The purpose of
this site is for information and a record of Gerry McCann's Blog
Archives. As most people will appreciate GM deleted all past blogs
from the official website. Hopefully this Archive will be helpful to
anyone who is interested in Justice for Madeleine Beth McCann. Many
Thanks, Pamalam |
Note: This site does not belong to the McCanns. It belongs to Pamalam. If
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A WITNESS came forward last night to accuse Bosnian police of lying over a
suspected sighting of Madeleine McCann near a famous Catholic shrine.
An unnamed Northern Irish pilgrim claimed he had seen a blonde girl being
pushed into a car against her will in Medjugorje near
He said she was with a swarthy, foreign-speaking couple. Yet, as the man tried
to silence her, she yelled in an English accent: “I want my Daddy”.
He said he reported his suspicions to local police 12 days ago, but they are
still denying it.
Last night local shop assistant Marina Dugandzic, 39,
backed up the Irishman’s story.
She said a tourist came into her shop and was very animated, asking if any
English-speaking locals could help him because he was having difficulty getting
police to understand him.
She said: “He did not mention the name of Maddie McCann or tell us his name.
“However, he said that he had seen someone pushing a little girl into a black
VW Golf with Bosnian number plates.
“Our colleague Monika Pandza, an English language
professor, translated his words.”
She said the father of six, from Fermanagh, even gave police the number plate
for the car the couple sped off in.
He had told her: “I was about to speak to the child when the man put his hand
over her mouth and shoved her into the car.”
But Bosnian police still deny receiving the tip-off.
Spokesman Mario Bosnjak said last night: “Every
single policeman in Medjugorje has denied receiving
any kind of a report regarding the British girl.
“It is possible he spoke to a customs official or a security guard. They have
similar uniforms.” |