Gordon Smith |
McCann's parents have admitted they plan to use a psychic in
their quest to find their daughter.
They have
approached Gordon Smith, dubbed the Psychic Barber, for help in
solving the mystery.
Mr Smith last
night revealed he could help find the missing four year-old
within days.
He said: "I
have done private sittings for many people for lost children or
missing relatives.
"The first
thing I would usually do would be to establish whether Madeleine
is dead or whether she is still here.
"I have
offered my help for free. I never charge for private readings.
I've already assured them I will say nothing to the press.
"The approach
came from their family via my publisher. I said:
'Of course.'
For it to work I need to sit with her closest relatives, who
would be her parents.
"Before I sit
down with them I'd have to say that it's a possibility that
nothing might happen. But I'd love to help the family in any way
I can."
The devout
Catholic couple are reading up on the spirit world on the
recommendation of one of Gerry's Scottish relatives. Smith, 45,
from Glasgow, has written a number of books on the subject
including Stories From The Other Side, Through My Eyes and
Spirit Messenger.
A family pal
said: "Gerry and Kate are both logical people and they are also
devout Catholics so it would seem to go against everything they
believe in.
"But it is
not being entirely ruled out. Kate and Gerry are desperate for
help and they will consider any viable information.
"A psychic
has been recommended and they don't want to dismiss anything
that may help them in their search."
They have
been contacted by 1,000 psychics and mediums since she
disappeared on May 3.
One named a
specific farm in Spain where Madeleine was being held and part
of a car's registration number.
Another rang
in claiming to know the flight and seat number where they "saw"
the little girl.
A third
claimed to have the exact co-ordinates for her on a Google Earth
satellite map.
The pal
added: "They have felt compelled to pass on around 15% of this
information. Some are as vague as visions of her in the clouds
or on a boat.
"But others
have been very detailed giving specific details."
Police could
not dismiss the visions in case one of the mediums turned out be
the abductor.
The McCanns
are planning to break their silence over their daughter's
disappearance in a series of TV interviews to be broadcast in
Portugal and Spain.
Portugal's strict secrecy laws bar them from discussing
evidence, their lawyers believe they can make fresh public
appeals to help find her.
They plan to
put her photo on supermarket shopping trolleys. |