of Wales showed her feelings |
IT WAS a Monday morning in December, 1997. Our 12-year-old daughter,
troubled with the beginnings of an illness neither she nor we had heard
of, had gone out a day earlier without telling us and not returned.
My husband and I both thought she was dead, mainly because the police
did. In a desperate bid to do something, anything, we had allowed the
nation's media into our house.
I was in the kitchen, howling so loudly the friend embracing me noticed
tears running down the face of a 6ft policeman.
Several dozen newspaper and TV crews were waiting for an interview, so I
went upstairs, washed my face and even, I think, put some make-up on. ?I
will not,? I said, with determination, ?cry in front of the cameras.?
And I didn't. Though I did look strange on the front of the Daily
Telegraph the next day.
Its photographer, considering I didn't appear sufficiently distraught,
had made me squint into the sun. Not so my husband. He was allowed to
look normal, stoical, strong.
He is the man, he is supposed to hold it all together. Heaven forbid,
though, that a woman should hide her tears from the rest of us and it is
often other women who punish her for doing so.
Take one columnist's comments in a midmarket newspaper last week.
Amanda Knox has been cleared of murder: there never was convincing
evidence against her or plausible motive for her supposed crime and yet,
in one of the most sinister and sexist articles I have read for years,
this writer threw doubt on her vindication because her eyes didn't
flinch in court and she didn't go to pieces in prison: ?There is
something disquieting about Amanda Knox, something that slightly chills
the blood.? No, there is not.
Notably, there is no comment on her supposed accomplice, Raffaele
Sollecito, being ?spooky? because he wasn't sobbing.
Just because a woman is not wailing hysterically does not mean she is
guilty of murder. Or does it, in the world's eyes?
Miss Knox has been criticised for her self-control immediately after her
housemate's murder and there has even been speculation that she has
Asperger syndrome.
I have news for such theorisers: keeping one's emotions private does
not amount to Asperger syndrome.
I have heard, and read, similarly outrageous slurs on Kate McCann, for
the same reason. She seemed ?suspiciously in control?, not considered
natural in a mother.
So the ?reasoning? goes that perhaps she did it. No, she is simply a
dignified and self contained woman who didn't want to bawl in front of
the world's media and why should she?
By contrast the late Princess of Wales did share her fragility and hurt
with us, so we could feel protective towards her.
This was part of who she was and we adored for it but not all women are
like this, nor should they be. After all, it may have been good for her
popularity but not for her independence or survival.
Gruesomely, I suspect we preferred her to be delicate... and dead.
There is something horribly controlling in all this. I am reminded of
distorting Victorian corsets which made women faint, of Chinese foot
binding which robbed them of movement, even of female circumcision which
destroys their sexual pleasure.
All ways of keeping women vulnerable and in the power of others,
particularly men. We can all fall victim to this.
A boss of my husband's, a bully, was enraged and frustrated, even told
my husband that I ?needed to be taught a lesson?, because I wouldn't
meet him socially.
I wouldn't because we were in a vulnerable situation. I knew he would
bully me too and I needed to keep strong. MRS McCANNS self-containment
is admirable. She and her husband have stayed united through a strain
that would have destroyed many.
got the merest flavour of this before my daughter was found safe just
two miles away. I also applaud Ms Knox planning her 21st birthday party
from prison, something else considered cold and creepy.
She sustained her spirits and her belief in herself and her innocence
until she won her freedom.
Women can be strong and often have to be; with children, even husbands,
depending on us. We are not obliged to weep when our circumstances are
challenging. Nor is it unnatural, far less incriminating, when we do
If others find that threatening, that is their problem, not ours. |