When was Madeleine's Fund set up and where has the money gone?
Madeleine's Fund timeline
At 10.00pm Madeleine is reported missing.
First website set up
The official Madeleine McCann website is launched under the domain name
www.bringmadeleinehome.com - This does not have a 'donate' button and is a simple awareness site.
Infohost site says: 'On the 6th of May Infohost received a call from Philomena McCann, Madeleine's aunt, asking if they would set
up a website to help find her neice. The website was setup that day as www.bringmadeleinehome.com.'
Lawyers fly in / 'No stone unturned' mentioned for first time
Portuguese newspapers report that this is the day lawyers flew into Portugal and met with the McCanns at the
Ocean Club.
lawyers in Lagos
However, it is known to DN, that two British lawyers arrived Friday afternoon at The
Ocean Club resort, and were staying there to advise the parents of Madeleine in this process. A situation that arises hours
after the last presence of the parents with the PJ in Portimão, where they were interviewed for the second time,
for long hours.
Although the PJ reiterate that the relatives and friends of Madeleine "do not fall under
any suspicion," the presence of lawyers is nevertheless a curious fact, at a time when there is talk of a possible return
to the United Kingdom by the couple. According to the PJ, there is no legal obligation
to prevent the family and friends from leaving the country at this stage, since "nobody has been made an arguido".
Diário de Notícias (Portuguese language)
Gerry McCann reads a short prepared statement to the waiting press on the road outside their
holiday apartment. He specifically emphasises that they will 'leave no stone unturned' in the
search for Madeleine. He also mentions how grateful they are with the offers of support they have received both from home
and around the world.
It would appear from this statement that the name of the company
had already been decided and that this was a form of public preparation for the launch of Madeleine's Fund.
Video link
[Information previously contained here has been removed whilst the accuracy/source is checked]
McCann lawyers arrival officially acknowledged
It emerges, for the first time officially, that London lawyers have flown to Portugal to assist the McCanns, and
are setting up a special "fighting fund" to allow members of the public to make their own financial contribution to the search.
McCann family members in the UK confirm that 2 leading UK lawyers from the International Family Law Group (IFLG), specialising
in divorce settlements where the affected parties are from different countries, have been hired.
The IFLG issue the following 'media release' on their website
Link here:
13 May 2007
Embargo: None
Media Release
Last week, Gerry and Kate McCann instructed The International Family Law Group, London specialist
lawyers in child abduction and international family law, together with Michael Nicholls QC of 1 Hare Court, to help them in
the search for Madeleine. They have been visiting the family in Portugal.
Gerry and Kate are very grateful for all the support and generous offers of help that they are receiving.
Details of how contributions can be made to help get Madeleine back to the safety of her own family will be made available
in the next couple of days.
McCanns lawyers approach the Charity Commission
"We were first approached for our advice about the possibility of
a fund to assist the parents' search on Monday 14 May," explained a spokeswoman for the Commission. "We held discussions with
the family's lawyers and in the end they decided not to pursue that route."
Gerry reveals help from two British lawyers at press conference
Kate and Gerry answer questions from the media for the first time,
on the road outside their holiday apartment. Gerry says he is
now being helped by two British lawyers from the Family Law Group on how best to use money pledged to help find Madeleine
and give assistance in Portuguese legal processes.
He said: "We have felt a burden lifted from our shoulders. It is
one less thing to think about. It has allowed us to concentrate more on our own physical and mental wellbeing. We do need to spend more time focusing on that and with
our twins Sean and Amelie. We do wish to keep communicating with the media however as this is essential in the search for
Public fund to aid Madeleine hunt
BBC News
Last Updated: Monday, 14 May 2007, 00:56
GMT 01:56 UK
A "fighting fund" to which members of the public can donate to help in
the search for missing Madeleine McCann is being set up by her family's lawyers.
The legal team, which has flown out to Portugal, will reveal details of the fund within the next
few days.
The lawyers will help with liaison and will not interfere with the inquiry, Madeleine's uncle
John McCann has said.
Rewards of £2.5m have been offered to anyone with information leading to the four-year-old's
safe return.
Madeleine, from Rothley, Leicestershire, disappeared from an apartment
in the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz on 3 May.
A spokesman for the International Family Law Group, the legal company helping
the McCanns, said: "Gerry and Kate are very grateful for all the support and generous offers of help that they are receiving.
"Details of how contributions can be made to help get Madeleine back to the safety of her own
family will be made available in the next couple of days."
Madeleine's Fund incorporated
Date of incorporation of 'Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited' with Companies House as a private,
limited by guarantee, no share capital company.
It is thought the original idea was to set the fund up as a charity but this was rejected, according to The Times, when
it became clear that a charity cannot be operated for the sole benefit of one person. The Charity Commission later
denied this.
One of the things that distinguishes a limited company from a charity is that it does not have all the rules and regulations
which govern the conduct of the fundraising and which controls the proportion of the charities funds that are spent on overheads,
expenses and wages etc.
It was also reported at the time that the Charity Commission was extremely disturbed at the way the Fund was being advertised
as it gave people the impression that they were donating to a charity - not a private limited company.
The reality is, however unpalatable, that Madeleine's Fund is a private limited company and can therefore
spend the money donated in any way it so chooses. The memorandum of association is so wide that practically any expenditure
could be approved by the board of directors.
Madeleine's Fund and new website launched
Madeleine's Fund is officially launched as a campaign to support her parents, find the missing youngster and bring her
The following press release has been made on behalf of the McCann Family
Link here
Embargo: 15:30
Date: 16/5/07
Time: 15:30
Location: Walker Stadium, Leicester City Football Club, Filbert Way, Leicester LE2 7FL
Contact names: Esther McVey, Adele Cropper
Wed 16th May at 15:30 in Leicester at the Walker Stadium will be the press launch of:
The Madeleine Fund - Leaving no stone unturned - www. findmadeleine.com
Attending the press conference:
Close family members John McCann, Susan and Brian Healy Launching the Madeleine Fund Martin Johnson CBE – Former England Rugby Union player and Captain
Lawyers representing he family The International Family Law Group, London
The McCann’s ‘Medical Family’ Dr Doug Skehan Clinical Director of Cardiology Respiratory services University
Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Dr Tony Gershlick Consultant Cardiologist at Glenfield Hospital
Leicester City Chief Executive Tim Davies
Leicester City Chief Executive Tim Davies said:
" Everyone
connected with this football club is hoping and praying for Madeleine’s safe and healthy return.
Madeleine has touched the hearts of so any people within the Leicestershire
community as well as this country and beyond.
I have young children myself and I want Gerry and Kate, and the rest of Maddy’s
family and friends to know that we are thinking of them every minute
of every day and are fully supportive of the Madeleine Fund.
As a family-orientated football club we will do anything and everything we
can to help ensure her safe return. "
In conjunction, the website is relaunched under the new name www.findmadeleine.com, although this is not officially announced until the next day, 17 May 2007. According to the McCanns interview with Steve
Boggan in the
Guardian, the domain name 'findmadeleine.com' was originally purchased by a stranger in France and then donated to the family.
New website enables donations to be made online
The newly named website is officially announced, when visitors to the site are met by the following message:
'From this morning, Thursday 17 May 2007:
Members of the public will be able to make donations to 'Madeleine's Fund : Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited' over the
counter in any branch of NatWest and The Royal Bank of Scotland'.
McCann family friend, Michael Wright, reads a prepared statement outside the couple's apartment. Video can be viewed
The first three paragraphs give the impression that this is Michael Wright's own statement, with input from Gerry. But,
from the fourth paragraph onwards, it clearly becomes a statement solely from Gerry.
He says: "Gerry and Kate have asked me to give you an idea of the spread and scale of the campaign and the huge response
to the Fund that was officially launched yesterday.
Let me start by saying that Gerry and Kate have taken immense strength from the support and good wishes they are receiving from
all over the world. They have been totally overwhelmed by offers from individuals, small companies and large multi-national
Both of them are firmly fixed on the campaign, which is designed to raise Madeleine's profile right across Europe and
ensure we bring her home safely. Their purpose is to turn hope into action.
Whilst none of us are experts in campaigning, the situation we have found ourselves in has galvanised us into action
and made us think creatively. We are leaving no stone unturned and we have a huge number of campaign partners who are helping
us to do that from sporting celebrities to big business.
Top of the list are the UK and Portuguese media, in particular, who have played a huge part in maintaining the profile
of this case and the awareness of Madeleine. We need your continued support and now need to increase the coverage right across
Our campaign has started with an expansive poster distribution across Europe and our partners include multi-nationals
from the oil, banking, telecoms and retail sectors. Other multi-national companies have already started to include Madeleine's
image on every outgoing e-mail.
The response to yesterday's launch has been huge. The official website has received over 5 million hits today and
the scale of response has brought some difficulties and they are being dealt with.
But this is just the start. Each day brings more offers of help and new ideas. We are open to anything that will
bring Madeleine home. If anyone wants to offer practical help we can be reached at
Guardian 17 May 2007 Link (Note: Below is the original report - parts of which were later removed when it was updated)
"We have got one principal objective with this fund - we want Madeleine back," said her uncle, John McCann. He explained
that the "Madeleine Fund" was the result of popular demand for a way of turning the groundswell of moral support into concrete
Before its launch the fund had already raised £10,000 from medical colleagues of Gerry and Kate McCann and from a bucket
of money filled up by visitors to Leicester's Glenfield Hospital, where Madeleine's father works.
The money for the fund - which will gather donations through the website findmadeleine.com, via cheques and through donations
at NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland branches - will be used to help search for Madeleine and to support the McCann family.
The McCanns have said they are unable to leave Portugal for the forseeable future. The fund also seeks to have her abductors
brought to justice. Any eventual excess from the fund would be dedicated to similar causes.
Trademark application filed
The campaign to find Madeleine McCann has applied for British and European trademarks to protect its fundraising, internet
and print promotions. The applications, which were filed on May 18, seek to protect the name "Madeleine’s Fund: Leaving
No Stone Unturned". The European application also seeks protection for the provision of social services and advice for people
affected by missing children.
Source: The Times 14 August 2007 ( link)
Fund refused charitable status and forced to pay tax
The fund will not benefit from gift aid, a form of tax relief that allows charities to claim from the government an additional
28p for every £1 they receive in donations. And tax will have to be paid on all interest accrued by the fund.
Last night the Treasury refused to intervene, insisting it was the preserve of HM Revenue & Customs to decide tax
Source: The Times 20 May 2007 (article below)
Online store created on website
Infohost site says: 'On the 20th of May it was decided that there should be some way for people to buy Look for Madeleine bands so
Infohost created an online store putting all the money into the campaign fund.'
Madeleine appeal fund set up by Irish friend
A dedicated bank account is set up in Ireland to allow people to assist through donations.
Funds raised through the Madeleine McCann Appeal account at the AIB bank are to be used to help fund the ongoing search
for Madeline, and to help defray the costs of legal representation for her distraught parents.
Source: Irish Independent 20 May 2007 (article below)
Setting up Madeleine's Fund, May 2007 |
Setting up Madeleine's Fund
Bates Wells & Braithwaite
Rosamund McCarthy and Philip Kirkpatrick were involved with setting up Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No
Stone Unturned within 48 hours and helping to present its launch live on BBC and Sky TV.
Note: '48 hours' here refers to the length of time it took to set up Madeleine's
Fund, not the length of time following Madeleine's reported disappearance.
Donations page: findmadeleine.com, 21 May 2007

