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Julia Pinheiro (JP) - So, the
British police admits to abandon the investigation
relative to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. [ref.
English police willing to abandon Madeleine McCann
investigation] The Met Commissioner [Bernard
Hogan-Howe], responsible for the process, stated to an
English newspaper that until the end of the current year
the (English) government should decide if the
investigation should continue or not. It is a curious
issue. I have with me, here, Francisco Moita Flores and
Paulo Sargento. Hello, good afternoon. How are you both?
What do you think Francisco?
Francisco Moita Flores (FMF) -
Good afternoon. This is very strange.
JP - Very strange, isn't it?
FMF - In fact, I think this is too
strange, you see, in England, everyday, children go
missing. I wouldn't go as far as to say everyday, but at
least many times per month, children go missing...
JP - At least every week children
go missing.
FMF - ...Like in Portugal, where
some also disappear, and as we know there aren't as many
as those who go missing in England. This investigation,
is an investigation made to a process that was already
investigated. What the Scotland Yard is doing, and what
the English police is doing, is an investigation to the
investigation that was done by the Portuguese Judiciary
JP - Yes, and in that they have
already spent close to 3 million pounds.
FMF - It was not the police that
invested in there [in the review].
JP - Who was it then?
FMF - Those who invested are
always the same.
JP - Right.
FMF - That is, it's the government
that handles the money, so they can find every possible
solution that exists for the Maddie case. Even though
the solution, for them, is always one and the same: "The
child was abducted", and thus "Let us see where did the
Judiciary Police failed", so "We can can find the
abductor". They don't consider alternative hypotheses.
Therefore, what is taking place, and I understood that
from the first public appearance of the English
inspectors [ref.DCI Andy Redwood], is that there is a
sort of exam, an oral and written examination to the
process investigated by the Portuguese Judiciary Police.
What is also true is that everything that they have
"found" at the time, the numerous leads [ref. 195
"leads"], clues and similar, were all leads that had
been previously investigated [or dismissed] by the
Portuguese Police, leads that had already been cleared
JP - Without results.
FMF - What I fear, or rather what
I would be afraid of, if the Portuguese authorities turn
a blind eye, is that a new whitewashing operation is
being prepared in this case. And the whitewashing
operation results in something similar to this: "the
child was abducted", "there aren't any other
hypotheses", the issue of involving people connected to
the child is "vile", they are all "good people", "it had
to be a Moroccan or a Portuguese" - it has to be someone
whose complexion is a bit darker than average, that has
performed the abduction. "Those poor people were just on
holidays", "good people" and so on. To disturb them or
even question them is indeed an "insult". Well, that is
perverse, because it reveals that millions are being
spent in order to whitewash people's images
JP - But doesn't the idea of
closing the investigation come as an attempt to put an
end to the case, even the English people are tired...
FMF - The process is archived, the
only one who can reopen the process is the Portuguese
General Attorney's Office. Everything that they are
doing is an investigation to a process that is archived!
JP - Exactly, so they are spending
several resources of the British government, in...
FMF - They are lucky not have the
IMF in there.
JP - At least not yet.
[laughs/ref. See Portugal and the IMF] Let me speak with
Paulo Sargento, who has been following the case
attentively since the beginning. What do you think?
Paulo Sargento (PS) - This has an hidden
agenda behind it, as usual. When news, precisely like
this one, appear in the British media they have an
hidden agenda. About a month ago there was a first call
to arms, now...
JP - But what this man stated now
was "let's close this", "it will not really come to
PS - What that man stated is
nonsense. It means nothing. They're going to close,
they're not going to close. First of all, they don't
have any sovereignty to...
JP - To close anything.
PS - Precisely. As Francisco said and
very well. I fully endorse what Francisco said, they
don't have any sovereignty. [ref. Maddie Case review is
“A mendacity for the sake of the English”] Secondly,
what they did was a review of what the Judiciary Police
had done. So, nothing that they have done so far matters
at all. What matters is what we are going to have in
September, on the 13th and 14th and then on the 20th and
21st. Those are the final hearings dates of the trial of
the main action of the McCanns against Gonçalo Amaral.
[ref. The McCann couple demand 1,2 million euro from
Gonçalo Amaral] It's important for them to keep the
story in the spotlight. These are news without any real
interest, like rehashing again the 195 leads, it's just
pure stupidity, pure media junk to keep the story in the
spotlight long enough to reuse it later on in terms of
image [i.e. PR strategy]. This is what is happening,
it's better that the Portuguese realize that, and by the
way, the English people as well. This is what is taking
place, nothing else.
JP - What's written there [points
to the UK newspaper being shown on the TV/ref. 'Yard
chief suggests Madeleine probe may be wound down'] in
the title...
PS - The "Scotland Yard" usage is
to give the impression of an argument from authority.
FMF - And respectability.
PS - And respectability. Exactly.
FMF - At least it's more
respectable than the English government [ref. UK PM's
ex-media boss, friend to face charges for hacking].
PS - That's true. Do you remember
about two months ago when David Cameron forgot his
daughter in the pub?
FMF - Exactly.
PS - This seems to be recurrent in
the English. So, people should use some discernment and
understand that this is nothing more than a media
strategy to put the focus back in the McCann couple, in
this case targeting Portugal. What they want now [with
the upcoming trial] is to build up their image.
JP - So, it has to do with a
specific agenda.
PS - Without any doubts.
FMF - There is an essential error
that the Scotland Yard could present - something that
I've always considered a serious mistake in the process,
and I don't mind giving this contribution to the
Scotland Yard: What was the reason behind the protection
given to the McCann couple and friends by the Portuguese
Judiciary Police, immediately at the beginning? Why were
they shielded? Why was there concern in addressing them
before the situation that was taking place? [ref. Kate
McCann forces political pressure] I know that some
colleagues of yours, journalists, hold a 'beatified
vision' [i.e. a quasi veneration] - "Oh, those poor
parents", "Oh, those poor friends", "They are all good
people, drinking red wine glasses and had nothing to do
whatsoever with the child that was sleeping 200 meters
away", "Those wicked cops!" - that is a sanctimonious
and moralistic view that has nothing to do with the
police procedures when handling problems of violence and
homicide, where everyone is treated equally. And where
the first suspects are the ones closest to the victim.
JP - Only yesterday we spoke about
that Spanish case [ref. Unexpected twist in mystery over
missing Spanish children], where a former colleague of
yours said that at the beginning they always have that
feeling of not involving the parents, and then...
FMF - But there isn't any other
way, the victims, particularly children, and also other
victims, are generally produced by those who are closest
to them. This doesn't mean that the parents are guilty,
it could be by those who had access to the house. And
then it also emerged, another mistake that was made and
that... - actually, firstly, let me place these
questions [still regarding the political pressures]:
Why? Where there any phone calls insisting that the
parents shouldn't be disturbed? Where there any superior
authorities that said "don't touch those people"? And
the Portuguese Judiciary Police should tell the truth,
they should tell the truth. Where there calls from the
embassies? Where there phone calls directly from the
directorships of the Judiciary Police?....
PS - Ambassadors where there
FMF - Ambassadors where in there. [ref.
McCann Case: Freedom of Information Act on John Buck
former Ambassador] Where there calls from the English
government? They should answer these questions. They
know what the answers are. It's not worth it to be
JP - For the sake of clarity.
in SIC, Querida Julia - Talk show segment
titled 'Análise de Moita Flores', Broadcast on
Dr. Francisco Moita Flores -
Former Judiciary Police Inspector, University Professor,
Dr. Paulo Sargento - University
Professor, Forensic Psychologist. |