The focus of the Leveson Inquiry turns to former and current editors from the Sun, Telegraph, Mail,
Indy, FT and Express.
Leveson inquiry: Dominic Mohan and Kelvin
MacKenzie to appear next week, 05 January 2012
Leveson inquiry: Dominic Mohan and Kelvin MacKenzie to appear
next week The Guardian
Lord Justice Leveson will focus on former and current editors from the Sun, Telegraph, Mail, Indy, FT and Express
Lisa O'Carroll Thursday 5 January 2012 18.21 GMT
- Extract
Thursday is Northern & Shell day with proprietor Richard Desmond and his editorial director Paul Ashford
lined up alongside Daily Express editor Hugh Whittow and the paper's former editor Peter Hill.
Hill will be
quizzed on allegations from a former Daily Express reporter that he was to blame for the slew of false stories about Madeleine
McCann. Express Newspapers paid out £550,000 in 2008 to the McCanns for libellous coverage in its four titles, including
the Daily Express.
Last month the inquiry was told that Hill was "obsessed" with the McCann story and
put it on its front page repeatedly just to sell newspapers. Leveson put it to reporters that the stories were "piffle"
and "tittle tattle".
Leveson Inquiry: live, 09 January 2012
Leveson Inquiry: live Guardian News Blog
Full coverage as present and former Sun executives give evidence to the inquiry
into phone hacking and media standards

Posted by Josh Halliday, Lisa
O'Carroll and Jason Deans Monday 9 January 2012
- Extract -
12.35pm: Sun picture editor John Edwards has now taken the stand.
He joined
the Sun in 1992 and became picture editor in 2000.
Edwards is asked about press intrusion alleged by Kate and Gerry McCann.
"I'm a dad of a little girl who
was seven at the time," he says. "I felt tremendous sympathy with the McCanns … Looking back on it now I
don't think it was right that Mrs McCann had to drive through that crown of photgraphers and TV cameras."
He is referring to the ambush of paparazzi that greeted the McCanns on their arrival back in Leicestershire shortly after
Madeleine disappeared.
"We got it spot on in Portugal," he says, "but we may not have been so good
when it came back to Leicestershire, no."
He suggests in any other such case the number of TV cameras and
photographers allowed to attend events should be limited.
Edwards has finished his evidence and the inquiry has broken for lunch. The hearing will resume at 2.15pm.
Transcript of Morning Hearing Leveson Inquiry
Monday, 9 January 2012
- Extract -
Q. Okay. Then you deal with Dr McCann. I note the time.
8 I only
have another five minutes or so.
9 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: All right, carry on.
MR JAY: That should finish it.
11 This is towards
the bottom of page 53352. You tell
12 us what happened here, Mr Edwards. You
did photograph
13 the McCanns on their return from Portugal. Photographs
14 were provided by the Press Association after their
arrival at the airport, and you did continue to cover
16 the story in the days
that followed, and the Sun was
17 part of the press and TV crews who were stationed
18 public land at the exit to the housing development where
they lived. Then you say:
20 "From this
vantage point, our photographer took
21 pictures of them leaving and arriving
home by car."
22 Have you seen photographs where
there are also
23 children in the car?
24 A. I
25 Q. Are you aware of the McCanns' evidence to this Inquiry
1 that distress was caused to the children, not
necessarily by Sun photographers, but at least by --
3 A. I've read that evidence, yes.
4 Q. Did you have any comment to make about that?
5 A. I do. You know,
I'm a dad of a little girl -- when I
6 say a little girl, not so little
now, but she would have
7 been seven at the time, and, you know, I felt tremendous
8 sympathy with the McCanns and their situation. You
know, looking back on it now, I don't think it was right
10 that Mrs McCann
had to drive through that crowd of
11 photographers and TV crews, no. I'd
like to talk to you
12 quickly about -- when they were in Portugal, the
13 relationship the Sun had with them in Portugal was
excellent. My photographer, Lee Thompson, got on very
15 well with them. We'd
often arrange picture -- times to
16 take pictures. If we met them in the morning,
we would
17 leave them alone for the rest of the day, for example.