Madeleine's Fund - The Directors
There are currently six directors of the Fund,
at 11 July 2011. They are: -
Hubner; a retired consultant, friend of the McCanns, appointed 21 May 2007 - No. of Company appointments: 2 ; Resigned
19 September 2010.
Kennedy, a retired head teacher, Kate's Great Uncle, appointed 16 May 2007 - No. of Company appointments: 1;
McCann, a medical representative, Gerry's brother, appointed 16 May 2007, - No. of Company appointments: 1; Resigned
23 July 2010.
Esther McVey, managing director of a public relations & communications company, Kate's schoolfriend,
appointed 20 June 2007, No. of Company appointments: 1; (Resigned) - replaced by Edward Smethurst:
- Edward Smethurst, commercial law specialist with wealthy McCann supporter Brian Kennedy's company,
appointment announced 09 January 2008
Dr Doug Skehan, clinical director in cardiology at Glenfield Hospital, Gerry's boss, appointed
16 May 2007 - No. of Company appointments: 2; Resigned 24 August 2010.
Philip Tomlinson, a retired solicitor and former coroner in Leicestershire,
appointed 20 June 2007 - No. of Company appointments: 5; (Resigned) replaced by Jon Corner:
- Jon Corner, film producer and friend of the McCanns (wife is a longtime friend of Kate) and
Godparent to the twins, Amelie and Sean, appointment announced 09 January 2008. Reportedly drafted in to help Clarence
Mitchell look at offers they have received, such as making a docudrama or writing a book.
Michael Linnett, a retired accountant, appointed 15 August 2007 - No. of Company appointments: 8
- Gerry McCann, father of Madeleine McCann, appointed 12 November 2008
- Kate McCann, mother of Madeleine McCann, appointed 12 November 2008
Company Secretary: BWB Secretarial Limited, appointed: 15 May 2007 - No. of
Company appointments: 26
BWB (No.2) Limited was set up as a director
on 15 May 2007 and resigned the next day, 16 May 2007
- FAQ about Madeleine's Fund

Esther McVey
Spokesperson for Find Madeleine Fund and former schoolfriend
of Kate McCann

