search for missing Kansas City baby Lisa Irwin continues |
Earlier tonight Kansas City police spokesman Steve Young said in a news
conference that Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley had stopped cooperating
with authorities in the search for their missing 10-month-old baby.
I've been waiting and hoping for the little girl to be found- just days
ago an Amber Alert was issued in Kansas City, Missouri for the
10-month-old Lisa Irwin.
The parents claim she was taken from her crib sometime in the night.
But, unfortunately as it goes in these cases (sorry, but stories like
Caylee Anthony's and Madeleine McCanns have hardened my heart a bit)
we're all casting doubt toward the mom and dad, both of whom have stuck
with their claim that a window had been tampered and that their three
cell phones were taken. Family members called their own news conference
and denied the investigators? claims.
It's possible that Lisa's parents are tired and seeking a break from the
investigation, sure. But the skeptic in me wonders a few things? why
didn't anyone hear anything? The mom was asleep in another room as were
her two older children. Was there no baby monitor? Were the three cell
phones together? Because if someone were to take my cell phone in the
night they'd have to come into my bedroom to find it. Also, if the dad
was working at the time and discovered the child missing when he came
home at 4 am, wouldn't he have had his cell phone on him? How could it
be taken? And hello its 2011 ? can't they trace cell phones to find
exact locations?
I'm sincerely praying for a positive outcome for baby Lisa. May she be
unharmed and returned to her family. But I'm bracing myself for what we
might hear next.
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