18 Sometimes Lee would shoot the picture as the only
photographer and supply the other papers. And
20 looking -- please God this
never happens again, but I do
21 think that if it -- if something similar does
22 again, I think we have to maybe limit the amount of
photographers to maybe one photographer and one TV crew
24 to cover it for
25 Q. I think from that answer you accept that certainly the
1 quantity of photographers and television cameras created
2 an oppressive atmosphere?
3 A. If I were going through
that, I wouldn't be happy, no.
4 With children in the car, of course not.
5 Q. Was that assessment made at the time, though?
6 A. Probably not,
no. I mean, as I say, I've thought about
7 it a lot this last weekend,
knowing I was coming here
8 today, and we got it spot on in Portugal, in my
9 but we may have not got it -- we may not have been so
good when it came back to Leicestershire, no.
11 Q. Okay. Thank you for that, and we can read
the rest of
12 your evidence there and indeed in relation to JK Rowling
13 and Charlotte Church.
Witness Statement of John
Edwards Leveson Inquiry
09 January 2012
- Extract -
(b) Kate McCann
Did your newspaper instruct any photographer, employed or otherwise, to follow or take photos of Kate McCann on her
return from Portugal in September 2007? Did your newspaper publish any photos of Kate McCann taken in this period? If so,
did the picture editor inquire into the context in which the photos were taken? If so, what in your view justified the publication
of these photos?
The Sun has never employed any photographer to follow Kate McCann but we did photograph
her and family on their return from Portugal. On one occasion pictures were provided by the Press Association after their
arrival at East Midlands airport. This was arranged on a pool basis. We did continue to cover this story in the days to follow.
We were part of the press and TV crews who were stationed on public land at the exit to the housing development where they
live. From this vantage point our photographer took pictures of them leaving and arriving home by car. We did not follow them
at any time. On one occasion we took photographs of Mr and Mrs McCann walking to and from church, but we were already there
and photographed them as they approached. I believe that in the early days after Madeleine's disappearance, they were
prepared to be photographed without pixilation of their children's faces. However. as the story unfolded and media attention
increased, the family's media representative requested that their children's faces should be pixelated and this was
respected. At that time, no complaint about our behaviour was made, and we believed that continued publicity of this terrible
story was paramount in the search for Madeleine. Had we been aware that our behaviour was causing the McCanns concerns, we
would have acted upon them. I believe that The Sun has had a positive relationship with the McCanns since the very beginning
of the search for their daughter. For example, I helped design, print and distribute about 2,000 missing posters of Madeleine
with full co-operation from the family, especially Mr McCann's sister who had asked for our help directly (see Exhibit
"JE1"). In May of this year The Sun serialised the McCann's book, running extracts every day for a week; and
to promote the book Mrs McCann agreed to be photographed and interviewed by The Sun, and appear in a video that has been posted
on the title's website.
Leveson inquiry: Sun picture editor regrets
McCann media scrum, 09 January 2012
Leveson inquiry: Sun picture editor regrets McCann media
scrum The Guardian
John Edwards says he feels sympathy for toddler's parents over press
mob they faced when they returned home from Portugal
Lisa O'Carroll Monday 9 January
2012 15.02 GMT

The picture editor of the Sun has expressed regret about the media
scrum that awaited Madeleine McCann's parents when they returned home shortly after the disappearance of their daughter
in Portugal.
John Edwards told the Leveson inquiry the paper had got it right when it covered the story when the
child when missing from a holiday apartment in Portugal.
But he said the treatment of Kate and Gerry McCann by
the media when they returned to the UK with their other two children was not right.
"Looking back on it now,
I don't think it was right that Kate McCann had to drive with the kids through those photographers and TV crews,"
he said, admitting that his daughter was seven at the time and he felt "tremendous sympathy" for the McCanns.
Last year the inquiry heard first hand from Kate McCann how the family had been besieged by photographers camped outside
her home and following her as she drove the children about.
"Often they [the photographer] would spring out
from a hedge so they could get a startled look so they could attach 'frail' or 'fragile' [to the caption or
headline]," she said. She added that her daughter Amelie, who was two at the time, told her she was "scared"
by the photographers.
Edwards said if a story like this were to happen again there should be new rules banning
mobs of press and photographers.
"Please God this does not happen again, but if it does I think we have to
limit the number of photographers to one photographer and one TV crew. If my wife faced that crowd, I would not have been
happy – with the children in the car," he told Leveson.
