Vile rants of Moors murderer Ian Brady
as tribunal rules he IS insane
Barbaric ...
how child killer Ian Brady
might look today |
MOORS murderer Ian Brady ridiculed the
hunt for missing Madeleine McCann in
hate-filled letters penned from his
high-security psychiatric hospital.
The child killer, 75, branded support
for missing Madeleine as “hypocritical
He also claimed James Bulger’s killers
Jon Venables and Robert Thompson should
never have been locked up for their
In the letters to a pen pal, Brady also:
SUPPORTED the 7/7 attacks on London and
praised suicide bombers for having
“admirable commitment”;
BEGGED for more terror attacks on the
UK, including a nuclear assault to wipe
out central London, and;
BRAGGED he had stopped Hollywood
heavyweights from cashing in on his case
— but moaned HE had not made any money
from his notoriety.
The sickening rants are revealed just
days after he lost his bid to be moved
from high-security Ashworth Hospital on
Merseyside to a Scottish prison.
Murderer's confidante ...
Jackie Powell, who regularly
visits Brady Mercury Press &
Media |
A tribunal ruled on Friday that he is
still mentally ill, scuppering his plan
to starve himself to death.
He is currently force-fed once a day
through a nasal tube.
Brady tortured and murdered five
children in the 1960s with his
girlfriend Myra Hindley.
Since the tribunal’s ruling, it has
emerged in letters that he may have
killed four more people — three men and
one woman.
Last night Brady’s mental health
advocate, Jackie Powell, who visited him
after the ruling, said he is now
determined to end his life in whatever
way he can.
Jackie, 50, has known Brady for 14 years
and in an exclusive interview with The
Sun on Sunday she said: “Ian has told me
that his only desire now is to exit this
world in the quickest way possible.
“They have got him on what amounts to a
suicide watch. He is under surveillance
24 hours a day.
Evil ... Brady and Myra
Hindley murdered five
children |
“I have no sympathy for Ian over the
crimes he committed but I am concerned
for him as a client.
“There is a real danger that he could
try to hang himself or commit suicide in
some other way.”
Brady’s prison letters clearly
demonstrate his twisted outlook on life.
Madeleine McCann was just three when she
disappeared while on holiday with her
family in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in May
Brady was appalled at the scale of the
search for Maddie and wrote: “The girl
who disappeared in Portugal is another
instance of hypocritical hype — the
Pope, minute’s silence, endless coverage
— all the things not devoted to the
650,000 killed in Iraq and those still
dying by the score daily in its
US/UK-created ruins.”
Victims ... (l-r) Edward
Evans, John Kilbride,
Pauline Reade, Lesley Ann
Downey and Keith Bennett
Manchester Evening News |
Brady also used his letters to attack campaigners who had tried
to keep the killers of James Bulger
behind bars.
Thompson and Venables were ten when they murdered the toddler
near Liverpool in 1993. They were freed
on licence with new identities in 2001.
Hinting that the pair should not have gone to jail in the first
place, Brady wrote: “The Bulger fiasco?
Indicates the prehistoric mentality of
the UK rabble re two ten-year-olds being
freed after eight years.
“In Europe they would not have been locked up at all. The UK is
the ar*ehole of Europe.”
In another astonishing outburst, he wrote: “The lynch mob after
the Bulger Two. Conditioned,
sanctimonious morons, acting from guilt
complex from what they themselves
committed when they were ten years old.
There are more killers and thieves
running society than you’ll find in all
prisons combined.”
Monster ... Myra Hindley on
Saddleworth Moor, where at
they buried at least five
victims |
As Brady casually discussed terrorist
atrocities with his pen pal, he revealed
he was praying the UK suffered an attack
far worse than 9/11.
In one letter, written before suicide
bombers struck in London, he wrote:
“This filthy little country hasn’t even
been attacked yet — but I sincerely hope
it now is.
“The bigger the attack the better, with
Whitehall the main target.
