The purpose of
this site is for information and a record of Gerry McCann's Blog
Archives. As most people will appreciate GM deleted all past blogs
from the official website. Hopefully this Archive will be helpful to
anyone who is interested in Justice for Madeleine Beth McCann. Many
Thanks, Pamalam |
Note: This site does not belong to the McCanns. It belongs to Pamalam. If
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Has Furnace In The Algarve |
A criminal who cremates dead animals in a furnace behind his house in Portugal
says he has been quizzed about missing toddler Madeleine McCann.
Eef Hoos, 61, says detectives repeatedly questioned him about whether he had
ever met Madeleine's parents.
And he said officers had visited his heavily fortified villa in remote mountains
in the Algarve where they asked about his animal cremations.
Dutchman Hoos, who has spent almost eight years in jail for planting bombs in
the Netherlands, says police have now ordered him to attend their headquarters
for questioning on Monday.
He said: "He asked me three times if I had spoken to the parents, I said I had
not spoken to the parents.
"The other guy said he had seen that I had spoken to the parents."
The Dutchman explained he earned his living as a debt collector, but carried out
animal incineration as a sideline in furnaces on wasteland on the slopes below
his house.
Following complaints about the smell from neighbours he said he had closed down
the furnaces in March this year.
Meanwhile Gerry and Kate McCann have met lawyers in London to prepare their
defence against any possible charges.
Although they remain official suspects, Portuguese police say they have no plans
to re-interview the couple in the near future.
But the McCanns want to be ready should the Portuguese authorities try to bring
a case against them.