Still missing: A new picture of Maddy McCann, aged two
DETECTIVES want to stage a Crimewatch-style reconstruction of the vital
hours before Madeleine McCann vanished.
It is hoped the move will lead to a crucial breakthrough in the long-running
Police are even preparing to ask the toddler’s parents, Kate and Gerry, to
return to the Algarve and take part in the reconstruction along with seven
members of their holiday group.
Any reconstruction would be the first time the events of May 3 have been
re-enacted by key witnesses.
The development comes hours after the McCanns launched a publicity fightback
against the tide of public opinion moving against them following accusations by
the Portuguese police.
The couple have sanctioned the spending of £80,000 on a Europe-wide advertising
campaign to find their daughter.
Madeleine’s face is to feature on television, billboard and newspaper adverts
across the continent.
In a bid to solve the mystery of the four-year-old’s disappearance, detectives
in Portugal want her parents to return to the Ocean Club resort in and pinpoint
exactly where they were at certain times during the day.
Happier times: The McCanns at their wedding
The McCanns were the last people to see the toddler before she was discovered
missing and have now been made official suspects in the case.
Heart specialist Gerry and GP Kate vehemently deny any involvement in
Madeleine’s disappearance.
To stage a reconstruction of events the police would need formally to request
several other witnesses to return to Praia da Luz to play out what happened. But
critics fear that any reconstruction would be hampered by intense media interest
in the case.
Another concern is the timing of the idea, which comes 136 days after Madeleine
Due to Portugal’s strict secrecy laws nobody who has given a statement in the
inquiry has been allowed to speak about the night.
It has been claimed that several contradictions have emerged in statements given
by the McCanns’ party, including exactly how long people were away from the
table where they were dining.
A police source last night admitted there were concerns about whether it would
even be possible to get everyone involved that night to return to the scene at
the same time.
He said: “It is something that we are considering but it is difficult to bring
everyone who was there that night back to Portugal. You also have to rely on
people remembering where exactly they were.”
In the past, Portuguese police have declined any offer made by the BBC to film a
reconstruction for its successful Crimewatch programme.
But last night it was claimed that police have seized the McCanns’ mobile phone
records and can now accurately trace where calls were made from on the night
Madeleine disappeared.
Gerry’s brother John McCann yesterday spoke about the new advertising campaign
and urged people not to forget that Madeleine was still missing.
He said: “I hope that the general public will continue to support us in this. It
is so important that we remember ‘Don’t you forget about me’ and our lovely wee
John, a director of the Madeleine Fund, went on: “The adverts will focus on
Spain, Portugal and other parts of Europe and will consist of billboards and
other media.”
Since arriving back home in Rothley, Leics, a week ago, Kate and Gerry, both 39,
have being trying to create some normality for their two-year-old twins Sean and
Family spokesperson Natalie Orringe said: “Kate and Gerry are trying to take
stock of the situation and prepare for next week.
“They have had a series of meetings with media and legal advisers who are
assessing how best to advise them. There is a lot of hard work to do.
“They are bearing up well despite the intense media interest in them. They are
grateful for people’s generosity and support.”
Kate and Gerry, who face returning to Portugal for further police questioning or
to be charged, have not yet had “any formal approach” from the authorities.
Natalie said: “They need a period of calm and time at home with the twins. They
will only return to Portugal if requested to do so. They are not avoiding
reading the papers and they find the speculation very disturbing and upsetting.
“The pressure on the family is so intense and they are really feeling it now.
They are appealing for media calm.”
She added: “Crates of letters have turned up at the village post office – 500 to
1,000 a day. They are written directly to Kate and Gerry and most offer support.
Many come from people who say they wouldn’t normally write but feel moved to do
“There are also gifts, cash and offers of financial support. There are a few
crank letters. Some people use this as an opportunity to attack Kate and Gerry,
but most are positive.”
The McCanns were visited by social workers this week to discuss the twins’
Natalie said: “Because they are official suspects it was a matter of routine.
Gerry made the meeting happen, he contacted them and asked them to come round.
The visit went well.”
A family source added: “The social workers went away quite happy. Everything’s
The family is believed to have received generous offers from several mystery
benefactors offering to pay for their escalating legal fees.
Money from the Madeleine Fund cannot be used to meet the bill.
Kate and Gerry have yet to decide if fresh handouts can be used for their legal
expenses. Natalie said: “No decision has been made yet if there is to be a
separate fund.” |