In less than a month we
had three Madeleine sightings, one of which was echoed
by the parroting world media. Three sightings of dubious
origins, three sightings that coincided with, at least,
one major development of the McCann couple quest to
stifle free speech and now, of a
already threatened by archaic libel laws.
(k-ns-dns, -dns)
1. The state or
fact of occupying the same relative position or area
in space.
2. A sequence of
events that although accidental seems to have been
planned or arranged.
For those of us who have followed this case since 2007
coincidences abound. So does spin, purposely published
at calculated times to mislead or suppress information.
A tactic used often by what has become known as 'Team
On January 18, 2013 the vast majority of the Portuguese
printed press published a
Lusa news agency press release stating the that “The
trial that opposes the McCann couple and Gonçalo Amaral,
in which Madeleine’s parents demand a compensation of
1.2 million euro over alleged defamation by the former
PJ inspector, has been suspended due to an attempt to
reach an extrajudicial agreement.” This wasn't reported
in the UK.
On January 20, 2013 the Express' James Murray, published
'Madeleine McCann kidnap photo shock', claiming that
“Officers were happy for us to describe the potentially
key evidence which shows a healthy fair-haired girl aged
three or four in pink trousers, a green top and a blue
hat (...) The photograph was allegedly taken in Brazil
in June 2007 (...) The man suggests paedophile Raymond
Hewlett, who died of throat cancer, aged 64, in Germany
in 2010, was involved with others in the abduction (...)
We can also reveal the man has been in contact with
Isabel Duarte, Kate and Gerry McCann’s civil lawyer in
Lisbon (...) The Yard may send the picture to FBI
imaging experts in America for an opinion (...) This
week the Yard is expected to ask detectives in Brazil to
interview the man before considering whether to fly him
to London.”
On the same day,
Pamalam, who received an email by the man in Brazil,
Reggie Dunlop (member of The Maddie Case Files),
found out that the 'Madeleine McCann kidnap shock
picture' was indeed taken in June 2007 but in Ibiza,
Spain. It was a picture from Associated Press, that had
been published in a
BBC news article
illustrating the passengers being evacuated from Ibiza's
airport after an anonymous bomb threat. I translated the
email for
Pamalam's site, and it was obvious from the first
line, that it was a hoax by someone who had used news
reports online to fabricate a story - motivated by
money, publicity or something else is anyone's guess.
James Murray, Isabel Duarte, the McCanns, the Yard team,
all of them had the same email, with exactly the same
picture. None of them thought of tracing back the
origins of the picture? None of them thought the wording
in that email was bizarre, to say the least. Or did
they? It seems other newspapers around the world were
wiser, this story wasn't regurgitated anywhere else,
except in the
'O Crime' Portuguese weekly tabloid who totally
forgot to credit Pamalam and Reggie for debunking the
Brazil email hoax.
On January 24, 2012, the journalist Hernâni Carvalho
confirmed the “McCann
couple lawyers had proposed a meeting to the other
four defendant parties in order to reach an
extrajudicial settlement.” This step taken by the
McCanns was surprising and at the same time it was not.
The implications of this out of court settlement,
independently of what is to be agreed upon, can be quite
damaging to the McCanns' quest.
A small recap on the
McCanns legal actions in Portugal
The McCann couple successfully banned Mr. Amaral and his
publishers, Guerra & Paz, book titled 'Maddie, The Truth
of the Lie' with an
injunction in 2009, that also prohibited the
commercialization and broadcast of a documentary 'What
Lies beneath the Truth', by Valentim de Carvalho and TVI
channel respectively - demanding them to “collect, for
destruction, all the books and videos that are still
left at points of sale or other deposits or warehouses.”
In that process the McCann couple demanded for Gonçalo
Amaral to be forbidden of “citing, analysing or
commenting, verbally or in writing, on parts of the book
or of the video that defend the thesis of death of the
third Applicant or of the concealment of her body, by
the two first Applicants”, also prohibiting the
“reproduction of any comment, opinion or interview,
where said thesis is defended or it can be inferred” and
of “publishing statements, photographs, or any other
documents that are allegedly connected to said book and
video or said thesis”.
That injunction was overturned in 2010 by the
Appeals Court in Lisbon mainly on the grounds of
“the right of freedom of expression of thought that is
constitutionally consecrated and furthermore the fact
that the statements and facts that were published in the
book are the mere reproduction of solid data that is
part of the investigation that was started at due time,
and that said statements and facts are even part of the
investigation’s archiving dispatch that was signed by a
Prosecutor of the Portuguese Republic.”
