The stage was set for the play to begin; everyone knew their part
and settled comfortably into their role.
There was no time for a dry run, it was ‘ACTION’ when
suddenly, onto the set strolled an extra not cast in the
play. In the movies, the director would shout ‘CUT’ and
the actors would be able to do another take.
Shortly after 9 pm May 3rd,
Jez Wilkins,
the famous TV Director for his hoax show... had become a
major player in the abduction of
Madeleine McCann.
Later, newspaper headlines would scream ‘Madeleine
and the Silent Witness’ the man who
would clear the
When we look at the police statements, no one has come
forward to say they saw any of the group walking around
or near any apartments on any other night.
did see Tanner
May 3rd, but much earlier in the evening, he remembers
she wore a purple dress and was standing outside her
apartment. If
Tanner saw
she has never said so.
I believe did see
earlier; this would be the reason why she explained her
mode of dress... cut off trousers and flip flops...
Gerry McCann
was ONLY seen the evening of May 3rd leaving OR
returning to his apartment by someone who knew him. The
young Irish girl also saw
McCann and
Wilkins talking together... no one has
denied that this meeting did take place.
The problem for
is that this messed up his well thought out plan. The
timing of
Tanner seeing
and the abductor all at around 9.15 or 9.20 pm means if,
as McCann
claims, he had just checked his children and all was
well the abduction took all of four minutes and while he
and Jez
were standing outside the apartment.
This of course is impossible, but
needed to explain why he was there to
checking his children and telling him if he had not been
with a group they would not have left the children
alone, the seed was planted, the children alone left a
window of opportunity for an abduction.
later had a knock on his door not to ask for help but to
inform him McCanns child had been abducted.
gave McCann
an alibi by saying she saw him and the abductor at the
same time. The
Smith Sighting, if anyone later would think they
McCann, was now covered.
Now, let’s go back and re-set the stage. Removed from
the play
Wilkins, the extra, where does this
leave us and what do we have?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing, a night like any other, no
one saw anything because there was nothing to see.
The plan would have been so simple, the
would have returned to the apartment after dinner and
drinks, (drinks paid for by credit cards that they claim
not to have had.).... at a much later time, their usual
11.30 or 12.00 pm. The simulated abduction planned to
take place at just before 10.00 pm would leave more than
ample time to play on “Neglect”.
Instead, we only have a window of
four minutes
at the most for the abductor to have entered, jemmied
shutters, grabbed a sleeping
without disturbing the twins in their blanketless cots
and make his get away.
Had things gone to plan, I believe we would not be
sitting here at our keyboards trying to discover what
really happened to
There would have been evidence of a forced entry and
anger from the public at the amount of hours the
children were left alone BUT leaving a huge opportunity
for an ‘abductor’ to have taken a child.
foiled the plan and a new idea was whipped up, the
tearing of a childs book to write on and fit a timeline,
children checking, to match the meet with
O’Donnell (BOD),
the partner of
what is her role in all of this ?
Paul Gordon, a witness, told police he was harassed by
the newspapers and in turn
Brian Kennedy
and the
McCanns about the Donation caller.
also talks of harassment by the media. The PR guru
behind this pressure, none other than
Clarence Mitchell.
If the
Gordons were harassed by the
I would imagine so were
and BOD.
December 14th 2007,
wrote an article for the
either has a very bad memory, or she said things to
mislead. Tennis coach
Georgina Jackson
Madeleine had a tennis lesson on
Tuesday May 1st...
Madeleine and her daughter were in
the same group as they had both practiced for a
dance to be shown the
Friday... why then did
say the tennis lesson was on Thursday morning, the
day after
Madeleine vanished?
also claims they sat in the afternoon sun and
laughed as
Gerry practiced his tennis swing. Again
in her witness statement said she had seen
Jez and
McCann talking but very few words...
there does not appear to be this friendship
would like us to believe.
also tried to make the PJ look foolish by claiming
they did not recognize a photograph of
she was also very unpleasant about
Robert Murat.
I believe was afraid and she says so herself, afraid
might be next in line for some imagined
blame or accusation.
also wanted to make it very clear ‘There were NO
drug fuelled swingers on this holiday’.
I will leave the last words to Bridget.
"So, my heart goes out to them,
the couple we remember from our Portuguese holiday.
They had a beautiful daughter
who played and danced with ours at the Kiddie club."
Just a small footnote:
was in the Kiddie club with their daughter but their
other child was much younger and with another group
so highly
unlikely that Maddie danced with
of Bridget’s children.