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As many of you will know, the trial of
the action that opposes the McCann
couple to Gonçalo Amaral, and others,
has been suspended, awaiting information
about the status of Madeleine McCann as
a Ward of Court.
The documentation that attests that
status has been requested and obtained
by Gonçalo Amaral's lawyer through a
lawyer in London from the competent
court, and will soon be delivered to the
judge at the Civil Court of Lisbon.
The obtainment of said evidence was
time-consuming and expensive, and the
costs will be fully met by Gonçalo
We appeal, once more, to those who are
able to help us to collect the funds
that are needed to cover this expense,
to contribute through Projecto Justiça
Gonçalo Amaral.
Thank you.
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