"We got it spot on in Portugal, but we
may have not have been so good when it came back to Leicestershire, no."
Edwards defended his paper's
decision to send a photographer to the home of the mother of Hugh Grant's baby, Tinglan Hong.
Last year Grant
won a court injunction against photographers harassing the mother of his child after she gave birth in early November.
However, he also revealed that the paper had decided not to publish photographs of a heavily pregnant Lily Allen.
The Allen photographs were taken in a public place, but the paper decided not to go ahead with them after a phone
call to her agent established that she did not want them published. Edwards said: "It is a difficult line we walk sometimes."
He also revealed that the paper now has a strict policy of not publishing any pictures of Sienna Miller unless they
are taken at a photocall or film premiere.
He said the new guidelines apply to those who have "previous experience
of extreme paparazzi harassment or involvement in privacy litigation".
Eight people held over payments inquiry,
10 February 2012
Eight people held over payments inquiry BBC News

11 February 2012 Last updated
at 16:50
Five Sun employees are among eight people arrested over alleged corrupt payments to police
and public servants.
A Surrey Police officer, a member of the armed forces and a Ministry of Defence employee
were also arrested.
The BBC understands picture editor John Edwards, chief reporter John Kay, chief foreign correspondent
Nick Parker, reporter John Sturgis and associate editor Geoff Webster were arrested.
News International told staff
Rupert Murdoch was committed to the paper.
The arrests are part of the Operation Elveden probe into payments to
But the latest arrests mark a widening out of the operation to include the investigation of evidence in
relation to suspected corruption involving public officials who are not police officers.
News International chief
executive Tom Mockridge issued a memo to Sun staff, which said: "The Sun has a proud history of delivering ground-breaking
"You should know that I have had a personal assurance today from Rupert Murdoch about his total
commitment to continue to own and publish The Sun newspaper."
He also told staff that "today we are facing
our greatest challenge" following the arrests of five of its staff, which was "difficult for everyone on The Sun
and particularly for those of you who work closely with those involved".
BBC News correspondent Joe Lynam
said Sun employees he had spoken to were concerned there was something of a "witch-hunt".
Sun editor
Dominic Mohan said: "I'm as shocked as anyone by today's arrests but am determined to lead the Sun through these
difficult times.
"I have a brilliant staff and we have a duty to serve our readers and will continue to do
that. Our focus is on putting out Monday's newspaper."
'Total support'
News Corporation confirmed five employees of the Sun were arrested.
Five men aged between 45 and 68 were arrested
at their homes in London, Kent and Essex on suspicion of corruption, aiding and abetting misconduct in a public office, and
conspiracy in relation to both offences.
A 39-year-old serving Surrey Police officer, a 39-year-old Ministry of
Defence employee and a 36-year-old member of the armed forces were also arrested at their homes on suspicion of corruption,
misconduct in a public office and conspiracy in relation to both. Two were arrested in Wiltshire and one in Surrey.

Those arrested are being questioned at police stations in London,
Kent, Essex and Wiltshire, police said.
The homes of those arrested were being searched and officers were also
carrying out searches at the offices of News International in Wapping, east London.
News Corp said its Management
and Standards Committee (MSC) had provided information to the Elveden inquiry which led to the arrests.
The company
said in a statement: "News Corporation remains committed to ensuring that unacceptable news-gathering practices by individuals
in the past will not be repeated and last summer authorised the MSC to co-operate with the relevant authorities.
"The MSC will continue to ensure that all appropriate steps are taken to protect legitimate journalistic privilege
and sources, private or personal information and legal privilege.
"News Corporation maintains its total support
to the ongoing work of the MSC and is committed to making certain that legitimate journalism is vigorously pursued in both
the public interest and in full compliance with the law."
'Robust' response
A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman said: "We do not comment on ongoing investigations."
A Surrey Police
spokesman said on learning about the involvement of one of its officers it had immediately referred the matter to the IPCC.
Assistant Chief Constable Jerry Kirkby said: "The force takes matters of this nature extremely seriously and
we will not hesitate to respond robustly to allegations where there is evidence to support them."
Glass, IPCC deputy chairman, said: "Today's arrests are further evidence of the strenuous efforts being undertaken
to identify police officers who may have taken corrupt payments."
