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Astro: Libel Trial Reports direct from the Court House, 06-October / 05 November 2013 Day 7 & 8



Original Source: Astro: 06-October 2013
Tuesday 06 October 2013
Isabel Duarte
The day in court has ended.
A brief update:
Isabel Duarte did not attend, the plaintiffs were represented by another lawyer from her office.
Kate has also requested to be heard as a party.
The judge will decide whether or not it is necessary/pertinent to hear Kate, Gerry and Gonçalo after all the witnesses have testified.
Ricardo Paiva
Ricardo Paiva was heard via videolink.
He was mainly questioned about what happens to any information that the PJ received after the investigation was shelved. That information is handled by the PJ officer who is responsible for that task. Until late 2012, that was his task. He would then send any relevant information to the Public Ministry, that would decide whether or not it was important enough for further investigation.

ETA he said that the book and the files have the same contents, as the book was based on the investigation

Ricardo Paiva also said that after Gonçalo's book was published, the flux of information did not go down. The only changes happened around anniversaries of the disappearance, when it would go up.
The judge asked what were the revelations of the book.
Ricardo said that there were none.
Tavares de Almeida
Tavares de Almeida was also heard via videolink.
He was asked about his participation in the investigation, which ended in late September.
There were no further questions because he said he had only read the last two pages of the book and had not seen the documentary
Luis Neves
Luis Neves was the last witness before lunch. He read some parts of the book and did not see the documentary.
He testified about the initial investigation thesis being that of an abduction, which was why his unit was involved early on.
He was present during a meeting with the parents at the British Consulate in Portimão. That was the first time that the hypothesis of death was mentioned. It was the parents who first mentioned it.
They wanted Krugel to be brought over with his machine.
When the British officers saw Krugel's work and the area that he covered, they suggested the dogs. That was the start of a new angle to the investigation.
Manuel Catarino
After lunch, we heard Manuel Catarino.
He followed the case as chief editor of Correio da Manhã. He read both the book and the files. The contents of book and files is the same.
He also wrote a book because the case is of public interest.
There was no difference of any kind in the reporting, before and after Gonçal Amaral's book.
Moita Flores.

The last witness today was Moita Flores.
He read the book but did not see the documentary.
He has 18 years of experience as an investigator for the PJ, homicide division, and is a teacher in criminal investigation.
He says that all theories are valid, except for one: an abduction through that window is completely impossible.
He thinks the investigation made a fundamental mistake because it started only with the abduction theory. The classics teach that first one must look at who had access to the apartment. Solutions to crimes are usually the most simple ones.
He was perplexed by the shelving of the investigation, as all of the contradictions between the parents and the friends had not been thoroughly investigated.

Hernâni Carvalho
The last witness for the day, Hernâni Carvalho, did not appear in court.

Libel Trial Reports direct from the Court House, 05-November 2013 Day 08

Hi from Lisbon! Very short trial session this morning, as Paulo Sargento excused himself because he got married recently. Mario Sena Lopes was questioned and explained how many editions the book had, how much the book was sold for, etc.
So we ended up with a 4-hour lunch break. Paulo Sargento will appear at the trial session of the 27th, which is now looking like a mega-session, frankly. In the afternoon, two witnesses for the other defendants will be heard.
The afternoon session Two witnesses for Valentim de Carvalho. An endless discussion over the production, sales, watermarking of the DVD.
The only situation that is worth reporting today is that Rogério Alves made an appearance, right before the start of the session this morning. It was curious because he was there to take the opportunity to be heard by the few journalists that were present.

The journalists tried to get a comment from Gonçalo and his lawyer after the end of the morning session, but received none as both the lawyer and Gonçalo mentioned that the criminal case is under judicial secrecy. Confronted with the fact that Rogério Alves had given a comment, Gonçalo's lawyer reiterated the respect for judicial secrecy.


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