Blogs and sites fighting for Justice and Freedom of
Expression in the McCann case |
The «World» still
searches for Madeleine. Even the PJ created a special unit that will
review case, along with the Scotland Yard
Never before the disappearance of a child created such a huge media
frenzy.Madeleine McCann disappeared on the 3rd
of May, 2007 in Praia da Luz, Algarve.
From grieving parents to suspects, the McCann consciously or not, fueled
the mystery and the media. One year later, the case was archived.
Without arguidos, without conclusions, without answers and plenty of
controversy between the British couple and the Portuguese authorities.
Maybe that is why, even today, the world waits for answers. Even the PJ
has created a special unit that will review the case, along with
Scotland Yard.
But if in real life no one knows what happened to Madeleine McCann,
there is a place where she is very much alive: in the Internet. Sites,
blogs, books, videos, documentaries.
The website created by Maddie's parents is still active. In «Find
Madeleine», Gerry and Kate explain why they don't give up and call for
new donations for the
that ensures the search for their daughter. They show photos, videos and
they sell products: wristbands, posters and even T-Shirts with Maddie's
However, the truth is, the vast majority of the sites that we find in
the internet defend that the child has died in the apartment in Praia da
And that the parents are responsible for what has
There are sites
extremely comprehensive in terms of the
information that is provided.
They even have all the investigation, disclosed by the Portuguese Public
Ministry, translated into different languages.
They gather news articles and actually do
And, it is curious to note, that in addition to sites in English and
Portuguese, it is also very easy to find pages in other languages,
such as these two: «Hasta
que se sepa la Verdad»
and «Unterdenteppichgekehrt».
What about books? Over 20 books on Madeleine McCann were written. One of
the latest, was written by an American profiler,
Pat Brown.
The book went on sale in the form of an ebook on Amazon, but soon after,
it ended up being removed after the legal representatives [Carter Ruck]
of the McCanns deemed it as «defamatory».
As early as in 2009, the «Diário IOL» (now TVI24.pt) interviewed Tony
Bennett, a British solicitor, in his 60's, now retired, who soon after
the disappearance of Maddie initiated a struggle so
Kate and Gerry would be accused of negligence.
Later on he wrote a book titled «What
Really Happened to Madeleine McCann? 60 Reasons which suggest that she
was not abducted»
Still, the book that raised more controversy book was, without doubts,
«Maddie - The Truth of the Lie» written by former Judiciary Police
inspector, Gonçalo Amaral, who led the investigation into the
disappearance of Maddie in the first months. Madeleine's parents were
even able to forbid the sales of the book
for a while.
On YouTube, a search with Madeleine McCann's name finds close to
six thousand videos.
Many created by anonymous, without any connection to the case, to the
investigation or to the family.
And since the digital world is not limited in time and in space, after
her disappearance, Madeleine «emerged» in social networks. Not only in
the official facebook page created by parents,
but as well in many others,
of people who felt touched by the story. The same happened on
TVI24, International section, March 9, 2012 |