The Surrey Police officer arrest is not connected to the Milly Dowler
Last week the Independent Police Complaints Commission cleared another Surrey police officer of
leaking information to the press about the Dowler investigation.
BBC home affairs correspondent Danny Shaw said
the information on which police appear to be making arrests is based on a database of 300 million emails dating back at least
seven years.
Low morale
Media commentator Roy Greenslade told the BBC he was "shocked"
by the arrests of the Sun journalists.
Asked whether the Sun was heading towards being closed down, as the News
of the World had been, he said: "There are reports that Rupert Murdoch is flying in to quell suggestions of closure.
"You must realise that the Sun has a very large staff and none of the production journalists are affected by
this, so there's no question of it not coming out.
"As for closure, I think that may be on the cards at
some stage in the future but right now, clearly, it isn't."
Media consultant and former deputy editor
of the now-defunct News of the World, Paul Connew, told the BBC that morale at the Sun would be "rock bottom".
Mr Connew said he was intrigued to see where the line would be drawn between whistleblowers who provide information
for public interest purposes and those whom the establishment disliked.
He said: "If you have a police force
or military or officials in the civil service who are so terrified to have contacts with journalists, that will not serve
the public interest."
News Corporation is the parent company of News International which owns the Sun and
the Times.
Last month, four former and current Sun journalists and a Metropolitan Police officer were arrested
as part of the inquiry and released on bail.
The arrested journalists were former deputy editor Fergus Shanahan,
former managing editor Graham Dudman, crime editor Mike Sullivan and head of news Chris Pharo, the BBC understands.
The remit of Operation Elveden has widened to include the investigation of evidence uncovered in relation to suspected corruption
involving public officials who are not police officers.
Operation Elveden is being overseen by the IPCC, running
alongside the Metropolitan Police's Operation Weeting inquiry into phone hacking at the now-closed News of the World.
More than 20 arrests have so far been made as part of Operation Elveden.
Leveson Inquiry: live, 11 January

Leveson inquiry: Paul Silva |
Posted by Josh Halliday, Jason
Deans and Lisa O'Carroll Wednesday 11 January 2012
- Extract -
10.07am: Paul Silva, the picture editor of the Daily Mail, appears to be the first
surprise witness of the day.
The Guardian's Lisa O'Carroll has just tweeted: Unexpected witness up first. Paul silva the veteran picture editor at the daily mail. (...)
11.25am: Silva is questioned about Kate and Gerry McCann.
11.28am: Silva says that most pictures used of the McCanns were from outside
agencies, rather than Daily Mail photographers.
He adds all of the photographs used would have been approved by
the McCanns' press officer, Clarence Mitchell.
He admits the paper used unblurred pictures of the McCanns'
children. "This was a unique situation … where we'd been allowed to stand in a certain position … and
take pictures of the children," he says.
Silva says he understands the point that using the pictures was against
the Mail's general policy.
Jays asks whether he should not have used the pictures.
"In hindsight,
possibly … but there was no objection raised at the time," he adds.
Silva is being asked why the paper's normal policy on pictures of children did not apply to the McCanns.
was the most intense story I've ever worked on," he says. "One of the most difficult I've ever had to work
11.31am: Asked if he has any recommendations, he says
the PCC and NPA should get involved were there another situation like the McCanns.
"If you take the McCann
situation, if we are unfortuately in that situation again, an organisation like the PCC should be stepping in."
He suggests a PCC training scheme for freelance photographers "where they're aware of their responsibilities".
11.33am: Silva has now finished giving evidence and the inquiry is taking
a short break.
Transcript of Morning Hearing Leveson Inquiry
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
- Extract -
Q. In paragraph 42, to be fair to you, you rejected
3 photographs provided
to you by an agency of Hugh Grant
4 going to the hospital to visit the newborn
5 A. Mm-hm.
6 Q. And you also say no UK newspaper has used
7 photographs.
Can I deal now with the McCanns, please. If I can
9 taking this quite shortly.
In Portugal there was one of
10 your photographers out there and that photographer
11 photographs really on a consensual basis; is that the
13 A. Yes. I believe that's true.
14 Q. When they
came home, which was in or probably I think
15 before September 2007, there
were photographs taken by
16 agencies. You tell us in paragraph 46 what's
17 more recently, but in this period, 2007, late 2007, were
18 any of your photographers outside or near to their home?
