Barry James Shaw |
A Civil
Service accountant who downloaded and swapped repellent images of
children being sexually abused and fantasised about abducting Madeleine
McCann has been jailed for two years.
31-year-old Barry James Shaw at Belfast Crown Court, Judge Patrick Lynch
QC also ordered him to sign the police Sex Offenders’ Register for the
rest of his life and barred him from ever working with children.
judge told Shaw: “You may have felt at the time — in your room
downloading these materials — that you caused no hurt to anyone, but for
each of these appalling images there are victims, and if it were not for
people like yourself there would be no demand for them, and the abuse
that is inherent in the production of these materials would not occur.”
from Balfour Avenue in south Belfast, pleaded guilty to 24 charges of
making indecent images of children and a further four of distributing
indecent images on dates between February 2006 and August 2009.
charges cover a total of 4,630 images including 28 movie files and
almost 1,000 images at the most heinous categories of four and five,
which show sexual acts between adults and children as well as images of
bestiality and sadomasochism.
It is
the largest amount of category five images ever uncovered in a single UK
photos and movie files were found on two computers when police raided
the homes of Shaw and his parents, and it was also uncovered that he had
distributed over 200 images.
examinations further revealed online chat logs where Shaw boasted about
his sickening fantasies over the rape, murder and torture of babies and
children. He also admitted to police to wishing he had snatched missing
toddler Madeleine McCann, who was kidnapped in Praia de Luz in Portugal
in 2007 when she was just three years old.
Lynch said that a “serious aggravating factor” was that Shaw had not
just downloaded the images for his own gratification, but had also
distributed them.
Solicitor advocate Dennis Maloney said that Shaw was, is and remains
“haunted” by what he did, adding that his arrest had come as a “relief”.
Lynch also imposed a 15-year Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO)
prohibiting Shaw from owning or using any technology which did not have
monitoring software installed, “undertaking any activity” whether paid
or unpaid which would give him access to children, having unsupervised
contact with children, going within 20 metres of any “child-centred
facility” and from denying police access to his home to check that he is
complying with the SOPO.
Maloney told the court that Shaw would be “rigorously adhering to the
conditions ... to the letter of the law”. |