Paulo Rebelo, who led the Lisbon and Faro
directorates will have to request a permanent sabbatical in
order to continue his active life outside of the PJ. |
Teofilo Santiago will be the only criminal
investigation advisor left following the departure of Jose Braz, Jaime
Fernandes and Mouro Pinto.
15th January 2011
Comments (12)
Disillusioned with Justice and unhappy with the recent budget cuts,
various historical officers from the Policia Juduciaria have decided to
abandon the institution. Jose Braz, director of the Lisbon PJ, from the
International Cooperation Unit and Mouro Pinto, from the Porto
Directorate will retire, leaving the Judiciaria with just one criminal
investigation advisor: Teofilo Santiago, who holds a gold medal and is
responsible for the 'Face Oculta' case who will be left solely in charge
of the institution's top post. Four superior coordinators and two
coordinators of criminal investigation, including Paulo Rebelo, ex
director of the Faro and Lisbon PJ, and Calado Oliveira, Setubal PJ
coordinator will also abandon the institution, although for different
reasons: the former has made known his wish to request a permanent
sabbatical and the latter has already requested early retirement. The
superior coordinators Ana Mafalda from the Interpol cabinet, Joao Neto,
from the Faro Directorate and the coordinators Luis Baptista and Antonio
Carvalho who led the combat against theft and fires, both from the
Lisbon Directorate will also pass to retirement.
Disillusion with the institution to which they have dedicated so many
years of their careers is the main reason leading the historical
Judiciaria officers to close the door. Dedication to the public cause is
no longer sufficient and the responsible officers show signs of fatigue
to continue fighting for something that they consider not to be
defended. 'To belong to the Policia Judiciaria is almost an
embarrassment that we have hide from the neighbours' say some of the
most qualified officers from the institution. The incursion also affects
intermediary officers.
Thirty-one chief inspectors have submitted requests for retirement,
which means that in various sections there will be the need for
accumulation regimes or interim functions. 'There are chief inspectors
who are working as coordinators and there are inspectors carrying out
the functions of chief inspectors', Carlos Garcia revealed to CM, also
stating that the arrival of 30 new chief inspectors could fail to cover
the shortages. 'The 30 new chief inspectors could never arrive'.
The Lisbon PJ would be the most affected by the departures. As well as
the director Jose Braz, the unit would also lose the superior
coordinator, Paulo Rebelo. Antonio Carvalho and Luis Baptista, both
coordinators, are also leaving. The Lisbon Judiciaira Directorate would
therefore be deeply affected by the leaving of chiefs. Jose Braz
exercises a fundamental role in that directorate.
If the protests made to the Justice Ministry do not have any effect, the
PJ officers threaten more serious measures. 'If our situation is not
resolved we will take more serious measures. We will not allow this
situation to go on for any more time' explained Carlos Garcia from the
PJ Criminal Investigation
Correio da Manha ' What is your assessment of the strike'
Carlos Garcia ' The strike exceeded our expectations, we had a
participation of almost 100%. The discontent and disappointment of the
investigators have caused this problem.
CM: Are you worried that the PJ's image will be affected'
Carlos Garcia: People know that we give of our best every day. We regret
very much that at 17.30 we abandon the suspects. But it is the
Government's responsibility and for once and for all they have to accept
the fault is theirs.
CM: When the strike is over will you return to normal working
Carlos Garcia: We are tired of working thanklessly, of working extra
hours without receiving anything in return. At this moment we know that
the Government does not have money, but we just want to see our
profession be dignified.
CM: Is a demonstration planned on the 18th'
Carlos Garcia: We are going to protest in front of the Justice Ministry.
We know that at least 600 inspectors will be present at the
After more than a month of strike the PJ investigators do not appear to
have the intention of abandoning their cause. Not even the fact that the
participation of almost 100% is affecting investigations that have been
carried out over various years and that different suspects continue to
be free would appear to move them from their intention. During the last
few weeks various arrest warrants were not complied with. Since 15th
December the PJ has only detained one person for theft in Lisbon. Last
year, during the same period, 39 thieves were made prisoners. The fact
that inspectors have stopped duties at 17.30 has enabled drug shipments
to enter Portugal and thieves to commit assaults after the PJ stops its
vigilance. Complex and drawn out investigations have sunk. Many burglary
suspects, alerted by the strike, avoid being home before 09.00 in order
not to be caught during house searches. At least 50% of cases have
ground to a halt, waiting for follow up by the Public Ministry.
During the last weeks of the past year a violent gang profited from the
paralysis of the Judiciaria to launch an unprecedented wave of attacks
in the areas of Fafe, Guimaraes and Felgueiras. Chemists, shops and cars
were some of the thieves' targets, who managed to make more then one
robbery per day. An example of this occurred on 15th December. In less
than one hour, the gang attacked a chemist shop in Ataes, Fafe, taking a
large sum of money. Less than 40 minutes later, the same gang attacked a
man in an office in Silvares, also in Fafe. At gunpoint, the victim was
force to hand over his Jeep. At the time the PJ was immediately
informed, but the strike prevented inspectors from going to the scene of
the crime. |