The Express, OK! and Channel 5 owner made
his mark at Leveson with a grandstanding performance
attacking his rivals
Richard Desmond |
Job: chairman, Northern & Shell;
proprietor, Express Newspapers
Age: 60
Industry: publishing, broadcasting
2011 ranking: 16
As the first newspaper proprietor to take
the stand at the Leveson inquiry into press standards,
Richard Desmond's Leveson inquiry appearance was
certainly memorable. The Daily Express, OK! and Channel
5 owner queried the meaning of the word "ethics", saying
"we don't talk about ethics or morals because it is a
very fine line and everybody's ethics are different";
and was accused by the inquiry counsel, Robert Jay QC,
of a "grotesque misrepresentation" of his papers'
defamatory Madeleine McCann coverage, which resulted in
a £550,000 libel damages settlement.
In a grandstanding performance, jokey and
at times artless, Desmond laid into Paul Dacre ("the fat
butcher"), the Daily Mail ("Daily Malicious"), and the
Press Complaints Commission ("a useless organisation run
by people who want tea and biscuits").
On a more serious note relating to his
PCC boycott, the so-called "Desmond issue" – how to get
him to sign up the whatever regulatory body replaces the
discredited press watchdog – was a topic Lord Justice
Leveson raised repeatedly with senior industry figures.
Pre-tax profits at Desmond's Northern &
Shell dropped 80% to £5m in 2011, with an order for a
£36m Gulfstream private jet cancelled. But Channel 5
prospered, with revenues up 23% to £353m in 2011 and Big
Brother successfully relaunched, but Express Newspapers
faced further cuts, with about 70 posts axed to help
save £5m. Desmond's Health Lottery launched last
September, but is likely to generate about half the £50m
forecast in its first year. |