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Thanks, Pamalam |
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Press review: Re Express ‘I’m here to stop the suffering caused by
police lies about Madeleine’ |
Wright Stuff
Channel 5
13 September 2013
Matthew Wright with
Louie Spence -
Danniella Westbrook -
Dr David Bull - Doctor &
Media Commentator (made no comment on
this item)
Press review: Re Express ‘I’m here to
stop the suffering caused by police lies
about Madeleine’
LS. Now, obviously, this
is much more serious. This is in the
Daily Express. It’s Madeleine McCann,
‘I’m here to stop the suffering caused
to our family …
MW. … Its Kate McCann
LS. Kate McCann. Sorry.
‘I’m here to stop the suffering caused
to our family by police lies about
Madeleine’. This is the detective which
wrote a book about how…
MW …Portuguese detective
LS… Yeah, Portuguese
detective… who wrote a book and it
really did erm […] Madeleine McCann in a
bad light in Portugal and they’re […]
and stop the investigation in Portugal.
He said they were drunk, they were
crazy. And so she has gone out there to
erm.. with a libel case.
MW. It’s the same familiar
pattern. Now… there’s a part of me that
understands, and there’s another part of
me that feels ever so slightly
uncomfortable about it. Don’t know why,
I just think…
LS. ..because of the
MW Yes. Because it seems
to be more about their good name than it
does about finding their daughter. But
if I’d had lies written about me I’d
probably be doing exactly the same...
LS.. But what more can
they do?
MW. If they are in indeed
lies. I don‘t know, that’s what’s the
LS. Ok. But what more can
they do? They’ve done everything they
can do to find their daughter and this
is what happened out there. D’ya know
what I mean? And even the police over
here have taken such a long time to…
MW. Libel trials -- and
gawd I know a bit about them from my
time in newspapers -- I don’t think
anyone ever comes out smelling of roses.
DW. Also, what right has
he got to put that family through doing
that with a bad name?
MW. He’s entitled to
express his opinion and they're entitled
to challenge it.
DW. He is, but at the same
time they’re the ones who’ve lost a
child at the end of the day, and I don’t
think any of us should judge them.
MW. But we’re all judging
the copper.
DW. Yeah
LS. Absolutely
MW. I’d like to say we
shouldn’t judge either [of them] and let
the courts decide, if that’s what they
DW. Good point Matthew. |