Brian Kennedy
Kate's Uncle

John McCann
Gerry's brother
Companies House information
Recent Filing History Documents filed since 15/05/2007
12/06/2007 225 ACC. REF. DATE SHORTENED FROM 31/05/08 TO 31/03/08 03/06/2007 288a DIRECTOR APPOINTED 31/05/2007
288a DIRECTOR APPOINTED 31/05/2007 288a DIRECTOR APPOINTED 31/05/2007 ELRES S386 DISP APP AUDS 16/05/07;S252 DISP
(Note: Dates shown above are when amendments were filed with Companies House, not the date
the change actually ocurred)
Reports available from Companies House:
06-06-2008 Annual Return made up to 15-05-2008 - 4 pages(s) £18.00
12-02-2008 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars. - 6 page(s) £18.00 12-02-2008 Notice
of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars. - 2 page(s) £18.00 12-02-2008 Notice of change of directors
or secretaries or in their particulars. - 1 page(s) £18.00 12-02-2008 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or
in their particulars. - 1 page(s) £18.00 14-09-2007 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars.
- 2 page(s) £18.00 11-08-2007 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars. - 2 page(s) £18.00
05-07-2007 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars. - 2 page(s) £18.00 30-06-2007 Memorandum
and Articles. - 16 page(s) £18.00 30-06-2007 Resolution to adopt or alter Memorandum and Articles. - 1 page(s) £18.00
19-06-2007 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars. - 2 page(s) £18.00 15-06-2007 Change
of accounting reference date. - 1 page(s) £18.00 06-06-2007 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars.
- 1 page(s) £18.00 05-06-2007 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars. - 2 page(s) £18.00
05-06-2007 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars. - 2 page(s) £18.00 05-06-2007 Notice
of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars. - 1 page(s) £18.00 05-06-2007 Elective resolution. - 1
page(s) £18.00 18-05-2007 New Incorporation documents. - 20 page(s) £18.00
1. What are the objects of Madeleine's Fund?
Madeleine's fund is a non-charitable not-for-profit company, which has been established to help find Madeleine McCann,
to support her family, and to bring her abductors to justice. Any surplus funds will be used to help families and missing
children in the United Kingdom, Portugal and elsewhere in similar circumstances. The full objects of the Fund are:
- To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd
May 2007;
- To procure that Madeleine's abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or
play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice;
- To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine’s family.
If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases
arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere.
2. Is Madeleine's Fund a registered charity?
No, Madeleine's Fund is registered as a company limited by guarantee. Its company registration number is 6248215.
3. What are the registered details of the Madeleine's Fund?
Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales,
CRN 6248215. Registered office: 2-6 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6YH.
4. Why is Madeleine's Fund not registered as a charity?
In England & Wales, registered charities are required to demonstrate public benefit. Because Madeleine's Fund is currently
focussed on searching for one child, Madeleine McCann, it cannot register as a charity. However, it may be able to register
as a charity in the future. At the point the Fund starts to focus on abductions generally, public benefit may be
demonstrable and the Fund may be able to register as a charity.
5. Can you claim Gift Aid on my donation to Madeleine's Fund?
No, Gift Aid is only available to registered charities.
6. Can I claim tax relief on my donation to Madeleine's Fund?
No. In the UK, tax relief is only available for charitable donations. Because Madeleine's Fund is not a registered charity,
tax relief is not applicable to donations made to the Fund.
7. I have a charity account with Charities Aid Foundation from which
I make regular donations with my vouchers. Can I use this to donate to Madeleine's Fund?
No. These accounts are used to obtain tax relief for charitable donations. As Madeleine's Fund is not a registered charity,
it is inadmissible for this.
8. If Madeleine's Fund isn't a charity who is regulating it?
The Fund is subject to Company Law applicable in England and Wales and will be filing required returns with both Companies
House and Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs. Internally, in so far as is relevant and taking into account differences in
structure, the Fund is aspiring to follow best practice policies and processes used by charities. The directors have reviewed
its operation against "Good Governance: A Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector". This sets out best practice requirements
for charities. The Fund also has:
- a Financial Procedures Manual
- job descriptions for directors, chair and treasurer
- clearly laid out policies and processes for:
- payments
- expense claims
- risk management
- whistle blowing
- registering conflicts of interest
9. Who are the directors of Madeleine's Fund?
There are seven directors of the Fund. They are:
- Peter Hubner; a retired consultant;
- Brian Kennedy, a retired head teacher;
- John McCann, a medical representative;
- Edward Smethurst – A Commercial lawyer;
- Doug Skehan, clinical director in cardiology at Glenfield Hospital;
- Jon Corner – Director of a media company;
- Michael Linnett, a retired accountant
10. Are the directors paid?
The directors are not paid as directors of the company. However, they may, if family members, be beneficiaries of the Fund
and they may, as is the case with some registered charities, be paid for providing services to the Fund. The Fund has established
conflict of interest policies to deal with these situations. Currently, as at the end of August 2007, none of the directors
are being paid for providing services to the Fund.
11. I've heard the directors are members of Madeleine's family. Is this
Two of the directors, Brian Kennedy and John McCann, are members of Madeleine's family. The other five directors are independent
appointments. They were appointed to ensure the Board of Directors had independence and the range of skills required to manage
the Fund.
12. But surely family members shouldn't be directors because the Fund
is set up to support the family?
It is true that family members, including those on the Board, can benefit from the Fund. However, the Fund has a conflict
of interest policy to manage this situation. Those directors who are members of Madeleine's family cannot vote in discussions
relating to payments to family members. They also cannot sign cheques payable to themselves or other members of the family.
The only exception to this was some small initial payments to family members made before the independent directors had signed
the bank mandate.
13. I've heard that Kate and Gerry McCann might benefit from the Fund.
Is this true?
Yes – the fund has provided support to Kate and Gerry. One of the reasons the fund was established was to support
Madeleine's family and such financial assistance is one of its specific objectives. This assistance to Kate and Gerry was
a subsistence allowance, provided whilst they were on unpaid leave from work and enabled them to push forward the campaign
to find Madeleine. The directors approve all payments to Kate and Gerry, with family members not having a vote. Financial
support given to Kate and Gerry since Gerry returned to work is negligible.
14. What is the money being spent on?
The Fund is supporting the McCann family during their search for Madeleine and in ensuring a high profile of Madeleine's
abduction is maintained. Money spent to date has been on :
- supporting the private investigation to find Madeleine; - ongoing
public awareness raising ; - establishing and updating the website ;
- family expenses; and, - professional fee, including concerning international law on
child abduction and the costs of setting up the Fund
The directors continue to review the future strategy of the Fund to ensure effective use of the funds
15. Who are the professional advisors to the Fund?
The Fund's lawyers are Bates Wells Braithwaite, 2-6 Cannon Street, London, EC4M 6YH.
www.bateswells.co.uk Auditors are Haysmacintyre, Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London,WC1V 6AY.
www.haysmacintyre.com Bankers are National Westminster Bank plc., 3rd Floor, Cavell House, 2A Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0NN
Two points worth noting from the Companies House website
Types of company (from Companies House website)
Private company limited by guarantee - members' liability is limited to the amount they have agreed to contribute to the
company's assets if it is wound up. This includes all RTM (Right to Manage) companies-, commonhold associations and those
community interest companies which are companies limited by guarantee.
What types of words and expressions are sensitive?
The following words imply specific objects or functions:
benevolent, foundation or fund - names that include any of these words will be refused
if they unjustifiably give the impression that the company has charitable status. If the company is limited by guarantee and
has a non-profit distribution clause in the memorandum of association, then the name will normally be approved.
Note that the words 'Fund' and 'Foundation' are used in the memorandum of association (detailed in 'objects of Madeleine's
Fund' below). It is item 1.2 that allowed Madeleine's Fund to register as a private limited company as that clause indicates
that any profit will be used to pursue 'such purposes in similar cases'.
It is highly unlikely the average person donating to the Fund would have investigated the memorandum of association before
contributing. The use of the word 'Fund' in the title would clearly have led people to believe that they were donating
to a charitable fund to help in the search for Madeleine.
So where has the money gone?
The short answer to that question is that we don't know. [Note: This article was written in April 2008. The accounts,
to 31 March 2008, were released in January 2009 -
view here]
The Fund's organisers have refused to say how much has been spent but have confirmed that money donated by the public
was made available for the family's living expenses.
In October 2007, it was revealed that the Fund had been used to make mortgage payments on the McCanns' family home in
Rothley. It is believed that two payments were made amounting to £4,000 but the fund directors have never been prepared
to divulge that information. The information has come from Clarence Mitchell who isn't even on the board of directors.
The Fund also met the legal fees involved in the setting up of the private limited company but the Fund's directors
ruled that they could not use it to pay the legal team defending them against Portuguese allegations that they were involved
in Madeleine's disappearance. That has been met by a separate fund, using donations from wealthy benefactors including Sir
Richard Branson.
The salary of the McCanns' spokesman Clarence Mitchell is paid by another millionaire, double-glazing tycoon Brian Kennedy.
But Madeleine's Fund has paid for other staff, including former campaign manager Justine McGuinness.
In the weeks after Madeleine's disappearance it paid for her parents' campaign trips to Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin, Washington
DC and the Moroccan capital, Rabat.
It was revealed in September that about £300,000 had been spent, and that up to £80,000 was to be paid out for a new publicity
campaign in Portugal, Spain and Morocco.
Donations have slowed dramatically, however, since the McCanns were made official suspects in the case.
Exact details of where the money has gone is unlikely to be made public for some time. The first accounts are not due until
January 2009 and even then it is unlikely they will provide much detail as to how the money has been spent. Fund officials
said an administrator had been appointed to ensure "the highest standards of transparency and accountability".
Mr Mitchell said in October 2007: "The Fund exists to support Kate and Gerry where their living costs would become difficult.
Gerry is going back to work this week and they hope they will not have to rely on it for their living costs for much longer."
It is also unclear exactly how much money has come into the Fund from donations, merchandise sales and interest. The official
findmadeleine.com site used to carry a running total but this was very rarely updated and has since been removed when
the upgraded site was launched on 01 February 2008. The final figure shown on the old site was £1,223,629.31 at 08 January
£1,223,629.31 + merchandise sales + interest (official findmadeleine.com website no longer carries a running total for
the fund so impossible to say what current figures are)
£550,000 from Express Group settlement
£1,773,629.31 Total incomings, although this must be higher due to interviews/donations which have not been publicly
£300,000 - Setting up the fund/Misc expenses/Promotional
£51,000 - Fees to Justine McGuiness as official spokesperson, based on £350 per day for 89 days (£31,150) + overtime
payments and expenses - including bar and restaurant bills (£19,850).
£300,000 - Metodo 3 (based on 6 month contract @ £50,000 per month).
£4,000+ - Mortgage payments + 'living expenses'
£655,000+ Total outgoings
Note: On 22 December 2007, Clarence Mitchell is quoted as saying: "We will review Metodo 3’s contract as we
would naturally with any contract. It’s an expensive operation but we are pleased with their work. All the directors
want is value for money." ( Link to quote)
On 26 January 2008, the Times revealed that:
'They (The McCanns) were given a boost in November when the production company behind a Panorama documentary agreed to
pay about £10,000 for exclusive footage of the couple taken by Jon Corner, a family friend, while they were still in Portugal.
Corner is donating any money he receives for ''licensing rights'' to the Madeleine fund. He said: ''We need to sustain
the cost of the search for Madeleine. All money I receive from the broadcast itself will go straight back into the fund.''
Link to Timesonline article
Amount declared on official site
The balance on the fund account current stands at £73,505.58.
The balance on the fund account current stands at £294,758.65.
The balance on the fund account current stands at £313,091.17.
The balance on 08/06/07, the fund account current stands at £713,927.81.
Donations of £804,550.66 have been received to the fund to date.
Donations of £823,010.23 have been received to the fund to date.
Donations of £867,138.04 have been received to the fund to date.
Donations of £901,234.89 have been received to the fund to date.
Donations of £946,843.92 have been received to the fund to date.
Donations of £1,005,000 have been received to the fund to date.
Donations of £1,036,104.17 have been received to the fund to date.
Donations of £1,041,697.60 have been received to the fund to date.
The McCanns collect a cheque for £57,000 from their local newspaper, The Leicester Mercury. However, this amount does
not appear to be reflected in the running total of donations.
Donations of £1,091,108.67 have been received to the fund to date.
Donations of £1,095,223.50 have been received by the fund to date.
Donations of £1,223,629.31 have been received by the fund to date.
Official site is relaunched and running total of donations removed.
Gerry talks about the offers of financial support, 14 May 2007
McCanns Offer Thanks For Public Support
The parents of missing Madeleine McCann have again thanked the public for their support during
their ordeal. In a statement to the media they said they were particularly grateful for offers of financial support while
they remain in Portugal.
'Fighting fund' set up by lawyers in Madeleine search, 14
May 2007
'Fighting fund' set up by lawyers in Madeleine search Daily Mail
Last updated at 16:43 14 May 2007
Members of the public could soon
be able to make their own financial contribution to the search for missing Madeleine McCann, it has emerged.
The special "fighting fund" is being set up with the help of London lawyers who have flown to Portugal
to assist the four-year-old's parents Gerry and Kate McCann.
A statement from the International Family Law Group, the firm instructed by the McCanns, said details
of how people could make donations would be released within days.
A QC, Michael Nicholls, has also been instructed by the family as their determined battle to find
Madeleine enters another week.
Madeleine's uncle John McCann, who lives in Glasgow but was in Praia Da Luz last week, said the
lawyers would play a liaison role and would not interfere with the criminal investigation.
A spokesman for the International Family Law Group said: "Gerry and Kate are very grateful for all
the support and generous offers of help that they are receiving.
"Details of how contributions can be made to help get Madeleine back to the safety of her own family
will be made available in the next couple of days."
The couple have told friends they wanted to begin restoring an element of normality
to life as they remain in Portugal waiting for a breakthrough.
Mr McCann has spoken openly about how he is convinced his daughter is still
But the past 10 days have seen them holed up inside an apartment, just metres
away from the building where the four-year-old was abducted, co-ordinating efforts to recover her.
Apart from daily visits to church for masses and private prayer, they have stayed
within the same small area, making regular appearances to plea for information which could help get her back.
On Saturday, which was Madeleine's birthday, they took time out together with
their two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie for the first time at a private villa.
After days looking increasingly drawn, they returned looking relaxed and attended
a special birthday service at the local village church where Mr McCann delivered a powerful personal address telling of his
faith and hope for the future.
"We are looking forward to the day when Madeleine returns to us as a joyous
one," he told hundreds of villagers as they were showered with gifts, hugs and kisses.
While there is little information emerging about the investigation, behind the
scenes there has been concentrated police activity.
Plain clothes officers dressed in holiday gear have been operating in the village.
Sources also said today that officers have been making targeted searches on
white vans as recently as Saturday, taking them off to be examined by sniffer dogs.
The confirmation followed reports that officers were interested in the movements
of a man seen loitering with a white van outside the apartment where the McCanns had been staying when Madeleine was snatched.
The Sunday Times said that a new detailed portrait had been compiled based on
his description.
But two high profile theories now appear to have been ruled out.
Officers have been touring the area as recently as three days ago showing people
images centred around a blonde foreign woman aged around 40.
They have also been investigating a complaint by a Portuguese man that a foreigner
had been photographing his daughter in the nearby town of Sagres.
"There is no information to support those links," chief inspector Olegario Sousa
of the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) said.
Around 10 British people, including the McCanns and their friends, have been
re-interviewed to clarify their statements in recent days.
This week the group are set to appear in court behind closed doors to record
their evidence for any future trial before they go back to the UK.
The procedure, known as "memory for the future", is similar to a mock trial
in which the friends would give evidence as witnesses now against a future defendant.
Local lawyer Artur Rego said the procedure was used only in exceptional cases
such as this where a large group of witnesses are foreign.
"It is recorded by video and kept sealed then released during the hearing,"
he said.
"If somebody is ever charged then this statement can then be unsealed and disclosed
for the judge who is going to hear the case.
"It has the same value as witness statements delivered live in the trial."
But the McCanns themselves are not expected to be asked to take part.
Reports that a further British person interviewed on Saturday was being treated
as a suspect have been dismissed.
Chief Inspector Sousa said that police did not have any specific suspects at
present. Police have three general "hypotheses" but have not elaborated.
