Needham went missing on the Greek island of Kos in 1991 |
A mother whose son disappeared while on holiday 20 years
ago, is backing a campaign to publish the details of missing youngsters
on Twitter.
Kerry Needham's son Ben went missing on the Greek island
of Kos in 1991.
Ms Needham, from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, said the
Internet and mobile phones were a vital tool in the search for such
The 25 May has been designated International Missing
Children Day.
Ms Needham said the international appeals were a
significant development and called the Twitter proposal "absolutely
amazing, a really, really good idea".
She said: "It involves not only Ben's information, but it
will feature a missing person every 30 minutes on Twitter
"It would probably be their contact details, maybe some
information on where they disappeared from, who to get in contact with
if you have any information."
Ms Needham said the viral spread of information was
something she could not have imagined when her son went missing.
She added: "It is sent from just one person and then is
re-tweeted and re-tweeted and in 30 minutes that information could hit
thousands of people.
"Ben's Twitter campaign has had a marvellous response, I
believe the other day it had 4,200 followers.
"Ben's been missing for 20 years (in July) and it's
getting more and more difficult to keep up the publicity.
"The internet, and social networking sites gave the
campaigns looking for missing children "extra eyes and ears"
"If this had been around when Ben disappeared I don't
think I'd be in this situation, doing interviews, I believe Ben would
have been found.
"We need to move forward, move with the times and get
Ben's information out there, it is the click of a button.
"The more the information is put out there, the more
chance we have of finding him, or him finding us."
Ben Needham went missing during a family holiday on the
island of Kos in 1991 when he was 21 months old. |