With thanks to Joana Morais for
translation Transcript |
Madeleine McCann disappeared seven
years ago
by Sandra Felgueiras/Patrícia
Lopes/Paulo Lourenço/Samuel Freire
Tonight we will show you the alibi of
the main suspect of this case that lead
to the reopening of the process by the
Judiciary Police six months ago. In an
exclusive interview to ‘Sexta às 9’ [RTP
news program ‘Friday at 9’] Euclide’s
widow states that just one hour before
Madeleine disappeared her husband wrote
a poem for which there is a computer
record [metadata/ e.g. Last time a text
document was saved on a computer]. The
Cape-Verdean, who would be today 46
years old, was elected as a suspect 5
years after he died tragically in a
tractor accident.
His criminal record shows a 5-year
prison term for housebreaking and
burglary in Albufeira about 20 years
ago, yet there is not a single line
written about child sex abuse – the new
hypothesis put forward by the PJ and the
English police as the possibility that
lies behind the disappearance of the
world's most high-profile child.
in RTP, 2nd May 2014 |
Euclides Monteiro’s widow pseudonym
reads one of the poems of her late
husband’s posthumous book titled ‘Drugs,
Life experiences and Dreams’. She
concludes the reading of the poem - that
can only be described as having a
religious nature - by reading the date
of when it was written: “…3rd of May
2007, 21h00 – it was this one that I
found and I was very pleased to have
this evidence.”
third: RTP Exclusive - Widow of PJ’s
main suspect in the Maddie case shows
alibi of husband
Felgueiras (Voice over) - It’s the
alibi that the Judiciary knows nothing
about. Seven years after the
disappearance of Madeleine, Euclides
Monteiro’s widow scrolls through his
poems on the computer that were recently
published in a book. She never showed
them to anyone, not even to the PJ team
that questioned her in October.
“You have never even shown that book to
the Judiciary Police?”
'Cláudia' – No.
Felgueiras [SF] – You never told the
PJ that you had that registration date
at 9pm?
'Cláudia' [C] – At the time I didn’t
know, I searched [the computer] and then
I found it.
SF –
You were expecting for the Judiciary
Police to get in touch with you, but
they never contacted you again…
C –
Exactly, I was questioned only one time
by the Judiciary Police of Porto. (…)
This book was made as a diary, a way to
express his feelings, ambitions, dreams…
SF –
So, he wrote regularly, every night?
C -
With regularity, practically every
night, at any time.
Third : Euclides Monteiro left a
computer record [metadata] at 9pm of May
3, 2007
SF –
With 41 years old and with a son of
Madeleine’s age, ‘Cláudia’, a fictitious
name, does not accept the shadow of
suspicion cast on her husband. For the
first time, since the process was
reopened in Portugal, she decided to
break the silence and tell us all about
the evidence that lead the PJ to
Euclides Monteiro after his death.
Third: PJ had already questioned
Euclides regarding sexual abuse of
minors in 2008
C –
They [PJ] associated one phone call made
in the Praia da Luz mobile network area.
SF –
On that night of May 3 2007?
C –
Yes, however we lived at that time,
about 2km from Praia da Luz as the crow
flies [in a straight line], the antenna
are those over there – points to the
cell phone towers at the top of hills
behind Sandra .
SF –
Which we can see right now.
C –
Which we can see right now, yes, and
that could have captured the signal even
from our own home.
SF –
He had worked at the Ocean Club before.
C –
Yes, he worked there in the previous
year for 3 months. Euclides didn’t drive
[a car], he drove a scooter to his work.
I can’t see how - in a village like
Praia da Luz, well lit up – was possible
for a person to carry a child on foot or
in a scooter without being seen.
SF –
You don’t admit in any way the
possibility of your husband leading a
double life?
C –
No, that is impossible.
SF –
In the book which you have published
after his death, he speaks about you as
his soul mate…
C –
I knew about his whole life in detail,
he was present in my daily life in such
a way that it would have been completely
impossible for him to have hidden those
facts from me. If that had happened I
would have seen something, or suspected
about something and I never did.
