Obtained by The Washington Post
- Kevin Richard Halligen, who is
imprisoned in London, fighting
extradition to the United
States, where he faces felony
fraud charges stemming from his
days of extravagant living in
Washington high society. |
Some people knew him as Kevin. He told others he was Richard.
Everyone could see he had money to burn, and
most people thought he was a British spy.
But nobody in Washington really knew Kevin
Richard Halligen, not even the woman he
pretended to marry.
Halligen now sits in a London prison, fighting extradition to the
United States, where he faces felony fraud
charges stemming from his days of
extravagant living in Washington high
For about three years, until 2008, Halligen spent hundreds of
thousands of dollars living large in
Washington. He stayed in a Willard Hotel
suite for months at a time and drank the
days away at pricey Georgetown restaurants.
He traveled everywhere in a chauffeur-driven
Lincoln Town Car, set up high-tech offices
in Herndon and bought a grand home in Great
Smart, charming and favoring black turtlenecks and sunglasses,
Halligen told everyone that he was a spy, or
a former spy, or connected to spies. He told
friends that he was under such deep cover
that he took over his fiancee’s place as a
“safe house.”
Virtually all of it, it turns out, was fabricated or exaggerated,
according to associates who have since
investigated his background. But with
amazing ease and a perfect British accent,
the diminutive Halligen schmoozed his way
into Washington’s intelligence elite —
Pentagon officials, influential lawyers and
lobbyists, former CIA operatives.
And he took their money.
He set up shop as a corporate security consultant, offering his
dubious “operational experience” in
intelligence to solve delicate problems for
customers working in dangerous places.
In a capital with a long history of spies, foreigners with shadowy
backgrounds, big talkers and charlatans,
Halligen didn’t set off any alarm bells at
first, according to former associates. But
that changed when they concluded that
Halligen was taking money and not doing the
work he promised.
The U.S. government obtained an indictment against him in 2009 on
criminal charges of bilking a client out of
$2.1 million, and judges in the District and
Virginia have ordered him to pay $6.5
million to former partners who claim he
fleeced them.
Halligen, through his London lawyer, declined to comment as he
fights extradition to the United States in
British courts.
But in dozens of interviews in Washington and London, those who
knew Halligen described how he created a
trail of creditors, from lawyers to
landlords to housekeepers. And they said he
left a group of Washington insiders
wondering how one charming and audacious
hustler managed to seduce them all.
‘I was duped’
Halligen fooled London before he fooled Washington.
“I was duped,” said John Holmes, a retired British army general who
was head of the British military’s special
Holmes said he met Halligen in 2002, when Halligen took an IT job
at a private security consulting firm where
Holmes was working after his military
Holmes, in an interview in his London office, said he knew Halligen
was never a member of any intelligence
service. But he worked on the periphery of
that world as an engineer for companies that
provided technical support — designing
batteries, for example — to the British
government and military.
Holmes was impressed with Halligen’s smarts and entrepreneurial
spirit, he said, so he helped him start his
own firm, Red Defence International. Holmes
said that over time he realized that
Halligen was grossly exaggerating his
background to clients and others and that he
had an uncanny ability to keep his stories
“He had an intellect that would instinctively allow him to decide
what he would say to people and what he
wouldn’t say,” Holmes said.
Other friends said Halligen had a habit of hearing spy stories and
then repeating them later as tales of his
own bravery. One friend said Halligen loved
to show off a metal cigarette lighter with
an inscription thanking him for helping in a
secret rescue of hostages in Colombia.
“A real spy doesn’t do that,” said the friend, who asked not to be
Halligen’s taste for luxury was also getting him into trouble.
Scarlett Guess, Halligen’s landlord in
London, said Halligen rented three floors of
her building for close to $20,000 a month,
but paid only sporadically.
At the same time, his corporate bank statements, contained in court
records in Washington, show that he was
spending tens of thousands of dollars at
such places as the five-star Stafford London
Hotel and Les Ambassadeurs Club, a private
casino where membership costs about $40,000
a year.
Before Holmes noticed the increasing warning signs, he said, he
backed Halligen’s application to join the
Special Forces Club in central London, an
exclusive private club for people with links
to British intelligence.
That membership helped Halligen immensely as he set his sights on
an ultra-lucrative security consultant mecca:
A high-level network
When Halligen breezed into Washington about 2005, one of his first
calls, according to associates, was to
Patton Boggs, the heavyweight law firm. He
hired the firm to help set up his new U.S.
business, Oakley International, which
offered risk analysis and security advice to
corporate customers.
A key contact at Patton Boggs was lobbyist John C. Garrett, a
retired U.S. Marine colonel who serves as
the firm’s senior defense policy adviser.
Garrett declined to comment for this
article, saying Patton Boggs does not
discuss former clients.
