Scotland Yard detectives are confident they
can solve Madeleine McCann’s disappearance |
SCOTLAND Yard detectives are confident they can solve the mystery of
Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.
They are approaching the huge task of reviewing all known evidence with
renewed vigour as the fifth anniversary of the three year old going
missing approaches.
A source close to the investigation said: “They are working extremely
hard to solve the case in the sense that they want to be able to say
what they believe has happened to the child. Their attitude is that it
is solvable and they are working to that end.
“The approach is very professional and all officers are committed to
doing their very best to understand existing evidence while looking for
new evidence. They want definitive answers and are working extremely
hard to get to the truth. The investigation is gathering momentum.”
The so-called Maddie Squad is headed by Detective Chief Inspector Andy
Redwood, one of the Yard’s most respected officers, who has 36
detectives and civilians under him.
She has
been drained, wept and suffered. It has been a great mental
strain on her
Kate’s mother Susan Healy |
Portuguese police sources say he has established an “excellent” working
relationship with counterparts in Portugal.
Senior investigator
Helen Monteiro, who is in charge of the Portuguese
team based in Porto, has made it clear her officers are available to
pursue any leads the Yard comes up with.
Liaison officers are keeping Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry
The couple, of Rothley, Leicestershire, have been inundated with
requests for interviews to mark the May 3 anniversary but have said they
do not wish to say or do anything which could possibly impinge on the
Yard review at this stage.
The Sunday Express understands that Leicestershire Police, who have
worked closely with Portuguese detectives, have formally handed over
all their information on the case to the Yard. The files include video
interviews and scores of witness statements. “Effectively the Met has
now taken over the British side of the investigation,” said a source.
While the review gathers pace, Kate McCann has been busying herself by
writing a short epilogue to a paperback version of her hardback book,
Madeleine, which has sold 350,000 copies in the UK alone since its
launch last year. Proceeds from sales continue to fund the search for
The paperback version will be released on May 10, seven days after the
anniversary of her daughter’s disappearance in 2007 from a holiday
apartment in the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz. Kate will refer to the
Scotland Yard probe in the new chapter but will not disclose any details
of the investigation.
Last month she and Gerry flew to Sweden to promote the hardback version
of the book in a drive to raise international awareness of the case.
In an interview with the Swedish magazine Sondag, Kate’s mother Susan
Healy said: “Kate has never given up hope that Madeleine will return.
She wants to learn the truth and I think it is so important that it
comes out.
“It has been a lot of hard work for my daughter to write the book.
“She has been drained, wept and suffered. It has been a great mental
strain on her.”
Mrs Healy lives in Liverpool but talks to her daughter every day and
often goes to stay with the family in Rothley to offer support and help
care for twins Sean and Amelie.
On May 23 Kate will attend a reception at Downing Street at which David
Cameron will personally back International Missing Children’s Day on May
25 |