Yesterday Madeleine's uncle John McCann had a meeting with Glasgow marketing
bosses ahead of the Espanyol-Sevilla Uefa cup clash being held in the city on Wednesday.
The plan is to show Madeleine's picture on large screens in the city where around
30,000 fans are expected to travel from Portugal's neighbour Spain for the match.
The rugby world has also added its support to the campaign to find the missing
Scotland captain Jason White called on anybody with any information to come
"It's impossible to imagine what Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry must be
going through right now and my heart goes out to them," he said.
John McCann talks at the launch of Madeleine's Fund, 16 May 2007
Madeleine's Uncle Launches Fighting Fund
Friends and family are stepping up their international campaign to find Madeleine. They have revealed
details of a fund to help get the four-year-old back. Her uncle was at the launch representing the McCann family.
Madeleine's Fund launched, 16 May 2007
Madeleine's Fund launched FindMadeleine.com (information
now removed)
The Madeleine Fund - 'Leaving No Stone Unturned' Appeal
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Funds will be used to help find Madeleine McCann, support her family and bring her abductors to justice. Any surplus
funds will be used to help families and missing children in United Kingdom, Portugal and elsewhere in similar circumstances.
phone: Text "MADDIE" to 60999 and £1 will be taken from your phone for the Madeleine Fund. (Standard network
charges apply)
Over the counter: members of the public can make donations to 'Madeleine's Fund : Leaving No Stone Unturned
Limited' over-the-counter in any branch of NatWest and The Royal Bank of Scotland.
Postal Donations can be
made with cheques payable to 'Madeleine's Fund : Leaving No Stone Unturned'. Cheques should be posted to the following
address: ‘Madeleine’s Fund’ c/o The International Family Law Group 26 Southampton Street Covent
Garden London WC2E 7RS
Internet donations can be made into the following account: 'Madeleine's Fund
: Leaving No Stone Unturned' Branch Natwest PO BOX 113 Cavell House 2A Charing Cross Road London WC2H ONN
Code 60 40 05. Account Number 32130058
Instant donations can now by made via Paypal.
From Ireland: Allied Irish Bank (AIB) Account number: 07511020 Sort code: 937339 Madeleine McCann account
banking donations from abroad: Iban : GB63NWBK Sort Code : 60 – 40 – 05 Account number : 32130058 Iban
bic : NWBKGB2L
All donations will be processed free of charge.
Michael Wright reads a prepared statement, 17 May 2007
Team McCann: Statement From Kate And Gerry
Michael Wright, a close friend of the McCann family has spoken on behalf of Madeleine's parents
Kate and Gerry, saying they are totally overwhelmed by the supprt they have received. Watch the whole statement here.
Fund refused charitable status and forced to pay tax, 20 May 2007
John Follain and Steven Swinford, Praia da Luz
May 20, 2007
Tax blow for search fund
In addition, the fund will not benefit from gift aid, a form of tax relief that allows charities to claim from the government
an additional 28p for every £1 they receive in donations. And tax will have to be paid on all interest accrued by the fund.
Last night the Treasury refused to intervene, insisting it was the preserve of HM Revenue & Customs to decide tax
The development will embarrass Gordon Brown who told Madeleine’s family last week he would do all he could to help
on "a practical and a personal level".
The decision on charitable status could hit the family's efforts to trace Madeleine. Her parents Kate and Gerry are considering
hiring a private investigator amid concern over the way police have handled the hunt. A FUND to finance the international
search for Madeleine McCann will be forced to pay Vat and denied tax breaks worth tens of thousands of pounds after being
refused charitable status writes Mark Macaskill.
The Madeleine fund has already received almost £80,000 from the public and businesses. Madeleine's parents had hoped
for charity status for the fund but were turned down by the Charity Commission because the money raised is not for the "wider
public good".
Instead, the fund has been registered as a company, which means it is liable to pay Vat at 17.5% on advertising costs
and goods designed to raise funds, such as stickers. Charities are eligible for "zero rate" tax relief on such expenses.
The Charity Commission denies claims made in The Times, May 2007
Maddy's Fund rejection story 'misreported' says Commission Charity News
Alert (link no longer available)
Gareth Jones
May, 2007
The Charity Commission has denied a report in The Times newspaper that it refused to award charitable status
to the fund set up by the parents of missing child Madeleine McCann to finance the international search effort.
The Commission was quoted in the article as saying the money raised was not for the "wider public good", but has told
Charity News Alert the story had been "misreported".
"We were first approached for our advice about the possibility of a fund to assist the parents' search on Monday 14 May,"
explained a spokeswoman for the Commission. "We held discussions with the family's lawyers and in the end they decided not
to pursue that route." Since the disappearance of Madeleine from a holiday villa in the Algarve, Portugal, on 3 May, the
story has captured the public's sympathy and filled column inches in both the tabloids and the broadsheets. The search fund,
known as Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned, has so far raised over £184,000 from the public and businesses.
Madeleine appeal fund set up by Irish friend, 20 May 2007
Ronald Quinlan
Sunday May 20 2007
AS the search for abducted four-year-old Madeleine McCann enters its third week, a dedicated bank account has finally
been set up here in Ireland to allow people to assist through donations.
Funds raised through the Madeleine McCann Appeal account at the AIB bank are to be used to help fund the ongoing search
for Madeline, and to help defray the costs of legal representation for her distraught parents.
The establishment of the account has been undertaken by Donegal-based Katerina Fernandez, a close friend of the missing
girl's family.
Madeleine and her parents stayed with Ms Fernandez on a recent holiday in Donegal. Ms Fernandez fondly recalled the Easter
"It's very hard to take it all in. It's bad enough when it's a child you don't know. But she was here with her family.
It was only a weekend, but I can still see everybody down at the beach playing rounders. I can still picture Madeleine there.
It's devastating," she said.
Ms Fernandez set up the fundraising account at the AIB to maintain awareness of Madeleine's case in Ireland.
Madeleine McCann Fund
AIB Account No: 07511020
Sort Code: 93-73-39
Gerry bemoans inability to use funds for legal costs as 'a disaster', 09 September 2007
By Sarah Nuwar
09 September 2007
The McCanns now fear the cops may be about to arrest and charge them. Gerry told us: "Our lawyer said the weight of it
is that, under the Portuguese legal system, they've got enough to move forward against us."
Then he revealed they may consider flying in a crack legal team from the UK to assist their Portuguese advisor.
But he confessed he is frustrated they are not allowed to use any of the £800,000 Madeleine Fund— boosted by celebrity
appeals including Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling and soccer star David Beckham—to pay their mounting legal bills.
"It seems like a disaster that we've got this huge donated fund and now we're not allowed to use it for legal costs because
we're under suspicion," said Gerry.
Madeleine Fund Won't Pay For Legal Costs, 13 September 2007
Madeleine Fund Won't Pay For Legal Costs
Sky News
7:11am UK, Thursday September 13, 2007
Money from the
Find Madeleine campaign will not be used to fund Kate and Gerry McCann's legal costs, the trustees have announced.
They announced the decision after discussing the matter at a special meeting.
The McCanns had already said
they would not use the cash - more than £1m - to pay any legal bills, even if the trust had let them.
the trustees decided to meet anyway to consider whether the money could be used in principle.
Fund director Esther
McVey said the decision had been taken despite legal advice that it would be legally permissible to use the money for a legal
She said the trustees understood that as well as a "legal answer" there was a "spirit which
underlies the generous donations to Madeleine's fund", which it was their responsibility to steer.
McVey thanked contributors to the fund for their kindness, support and generosity, and then explained that the fund had been
set up to find Madeleine, support the McCanns and bring the abductor to justice.
She stressed that the McCanns
had not asked to use the money to pay for their legal costs, and went on to say that any future fund set up to pay such costs
would have to be separately administered.
A family spokesman earlier confirmed the McCanns would not seek to use
the money to pay their legal bills.
He spoke out shortly before the McCanns left their home in Rothley, Leicestershire,
for a short trip to a nearby park.
Gerry McCann drove the family's turquoise Volkswagen people carrier while
his wife sat in the middle seat in the back, in between their two-year-old twins.
The couple are facing mounting
costs after being named suspects in relation to Madeleine's disappearance in Portugal on May 3.
They have appointed
top lawyers in case they are charged by Portuguese police.
'£300,000 spent' on search for Madeleine, 26 September 2007
By Tim Walsh, PA
Sep 26 2007
Nearly £300,000 has been spent so far on the search for Madeleine McCann, it was revealed tonight.
Directors of a fighting fund set up to help find the four-year-old and support her family met today to discuss how the
cash is spent.
To date, according to its website, individuals and organisations have given £1,036,104 to Madeleine's Fund, a non-charitable
not-for-profit company.
Donations have rolled in from people touched by the appeals of parents Gerry and Kate McCann, whose daughter vanished
from their holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May 3.
And this afternoon, the Fund's board of directors - comprising colleagues, friends and relatives - met in the couple's
home county of Leicestershire to decide how to use the money.
The exact figures for what the donations are spent on will not be disclosed until the end of the financial year when
the accounts are made public, said director Esther McVey.
But the board did reveal that nearly a third of the money collected has already been used.
Costs incurred include the launch of the Find Madeleine campaign, advertising, the production of the yellow and green
wristbands and the employment of former campaign manager Justine McGuinness.
Legal fees had to be met for the setting up of Madeleine's Fund.
Private investigators, understood to include ex-military personnel, are being employed to search for the Rothley youngster
outside of Portugal.
And with Mr McCann, the family's main earner, on unpaid leave from his job as consultant cardiologist, part of the Fund
has been used to meet their living costs.
"I haven't got the exact figure but it is just under £300,000," said Ms McVey, after today's meeting.
On not producing a full breakdown of the costs, she added: "We are doing what every charity does. We are going by best
practice charity rules."
A new £80,000 advertising campaign in the area of Portugal, Spain and Morocco, announced earlier this month, was among
future costs discussed at the meeting, said co-director John McCann, Mr McCann's brother.
He said: "At the moment we are negotiating with the suppliers of billboards and the focus will be the Iberian peninsula.
"We are looking at more internet virals. We are talking to truck organisations about using the sides of their lorries.
"We are still negotiating with the big advertising companies to get better discounts."
Asked about expenditure on investigators to help find his niece, Mr McCann added: "We agreed in principle that we would
leave no stone unturned and if we deemed it practicable it could be effective that private investigators be used.
"Not in Portugal, but it could be possible to use them in Morocco or Belgium, where there are sightings."
The McCanns and their supporters have become concerned in recent weeks that speculation surrounding the case has diverted
attention away from the search for the youngster.
Speaking after today's meeting, director Dr Doug Skehan, a friend and colleague of Gerry McCann's at Glenfield Hospital,
in Leicester, said: "I think the Fund remains directed towards Madeleine and the search and that was the whole focus of the
discussion today.
"There's a focus on a reinvigoration of the campaign."
The couple's bill for their new spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, is being met by millionaire businessman Brian Kennedy,
who shares a name with Mrs McCann's uncle.
Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson has confirmed he is giving £100,000 to help with their legal bills.
It was decided that the McCanns, named official suspects in their daughter's disappearance, will not use the fighting
fund to pay for their defence costs.
In a statement, the board said previously: "The Fund directors realise that there is not only a legal answer and recognise
the spirit which underlies the generous donations to Madeleine's Fund, which it is the directors' responsibility to steer.
"For this reason the Fund directors have decided not to pay for Gerry and Kate’s legal defence costs.
"We stress that Gerry and Kate have not asked for these costs to be paid."
Madeleine's Fund was set up, said its directors, "to find the little girl, support the family, bring the abductor or
abductors to justice and, subject to that, help other missing children".
Surplus funds could be converted into a charity to help families and missing children in the UK, Portugal and elsewhere
in similar circumstances, they said.
The board said it was following best practice governance procedures as set out in the Good Governance Code for the Voluntary
and Community Sector.
The directors of the company include retired hospital consultant Peter Hubner, Mrs McCann's uncle Brian Kennedy, John
McCann, former television presenter Ms McVey, a long-time friend of the couple, Dr Skehan and lawyer Philip Tomlinson.
A fund administrator has also been appointed to ensure "the highest standards of transparency and accountability", the
board said.
The next meeting of the board is scheduled for sometime next month.
Daily Mail reports £300,000 already spent, 27 September 2007
Madeleine: £300,000 of fighting fund has been spent on the search
Daily Mail
Last Updated at 00:10am on 27th September 2007
Nearly £300,000 of the fighting fund set up to help finance the search for Madeleine and support her family has been spent
so far. This represents a little under a third of the £1,036,104 given by individuals and organisations to Madeleine's Fund,
a non-charitable not-for-profit company. The Fund's board of directors – comprising colleagues, friends and relatives
– met yesterday to decide how to use the money.
The exact figures for what the donations are spent on will not be disclosed until the end of the financial year when the
accounts are made public, said director Esther McVey. But the board did reveal that nearly a third of the money collected
has been used.
With hospital consultant Mr McCann, the family's main earner, on unpaid leave, part of the Fund has been used to meet their
living costs. Other costs incurred include the launch of the Find Madeleine campaign, advertising, legal fees and the employment
of former campaign manager Justine McGuinness.
Private investigators, said to be ex-military personnel, are being employed to search for the youngster outside Portugal.
They are focusing on countries such as Morocco, where there have been several sightings of Madeleine since she disappeared
from the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz on May 3.
But the news has infuriated the Portuguese police. Police trade union chief Carlos Anjos said it was "another diversion
manoeuvre by the McCanns. It's another strategy by the McCanns, who today say one thing and tomorrow something completely
different. Portugal does not have legislation in this area. Private detectives cannot intervene in criminal cases."
McCanns pay 'irrelevant' detective team £50,000 a month in Madeleine
hunt, 28 November 2007
McCanns pay 'irrelevant' detective team £50,000 a month in Madeleine hunt
Daily Mail
Last updated at 21:34 28 November 2007
The McCanns' private detectives have cost the Find Madeleine Fund £300,000, it was revealed yesterday.
The Spanish detective agency Metodo 3 has charged £50,000 a month for its initial six-month contract - the equivalent
of around £2,000 for every working day.
The fee was agreed at a meeting of trustees of the Find Madeleine Fund, set up in May to help finance the worldwide search
for the four-year-old.
But a fall in donations to the fund has raised questions about how long it can afford to employ Metodo 3.
It relies on public donations and has raised almost £1.1million in the six months since Madeleine went missing, but nearly
£700,000 of that has now been spent. Donations - which poured in at up to £450,000 a month after the fund's launch - have
fallen to under £30,000 a month since the McCanns were named as official suspects.
Trustees would be reluctant to give up the private detectives' search for Madeleine, which was the key aim of establishing
of the not-for-profit company.
However, Metodo 3 has yet to find any concrete evidence about where she could be, despite boasts by it directorgeneral,
Francisco Marco, that he would find her within five months.
The McCanns' spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, said: "The fund has agreed to pay Metodo 3 £50,000 a month towards their costs."
Asked about donations, he said: "Money pours in at the start and dries up after a while, it's only natural. Money is
still coming in."
The fund has also approved at least £380,000 in spending on publicity, advertising and legal fees involved in setting
up the fund, taking its total spending to almost £700,000.
Metodo 3 has had between 30 and 35 detectives working on the case in Britain, France, Spain, Portugal and Morocco since
September, and the fee includes their expenses.
However, Portuguese detectives have labelled Metodo 3's private investigators "irrelevant" and said they have failed
to provide any new evidence.
McCanns' fury at TV freeze, 02 December 2007
McCanns' fury at TV freeze Sunday Mirror
direct online link -
Dec 2, 2007
MADELEINE McCann's family are furious with TV3 bosses who froze a bank account which was meant to be used to help find
the missing girl.
Almost EUR25,000 was raised by viewers of the TV station, based in Dublin, when it launched the Missing Maddie Fund in
June. But station bosses decided not to hand over the cash because the main Maddie Fund was not a registered charity.
Last night Kate and Gerry McCann's family spokesman Clarence Mitchell said he was very disappointed at the station's
He said: "We would appeal to them to think again and forward the cash on so it can be used for the purpose it was intended".
"In relation to the charitable status of the fund we took legal advice on this issue and were advised not to do this".
"But we want to assure people, including TV3, that every penny of the fund can be accounted for." The TV3 Maddie appeal
was launched in a blaze of publicity on June 1 after huge viewer interest in the plight of the missing four-year-old.
Donations of EUR24,345 soon flooded in, and the cash remains in an account at the Allied Irish Bank headquarters in Ballsbridge,
Co Dublin, gathering interest.
A spokesman for the station said earlier that if a registered charity is not set up for Maddie the money will be donated
to a registered child protection cause.
Charity cash will not go to Maddy fund, 20 December 2007
By Abena Bailey
Published Date: 20 December 2007
The Bull pub in Hemel Hempstead, which raised more than £1,500 towards the fund for missing toddler Madeleine McCann,
has now decided to donate the money to Iraq soldiers instead.
Pub landlord Ricky Hampton made the decision after the parents of the four-year-old, who went missing in Portugal six
months ago, became suspects in the police investigation.
The £1,570 total is now earmarked for Help For Heroes.
Mr Hampton explained: "We chose the charity because I served in Iraq during the war and I want to support my fellow soldiers
because they don't get enough help from the government.
"Once we find what's happening with the Madeleine McCann case we will be able to decide whether to make a donation." Mr
