English people work in tune
with members of the PJ
The sewage
pipework that surrounds the Ocean Club
resort, in Praia da Luz, is going to be
analysed by the British investigators
over the coming days.
The diligence, which is included in the
requests that were made to the
Portuguese authorities, is going to be
carried out using micro video cameras
attached to optic fibre cables. The
searches in the pipework will look for
traces of the English child or of
someone who tried to get rid of the body
or of some object that is related to the
disappearance. The diligence, with very
technical characteristics, will take
place at the same time as the searches
that are being carried out on an empty
plot near the sea, located approximately
500 metres away from the Ocean Club.
Yesterday, CM was able to establish,
several animal bones were found.
The dogs that are specially trained to
detect cadaver odour, that are in Praia
da Luz, have already marked some of the
grounds that will be subject to
excavations today. The goal is to search
for traces of Madeleine’s body, because
the English authorities defend that she
was killed on the 3rd of May of 2007 and
her body was buried in one of the empty
plots near the apartment.
For now, there is no sign of human
remains yet. The entire area that was
limited by the animals will now be
subject to more intensive searches.
Today, backhoes are expected.
Animal bones collected
Yesterday, the English investigators
found several sets of animal bones
scattered on the vast empty plot where
the searches for Madeleine McCann’s body
and traces are focused.
At several moments throughout the day,
as CM was able to establish, bones of
cattle and swine were found, especially
on the first searches locations. They
were on the ground’s surface, and they
were found as the vegetation was being
cut, opening the way for the entry of
sniffer dogs and equipment, like the geo
radar or the magnetrometre. The bones
were photographed by members of the
Polícia Judiciária at the moment when
they were found by the English
investigators, and taken into the tents,
where it was confirmed that they were of
animal origin.
As far as human traces are concerned,
nothing had been found until this
edition’s closing time. |