The books were only returned on
April 25, 2012
the same day that
BBC Panorama broadcast in the UK another biased
documentary featuring DCI Andy Redwood as 'Clarence
Mitchell'. It was never broadcast in Portugal.
In a parallel legal action in 2009, the McCanns asked
1,2 million euro as compensation from Gonçalo
Amaral. Another injunction was ordered, this time to
secure the amount asked by the McCann couple [an
astronomical amount based on what they said were Gonçalo
Amaral's profits from the book sales royalties],
freezing all of Amaral and his family assets, leaving
him without any means, professionally and personally, to
defend himself in court. A citizen's project
for the Defence of Rights and Freedoms Project Justice
Gonçalo Amaral', PJGA for short, was started
to help Gonçalo Amaral regain his right to freedom of
speech, followed by the creation of legal defence fund
used exclusively for the payment of his judicial
In 2010, the McCanns asked
for Gonçalo Amaral and his wife, Sofia Leal to
execute a separation of assets - only possible with a
divorce - in order to attain, besides his book
authorship rights and half of his retirement pension,
Gonçalo Amaral's part of the family house in Olhão. The
marriage of ten years yielded to the pressure in
February 2012.
Almost one year later, supposedly during the first week
of January 2013, the McCanns, in an extemporaneous
decision proposed an extrajudicial settlement to the
same man, considered by the McCanns in their
economic-with-the-truth book and in multiple interviews,
to be their nemesis. Kindness of heart? I think not.
The McCann's out of court settlement request has not
been published nor divulged in the UK.
Instead we had another coincidental story (re)surfaced
in 'The Southland Times' [bylined by Brooke Gardiner] on
the 4 of January 2013, republished from the 6 of
February 2013 in the UK media, then reproduced world
wide in the following days. That was the New Zealand
sighting of a Madeleine look alike that had already made
the news back in
March 2010. A 2007 sighting of that same girl had
already been
dismissed by the New Zealand police in that same year
February 6 2013,
the McCanns lawyers in London,
Carter Ruck, took a retired solicitor, Mr. Anthony
Bennett to court for breaching an undertaking forbidding
him of repeating, commenting, or giving his opinion on
the Madeleine McCann case. Mr. Bennett has been, like
many of us, trying to divulge and inform others about
what is in the Judiciary Police case files to a
misinformed public in the UK. For that, he now faces a
possible jail sentence or/and a fine that will deprive
him of his possessions. The ruling will be given on the
21st of February at the Royal Courts of Justice, the
case of the McCanns versus Mr. Anthony Bennett can be
New Zealand Maddie
sighting spanning 2007 - 2013
The picture of the New Zealand girl that was published
in 2010 was taken from the Judiciary Police/Portimão's
prosecutor process [not available in the case files
released to the
public in 2008], and was included in a 2000 pages
dossier allegedly consisting of hundreds of
sightings around the world” and
“psychic visions” previously ruled out from the PJ
investigation. That dossier was distributed to the
UK media in late February - early March 2010
by the
Portuguese prosecutor in charge of the Maddie case
process, upon...
Just a few days earlier,
Isabel Duarte, the McCann's lawyer, in an impromptu
press conference at Lisbon's Pálacio de Justiça talked
about dozens of “shocking photos” [implying of a
paedophilic nature] gathering dust in a dossier that had
“never been followed” by the Judiciary Police team.
Another theatrical attempt to distract the public about
what had been said inside the court room, validating
Gonçalo Amaral's thesis and book - a thesis shared by
those who were involved in the investigation. Or was it
an attempt at informing the UK journalists - vultures as
Kate McCann described them in her book - present there
that such a dossier existed? Some of the dossier pages
have been published since then in the UK media with the
usual xenophobic adjectives used to describe the
Portuguese police.
At the time
Gonçalo Amaral said, “These sightings, that are
being talked about, almost always came from the English
police, if they are so important, as some people are
saying now, why weren't they investigated by Scotland
Yard? After all, the little girl is a British citizen”
and once again, as he has done since the process was
archived in 2008 “The important things is not going
around talking about sightings, saying that the little
girl was seen here and there, the important thing is to
reopen the process. The truth is that after I left
Portimão, nothing more was done, the process was
archived by the Public Ministry half way through, many
diligences remained to be carried out, and that is what
now allows for all sort of speculation.”