Halligen used each new contact to methodically build up a
high-level network. Garrett introduced
Halligen to a number of key Washington
establishment figures, including Noel Koch,
who was a White House aide under President
Richard M. Nixon and whom President Obama
appointed deputy undersecretary of defense.
“If John Garrett was vouching for him, that was good enough for
me,” Koch said.
Koch recalled getting to know Halligen over boozy lunches at
Ristorante La Perla on Pennsylvania Avenue
Shown a photo of Halligen, who, 5-foot-6 and clean-cut, looks like
a slightly elfin Boy Scout, La Perla owner
Vittorio Testa recalled that he came in
nearly every day. Testa said Halligen would
sit on the outdoor patio smoking cigarettes
and drinking heavily, often arriving at 11
a.m. and not leaving until 4.
“A very elegant man, always good manners,” Testa said.
Koch said he was amazed by Halligen’s lunchtime drinking.
“He’d say, ‘Let’s have martinis,’ and I’d have a martini, as would
he,” Koch said. “Then we had another one,
then he’d want a bottle of wine. We became
fast friends over all those martinis.”
Koch was running a private security consulting company, and at one
of their lunches, Halligen said he wanted to
subscribe to his firm’s newsletter. Koch
said that would cost $15,000, and he said
Halligen made an extravagant show of
“He wrote me a check for $20,000,” Koch said, “right there at the
In the fall of 2006, Halligen still had money coming in from Red
Defence in London, as well as his growing
Washington business. But a big break came
that September when two executives from a
Dutch multinational firm, Trafigura, were
arrested in Ivory Coast, accused of
illegally dumping toxic waste.
Trafigura hired Halligen to help win release of the executives.
Halligen got a large monthly retainer,
though it’s unclear exactly what work he did
for the money or how much he received.
Friends said it ran into the millions of
A Trafigura spokesman declined to comment. The company eventually
paid $198 million to Ivory Coast officials.
The executives were released in February
2007, and payments to Halligen stopped.
But up to that point, money was pouring into Halligen’s corporate
account, and he was spending it just as
Halligen bought a $1.7 million house with a swimming pool in Great
Falls. (The indictment charges that he
bought the house the day after Trafigura
transferred $2.1 million to him to cover his
Halligen was already living in a $6,800-a-month rented house in
Georgetown, on N Street near Wisconsin
Avenue NW, and yet, at the same time, he was
often staying at the Willard.
He was paying a driver about $6,000 a month, usually keeping him
and the Lincoln Town Car for 15 hours a day.
He dropped hundreds of dollars almost daily
at restaurants such as La Perla, Cafe
Milano, Martin’s Tavern, Neyla or Shelly’s
Back Room, according to his corporate bank
statements at the time.
“We used to call him James Bond,” said Robert P. Materazzi, owner
of Shelly’s, a downtown D.C. restaurant and
cigar bar. Materazzi said that Halligen was
“secretive” about his business but that he
was a gregarious personality and extravagant
tipper who always sat in the same table near
the front of the bar, drinking expensive red
wine and smoking.
Meda Mladek, Halligen’s landlord on N Street, said Halligen did
thousands of dollars worth of damage and
unauthorized — and shoddy — construction at
her house.
“He pretended to work for the CIA,” Mladek said. “He said he had to
have a room that was totally secure, so he
had to make new walls, a new ceiling,
special doors.”
“He was quite elegant,” she said. “But I had problems, problems,
The show wedding
Amid it all, Halligen still found time for romance.
Friends said he met Maria Dybczak, a Commerce Department lawyer
with big, dark eyes and a brilliant smile,
and started courting her lavishly. He bought
her a huge diamond ring, a Prada handbag and
a pair of purebred Hungarian vizsla puppies,
friends said.
Tereza McGuinn, a D.C. makeup artist who was close to Dybczak, said
Halligen told Dybczak that he was a British
agent. She said that he took Dybczak one
weekend for a course on high-performance
defensive driving and that he taught her how
to handle a gun.
“I thought there was something really wrong about it,” McGuinn said
in an interview. McGuinn said that she
didn’t believe Halligen’s spy background but
that Dybczak seemed blinded by his charm and
In a brief interview at her D.C. home, Dybczak said she and her
family had been “devastated” by Halligen but
declined to say more.
On the last Friday in April 2007, she wore a white wedding gown at
a spectacular evening ceremony at the
Evermay estate in Georgetown.
Dybczak’s family, who friends said paid for most of the wedding,
came to town from Alabama. Halligen flew
over at least a dozen friends from London,
first-class, and put them up in suites at
the Hay-Adams Hotel. Washington guests
included Koch and Garrett, the Patton Boggs
lobbyist, who was Halligen’s best man.
Security men with earpieces watched over the high-powered crowd of
about 100 people, and guests were met by a
sign in calligraphy telling them that no
cameras or phones were allowed.