“A plague is about the only way to clean
out the parasitic collection of
political and bureaucratic filth. Or a
nuclear device.
“I’m glad I’ve lived to see an enemy
prepared to die for something other than
their bank balance and pensions.”
In another, he wrote: “I’m waiting for
the retaliation strikes against the West
and hope England is included.
“There are whole armies of suicide
bombers eager to strike at the West
after centuries of exploitation.
“They’re even being trained to die at
schools. Admirable commitment.
“I wish matters would speed up. A strike
on the West is overdue.
“The UK has always been a backward
s***hole of over-taxed serfs.”
Larks ... Brady and Hindley
in the era of their crimes
He was delighted when bombers struck on
UK soil for the first time in 2005,
killing 52 people on the London
transport network.
The child killer wrote: “Fifty-two dead
in London, as a result of the belated
and justified retaliation for Iraq, is
described as a barbaric atrocity. While
125,000 slaughtered by hi-tech equipment
in the ruins of Iraq is presented as
“The UK media is still whining about the
London bombs.”
Brady’s letters also prove he revels in
the notoriety afforded by the horrific
torture and murder of Pauline Reade, 16,
John Kilbride, 12, Keith Bennett, 12,
Lesley Ann Downey, ten, and Edward
Evans, 17, in the 1960s.
He boasts about the number of books and
films based on the case — but moans
about not making any money himself from
it. And he even claims a Hollywood
director was willing to PAY him to make
a movie based on his life.
He wrote: “There have been more than 30
books on my case; five plays (one
German); a London musical; a comic; some
playing cards (US/Canada).
“So that leaves very little to exploit.
“I’ve only bothered to read the books
they intended to make films from, in
order to take legal action to stop them,
which I’ve succeeded in doing three
“The first attempt was by the American
Broadcasting Corporation, with William
Friedkin as director (he did The
Exorcist and The French Connection —
five Oscars), the second attempt was to
star Gary Oldman and Meryl Streep, the
third attempt was to star Gary Kemp, who
played Ronnie Kray in a film.
Cutting ... prison letter
Text from letter above
“The girl who disappeared in
Portugal is another instance
of hypocritical hype — the
Pope, minute’s silence,
endless coverage — all the
things not devoted to the
650,000 killed in Iraq and
those still dying by the
score daily in its
US/UK-created ruins.
Naturally, as I suspected
from the degree of whining
hysteria, she came from
Liverpool. |
“In case you’re wondering, I get nothing
from all the commercial exploitations —
I’m public property.
“But with the Friedkin film attempt, all
I had to do was name a price and sign a
release contract. I did neither. So
unlike all the above, I’ve never made a
penny from the case.”
Mental health advocate Jackie isn’t
surprised by the shocking content of
Brady’s letters.
She said: “Over the years Ian has
written tens of thousands of letters. He
gets a lot of mail.
“He will have arguments with people and
strike up debating positions. Many
people write to him and state arguments
to him to prompt him to write in this
“Ian has always indulged in playing mind
games with people.
“He regards his life like a game of
chess where he cannot move the pieces
himself, so he prods and prompts other
people to do it for him.”
After last week’s tribunal — which cost
taxpayers £250,000 — Brady told Jackie:
“The evidence given by Ashworth was a
rag-bag of prison rumour and irrelevant
ancient history. I was expecting the
result to be negative.
On Saddleworth Moor ...
Brady poses for snap Duncan
Staff / SWNS |
“It was the result of deliberate and
calculated collusion by the self-serving
and bloated bureaucracy that runs this
warehouse for feeble-minded cretins.”
But Brady also revealed he may NOT
appeal the decision, with the process
taking its toll on his health.
Jackie said: “Ian looks sallow and waxy.
At times he looks like a walking corpse.
“His health has deteriorated in the last
year. He has multiple conditions
including failing eyesight and
spondylitis, which causes chronic back
“He told me that he is starting to think
that fighting the decision would be a
waste of his time and effort. At the
moment he seems to have lost his fight.” |