Third: Euclides DNA tests made in 2008
were negative.
sorry for delay] |
Synopsis/ quick highlights: Euclides
Monteiro has an alibi for the time when
Maddie disappeared, his DNA was tested
back in 2008 and no matches were found,
he does not have a record of child sex
abuse. In Algarve there are no official
police records of a "man who allegedly
targeted only British children" and who
broke into Britons houses to
specifically sexually abuse their white,
blue-eyed and blonde little English
girls as described by DCI Andy Redwood
in his latest media performances, nor
have any of the locals or the British
expat community have any recollection of
such events taking place in the past 10
years. Euclides Monteiro's widow has
lost her job in the consequence of the
exposure of her name in the UK media
(Mirror, Daily Mail, Daily Star, etc).
Euclides Monteiro's alibi is a poem that
he wrote at 21h00 of 3rd of May 2007,
that his wife found in the computer, a
series of poems that were now published
Euclides Monteiro's mobile phone ping
traced by the PJ in the cell phone
antennas of Praia da Luz on the 3rd of
May 2007 is also explained by the
Monteiro couple living close by those
antennas towers as seen in the video, so
Monteiro's cell phone would ping anyway.
Monteiro was arrested for 5 years circa
20 years ago for housebreaking and
burglary in the area of Albufeira
(Algarve) when he was still an addict,
since then he overcome his addiction and
was never arrested again. The Monteiros
have a son that is Maddie's age,
Euclide's widow fears more repercussions
and appears in the video under a
pseudonym. Also Euclides only drove a
scooter, he did not own a car - a bit
impossible to 'kidnap' a child on a
scooter. Several people appear in the
video, from Bragança [North of Portugal]
where he lived from the 70's till the
90's, attesting that he was a good man
despite the troubled life he led later
on. Euclide's sister appears again
accusing the current PJ investigation
lead by Helena Monteiro of taking the
easy route and pinning Madeleine's
disappearance on a dead man - couldn't
agree more!
Mark Williams-Thomas, an usual UK media
rent-an-opinion-cop states (and known
McCann couple abduction thesis
supporter) that Redwood's team was over
confident and that they are under
enormous pressure to solve the case. He
also states, upon being questioned by
Sandra Felgueiras, that he finds it very
odd the fact that several people have
only contacted Redwood's team after the
BBC Crimewatch/McCann show (that was
filmed in Spain and never broadcast in
Portugal) and not in 2007, to the local
police forces (GNR, PJ) or the UK police
authorities when returning from their
holidays. Redwood's MET team no longer
consider the late Euclides Monteiro as a
suspect, and are now looking for a
smelly, pot-bellied man who wore a
burgundy sweatshirt (another farcical
lead to add to the 196...). As to Helena
Monteiro's PJ team, it is unknown if
they still consider Euclides as the main
suspect, they at least did at some point
since it seems that that was the basis
for the reopening of Madeleine McCann's
process in Portugal.
My Opinion: This are all leads that lead
nowhere, as everyone who has followed
this affair for the past 7 years knows
well. Until a real reconstruction as
opposed to the BBC Crimewatch farce,
takes place in situ with the former
arguidos and Tapas 7, until major key
witnesses are reinterviewed like the
Smiths, and until the Portuguese PJ and
politicians stop being subservient
ostriches with their heads buried in the
sand towards the English powers and
conniving with the McCann's sham this
circus will last another 7 years.
Further notes: Others, except maybe
Redwood and his team, would question the
authenticity of those calls and its
provenance, it's not the first time that
hysterical British tourists try to
kidnap soccer player's children thinking
that a 2 year old boy could be Maddie,
or that we hear about fake Maddie
sightings being planted (Método 3 style
- the Mccanns hired detectives)
following the annual McCann media blitz
or similar Clarence Mitchell PR stunts.
It's also not the first time that we
have had the knowledge of actions being
taken by McCann couple supporters like
the HTFM pyramidal structure group [http://joana-morais.blogspot.com/2008/02/maddie-htfm-cyber-warriors-promoting.html]
who tried to en masse delete youtube
videos about the McCann affair circa
Will translate the video fully as soon
as possible. CMTV [http://cmtv.sapo.pt/grelha.html]
will broadcast tonight a special about
the Maddie case which is alleged to
include an interview with Gonçalo
Amaral, will also translate that if the
video is published online or if anyone
records it. |