Wedding photographer Clay Blackmore said Dybczak asked him to shoot
film only — no digital images.
“She told me, ‘Richard is very connected, and anybody wearing a pin
on their lapel can’t be photographed,’ ”
Blackmore said. “She told me ‘Richard is
top-level and he’s a secret agent’ or
something like that. I just bought into it
like everybody else did.”
McGuinn said Dybczak and Halligen went “hog-wild” on the wedding,
with a huge fireworks display and an
extravagant dinner of lobster and lamb in
the ballroom, where dinner chairs were
covered with thousands of dollars’ worth of
silk pillows.
On Evermay’s grand back terrace, Halligen and Dybczak stood on a
carpet of rose petals as the minister read
vows from a leather-bound notebook and
pronounced them husband and wife.
What the guests didn’t know was that the minister was Harry Winter,
a professional actor from Arlington’s
Signature Theatre, who was hired by the
couple to preside over an elaborate fake.
According to friends, Halligen told Dybczak just before the wedding
— when guests had been invited and
arrangements made — that because he was
involved in undercover intelligence
operations, he could not sign any public
documents — including a marriage license.
It’s unclear whether Dybczak believed him. But rather than cancel
the ceremony, she helped him arrange the
show wedding. Winter said she paid him $300
in cash.
“It was a wonderful, beautiful service,” Winter said in an
interview. “Nobody knew it wasn’t real.”
Nor did they know that Halligen was already married.
British records show that Halligen had been married 16 years
earlier to a woman named Jennifer Darvill,
and he was still married to her at the time
of the Evermay wedding.
“He told me plenty of lies,” said Darvill, reached in England.
Darvill said she met Halligen in 1988, and in all the time she knew
him, “I was not aware that he had any
involvement with security, military or
She said he left her in 1998 to have an affair with another woman,
leaving behind a “stack of unpaid bills”
that she paid by selling antiques inherited
from her father.
Things fall apart
After the Evermay wedding, Halligen was riding high. He spent the
next year building his business. By early
2008, court records show, London lawyer Mark
Aspinall — who was his connection on the
Trafigura case — had invested $750,000 in
Halligen’s Oakley International.
Halligen also received an enormous boost from the internationally
known case of Madeleine McCann, a 3-year-old
British girl who disappeared while on
vacation with her family in Portugal.
In the spring of 2008, the Find Madeleine Fund hired Oakley
International on a six-month contract worth
just under $1 million. Halligen was supposed
to use high-tech surveillance and satellite
imagery and conduct interviews to help find
the girl.
His bank accounts ballooned with regular deposits of $200,000 or
more over the next few months. But
Halligen’s carefully constructed life was
starting to unravel.
Clarence Mitchell, a spokesman for the Find Madeleine Fund, said
fund officials began questioning whether
Halligen’s work was worth those large
payments, and they terminated his contract
in August 2008.
Aspinall, meanwhile, was becoming increasingly suspicious of what
became of his $750,000 investment, and court
records state that he made at least two
trips to Washington to question Halligen.
By September 2008, the McCann contract was canceled, Halligen’s
debts were mounting and his reputation was
sinking. His relationship with Dybczak was
over, and he was preparing his exit from
His corporate bank records show that in September, October and
November 2008, Halligen drained $800,000
from his D.C. account and wired much of that
overseas. He sold the Great Falls house. By
November, his Washington bank account was
overdrawn by $1,400. And Halligen was gone.
His former friends started looking for him and investigating his
finances and background. They contacted the
FBI. And they also started filing civil
Aspinall filed suit in Washington to recover his investment in
Oakley, and a judge ordered Halligen to pay
back $871,000.
Halligen was also sued by another Washington insider, Andre Hollis,
a former deputy assistant secretary of
defense for counternarcotics, who had given
a toast at the Evermay wedding.
Hollis, a lawyer who once worked as legal counsel to the House of
Representatives and as senior adviser to
Afghanistan’s Ministry of Counter Narcotics,
sued Halligen in Fairfax Country Circuit
Court for $2.35 million.
Hollis alleged that Halligen hired him as chief executive of Oakley
International and that Hollis bought an
ownership stake in the company. He said that
the investment turned out to be worthless
and that Halligen drained the company’s
accounts. A judge ordered Halligen to pay
Hollis more than $5.7 million in damages.
As investigators pursued Halligen, they found yet another surprise.
They unearthed documents suggesting that the
silver-tongued Brit had actually been born
in Ireland.
In November 2009, after a year on the run, Halligen was jailed
after being arrested at a luxury hotel in
Oxford, England. The bartender there
recalled that Halligen had been staying at
the hotel for weeks under an alias, with a
girlfriend, running up huge bar tabs, buying
drinks for the staff and spinning tales of
life as a spy.
Staff researcher Jennifer Jenkins and special correspondent Karla
Adam in London contributed to this report. |