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English ask for bank accounts



Original Source: Correio Da Manha1 30 January 2014
 30.01.2014 by Rui Pando Gomes

(Thanks to Astro for the paper edition and translation)


English ask for ‘Maddie’ case bank accounts
CM surprised English inspectors at the airport

The Scotland Yard officers that investigate the disappearance of Madeleine McCann returned to London yesterday afternoon

English ask for bank accounts


The English police wants the Portuguese authorities to question former Ocean Club employees and to analyse deposits after the disappearance



The English police wants the Portuguese authorities to question and to search the houses of three former employees of the Ocean Club, in Praia da Luz, where Madeleine McCann disappeared from, in 2007. The British have also asked for access to the three suspected men’s bank accounts, to find out if there were high deposits after the English child’s disappearance.


These are some of the diligences that are requested in the second rogatory letter that was sent to Portugal and that were discussed during a meeting, the day before yesterday, between four Scotland Yard officers and a PJ team, in Faro.


The questioning of the three former employees is deemed relevant, by the British, because they made several phone calls on the night of the disappearance.


Among the British police officers was chief inspector Andy Redwood, who coordinates the investigation that was opened in England. Leading the Portuguese team was Luís Mota Carmo, the head of the PJ in Faro.


The PJ’s national director, Almeida Rodrigues, confirmed that a meeting took place within the “fulfilment of the rogatory letter that was sent by the British authorities”. Concerning the subjects under discussion the PJ “makes no comment”.


The four members of the English police team, as the images that were captured by CM [Correio da Manhã] prove, returned to England yesterday afternoon, on a flight from Faro Airport.


To CM, a former Ocean Club employee revealed that the PJ “questioned all of the workers two days after the disappearance”. On the other hand, she believes that “it makes no sense that someone is a suspect just because he made many phone calls that night”.




The Ocean Club had approximately 130 Portuguese and about 30 English workers. The latter are not in Portugal anymore.


Out of the 130 Ocean Club employees, presently only about ten remain. The others were dismissed.


Some of the dismissed workers, CM was able to establish, received high compensations.


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