thanks to Nigel Moore |
Gonçalo Amaral
Maddie case has left him in
Issue number 883
Date: Monday, June 16, 2014 at 09h36m
Gonçalo Amaral, the former leader of the
investigation into the disappearance of
Maddie, doesn't want to hear talk about
the case that has put him on the brink
of poverty. He is sick and barely has
money to eat. |
Sick and bankrupt
VIP magazine |
Gonçalo Amaral, the
former leader of the
investigation into the
disappearance of Maddie,
doesn't want to hear talk
about the case that has put
him on the brink of poverty.
He is sick and barely has
money to eat.
Date: Sunday, June 22, 2014
at 17:30
"At this point, I do not
want to even hear about the
case." This was the reaction
of Gonçalo Amaral, former
Inspector of the Judicial
Police (PJ) and SIC
commentator, when contacted
by VIP to comment on the
searches being done in the
Algarve. And the reason is
simple: the former
investigating officer is
facing serious financial
difficulties, allegedly
because of the Madeleine
McCann case. Moreover, he
suffers from a serious
illness (diabetes in the
ultimate degree) that has
weakened him a lot.
The Truth of the Lie, the
work that Gonçalo Amaral
wrote recounting his version
of the Maddie case, after he
was removed from
investigation, is allegedly
the source of the difficult
financial situation in which
the former inspector
currently finds himself.
In the book, Gonçalo Amaral
argues that "the child
Madeleine McCann died in the
apartment in the Ocean Club,
in Vila da Luz, on the night
of May 3, 2007; there was a
simulation of an abduction;
Kate Healy and Gerald McCann
are suspected of involvement
in the concealment of the
corpse of the daughter;
death may have occurred as a
result of a tragic accident;
there is evidence of
negligence in the custody
and safety of the children.
We are conscious of having
given our best to solve the
case. Our beliefs are based
on professional experience,
on facts and evidence
collected and their
interpretation in the light
of the law."
These were statements that
led the child's parents to
sue the former inspector,
freezing all his assets [as
security against possible
future payment of costs] and
pushing him into the
financial situation he has
nowadays. The book was
withdrawn from the market in
2009, in compliance with a
court order, resulting from
a proceeding brought by
Madeleine McCann's parents.
The British couple froze all
his bank accounts, as well
as both the movable and
immovable property of the
investigator, who was living
on only his pension salary -
which was also later frozen
in part by the couple.
With the cut in his salary,
and the expenses which
result from the treatments
his failing health requires
him to take, Gonçalo Amaral,
assured sources from the PJ,
is broke: "He only survives
thanks to the solidarity of
colleagues and family." |