Key forensic tests back police suspicions that Kate McCann
accidentally killed her daughter Madeleine.
Madeleine McCann (PA) |
forensic tests back police suspicions that Kate McCann
accidentally killed her daughter Madeleine and the body was
then moved by car, it was claimed yesterday.
found differences in Madeleine's blood traces taken from the
family apartment in Praia da Luz and the Renault Scenic Kate
and husband Gerry rented 25 days after the four-year-old
vanished on May 3.
They say
specks found on the floor and window sill of the apartment
were fresh before they dried.
But blood
and other bodily fluids found in the boot lining and
interior of the Renault congealed differently, indicating
they came from Madeleine's body at a later time.
samples reportedly had a "full match" with Madeleine's DNA.
have since commissioned further tests and analysis of
samples based on answers given by Kate and Gerry during
interviews. They suspect Gerry helped cover up his
daughter's death by disposing of her body then lying about
results from Britain's Forensic Science Service emerged as
detectives prepared to give prosecutors a dossier calling
for Kate to be charged with "accidental homicide", the
Portuguese equivalent of manslaughter in British law.
A source
said: "The feeling is that the forensics support the theory
that Madeleine died accidentally inside the apartment on the
night she vanished, and she was then moved.
are sensitive tests but they have been carried out by some
of the best scientists in the world. Detectives believe they
fit into a wider pattern of evidence which points to the
has been talk of 70 or 80 per cent matches. The FSS doesn't
do that. It's either a match or it's not. It's either
significant or it's not. In this case, it's significant."
night it was also believed phone taps may have been used.
Unlike Britain, covert recordings are allowed as evidence in
Portuguese courts.
officers in Praia da Luz began a fresh search of the villa
the McCanns rented after leaving their holiday apartment.
They are looking for more traces of blood, fibres and other
bodily fluids which may be linked to Madeleine.
searches at other nearby sites will be carried out. One
place under scrutiny is in the nearby town of Lagos where
officers will check drainage systems and construction sites.
have reported being asked to search coves along the Algarve
coast for bin liners.
police dossier of evidence against the McCanns contains
hundreds of pages of interview transcripts, witness
statements, forensic reports and analysis by detectives.
It will
be handed this morning to Jose Cunha de Magalhaes de Menezes
who will decide if the couple, both 39, have a case to
Mr de
Menezes is expected to wait for a further update from
British scientists before announcing if Kate and Gerry
should face trial.
spokesman Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa said yesterday: "At
the moment the inquiry is being prepared to be handed to the
prosecutor. He will analyse it then make his decision."
leader Guilhermino Encarnacao added: "The theory of the
death of Madeleine is progressively gaining more
consistency. The investigation continues with all means."
A source
close to the inquiry said all major results had been handed
to British police and the Portuguese authorities. The
insider added: "We have reached the tail end."
were claims that the prosecutor would have charged the
McCanns last week. But it is thought he was pressured into
waiting by the Portuguese Attorney General.
believe the implications of a botched trial for relations
between Portugal and the UK, and the effects on tourism,
played a part.
prosecutor now has three options - to bring charges, rule no
action should be taken, or return the papers to police
requesting more evidence. Under Portuguese law the McCanns
have to be notified of any impending prosecution in writing.
It could
mean months of waiting for the heartbroken couple who
vehemently insist they had nothing to do with Madeleine's
disappearance and believe their daughter was abducted.
say it is ludicrous to think Kate and Gerry could have
hidden a body for 25 days then moved it while constantly in
the public eye.
witness believes she saw a mystery man carrying a child near
the McCanns' apartment on the night Madeleine disappeared.
relatives accuse the police of attempting to frame Kate and
Gerry. Other supporters have even suggested crucial evidence
has been planted to avoid accusations of a bungled inquiry.
Madeleine's aunt, Philomena, said: "All I can suggest is
that the Portuguese police are clutching at straws to get
this case cleared up.
"Kate and
Gerry have been a thorn in their sides for a long time. What
better than to cast them as villains ?" The McCanns were
named as suspects last week after being questioned as
Detectives told Kate during questioning that if she
confessed to accidentally killing Madeleine she would get a
reduced sentence of two years.
couple were not set bail conditions and were allowed to
return home to Rothley, Leics, with twins Sean and Amelie,
two, on Sunday.
insisted they were not running away and would continue to
They have
since hired top barrister Michael Caplan QC, an expert in
extradition law who represented Chilean dictator General
Pinochet in 1999.
He will
be instructed by solicitor Angus McBride who defended actor
Chris Langham, convicted of downloading child porn.
A family
friend said the McCanns were being advised on "much more
than just extradition" but would not give any further
Kate and
Gerry now have the headache of meeting hefty legal bills to
try to prove their innocence.
So far
more than #1million of donated money has flowed into the
fund set up to find Madeleine. But using fund money is not
an option.
by Detective Chief Inspector Peter Kirkham, former Scotland
Yard murder squad investigator
Blood on window sill of apartment at Ocean World resort
which matches Madeleine's DNA profile
Kirkham says: "She could have reached this herself which
means it is not necessarily suspicious. She could have cut
herself or bumped into it so it is of interest but not
significant on its own."
Blood on floor of apartment at Ocean World resort which
dried fresh and matched Madeleine's DNA profile
Kirkham says: "Children can fall over and bump themselves
and it's unlikely that they do themselves a lot of harm. The
significance of this depends on how much and the spray or
pattern it forms."
Police teams still searching for Madeleine in surrounding
and wider area of Portugal
Kirkham says: "To find a body in any murder is absolutely
crucial even after several months. It moves an investigation
forward a million miles with new leads. There are soil
samples to examine, other forensic traces to detect and
items to examine. Without a body, you are at step one, with
a body you are at step nine."
Blood, hairs and other bodily fluids in interior and boot
lining of Renault Scenic
Kirkham says: "This is much harder to explain away
innocently. If there is more than a few spots that suggests
something sinister. If there is bodily fluid from a
decomposing corpse it is almost impossible to come up with
an innocent explanation."
Search of the nearby villa which Kate and Gerry McCann
rented after they left Ocean World Resort
Kirkham says: "If the police believe a corpse has been moved
they will ask, 'Where was it wrapped?' If there are traces
in the car there would have been traces on clothes. If there
were traces on clothes they could have been transferred to
the villa."
Cuddle Cat, which Kate says she left with Madeleine but she
says was found on a shelf afterwards
Kirkham says: "This was given as evidence that Madeleine did
not wander off. But Portuguese police will not take it at
face value now Kate is a suspect."
Jon.Clements@Mirror.Co.Uk |