Hampton confirmed that a charity football match, again originally in support of the Find Madeleine Fund, will go ahead and
the money raised will go to the pub's new chosen charity. Mr Hampton is now busy trying to persuade celebrities to
play against the pub team and if HeraldExpress readers would like to play, they can contact him on 01442 268912, or find out
more about Help For Heroes at
l Since Madeleine's parents Kate and Gerry McCann were named official suspects, they have not used money from the Find
Madeleine Fund, but the rate of donations to help find their daughter has slowed.
The current amount of £1,095,223.50,
published on the Find Madeleine website, shows that less than £100,000 has been donated since July, when the amount stood
at £1million.
Madeleine's Fund down to £500,000,
09 July 2008
10:30 - 09 July 2008
The Madeleine McCann fighting fund is down to £500,000, the
family's spokesman said today.
At one time, the fund, partly launched to pay for the investigation into the disappearance,
stood at £1.1 million.
Family spokesman Clarence Mitchell said that over the past year Madeleine's parents Kate and
Gerry McCann, from Rothley, had spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on private investigators searching for their missing
He spoke as Leicestershire police agreed to pass on to the family 81 pieces of information collected by them
in the first days after the disappearance.
Mr Mitchell said: "The fund is approximately half spent, at about £500,000.
Most of it is going on investigators.
"Money is still coming in, and every time Kate and Gerry do interviews a bit
more comes in."
The fund - which is not a registered charity - was set up to pay for private detectives to investigate
Madeleine's disappearance, to fund a website and to provide support, including financial assistance, for her family.
was bolstered in March by a £550,000 libel settlement from the national Express group of newspapers, boosting the fund to
£1.1million. Small amounts are still trickling in from the public. Last year, the Leicester Mercury's Bands of Hope wristband
campaign, supported by thousands of readers, contributed a further £57,000.
Mr and Mrs McCann also have the support
of several benefactors, including Richard Branson and Cheshire businessman Brian Kennedy, who have helped by funding libel
actions and paying Mr Mitchell's salary. Mr Mitchell said: "The backers have not got open chequebooks, but they are supportive
of the family. It is right that the legal bills should come from the backers."
The family could know this week if MEPs
have backed their campaign for a European-wide child alert scheme.
The European Parliament sits in Strasbourg until
Thursday before the summer recess. It gives Euro MPs gathering in France their last real chance to support the campaign before
its July 24 cut-off date.
Mr Mitchell said the Amber alert campaign, which was already being considered before the
McCanns offered their support, had gained 308 MEP signatures and needed just 85 more to gain a majority.
The family
also hope Portuguese authorities will agree to lift their official suspect - or arguido - status next month.
wishing to support the family can send cheques, payable to Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned, to Madeleine's Fund:
Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited, PO Box 53133, London, E18 2YR.
Madeleine's Fund board statements
Leaving No Stone Unturned
Madeleine’s fund is a non charitable not-for-profit company, which has been established to help find Madeleine
McCann and to support her family and bring her abductors to justice. Any surplus funds will be used to help families
and missing children in the United Kingdom, Portugal and elsewhere in similar circumstances. If there are surplus funds Madeleine’s
Funds can be converted into a charity.
The Fund is following best practice governance procedures as set out in the Good Governance Code for the Voluntary
and Community Sector. The directors of the company are Peter Hubner, Brian Kennedy, John McCann, Michael Linnett,
Esther McVey, Doug Skehan and Philip Tomlinson. They have appropriate legal, business and charitable experience. An
experienced Fund Administrator has been appointed to ensure the highest standards of transparency and accountability.
This should enable the Directors to maintain an appropriate governance distance in the day-to-day operations of the Fund.
The Board and its individual Directors will ensure that the Fund is subject to required financial legal scrutiny.
They will ensure that they receive reliable external advice and information, as the basis for making good decisions.
Statement by the Board of
Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited
12 September 2007
The Fund would like to thank everyone for their kindness, support and generosity.
Madeleine's Fund was set up to:
Find Madeleine;
Support the Family; and
Bring the abductor or abductors to justice
and subject to that to help other missing children
With the sudden dramatic and unexpected turn of events at the weekend the directors had to consider whether
legal defence costs could be paid for by the Fund.
The Board has taken advice from Bates Wells & Braithwaite London LLP and Christopher McCall QC. The
Board has been advised that payment of Gerry and Kate's legal defence costs would be legally permissible subject to conditions
about repayment in the event of a guilty conviction.
The directors of the Fund discussed this today. The two family directors, Brian Kennedy and John McCann
withdrew from the meeting when the decision was made. Esther Mcvey chaired the meeting.
The Fund directors realise that there is not only a legal answer and recognise the spirit which underlies the
generous donations to Madeleine's Fund, which it is the directors' responsibility to steer.
For this reason the Fund directors have decided not to pay for Gerry and Kate's legal defence costs. We
stress that Gerry and Kate have not asked for these costs to be paid. However, people have already called in offering
their financial support. Any such fund to pay legal defence costs would have to be separately set up and administered.
At the heart of this campaign and Fund is a little girl confused, lonely and in need of her parents. This
Fund's money will be focused on finding that little girl and leaving no stone unturned.
from John McCann
Fund:Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited
15 September 2007
Director John McCann, said:
"On behalf of the extended McCann family and the Madeleine Fund, I would
like to say how grateful we are for people's generosity and support.
The main objective of the Madeleine Fund is to leave no stone unturned in
the search for Madeleine.
To that end I would like to announce that the Fund will finance a broad
range of initiatives in advertising to remind everyone that Madeleine is still missing. These adverts will focus
on Spain, Portugal and other parts of Europe and will consist of billboards and other media. This financing of advertisements
will complement previous efforts by the Fund and many motivated individuals – family, friends and people touched by
our cause.
I hope that the general public will continue to support us in this.
It is so important that we remember: "don't you forget about me"-
our lovely wee Madeleine."
Statement from the Board
Madeleine's Fund- Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited
09 January 2008
'There was a scheduled board meeting of Madeleine's Fund today. We have reached
a new longer- term phase in the search for Madeleine and we have reviewed how effective our Fund has been in pursuing its
objectives. We agreed to continue our funding of the investigation to find Madeleine and we have decided to look at further
media opportunities to support our search. To that end, we have invited two new directors to replace the two who stepped down,
for business and personal reasons, We, together with Kate and Gerry McCann, extend our thanks to Esther and Phillip for their
hard work and continuing support. We welcome Edward Smethurst and Jon Corner to the board to lend their expertise in commercial
law and media.'
Esther McVey resigns - announced 08 January 2008
On 08 January 2008, the Daily Mail (referring to the proposed film project) reports that:
'The film project will be discussed at a meeting of the fund's directors, including Gerry, tomorrow night at the McCanns'
home in Rothley, Leicestershire...
The meeting tomorrow follows the resignation of key board members, including the fund's spokeswoman Esther McVey.'
Clarence Mitchell later confirmed the reports that Esther McVey had resigned from the board but denied it was because
of any rift with the McCanns. He said she wanted to concentrate on her role as a Conservative parliamentary candidate and
was also about to start studying for a demanding MBA qualification.
"She has a lot of commitments and realised she
could not devote the time she wanted to the fund," he said. "She felt the New Year would be a good time for the change, and
spoke to Kate about her decision. Kate and Gerry were disappointed but they both understood her reasons. She is an old friend
of Kate's and continues to support the fund."
Mr Mitchell said other directors might also want to "rotate" their position
on the board, as it had created a lot more work than was originally anticipated in May.
The latest reported change regarding directors and/or secretaries was logged
on the 14/09/2007:
UK Data credit report information for Madeleine's Fund
Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars. - 2 page(s)
Unless a fee is paid it is not known
which type of form 288 was submitted. As you can see though there have been eight occassions upon which a "change of directors
and secretary and their details" report has been submitted.
Companies House Guidance on Limited Companies
5. Change of directors and secretary and their details - Forms 288
There are three types of Form 288. Form
288(a) is used for the appointment of an officer. Form 288(b) is used for an officer ceasing to act (resignation, removal,
death etc). Form 288(c) is used for a change in details of an officer, for example, a change of name or new residential
address. All changes to directors' and secretary's details must be sent to the Registrar within 14 days of the change.
(Thanks to Kashmir from Mirror Forums for this research)
Who put up 'reward' money to find Madeleine?, May 2007
Published in the News of the World, May 2007 - no link
THE News of the World has put up a record £1.5 million reward for the safe return of Madeleine McCann.
Stars and business leaders have donated huge sums in an unprecedented show of support for our Find Maddie campaign —
to make up the largest award in newspaper history.
After we kicked off the fund with £250,000, Harry Potter author
JK ROWLING put up a staggering amount — the largest single donation. But she asked us not to reveal the exact figure.
Kind-hearted JK married a Portuguese TV journalist and her first child Jessica was born in Portugal, a few hours'
drive from Praia da Luz where Maddie was snatched 10 days ago.
Her dad Gerry said: "We are very happy and pleased
with what you are doing. Anything that can be done to publicise that Madeleine is missing and help with the search is very
Topshop tycoon SIR PHILIP GREEN matched our £250,000 and said: "I hope this makes a difference."
SIR RICHARD BRANSON put up £100,000, saying: "I'd like to appeal as a father to whoever is holding her to please bring her
home safe."
Everton football club chairman and theatre boss BILL KENWRIGHT was one of the first people to see pictures
of Maddie wearing his club's shirt before they were released this week.
Mr Kenwright, who has pledged a huge personal
sum, said: "If it helps towards the reunion it will be the best cheque I've ever written."
Footie chairmen EGGERT
MAGNUSSON of West Ham and Reading's JOHN MADEJSKI both gave £10,000.
Ann Summers boss JACQUELINE GOLD donated £100,000,
explaining she wanted to get involved after meeting Sara Payne.
She said: "I pray that this nightmare comes to an
end soon with the safe return of their beautiful little girl."
Telly star SIMON COWELL promised £50,000, saying: "I
heard about the terrible situation here in LA and I hope she is found safe and sound."
Manchester United star WAYNE
ROONEY and fiancée Coleen McLoughlin pledged £25,000, telling us: "We are praying for Maddie's safe return and for an end
to what must be a nightmare for all her family."
The England cricket team joined in with £20,000. Captain MICHAEL
VAUGHAN said: "Our thoughts and prayers are for Maddie's safe return."
Entrepreneur SIR TOM HUNTER pledged £100,000
with EasyJet boss SIR STELIOS Haji-Ioannou and Matalan chief JOHN HARGREAVES chipping in with large sums too.
Who paid for the Valentine's Day poster campaign in Spain? March 2008
We are led to believe Madeleine's Fund paid for these controversial posters, that included
images of Mari Luz Cortes and Yeremi Vargas, but did they?
The supposedly independent website 'Helping To Find Madeleine', which has organised, cult-like, teams and
members working throughout Europe, reports the following:
"Helping To Find Madeleine (HTFM) is pleased to announce that it has undertaken a further mailing project
to raise awareness of the disappearnace of Madeleine McCann, Yeremi Vargas and Mari Luiz Cortez throughout Spain and the Islands
of Ceuta and Mellilla.
An estimated 17,400 letters in Spanish accompanied by 2 A3 colour posters depicting the missing
children have been mailed to Banks and Building Societies, Schools and Colleges, Restaurants and Fast Food outlets, Post
Offices, Ports and Marinas, Churches and Other Places of Worship, Supermarkets and Shopping Centres, Railway and Bus
Stations, Garden Centres, Camp Sites, Leisure Facilities, Tourist attractions, Vets, Tobacconists, Bakers, Butchers and
Gathering of addresses has been carried out by members of HTFM who volunteered their own time to work on this
project, with printing and mailing costs kept to an absolute minimum due to the ongoing support of Paceprint, Crossflight
and Swiss Post.
HTFM and the Madeleine McCann Campaign thanks these businesses, the people of Spain and Ceuta and Mellilla
as well as everyone involved in this project for their ongoing support and commitment in helping to find these missing children."
- If HTFM were behind the poster campaign, what happened to the money the Fund was supposed to have paid
out? Or did the Fund pay the money direct to HTFM?
On the FAQ page of the HTFM website, they question is posed: 'Is HTFM part of the Find
Madeleine campaign'.
The answer given is:
'No, HTFM is a separate body, governed by its own members. We work independently of the main Find Madeleine
campaign, and not FOR them.'
Perhaps Clarence Mitchell would like to issue a statement to clarify the issue, bearing in mind
he now appears to have become the spokesperson for Madeleine's Fund.
Kate and Gerry McCann become directors of Madeleine's Fund/The search for Madeleine now known
as 'Project M', 08 April 2009
(6) Who are the directors of Madeleine's Fund?
There are nine directors of the Fund. They are:
- Peter Hubner; a retired consultant;
- Brian Kennedy, a retired head teacher;
- John McCann, a medical representative;
- Edward Smethurst – A Commercial lawyer;
- Doug Skehan, clinical director in cardiology at Glenfield Hospital;
- Jon Corner – Director of a media company;
- Michael Linett- retired accountant
- Kate McCann General Practitioner
- Gerry McCann Consultant Cardiologist
Company Filing History
Companies House
(Note: There is no record of Kate McCann being appointed)
Madeleine's Fund:
About the Fund
Madeleine's Fund - 'Leaving No Stone Unturned' is a non-charitable not-for-profit company which has been established to
find Madeleine McCann, support her family and bring her abductors to justice. The Fund is following best practice governance
procedures as set out in the Good Governance Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector. The directors of the company are
Peter Hubner, Brian Kennedy, John McCann, Michael Linnett, Edward Smethurst , Doug Skehan, Jon Corner, Kate McCann & Gerry
McCann. They have appropriate legal, business and charitable experience. An experienced Fund Administrator has been appointed
to ensure the highest standards of transparency and accountability. This should enable the Directors to maintain an appropriate
governance distance in the day-to-day operations of the Fund.
Fund Objectives
The full objects of the Fund are:
- To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd
May 2007;
- To procure that Madeleine's abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or
play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice; and
- To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family.
If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases
arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere.
Fund Raising
We thank you for your interest in fund raising to support Madeleine's fund. Many donations have resulted from a variety
of fund raising events. These have included Car Boot sales, jumble sales, school cake sales, race nights, sponsored runs &
cycle events, ‘dress down' days, auctions & ‘cheese & wine' nights.
These events have further highlighted Madeleine's plight as well as bringing many people together to have fun whilst working
towards one common goal.
We would be grateful if you are considering fund raising that you do not refer to Madeleine's fund as a registered charity
as it is not. If you are embarking on a type fund raising which may carry an element of risk you may wish to consider your
position regarding insurance cover. If you require further information please refer to:
(1) Who are the main contributors to the fund?
Many members of the general public from across the world have kindly donated to Madeleine's Fund, either by personal donation
or fund raising events. In addition to this, over £1 million pounds in libel damages and compensation awarded to Kate and
Gerry McCann and their friends has been paid into Madeleine's Fund.
(2) What are the registered details of Madeleine's Fund?
Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales,
CRN 6248215. Registered office: 2-6 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6YH.
(3) Why is Madeleine's Fund not registered as a charity?
Because Madeleine's Fund is currently focussed on searching for one child only, Madeleine McCann it cannot register as
a charity. However in the future, if the objects of the fund are fulfilled and subsequently changed to concentrate on multiple
similar cases, it may then be possible to acquire charitable status.
(4) Can gift aid or tax relief be claimed on my donation to Madeleine's Fund?
No it cannot because these are only available to registered charities.
(5) If Madeleine's Fund isn't a charity who is regulating it?
The directors regulate Madeleine's Fund and they aspire to follow best practice policies and processes used by charities.
The directors have reviewed its operation against “Good Governance: A Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector”.
This sets out best practice requirements for charities.
The Fund also has:
- a Financial Procedures Manual
- job descriptions for directors, chair and treasurer
- clearly laid out policies and processes for:
- payments
- expense claims
- risk management
- whistle blowing
- registering conflicts of interest
(6) Who are the directors of Madeleine's Fund?
There are nine directors of the Fund. They are:
- Peter Hubner; a retired consultant;
- Brian Kennedy, a retired head teacher;
- John McCann, a medical representative;
- Edward Smethurst – A Commercial lawyer;
- Doug Skehan, clinical director in cardiology at Glenfield Hospital;
- Jon Corner – Director of a media company;
- Michael Linett- retired accountant
- Kate McCann General Practitioner
- Gerry McCann Consultant Cardiologist
(7) What is the money being spent on ?
The majority of the fund money has been and continues to be spent on investigative work to help find Madeleine. Additionally
money continues to be spent on the wider 'Awareness Campaign' – reminding people that Madeleine is still missing and
to remain vigilant. None of the directors have taken any money from the fund as remuneration.
Anyone who wishes further information with regards to the financial details of Madeleine's Fund and its professional advisors,
please refer to the accounts filed at Company House.
Project M - Find Madeleine Team findmadeleine.com
Find Madeleine Team:
There is currently a small team of very committed and experienced people working hard to help us find Madeleine. This team
includes retired British police officers and their support staff, several people with marketing and advertising skills, and
highly motivated family members and friends.