A. Not that I can recall. Over the last two days I've been
20 going
through the picture library to refresh my memory
21 on this to see what has
actually been used and most of
22 the pictures were done by agencies like Reuters,
23 PA, and the local agencies like News Team that are based
24 in Birmingham, that I can recall.
25 Q. You said to
the best of your knowledge these photographs
1 were taken with the approval of the McCanns' press
2 officer. Are you saying that you asked your
paragraph 12 questions and got that answer?
4 A. No, I think what was done when they came back,
5 photographers were allowed to stand in one position near
the home. I couldn't say exactly where it was. And
7 they were allowed
to stand there and take picture from
8 there and I believe that was all set
up with the
9 co-operation of the family and the press officer that
10 they had appointed at that time.
11 Q. Did you take
any photographs or rather did these
12 agencies take any photographs of the
McCanns' children
13 which you used?
14 A.
Over that period of time, pictures did come in of the
15 McCanns as they were
leaving home with their children.
16 They certainly were taken, yes.
17 Q. What did you do with those photographs?
18 A. Those photographs were
used in our papers, along with
19 other papers.
20 Q.
I am not interested really with what other papers were
21 doing, but couldn't
it be said that such photographs
22 were used in breach of your principles,
since they were
23 out with their family, paragraph 17 of your statement?
24 A. Well, this was a unique situation. This was a unique
news story where we'd been allowed to stand there by the
1 family. We had photographed the children with the
parents' approval in Portugal. Up to that point,
3 I don't recall any
objection from the family about using
4 pictures of the other two children.
5 Q. I appreciate that on one level this was a uniquely
interesting story, but on another level it engaged all
7 the principles, the
general principle you've told us
8 about earlier.
A. I appreciate -- I understand that.
10 Q. It could be said, could it not, that photographs
of the
11 parents, in particular out with their family, out with
the children, those photographs should immediately have
13 entered the bin,
shouldn't they? Do you agree with that
14 or not?
A. In hindsight, possibly, but as I said, at the time -- as
16 I said,
it's all as it was at the time -- we had
17 photographed the family with
their children, there was
18 no objection raised at the time, and on that basis
19 were happy to continue using them.
20 Q.
I'm just concerned by your policy that it's the absence
21 of objection
which matters, because there are many
22 reasons why people don't object,
one of which is that
23 they just get fed up with it and move on. I'm looking
24 here --
25 A. Well, if the press officer or the
family had contacted
1 us and said, "Look, as of now we don't want our children
2 photographed or used in the paper", we would adhere to
that. There's no way we would ignore that.
4 Q. But the general rule under the code is that
5 of children aren't taken, or rather should not be used,
6 isn't that right?
7 A. That's correct.
8 Q. I just wonder what it is that usurps (a) the general
rule in the code, and (b) your policy that people out
10 with their family
are not properly the subject of
11 photographs. Apart from the fact that this
was seen to
12 be a unique story?
13 A. Well,
it was a unique story. It was the most intense
14 story I've ever worked
on. It was one of the most
15 difficult we've ever had to deal with, you
16 Q. In the Mail Online, again it's not you, we can see
a photograph of Dr Kate McCann with her two children,
18 unpixelated. The date
is 17 September 2007. Do you
19 want to have a look at that one?
A. Yes, please, yes.
21 Q. It's right that she's looking at the camera, but she's
22 obviously in her car, yes. But we can see her two
children. We can draw our own conclusions from her
24 expression. There are
other photographs which are
25 pixelated, it's fair to say.
1 A. I think that particular picture, I do recall it, it was
put in by one of the agencies. It was by one of the big
3 national agencies,
4 Q. It was put in. It wasn't put in --
5 A. It was taken
and submitted to us, yes.
There's one other picture I've seen which has been
8 pixelated.
9 A. Mm-hm.
10 Q. Of course, whatever the digital photograph, however
11 comes to you from the agency, you have the ability,
whether it's online or on the print edition, to pixelate
13 it, don't
14 A. Oh yes, we do, yes, yes.
15 Q. Going forward, Mr Silva,
you have a lot of experience.