The dossier of “sightings” and “visions” are probably
part of Andy Redwood's “195
leads” claims. The
Portuguese Attorney General
said at the time that
the “new leads” uncovered by Scotland Yard were nothing
more than “mere speculation”. Rightly so.
The New Zealand girl's family, after being forced to
give their daughter's DNA to Scotland Yard, in order to
establish what had already been established in 2010 -
that she is not Madeleine McCann - can finally breathe a
sigh of relief. Hopefully. On
February 12, 2013 the New Zealand police released a
4th statement, which concluded: “Given that there is
conclusive evidence that their daughter is not Madeleine
McCann and has no connection to Madeleine McCann, it is
only right that she and her family are entitled to a
level of privacy that most of us enjoy. The family has
asked that their privacy continues to be respected and
do not want any contact from media.”
Other children were not so fortunate.
Bouchra Ahmed Ben Aissa, Tea Dedic, Leone Drpic, Nicole
A'Hern, Carolina Santos, Sjanneke Hofstede.... How many
more? And in the name of what exactly?
It seems as many as necessary to perpetuate the charade.
As we can see in the following section.
'Мадлен Макканн' and
the new McCanns self-appointed spokesman
Today, 15 of February
another spin was created and regurgitated by the
UK press [with extra spin sauce
here] and Portuguese press. The origin?
Graham Perry [Грэхэм Перри], the new self appointed
McCanns spokesman.
It seems
Mr. Perry belongs to the infamous
HTFM [Help to Find Madeleine] organization that back
2007 attempted to mass delete several youtube videos,
used the murdered child
Mari Luz Cortés in a poster and in mass-mailings
without her parents consent. In brief, an organization
whose volunteers, some at least, do a mix of
astroturfing, cyberbullying and harassment online.
Graham Perry's comments can be found in the
everywhere where Madeleine's name is mentioned,
ranging from the kind “raising awareness” to more
abusive and odd comments. One thing is certain,
Perry is obsessed by Madeleine McCann as he
himself admits.
According to
Lifenews(dot)ru, Mr. Perry contacted Mr. Victor Yankov, community manager of a volunteer organization
named “Find Missing Children”, presenting himself as an
official representative of the McCann family.
Bare with me, it's a google translation:
A McCann
family friend from England contacted our
volunteers. He asked to resume the search for the girl
in Ukraine and Russia, and to make a special
Russian-language guidance [poster], said the “Find
Missing Children” community manager Victor Yankov. We
have updated the guidance and distributed them to our
Russian counterparts. He [Perry?] got in touch with us
after one dying man confessed [Raymond Hewlett never
confessed to having kidnapped Madeleine, he would be the
perfect patsy, no doubt!] to have participated in the
kidnapping of the child, which means that Maddie is
alive and can be found in our countries.
Graham, “Hello, I'm from the UK. My name is Graham
Perry, a spokesman for the McCann family and a
coordinator for the Find Madeleine, who coordinates the
progress of the investigation. I'm sending you a picture
of Madeleine for guidance in Russian. I'm sure it will
be very helpful for Madeleine and her family.” Watch
out, Clarence.
He adds, “I translated leaflets in all languages
because, according to her father, Gerry, she can be in
any corner of the world, including in Russia.”
Lifenews(dot)ru then adds, “according to Mr. Perry,
there is a big possibility that Maddie now has another
name and may not speak the native language (...)
Volunteers quickly contacted England and promised to
make it available in the two countries (...) The
association “Find Missing Children” in Russia have also
confirmed that the search for the child has already
begun (...) Activists were asked to connect to
volunteers from all over the country for distribution
and posting of orientations with photos of Maddie six
years ago and a portrait composed by experts, suggesting
how the girl might look now (...) Madeleine McCann can
theoretically be anywhere in the world, but the family
asked the Russian and Ukrainian volunteers to be more
active. It is possible that the girl is located in the
territory of the Russian Federation and Ukraine (...) in
2007 the police [what police?] version considered that
Maddie was kidnapped by a gang of Russian paedophiles,
however, it is not confirmed. British police recently
made a portrait of the girl with the age-related
changes. Experts suggest that now Maddie should look
that way.”
Really? Little blonde girls in Russia?!
No more fake news! No more spins. Enough. |