Even the
most casual ‘follower’ of this case, the
most intriguing and baffling missing
child case of all time, will know by now
that the chief ‘suspect’ in the
abduction of the child has been
His ‘elimination’ however, is far more
bizarre and downright DUBIOUS then his
first emergence, seven YEARS ago.
According to McCann friend and fellow
holiday-maker, Jane Tanner, her sworn
testimony asserts that she saw a man
carrying a child away from the McCann’s
holiday apartment shortly before Kate
McCann reported she had discovered
Madeleine missing.
It was THIS testimony alone that formed
the basis of the abduction theory, at
least in the camp of ‘Team McCann’.
Innumerable column inches in newspaper
stories, press reports, as well as
countless TV interviews, magazine
articles, News broadcasts, breakfast TV
appearances, chat shows and even BOOKS,
have all been given over in the quest to
search for and to identify this man whom
the McCann’s, their friends, allies,(and
seemingly endless PR entourage), are
quoted as stating they believe was
responsible for the abduction of
Of course, those who have followed this
case more closely, studying the
available Portuguese and British police
documents relating to the matter will
know that not everyone held quite as
much faith in this ‘abductor’.
The Portuguese Polícia Judiciária for
example,NEVER placed any significance on
Jane Tanner’s sighting for a number of
- It was FAR too dark at the time of the
alleged sighting for her to make any
kind of description, especially given
the distances reportedly involved.
- Tanner, herself, (or on other
occasions, ‘Team McCann’), has modified
or even completely CHANGED the
description of the person she states she
saw:-height, build, dress, colour, race
and even on one occasion, SEX of this
individual have all been subject to
-Perhaps more significantly, at the
precise TIME of this alleged sighting
two other witnesses, (one of which was
Gerry McCann), were in pretty much the
exact same area and saw neither this
‘abductor’ NOR Jane Tanner herself.
So the man who came to be known,
variously, as ‘Egg Man’, ‘Bundleman’,
‘Swarthy-Man’,’'Gypsy-Man’ and a number
of other monikers, was truly a man of
immense mystery indeed.
However, any mystery surrounding this,
surely MOST WANTED, suspect pales into
abject insignificance when one considers
the downright abstruseness surrounding
For Scotland Yard’s
finest announced, in October of last
year, that this MAN had, in fact, now
come FORWARD to eliminate himself from
the inquiries by stating that it was HE
whom Jane Tanner had observed, carrying
his OWN daughter!.
Not only did this man produce the
self-same CLOTHES that he had worn on
the night in question, all those years
ago, but astonishingly, (as was reported
in the PRESS), he even managed to
produce his daughters’
pyjamas” that SHE had
been wearing that night also, that had
allegedly led Jane Tanner to think the
girl was Madeleine!.
Of course, a CYNIC might want to know
why this man had remained completely
incognito for over six years, despite
endless, unavoidable media coverage and
countless appeals for information
seeking to identify him.
A cynic would most definitely want to
know how or why ANY parent would be able
to produce a pair of pyjamas, (or indeed
ANY item of clothing), belonging to a
child who would clearly have outgrown
them by six years.
Alas, those questions are never going to
be answered.
Not least because the man in question
has NOT been identified.
DCI Andy Redwood, the Met officer
leading the review of the case of the
missing girl, described this astonishing
turn of events as a "revelation moment".
HOWEVER, to my mind, that’s nowhere NEAR
as revelational as the NEW suspect that
we are now to centre our attentions on,
according to Scotland Yard, and as
featured in the BBC TV‘Crimewatch’
THIS “new suspect”, a man seen carrying
a child in pyjamas “towards the ocean”
is of course, the very self-same man who
had been previously witnessed and
described by a family from IRELAND.
The very self-same man whose e-fits had
actually been drawn up in 2007.
The very-self same man who had been
identified to the McCann’s as
"a very
credible suspect" in 2008
by the McCann’s own investigators,
headed by former MI5 operatives.
The very self-same man whose
existence the McCann’s had sought to
prevent being made public by taking
LEGAL action ordering the investigators
not to disclose it......
Team McCann is reported as saying that
this information was suppressed as it
“would have
been completely distracting”
if made public, and that the McCann’s
wanted to
“focus on a
man seen by one of their friends”
(Jane Tanner), and
“it would
have been too expensive to conduct full
investigations into both sightings”.
Presumably, the decision to obscure this
information was entirely unrelated to
the fact that the chief witness, Martin
Smith, had later stated;-
“I would be
60-80% sure that it was Gerald McCann
that I met that night carrying a child”.
So here we are, almost SEVEN years down
the line, still searching for the truth.
Searching amongst all the suspects, as
regularly paraded by the Media, for a
glimmer of hope.
A genuine clue.
A tangible piece of evidence.
A factual accuracy.
Yet, amongst all the “swarthy suspects”,
the Romany Gypsies, the dead
paedophiles, the Middle-East sex-rings,
the Moroccan gangsters, the ‘mysterious’
van full of cleaners, the now deceased
black tractor driver who was never
convicted of an offence when he was
alive, the phantom sex-abuser who “liked
young white girls”, the “gang of
burglars”;ALL are linked by one factor
That there is not a single iota of
evidence to support any of their
ALL the above have been cited in the
media as being 'persons of interest' to
the Scotland Yard investigation, and
whilst Redwood cannot be expected to
generalise or elaborate, one would think
that he would at least have made a
statement DENYING that they were in the
frame, were that not the case.
So WHAT cost, precisely, the truth?
In a leaked letter from the HOME office,
in a response to information requested
by a Welsh MP, it gives the following
figures, current as to FEBRUARY of this
“The costs
incurred by the Metropolitan Police
Service’s investigation, (operation
Grange), so FAR, are £1,929,354 for
2011/12; £2,770,387 for 2012/13 and
£1,254,705 for 2013/14.”
That’s a CURRENT total of £5,954,446 up
to 14th February of this year. On
average, a running total of around£2m
per year.
Until when? Who knows?
What about the cost to the PORTUGUESE
inquiry into this case that allegedly
almost “bankrupted” the Polícia
How much spent investigating the case by
Private Detectives employed by the
How much spent on OTHER lines of inquiry
funded by donations, sponsored events
and high profile business backers?
How much revenue raised via media deals,
TV appearance fees, book deals and
serialisation rights?
How much in public donations, given by
people of all ages and means, in a quest
to find the truth surrounding what
happened to the little girl?
All amount to but one unequivocal
fact:- |
That the British TAX payer has spent
almost six million pounds Sterling, (and
RISING, every day), to have Scotland
Yard 'reveal' to us the ‘NEW’ suspect
that the McCann’s themselves spent a
fortune and SIX years keeping HIDDEN
from us. |
Godbless Madeleine
McCann, wherever you may be.