Click to enlarge |
Gerry McCann became a director of Madeleine's Fund on 12/11/2008, 10 April 2009
Gerry McCann became a director of Madeleine's Fund on 12/11/2008
Nigel Moore
10 April 2009

Some points to note from this document:
1) This is the electronically filed document that originated
from Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited.
2) Gerry McCann was appointed a director on 12/11/2008,
yet, despite promising that Madeleine's Fund would be 'entirely transparent', this information was not made public
until it appeared in the UK press on 17 May 2009 - following its submission to Companies House in April.
3) Instead of satisfying the Companies House requirement to state his 'usual residential address', Gerry has used
his work address of Glenfield Hospital. Gerry's boss at Glenfield, Douglas Skehan, is also on the board of directors.
What we have here is a public hospital with Trust status - funded by tax payers - being used as the residential address
of a director of a privately run business.
4) There is no authorising director listed, and no accompanying signature,
so it remains unclear who approved Gerry McCanns' election to the board of a fund of which he, and his family, are direct
5) What assurance is there that Gerry won't get involved in making financial decisions from
which he and his family will benefit?
address confidentiality
There is provision for an individual's address to remain confidential if a Confidentiality
Order is granted under the provisions of Section 723B of the Companies Act 1965, as follows:
45. - (1) The Companies Act 1985 shall be amended as follows.
(2) After
section 723A there shall be inserted-
"Confidentiality orders.
723B. - (1) Subject to the provisions
of this section, an individual may make an application under this section to the Secretary of State where the condition in
subsection (2) is satisfied.
(2) That condition is that the individual- (a) is or proposes to become a director,
secretary or permanent representative of a relevant company; and (b) considers that the availability for inspection by
members of the public of particulars of his usual residential address creates, or (if an order is not made under this section)
is likely to create, a serious risk that he or a person who lives with him will be subjected to violence or intimidation.
(3) Where, on an application made by an individual under this section, the Secretary of State is satisfied that the
availability for inspection by members of the public of particulars of the individual's usual residential address creates,
or (if an order is not made under this section) is likely to create, a serious risk that the individual, or a person who lives
with him, will be subjected to violence or intimidation, he shall make an order under this section ("a confidentiality
order") in relation to him.
(4) Otherwise, he shall dismiss the application.
UHL NHS Trust 'content' for Gerry McCann to use Glenfield Hospital's address, 16 April 2009
UHL NHS Trust 'content' for Gerry McCann to use Glenfield Hospital's address
By Nigel Moore
16 April 2009 (updated 19 April 2009)
In response to concerns about the use of Glenfield Hospital's address by Gerry McCann, in his capacity as a director
of Madeleine's Fund, the Head of Communications at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust - which includes Glenfield
Hospital - has stated that they are 'content'.
Gerry McCann was appointed a director of 'Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited' on 12th November 2008,
although this change to the board of directors was not filed with Companies House until 3rd April 2009.
The document submitted to notify this change showed that Dr McCann had used Glenfield Hospital as a 'service address'
instead of providing his 'usual residential address'.
This is possible if the Secretary of State considers that public disclosure of a directors residential address 'is likely
to create a serious risk that he, or a person who lives with him, will be subjected to violence or intimidation'.
In response to concerns that a director of a private limited company was using a publicly funded NHS Trust in this way
- rather than using his company accountants or solicitors - the Head of Communications stated that 'We continue to support
Dr McCann and are content for him to continue to use his professional address in this manner'.
Documents were filed for Kate McCann at the same time as her husband, 12th November 2008, but her appointment to
the board of directors has yet to be authorised by Companies House - despite being listed as a director on
the FindMadeleine.com site. This means that, technically, she cannot yet act as a director - nor claim any associated expenses.
Kate McCanns' directorship registered with Companies House, 03 May 2009
Kate McCanns' directorship registered with Companies House