16 Are there any suggestions or recommendations
you feel
17 you could make to the Inquiry as to how we might go
19 A. Well, with regards to if you take the McCanns'
situation, if we ever -- unfortunately we're in the same
21 situation again,
I think an organisation like the PCC or
22 the MPA should be stepping in when
they were back in
23 England to control the number of photographers or
24 cameramen or reporters that were outside their home.
They should be controlling that, so it could be done in
1 a much more orderly and better managed way.
Moving on to the paparazzi, maybe there is a time
3 that these photographers
should be going to some sort of
4 PCC training schemes where they're aware
of their
5 responsibilities, aware of the guides, aware of the
problems, get them properly trained and also properly
7 accredited as well.
I think that's something we should
8 do.
I was wondering whether our questions, as
10 a template -- they can be improved
on, I accept --
11 whether that should now be issued to agencies and they
12 should be answering these questions when they submit
their photographs.
14 Q. Just wait a minute, please.
15 A. Okay.
16 MR JAY: There may be further questions from others, but
I've detained you for some considerable time. Those are
18 all the questions
I have, Mr Silva.
19 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: I'm just noting that last answer.
A. Thank you.
21 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: Ultimately I suppose it's right that
22 your paper is responsible for a photograph that appears
in it, however it was taken. So if it was taken in
24 breach of the rules,
then that's down to you, even
25 though you didn't know about it?
1 A. Correct, yeah.
some penalty attached
3 to that, it's quite important your organisation
4 some comeback from those who have misled you about the
photograph, and that's really what you're talking about.
6 A. Basically yes, basically
7 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: All right. Thank you. Thank you
very much.
9 A. Thank you very much.
a convenient moment.
11 MR JAY: Yes. The time the statement of Mr Silva was put on
the system was 10.46 pm on 9 January.
MR JAY: So it wasn't yesterday evening, it was the 9th.
but those who are concerned with
16 his evidence are entitled to be concerned
in the same
17 way that some representatives of the press were
concerned when other statements were late. It's
19 important that everybody
has the chance to read these
20 statements.
21 MR JAY:
I appreciate that.
22 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: And consider them, and we'll have to
23 do what is necessary, if it is necessary.
24 MR JAY:
Thank you.
25 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: Thank you. We'll have seven minutes.
1 (11.33 am)
(A short break)
Witness Statement of Paul Silva Leveson Inquiry
Wednesday 11 January 2012
No witness statement yet available,
as of 12 January 2012, 10:00am
Photograph of Kate McCann and the twins, referenced in Paul
Silva's testimony Daily Mail

Kate with twins Sean and Amelie last week |
Leveson Inquiry: live, 12 January 2012
Leveson Inquiry: live Guardian News Blog
Full coverage as the Daily Express owner, Express editor and Sunday Express editor appear
at the media standards inquiry
By Josh Halliday, Jason Deans and Lisa O'Carroll Thursday 12 January 2012
- Extract -
9.47am: Welcome
to the Leveson inquiry liveblog.
The fourth day of the week devoted to the press focuses on Richard Desmond's
newspaper empire, Northern & Shell.
Desmond, proprietor of the Daily Express, Daily Star and OK! magazine,
will be the star witness of the day and is expected to be heard this afternoon.
Desmond and his executives and
editors are likely to face questions on editorial interference by owners, the decision to quit the PCC, and the £550,000
libel payout to the parents of Madeleine McCann.
Although they will not necessarily appear in this order, the full
line-up today is:
Dawn Neesom, editor of the Daily Star Hugh Whitlow, editor
of the Daily Express Peter Hill, former editor of the Daily Express Paul Ashford,
editorial director of Northern & Shell Robert Sanderson, finance director of Northern & Shell Nicole Patterson, head of legal at Express Newspapers Richard Desmond, founder and
owner of Northern & Shell
10.10am: Nicole Patterson, head of
legal at Express Newspapers, is the first witness of the day.
Robert Jay QC, counsel to the inquiry, confirms that
Richard Desmond will be the final witness.

Leveson inquiry: Nicole Patterson |
Robert Jay QC begins to ask Patterson about the Express's Madeleine McCann stories, which resulted in
legal action.
However, he says he cannot ask Patterson about her advice on the McCann stories because it is covered
by legal privilege.
10.49am: Patterson has now finished giving evidence.
