And the
rest was made up in overtime payments
and expenses - including bar and
restaurant bills.
39, lost his rag when he was told the
Find Madeleine fund would have to foot
the bill.
McGuinness, 37, parted company with the
family after a showdown with Gerry.
A source
close to the family said last night:
"Everyone at the fund was happy with the
way Justine handled herself and the PR.
She did a brilliant job.
there was a debate over her overtime and
expenses bill which came as a surprise
to Gerry. He hit the roof.
couldn't believe Justine's expenses and
overtime were as high as £20,000 for the
time she'd been in Portugal.
claimed overtime for nights
when she had been out drinking and
eating with journalists and other people
over there.
was well paid by the fund on a day rate
but claimed overtime too along with
family expected her day fee to cover
"Then the
extra bills came in on top of this and
there was a great deal
of surprise within the fund."
source went on: "The fund's managers
were completely taken aback when she
lodged the claim and immediately phoned
"He then
spoke to her about it. As part of the
agreement to part company he said he
would not publicise details of the rift.
Kate and Gerry put out a statement
thanking her for all her work on the
Gerry was livid because her expenses
drained the fighting fund of a chunk of
money intended to help find Madeleine."
McGuinness - who stood as a Lib Dem
candidate at the 2005 General Election -
was headhunted in June to help the
McCanns' crusade to find four-year-old
She was
picked because of her political
And she
acted as a spokeswoman and organiser of
events to keep the campaign in the news.
efforts included getting celebrity
backers such as England soccer idol
David Beckham and Manchester United's
Portuguese maestro Cristiano Ronaldo.
She also
organised interviews and photocalls with
the couple.
McGuinness advised Gerry and GP Kate,
39, on their audience with the Pope.
And she
encouraged cardiologist Gerry to go to
Washington in July to learn about the
latest techniques for tracing missing
But some
critics warned she was making the
campaign too much of a slick PR
operation. And there were new concerns
when when Portuguese police made Kate an
official suspect.
source said: "The McCanns hired a
campaigns expert rather than someone to
defend their reputations if things went
"Once the
Portuguese started pointing the finger
at Kate things had to change."
McGuinness disputes the amounts
involved. Last night she defended the
payments and said: "I parted on good
terms with Kate and Gerry and I regard
them as my friends.
made it very clear to me that they were
happy with the work I did." She added:
"I sincerely hope Madeleine is found and
I wish the McCanns well."
McGuinness quit on September 15 and was
replaced by ex-Cabinet Office aide
Clarence Mitchell, 46.
Office chiefs had sent Mitchell to
Portugal to advise the McCanns after
Maddie vanished from a room she was
sharing with two-year-old brother Sean
and his twin sister Amelie in the resort
of Praia da Luz in May.
But the
McCann family was split over his switch
to join the Find Madeleine campaign.
source told The People: "Gerry was the
only one who wanted Clarence.
"He was
determined to get him after building a
strong relationship with him in
Portugal. But nobody else wanted him
because he had given Kate and Gerry -
what some of the family thought of as -
questionable advice.
advised Kate to take the twins swimming
and get pictured in her bathing suit
shortly after the search for Madeleine
had captured the media's attention. Kate
was horrified by the suggestion - but
Gerry wanted to go along with Clarence's
"It was
only when other family members told
Gerry it was the wrong thing to do he
backed down.
feeling was it sent the wrong message if
Kate was pictured lounging by the side
of the pool when she is distraught about
Madeleine's disappearance." The source
added: "Finding Madeleine is Kate and
Gerry's No1 priority.
Portuguese police investigation has left
them numb and they know valuable time's
been lost.
"Kate is
distraught and spends most of her time
sitting in Madeleine's room.
"If it
wasn't for Sean and Amelie she would
have broken down long ago."
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