Although I now believe neglect was simulated. My theory, because it
can never be more, left a large hole. The independent
witness statement of Mrs.Pamela Fenn, who heard a child
Tues.May 1st crying for much longer than one hour,
screaming daddy,daddy.
For a time,I worked with Animal Rescue and we had many,many dogs.
We laughed in the mornings as one dog would start to
bark and within moments they were all barking. We called
it 'The Dawn Chorus'
I have also sat in the warm sunshine after a mornings shopping, in
a local bar, eating tapas. I have watched mothers with
their young children struggle to try and feed them all
at the same time. One will become a little impatient and
start to cry, soon, they would all be crying.
Spent one christmas with her Grandmother ,Gerrys mum ,Mrs McCann
said of her grandaughter 'That girl could pull a
tantrum. If anyone had tried to take her she would have
screamed her head off. She would have had to be drugged'
Dr.K.Gaspar said:
Madeleine went off with the Paynes so that Kate and Gerry may spend
time with the twins.
Madeleine : A star chart in Rothley. Madeleine would receive a star
for everynight she stayed in bed and did not disturb her
Gerry: However said Madeleine would come to our room because the
twins would wake her ?
Madeleine it seems had a sleep problem . Maddie had her own room in
Rothley but now she was sleeping with the twins and
would have disturbed them, not only them but ALL the
children if they were together.
Madeleine sedated and while she slept the twins were taken to be
with the rest of the children.
Madeleine it seems was not sedated enough on Tues May 1st, she woke
and found herself truly alone. There was no mum and dad,
no brother or sister , she was terrified and she
screamed and screamed.
This for me explains why Mrs.Fenn only heard one child, the twins
were safe elsewhere. For a very long time I had thought
the McCanns came up with the story 'Why did you not come
when we were crying' to cover for Mrs Fenn and what she
had heard. I then realised they possibly did not know at
the time of their statements. Mrs Fenn herself said I
did not tell the Mccanns so as not to upset them .
Kate in her witness statement said she covered the twins with open
weave blankets before leaving the apartment.
I now realise the purpose of the statement . Kate had far more
important things on her mind than a childs cries. When
you think of twins , you think of both. Mention Amelie,
you think of Sean. Mention Sean ,you think of Amelie.
Kates words 'Why did you not come when me and SEAN were crying'.
Kate, once more pushing the NEGLECT. When what Kate
Healy was really saying, by her very words, she had
placed the twins BACK in the apartment.
Kate forgot one thing the 'BLANKETS'..GNR noticed there was no
bedding in the cots. |