Transcript Leveson Inquiry
Thursday 12 January 2012
- Extract -
24 Q.
No. And then NP5, again, Ms Patterson, in a nutshell
25 what is this?
1 A. This is just an explanation of some of those things that
we did find. We asked them to have a look at certain
3 names that were
perhaps of interest, so you can see at
4 1693 there's a mark A, which says:
5 "Natasha Murat."
That's a day rate, so £240 would have been a day
7 rate. I
don't know what that really means.
8 But the accounts
department then prepared this --
9 the managing editor's office actually
prepared this
10 sheet for me:
"Search for possible connection to Robert Murat."
What type of search that would have been I really
13 can't tell you.
A computer search? I just -- I don't
14 know.
13 Q. Thank you. And finally this question: did you advise in
relation to any of the McCann stories?
15 A. Yes, I did.
16 Q. Which,
of course, culminated in legal action?
17 A. Yes, it did.
18 Q.
I'm not going to ask you about that. The focus has been
19 on a number
of stories between September 2007 and
20 January 2008, as you know.
21 A. Yes.
22 Q. Did you advise in relation to all or just some of those
23 stories?
24 A. If I was on duty at the time, I
would have advised as
25 and when.
1 MR JAY: I can't ask you, I think, what you did advise --
A. No.
3 MR JAY: -- unless privilege is waived, and you're not the
person who could waive privilege. I don't think I can
5 press that
question further.
6 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: Thank you. Could I just ask
a slightly different question -- sorry, Mr Jay, have you
8 concluded?
9 MR JAY: Yes, I have, sir.
Witness Statement of Nicole Patterson Leveson Inquiry
Nothing of relevance to Madeleine McCann case
PDF Downloads:

Transcript of Morning Hearing (pdf, 184KB)
click here to download file

Witness Statement of Nicole Patterson (pdf, 591KB)
click here to download file
Leveson Inquiry: live, 12 January 2012
Leveson Inquiry: live Guardian News Blog
By Josh Halliday, Jason Deans and Lisa O'Carroll Thursday 12 January
- Extract -
10.49am: Dawn Neesom,
editor of the Daily Star, takes the stand.

Leveson inquiry: Dawn Neesom |
12.08pm: Neesom
is asked about the Daily Star's coverage of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
She confirms that she was
involved in some of the stories but "not necessarily all".
Asked how the libellous stories ever saw the
light of day, Neesom says: "The source of the stories was entirely coming from Portugal … and we were being fed
stories by the Portuguese police and press."
"It was a risk and to this day I regret what happened in
the McCann case and all I can do is repeat the apology on page 1 for the hurt and distress we caused them."
12.10pm: Jay describes the McCann stories as "extremely wounding and damaging",
and asks Neesom about her thought process.
"With hindsight, I honestly don't recall what my thought process
was. It was huge story, which everyone was talking about at the time," she says, adding that she thought the stories
were coming from a reliable source.
"It was a huge huge story and mistake were made, for which I am truly
sorry," she says.
Transcript Leveson Inquiry
Thursday 12 January 2012
- Extract -
Q. Did you have any involvement with stories about the
24 McCanns?
25 A. Yes, I did.
1 Q. Did any of those stories result in litigation?
2 A.
3 Q. Against your paper?
4 A. Yes.
Q. And were those stories of similar character to the
6 stories we've
seen in the context of the Express, your
7 sister paper?
A. Yes.
9 Q. And did you have any involvement in those stories, in
particular headlines?
11 A. I would have done, yes.
12 Q. You would
have or -- don't use the conditional. You
13 either did or you didn't?
14 A. It depends on what headline we're talking about on what
16 Q. So some of them -- I think your answer is you were
involved in some but not necessarily all?
18 A. Not necessarily all, no.
Q. Right. How did it come about that such defamatory and
20 distressing
stories ever found the light of day in your
21 paper?
A. From memory, we were -- the source of the stories was
23 entirely
coming from Portugal. We had one reporter out
24 in Portugal covering
the story and we were being fed
25 stories by the Portuguese police and press.
1 Q. You were being fed them, but that suggests that it was
almost an automatic response that you would include them
3 in your paper?
4 A. Yeah. The source of the stories was the Portuguese
police and press.
