Jon Clements |
Among the many interesting comments
made by Jim Gamble, Britain's most
senior child trafficking and abuse
cop, about the disappearance of
Madeleine was his theory about how
whoever was involved would be
regularly checking the internet to
see if the net is closing in.
Gamble believes the new viral advert
will "rattle" the offender or
offenders because "every time you
search for updates about where the
investigation is you will meet this
prompt to your conscience".
His willingness to discuss the case
was a welcome relief after two and
half years of complete silence from
Leicestershire police, the
Association of Chief Police Officers
and the Serious Organised Crime
Gamble was reluctant to offer his
own theory of what happened in Praia
da Luz saying it "didn't matter" if
Madeleine was taken for trafficking,
or sexual exploitation or by some
"deluded soul" who wanted to raise
their own child.
Two words which did not pass his
lips at any point, however, were
"kidnap" and "abduct". Instead the
case was strictly referred to as a
One thing Gamble did make clear,
however, was his passionate belief
that the advert would help find
Madeleine and that it was still
possible she remained alive.
"Statisticians do that most awful
thing", he said. "They take away
people's hope".