By Nigel Moore
03 May 2009
The appointment of Kate McCann as a director of 'Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited' has now been confirmed
by Companies House. The appointment was authorised on 01 May 2009, being effective from 12 November 2008.
Like Gerry McCann, Kate has elected to provide a 'service address' rather than her usual residential address. It will
be remembered that Gerry used the address of Glenfield Hospital, with their blessing, despite it being a public hospital with Trust
Kate has chosen to use the address of
Bates Wells and Braithwaite solicitors, which is also the Registered Office of the Company: 2-6, Cannon Street, London EC4.
12 November 2008 was clearly a busy day for Madeleine's Fund. On that day, the chairman's report was signed by John McCann;
the accountant's report was signed by Michael Linnett, a retired accountant and director of Madeleine's Fund; the accounts
were then signed off by the auditors
haysmacintyre, the same day they were presented; and Kate and Gerry became directors of a company of which they are not only direct
financial beneficiaries - under the objects of the Fund - but also, since November 2008, have been able to claim payment,
and expenses, as directors.
There are three questions that stem from this.
1) Why does a company which receives most of its revenue direct into its bank account, and which outsources its merchandise
sales to a garage in Scotland, need 9 directors?
2) Has Kate McCann been receiving payment for her much publicised 'months and months and months going through' the police
files? And, if so, how much?
3) Was the McCanns decision to adopt a DIY approach to working through the police files, and their sudden appointment
as directors, linked?
Given the secretive nature in which the appointments of Gerry and Kate McCann were made and the apparent inability, or
unwillingness, of the directors to make any kind of public statement, it's unlikely that the answer to any of these questions
will be known anytime soon.
McCanns join fighting fund board, 17 May 2009
By Tracey Kandohla
Sunday 17 May 2009
KATE and Gerry McCann have become directors of the public fund set up to find their missing
daughter, it was revealed yesterday.
Madeleine's parents recently joined the board, along with seven other new members, their spokesman Clarence Mitchell
"The board changes from time to time with old members going and new ones coming. The fund is properly managed and the
board is there to distribute cash properly in the search for Madeleine," said Mr Mitchell.
Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned is a limited company made up mainly of public donations.
It pays for a team of private investigators and awareness campaigns to remind people that Madeleine is still missing
and to remain vigilant.
The fund states on its website: "None of the directors have taken any money from the fund as remuneration."
Nonetheless, one of its objectives is "to provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family".
As officials, the McCanns will help regulate the fund. Other directors include Kate's uncle, retired head teacher Brian
Kennedy, Gerry's colleague Doug Skehan from Leicester's Glenfield Hospital and the McCanns' close friend Jon Corner.
The fighting fund, which once stood at more than £2million, could be empty by the end of the year.
Writing in his online diary, Gerry said: "There's still money in it. I can't give the exact figure but we have spent
and continue to spend a lot of money with the aim of trying to enhance the chance of finding Madeleine.
"It won't dry up in the next few months but probably by the end of the year at the rate we are running."
The fund stood at £600,000 in January, according to accounts, and is now believed to stand at about £300,000.
Computer-generated photos of a present-day Madeleine plus a "reconstruction" of the night she disappeared form part of
a new global campaign to find her.
In a statement on the Madeleine website on Friday, the McCanns said: "There has been a huge response to the reconstruction
and we thank you for all the information received.
"Our investigation team are working through all this information. Once again thank you for not giving up on Madeleine."
Madeleine's Fund promoted by ICMEC as an NGO, 09 June 2009
"Kate and I will work with the various non-governmental organisations to influence the policy makers who decide these
important decisions."
Gerry's blog (Day 302: 29/02/2008-Friday)
By Nigel Moore
09 June 2009
According to the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children's (ICMEC) YouTube channel, 'Don't You
Forget About Me', Madeleine's Fund is now classified as an NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation).
The ICMEC YouTube channel was created in collaboration with the Find Madeleine Campaign in order to help reunite
children with their families.
So, is this information correct or is the channel falsely promoting "Find Madeleine" as an NGO for the benefit of
American subscribers - in order to imbue it with an authority that it doesn't actually have?

'NGOs exist for a variety of reasons, usually to further the political or social goals of their members or funders. Examples
include improving the state of the natural environment, encouraging the observance of human rights, improving the welfare
of the disadvantaged, or representing a corporate agenda. However, there are a huge number of such organizations and their
goals cover a broad range of political and philosophical positions. This can also easily be applied to private schools and
athletic organizations.'
'Even though the term "non-governmental organization" implies independence from governments, most NGOs depend heavily
on governments for their funding.'
'The legal form of NGOs is diverse and depends upon homegrown variations in each country's laws and practices. However,
four main family groups of NGOs can be found worldwide:
- Unincorporated and voluntary association
- Trusts, charities and foundations
- Companies not just for profit
- Entities formed or registered under special NGO or nonprofit laws
NGOs are not subjects of international law, as states are. An exception is the International Committee of the Red Cross,
which is subject to certain specific matters, mainly relating to the Geneva Convention.
The Council of Europe in Strasbourg drafted the European Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of International
Non-Governmental Organizations in 1986, which sets a common legal basis for the existence and work of NGOs in Europe. Article
11 of the European Convention on Human Rights protects the right to freedom of association, which is also a fundamental norm
for NGOs.'
Non-governmental organisations based in the United Kingdom
Update: Another 81 Miles for Madeleine
Poster for Event
Madeleine has been missing for just over 3 years and recently had her 7th birthday.
This weekend I am competing in the Etape Caledonia - an 81 mile (130km) cycle through Highland Perthshire with almost
2000m of ascent. I am raising money for Madeleine's Fund- Leaving No Stone Unturned and I would be grateful if you would
consider sponsoring me. I hope to get round in under 5 hours- weather, injuries and luck permitting!
can be made online via our
donation page or directly through internet transfers (direction are on the donation page).
Please include etape
in the reference.
Thank you.
Donations page: findmadeleine.com, 14 May 2010

Leicestershire Constabulary remove Madeleine McCann from the 'Missing persons'
section of their website, 07 September 2010 * Update: Madeleine McCann page reappears, 08 September 2010
Leicestershire Constabulary remove Madeleine McCann from the 'Missing persons' section
of their website
07 September 2010
Search results for 'Madeleine

'Missing persons' page for Madeleine McCann returns 'Page
not found':

The only remaining refence to Madeleine McCann on the website:

Please note: The form cannot be used for communicating information regarding Madeleine
McCann. If you have messages of support for Madeleine's family please visit www.findmadeleine.com . If you have any other information please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Missing persons: Madeleine McCann
08 September 2010

Madeleine McCannMadeleine McCann
from Rothley, Leicestershire disappeared on May 3 2007 from Praia da Luz, Portugal, nine days before her fourth birthday. The investigation into her disappearance is being carried out by the Portuguese police. Leicestershire
Constabulary is one of a number of UK law enforcement agencies who are supporting the Portuguese authorities with their investigation. The role of Leicestershire Constabulary is to complete and co-ordinate UK-based enquiries at the request of the Portuguese
police and any tasks completed by British police are under their direction. At the heart of this inquiry is an
innocent little girl. Our focus remains on doing everything we can to assist the Portuguese police to find out what
has happened to Madeleine. If you have any information please contact your local police. Updated
on 02/08/09 at 14:00 Crime reference number: .
Further update
to reinstate the link to the McCanns' findmadeleine.com website: Missing persons: Madeleine
McCann leics.police.uk
10 September 2010

The early union of the Leicestershire Constabulary,
CEOP and McCanns' websites
Gerry McCann first announced the existence of the CEOP upload page at a
press conference in Praia da Luz, on 22 May 2007, following his return from the UK.

...which linked to the CEOP website:

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
Help Find Madeleine McCann
Can You Help?
British police are calling on members of the public to help further in the
search for Madeleine McCann. If you were at the Ocean Club Resort, Praia da Luz or in the surrounding areas in the two weeks
leading up to Madeleine’s disappearance on Thursday 3 May then we would like to have copies of any photographs taken
during your stay.
In particular we would like any pictures that have people in them who you don’t know as
opposed to scenery shots or pictures of just your own family. If you have any such pictures then upload
them here.
If you are unsure how to upload your pictures then click on this
link where you will find a simple how to guide. You can also go into any high street photographic retailer and
ask them to help in uploading your pictures onto this website.
British and Portuguese police are also asking anyone
to contact them on the numbers below if they have seen anything suspicious related to the disappearance of Madeleine or if
you believe you know where Madeleine is being concealed or hidden. Portuguese police have searched extensively around Praia
da Luz and she has not been found. It is possible that she is being hidden or concealed in some way and if you know where
then by now you may have realised that it is in everyone’s interest that she is returned to her family.
British police on 0800 096 1233 or Portuguese police on 00351 282 405 400
CEOP 'upload' and 'how to upload' pages:


And the CEOP website linked to...

John McCann and Dr Douglas Skeehan no longer on board of Madeleine's Fund,
27 August 2010
John McCann and Dr Douglas Skeehan no longer on board of Madeleine's Fund
27 August 2010 With thanks to
Joana Morais for obtaining documents
Documents from Companies House:

Madeleine's Fund loses key McCann, 26 September 2010

By James Murray and Tracey Kandohla Sunday September 26,2010
THE brother of Gerry McCann has quit the Madeleine Fund amid a drive to inject new dynamism
into the search for the missing seven-year-old.
John McCann has been a dedicated director since
the fund was launched more than three years ago and worked tirelessly behind the scenes to do everything he could to find
the child.
However, latest company accounts show he left last month along with fellow director Douglas Skehan,
a heart specialist and colleague of Gerry McCann who works with him at Leicester's Glenfield Hospital. Speaking at the
launch of the fund two weeks after Madeleine vanished, John said: "This fund will be a vehicle to help our family get
our darling, wee niece back."
In an update to their website, neither Kate nor Gerry McCann mentioned the names
of the directors who have left.
Instead they focused on the renewed vigour behind the campaign to find their daughter.
They believe Madeleine was abducted from their holiday apartment in Praia da Luz on Portugal's Algarve coast in May 2007.
The message states: "There will be some changes and development in terms of strategy and ideas as we endeavour
to leave no stone unturned in our search.
"This will include some changes to the board of Madeleine's
Fund, simply to try to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of what we are doing. It has now been three years and four
months since Madeleine was taken from us. None of us ever thought we'd still be in the position we are today.
"Inevitably there has to be change for a variety of reasons but importantly, this will also allow people to help and
support us in different ways.
"Regardless of change, everyone's focus, commitment and desire continues
to be that of finding Madeleine."
New board members, as yet unnamed, have been appointed to the fund, which
stands at £450,000 and relies on public donations to pay private investigators to carry on the search.
unsigned blog continues: "Keeping Madeleine's image out there greatly increases our chances of finding her.
"It is a reminder to people that she is still missing and to please keep looking for her. In addition, we know that
somebody knows where Madeleine is.
"One more reminder of her may be all that it takes for them to finally
come forward and let us know."
The McCanns met Home Secretary Theresa May over the summer to ask for a review
of all evidence in the case.
Uncle quits Maddy fund Sunday Express (paper edition)
Key McCann out as strategy gets revamp
By Nigel Moore 27 September 2010
The print edition of the Sunday Express concluded with the following paragraphs:
'The McCanns met Home
Secretary Theresa May over the summer to ask for a review of all the evidence in the case by a hand-picked team of Scotland
Yard officers.
Former police detectives David Edgar and Arthur Cowley have made repeated visits to Portugal and
have a new photo fit of a suspect which has not yet been released to the public.'
This information was previously
reported by James Murray, in his article, 'New image of Maddie McCann abductor', published in the Sunday Express of
30 May 2010.
In August, I contacted the official Find Madeleine campaign team and was informed that they were not
aware of any immediate plans to release the image to the media.
By Nigel Moore 29 September 2010
The official Find Madeleine campaign team confirmed
today that 'the situation is the same' as previously stated.
In October 2007, it was revealed that the McCanns had received money from Madeleine's Fund to enable them to meet
two mortgage payments on their house in Rothley.
The board of directors refused to disclose the amount involved, although Clarence Mitchell later stated
that two mortgage payments were made from Madeleine's Fund, for the months of July and August, amounting to around £4,000.

