DNA was also
present, but the odds on this being the
case would fall dramatically.
Furthermore if it was shown that Kate
and Gerry McCann could NOT be
contributors to the sample it would
greatly increase the chance that Maddy's
is in the sample along with all that
that implies.
The group of people who are potential
contributors could then be further
analysed in a group inclusion analysis.
Here is how it works:-
All possible combinations of three
people are generated. This might be
quite a large number of groups, but
still possible to do by hand and easier
with a computer. All combinations that
do not recreate the exact profile seen
can be rejected. Most combinations
should be rejected by this process that
is just a statistical fact. The FSS
report is somewhat disingenuous about
this when it says that many people are
potential contributors to the sample
including the report writer Lowe
himself. This may be true, but what he
does not say is that only a very few
combinations of three people who had
access to that vehicle or the sample
would generate the EXACT profile that
was obtained.
Without access to the full profile
obtained from the sample and the DNA
profiles of people who are potential
contributors to the sample (i.e. those
who had access and who's DNA profile
fits with the 37 observed markers) it is
impossible to know how many groups of
three people would be found. It is
likely to be a very small number,
possibly even zero and almost certainly
no more than 5.
If there are no groups that can account
for the sample profile it suggests that
at least one individual is missing from
the analysis or that the sample
contained DNA from more than 3 people.
The analysis can now be repeated looking
at groups of 4 & 5 in fact this should
be done regardless of the findings for
groups of three.
If there are groups that can account for
the sample profile their composition
should be studied. There are three
1. All the groups contain Maddy.
One key question is do all the groups
that account for the sample profile
contain Maddy? If the answer is yes then
we have once again greatly increased the
odds that Maddy's DNA IS present in that
sample. Of course this is still some way
short of proof, but it would be an
indication that the parents should be
considered suspects and the possibility
that Maddy's body was moved using the
hire car.
2. Some groups contain Maddy and some do
If there are groups of three people that
can product the complete profile of 37
that do not contain Maddy as well as
groups that do contain Maddy it would
not rule out the possibility that
Maddy's DNA was present in the sample,
but it would provide a clear and obvious
explanation for the presence of the 15
markers without Maddy's body ever having
to be in the car thereby shifting
suspicion away from the parents.
3. None of the groups contain Maddy.
The final possibility is that only
groups not containing Maddy can account
for the sample. This is highly unlikely,
but if it were to happen it would
strongly suggest that Maddy's DNA was
not present in the sample.
As I said earlier the group inclusion
analysis should be repeated for groups
of 4 & 5 people in order to get a clear
picture of which groups of people could
have produced the observed profile. The
composition and number of these groups
should then be studied. For example if
the only group that can account for the
profile is Maddy + a Portuguese forensic
scientist + an FSS forensic scientist
this would almost constitute proof that
Maddy's DNA was present in the hire car.
Alternatively if a group comprising Sean
+ Amelie + John McCann could account for
the sample profile this would provide a
strong indication that the sample from
the car boot did not contain Maddy's
Could Maddy's DNA have been in the car
without her body being there?
The simple answer to this question is
"yes". It is theoretically possible that
her DNA might have been transferred from
luggage or clothing that she had used or
worn to the car boot. However this is
rather unlikely. It is also important to
note that the DNA sample was obtained
from the spot in the car boot to which
the CSI dog alerted. So while DNA
transfer cannot be ruled out it can be
considered unlikely.
1. Analysis of individual DNA profiles
and the profile of 37 markers found in
the sample can ELIMINATE a large
proportion of possible donors and
IDENTIFY a smaller group as genuinely
potential donors to the sample.
2. If Kate & Gerry McCann are eliminated
as potential donors to the sample it
greatly increases the probability that
Maddy's DNA is present in the sample.
3. If Kate & Gerry McCann are identified
as genuinely potential donors to the
sample it greatly reduces the
probability that Maddy's DNA is in the
4. It should be possible to identify at
least one group of 3,4or5 people whose
DNA could have been on the car boot
sample whose combined DNA profiles match
exactly the profile obtained from the
sample. The composition of this group or
groups might greatly increase or
decrease the probability that Maddy's
DNA is present in the sample.
5. Most important is the fact that this
type of analysis and conclusions is
still possible today. The full 37 marker
DNA profile from the sample should be
available (if it has been destroyed
someones head should roll). DNA samples
could be obtained from all people who
used that car while in the McCann's
possession and earlier. Forensic
scientist/tech DNA profiles should be on
We are not quite finished with the car
yet. My next post will consider what
else could have been done in 2007 to
confirm or not the presence of Maddy's
DNA in the car. |
Friday, September 12, 2014
This will be a shorter post and I hope
quite easy to follow.
In the last post I showed how the
existing DNA profile from the car sample
could be used along with DNA profiles
from McCann family & friends + a others
to enhance our understanding of who
might have contributed to the DNA
profile and thus how likely it is that
Maddy was one of those people.
Now I would like to consider what else
should have been done in 2007 as soon as
the DNA profile was known.
The whole of the carpet from the car
boot should have been retained and
sealed as evidence. It should have been
cut into many (at least 100) small
pieces in a grid like fashion ad each
piece subjected to DNA extraction and
LCN DNA analysis.
In addition random samples should have
been taken from all interior areas of
the car, seats, carpets, swabs from door
handles, windows, floor (e.g.under car
boot carpet) etc. Perhaps a further 100
samples. These should also have been
subjected to LCN DNA analysis.
Had this been done several things might
have been revealed including:-
1. Was it possible to get DNA profiles
from any other parts of the vehicle?
2. Were the 15 (or more or less) Maddy
markers present anywhere else in the
3. Were there parts of the vehicle that
gave single person DNA profiles? (I am
aware of the Gerry McCann profile from
the key fob I'm talking about the car
4. Were the 15 Maddy markers present in
other pieces of carpet from the boot?
5. Were the 22 other markers from the
car boot present in any other samples?
6. Were there samples that included
markers not found among the 37 in the
car boot sample?
7. Was there an area of the car boot
carpet that gave significantly poor or
zero DNA results?
1. If yes then these profiles might be
used to show how the 15 Maddy markers
could have come together in the single
sample from the boot.
2. If yes then the pattern of profiles
seen would show whether the 15 Maddy
markers were present in only one or a
few areas of the car or were widespread.
If they were present only in one area
that would indicate her body could have
been placed in the boot at some point.
If widespread the chances are that these
markers are coming from the DNA of
3. Any single person profiles would
identify people who had definitely been
in the vehicle (or their DNA transferred
there. Clearly a single person profile
that matched Maddy's would be
significant, but others could also be
used in a subtraction analysis on other
4. If yes this would identify an area
(or areas) that had Maddy's markers. The
size and shape of any such areas would
be very informative. e.g. a few drips
spread out, a single small area
consistent with a pool of liquid soaking
into the carpet, a ring with a blank
area in the center consistent with
cleaning of a spill or leak etc
5. The presence of these other 22
markers in other samples, especially any
single ID samples would permit
subtraction analysis on the boot sample
6. This would show whether the car boot
sample contained all the markers present
in the car or not. Creating a complete
picture of the amount of DNA
contamination in the car.
7. This would indicate an area that had
been specifically cleaned shortly before
the car was seized as evidence.
I am at a complete loss to explain why
these things or at least some of them
were not done. The case was huge
worldwide news at the time. The McCann's
were being suspected of disposing of
Maddy's body. The evidence from the
single sample in the car boot suggested
that could be the case but was
inconclusive. Here was a great
opportunity to either clear the McCann's
or gather evidence that would help to
prove they did dispose of Maddy's body.
Why did no one.... NOT EVEN THE McCANN's
themselves..... insist that this car was
examined thoroughly and every scrap of
evidence extracted? |