Family home: The mortage repayments on the house in Rothley are believed to be around £2,000 a month |
Madeleine Fund Paid McCanns' Mortgage, 30 October 2007
Madeleine Fund Paid McCanns' Mortgage
Sky News
Updated: 08:43, Tuesday October 30, 2007
Gerry and Kate McCann used money from the Madeleine Fund to pay for their mortgage, the family's spokesman has confirmed.
At least two mortgage payments had been paid from the fund, which was set up to help find the couple's daughter and support
the family.
But the McCanns decided not to use the money for personal payments after they were made suspects by Portuguese police.
Clarence Mitchell said: "The fund has always had the ability to assist the family financially if necessary, and they've
only used it to pay for two mortgage payments earlier this year.
"When they were made arguido, it stopped, which was a mutual decision on the part of the fund and the McCanns - they
were happy to accept that their changed status meant they were no longer entitled to that assistance."
The Find Madeleine Fund has attracted more than £1m in public donations to help find Madeleine McCann.
The use of donations had previously been called into question after it was revealed about a third of the money had
been used to meet the McCanns' living costs, publicity fees and to pay staff.
But the family defended the fund, saying they would not use it for their legal fees.
Mr Mitchell, recently appointed as the family's PR spokesman, said he would not be paid from the Find Madeleine
Fund but from "private financial backers" to the McCanns.
While Kate McCann is unlikely to return to her job as a part-time GP, Gerry McCann will return to his work as a consultant,
a move likely to help ease the financial pressure.
McCanns used fund to pay mortgage, 30 October 2007
McCanns used fund to pay mortgage
BBC News
Last Updated: Tuesday, 30 October 2007, 09:39 GMT
The fighting fund set up to help find Madeleine McCann was used by her parents to make two mortgage payments, their spokesman
has said.
Clarence Mitchell said: "The fund has always had the ability to assist the family financially if necessary."
He said Kate and Gerry McCann stopped using the fund in September when they were made formal suspects in the case.
Four-year-old Madeleine, from Rothley, Leicestershire, vanished from her holiday apartment in Portugal on 3 May.
On Saturday, her family will hold a church service to mark six months since she was last seen in the Algarve resort of
Praia da Luz.
Mr McCann wrote in his latest internet diary entry: "We will be marking this milestone very quietly with an ecumenical
prayer service for Madeleine and other missing children in the local Anglican church."
'Changed status'
According to the Find Madeleine website, the fund has so far received more than £1million in donations.
At its launch, Madeleine's uncle John McCann said: "This fund will be a vehicle to help our family get our darling, wee
niece back."
Mr Mitchell said Mr and Mrs McCann began using it earlier this year to help pay their mortgage.
"When they were made arguido [suspects], it stopped, which was a mutual decision on the part of the fund and the McCanns,"
he said.
"They were happy to accept that their changed status meant they were no longer entitled to that assistance."
Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that Mr McCann, 39, will return to his job as a consultant cardiologist at Leicester's
Glenfield Hospital on Thursday.
It is understood he will initially work three half-days each week and will not have any direct contact with patients
until his employers feel he is ready.
He and Mrs McCann, 39, who is a GP, have been on unpaid leave since Madeleine disappeared.
Elsewhere, it has been reported that private investigators from the Spanish detective agency hired by the McCanns have
found another blonde girl who they believe has been kidnapped.
Sources at the Metodo 3 agency reportedly claim Interpol is investigating the discovery of the girl living in the Rif
mountains in northern Morocco.
The Daily Mirror newspaper also claimed that the new Portuguese officer leading the hunt for Madeleine, Paulo Rebelo,
spent three hours examining the McCanns' holiday apartment on Monday.
Clarence Mitchell states that two mortgage payments were made from Madeleine's Fund, for the months of July and
August, amounting to around £4,000.
McCanns used Madeleine fund to pay mortgage, 30 October 2007
McCanns used Madeleine fund to pay mortgage
Fred Attewill and agencies
Tuesday October 30 2007
Madeleine McCann's parents used the £1m fund set up to help find her to pay their mortgage, it has been confirmed.
Gerry and Kate McCann, who have been on unpaid leave since Madeleine disappeared almost six months ago, used the money
to make two mortgage payments on their home in Leicestershire.
Clarence Mitchell, the family's official spokesman, said: "The fund has always had the ability to assist the family financially
if necessary, and they've only used it to pay for two mortgage payments earlier this year.
"When they were made arguido [official suspects], it stopped, which was a mutual decision on the part of the fund and
the McCanns - they were happy to accept that their changed status meant they were no longer entitled to that assistance."
On the Find Madeleine website, the fund lists one of its purposes as to "support the family".
It has also emerged that Portuguese police have staged a re-enactment of how a possible abductor could have taken Madeleine
from the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz on May 3.
The detective in charge of the case, Paulo Rebelo, was yesterday photographed at the flat examining the scene with colleagues.
Mr Mitchell said Mr and Mrs McCann welcomed the renewed focus on the theory that their daughter was abducted.
Mr Mitchell yesterday also issued a statement on behalf of friends of the McCanns who were on holiday with them at the
resort, denying they have entered into a "pact of silence" to protect the couple.
The so-called "tapas seven", who had dinner with the McCanns on the night their daughter vanished, have been the subject
of media reports suggesting they are withholding vital clues from police.
The friends said: "We wish to state that there is categorically no 'pact of silence' or indeed anything secretive between
us - just the desire to assist the search for Madeleine.
"This is reflected in us saying and doing nothing that could in any way hinder the investigations now under way."
Mr McCann is due to return to work as a consultant cardiologist at Glenfield hospital in Leicester on Thursday.
Row as McCanns use £1million Madeleine fund to pay their mortgage, 30 October 2007
Row as McCanns use £1million Madeleine fund to pay their mortgage
Daily Mail
Last updated at 16:21pm on 30th October 2007
Kate and Gerry McCann have used the £1million Find Madeleine fund to pay their mortgage, it was revealed yesterday.
Fund organisers refused to say how much had been spent but confirmed that money donated by the public was made available
for the family's living expenses.
Neither has worked since Madeleine vanished on May 3, although Mr McCann is due to return to his £75,000-a-year post
as a hospital consultant this week.
Mortgage repayments on the couple's £500,000 detached home in Rothley, Leicestershire, are believed to be £2,000 a month.
The Find Madeleine fund, which has received more than £1.09million in donations from all over the world, was set up primarily
to fund a publicity campaign after the little girl vanished on May 3.
It also met legal fees involved in setting up the not-for-profit business, which does not have charitable status.
But the fund's directors - who include colleagues, friends and relatives of the McCanns - ruled that they cannot use
it to pay the legal team defending them against Portuguese allegations that they were involved in Madeleine's disappearance.
That has been met by a separate fund, using donations from wealthy benefactors including Sir Richard Branson.
The salary of the McCanns' spokesman Clarence Mitchell is paid by another millionaire, double-glazing tycoon Brian Kennedy.
But the Find Madeleine fund has paid for other staff, including former campaign manager Justine McGuinness.
In the weeks after Madeleine's disappearance it paid for her parents' campaign trips to Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin, Washington
DC and the Moroccan capital, Rabat.
It was revealed last month that about £300,000 had been spent, and a further £80,000 was paid out this month for
a new publicity campaign in Portugal, Spain and Morocco.
Donations have slowed dramatically, however, since the McCanns, both 39, were made official suspects in the case.
Exact details of where the money has gone will not be disclosed until the end of the financial year when the accounts
are made public.
Fund officials said an administrator has been appointed to ensure "the highest standards of transparency and accountability".
Mr Mitchell said last night: "The fund exists to support Kate and Gerry where their living costs would become difficult.
"Gerry is going back to work this week and they hope they will not have to rely on it for their living costs for much
The McCanns have said any surplus money from the fund would be given to charities to help families of other missing children.
Friends of the McCanns have said they are anxious to keep the fund's money for the campaign to find Madeleine.
They denied Mr McCann was returning to work for financial reasons, insisting he wanted to regain a "sense of normality".
He has been on unpaid leave and his wife, a part-time GP, has not been paid while she has been off work.
It is understood that Mr McCann will initially work three half-days a week at Leicester's Glenfields Hospital and will
not have any direct contact with patients until his employers believe he is ready.
His return has been approved by the General Medical Council, which regulates the medical profession, but a senior heart
specialist warned last night that it could put patients' lives at risk.
The consultant, who did not wish to be named, asked: "How will he be able to concentrate on his work with his daughter
missing? It is a high-pressure job and you have to make difficult decisions.
"I can tell you from personal experience that if your mind is not totally on it, it is hard.
"If he is going to be doing procedures where you have to totally focus, the only way you can do it is compartmentalise
and if you can't do it, it could be very difficult. He could break down and make a mistake."
The group Patient Concern said Mr McCann should be monitored for at least three months and the public should be able
to choose not to be treated by him.
Director Roger Goss said: "It's a good idea he is allowed back, but he should be monitored to ensure he is all right.
"Patients should be allowed the option of not being treated by him while the case has such a high profile. I know it
sounds discriminatory but it is not unreasonable."
McCanns defend using public fund to pay mortgage, 30 October 2007
McCanns defend using public fund to pay mortgage
By Andrew Hough
Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:59pm GMT
LONDON (Reuters) - The parents of missing Madeleine McCann repaid two instalments of their mortgage with money from the
fund set up to help find her, their spokesman confirmed on Tuesday.
But Kate and Gerry McCann stopped taking money from the one million pound "Find Madeleine" fund after they were made
official suspects, Clarence Mitchell said.
He was speaking after media reports on Tuesday that the couple made two 2,000-pound repayments on their 460,000-pound
detached house in Rothley, Leicestershire with fund money.
He confirmed the couple made two repayments in July and August, but defended their motives.
The primary objective of the fund, a not-for-profit company, was to help efforts to find Madeleine, but it can also provide
financial support for her parents to cope with the stress, he said.
The couple have not worked since the young girl disappeared in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in May, just before her fourth
Mitchell said once they were made official suspects in the case, they stopped using the fund for mortgage repayments.
It was a mutual decision with the fund, after they conceded they would not be entitled to the money, he said.
Mitchell confirmed that because of their financial predicament, Gerry McCann, 39, will return to work as a consultant
cardiologist at Glenfield Hospital in Leicester on Thursday.
It remains unclear what his wife, also 39, will do after reports said she was unlikely return to work as a locum GP.
"Gerry is about to go back to work quite soon and his financial position will improve on a personal level and hopefully
they won't need to ask the fund for any further assistance in future," Mitchell told Sky News.
"But I do hope that people who have contributed to it do understand that their monies are being channelled towards finding
Madeleine in every form and part of that is to help the family cope in this time of stress.
"How would you feel, losing your child and then potentially losing your house on top of that?"
The six-month anniversary since Madeleine went missing falls on Saturday and Mitchell said the couple would be attending
a church service in their home town.
"It will be a quiet day, quite low key with a number of religious services," he said. "As Gerry often says to me: it
is just another day without Madeleine."
With thanks
to Nigel at
McCann Files