6 Q. But is this right, that because of the nature of the
information, that it was really leaks from the
8 Portuguese police, that your
sources couldn't really be
9 checked, could they?
A. It was very hard to check sources, yes.
11 Q. So you were running a huge risk, weren't
you, in
12 publishing these stories?
13 A. Yes,
there was a risk, yes.
14 Q. A risk or huge risk?
15 A. It was a
risk, and, you know, to this day I regret --
16 I regret what happened in the
McCann case, and I can
17 only repeat the apology we published on page 1, very
18 happily published on page 1, to the McCanns for the hurt
and the distress we caused them.
20 Q. Of course we understand that, Ms Neesom. It's
just the
21 thought process at the time, that it must have been
obvious to you that not merely was there a huge
23 litigation risk, which you
called it wrong, but also
24 that the stories were extremely wounding and damaging
25 A. Yes, and I --
1 Q. -- in that not merely had the McCanns physically lost
their daughter, she had disappeared, but the accusation
3 was they were responsible
for that. What was your
4 thought process, if any, as to the ramifications
5 publishing such stories?
6 A. With hindsight,
I -- as I say, I am deeply sorry for the
7 upset we caused. At the time,
I honestly don't recall
8 what my thought process was. It was a story
that was
9 a huge story, it was the only story everybody was
talking about whenever you went, and the interest was
11 huge. And the
stories we were getting were coming from
12 what I thought at the time was
a reliable source, ie
13 a police force.
14 Q.
But wasn't the guiding factor then this: that the story
15 was of huge
interest to your readers --
16 A. To everybody.
17 Q. You knew that.
The story would have the possibility, at
18 least, of increasing your sales,
and therefore,
19 regardless of its truth, you were going to run it.
20 that not fair?
21 A. I'm not sure that
it did increase sales. I can't
22 remember the sales figures.
We ran the story because it
23 was huge, it was the only story of the day.
Nobody else
24 was talking about anything else wherever you went. You
25 went to the supermarket, people talked about it. It was
1 a huge, huge story, and mistakes were made, for which
I am truly sorry.
3 Q. It's the size of the story which is the predominant
consideration and also the impact it will have; is that
5 fair?
A. Yes. Obviously big stories are big stories, yes.
7 Q. Thank you.
Witness Statement of Dawn Neesom Leveson Inquiry
Nothing of relevance to Madeleine McCann case
PDF Downloads:

Transcript of Morning Hearing (pdf, 184KB)
click here to download file

Witness Statement of Dawn Neesom (pdf, 429KB)
click here to download file
Neesom expresses regret over Star's McCann
coverage, 12 January 2012
Neesom expresses regret over Star's McCann coverage Press Gazette

Dawn Neesom |
Mediapoint 12 January 2012
Daily Star editor Dawn Neesom has expressed regret for her
paper's reporting of Madeleine McCann's disappearance in Portugal in May 2007.
The missing girl's parents,
Kate and Gerry McCann, took legal action against Express Newspapers and in March 2008 received £550,000 in damages paid
to their fund to find their daughter and front-page apologies in the Star and Express titles.
"To this date
I regret what happened in the McCann case, and I can only repeat the apology which we very happily published on page one to
the McCanns for the hurt and distress we caused them," said Neesom.
"I am not sure that it did increase
sales. I can't remember the sales figures. We ran the story because it was huge, it was the only story of the day."
The Daily Star was one of eight newspapers sued by Christopher Jefferies over stories published after he was wrongly
arrested for the murder of Joanna Yeates, the inquiry heard.
Neesom said she had words with the journalists, news
editor and duty editor involved after her paper settled the libel action and published an apology.
"They weren't
cuddly [discussions[. I was annoyed. It shouldn't happen," she told the inquiry.
Asked about a front-page
story headlined "Muslim thugs, age just 12, in knife attack on Brit schoolboy", which the counsel to the inquiry,
Robert Jay QC, Jay said in fact related to a threat on Facebook rather than a physical assault, Neesom said: "We are
not biased against Muslims. This is one story that I am frustratingly not aware of.
"I don't remember
writing this headline, so it's an issue I will address when I get back to the office."
Neesom also rejected
suggestions that a February 2011 story headlined "English Defence League to become a political party" was "entirely
It was based on a source connected to the group and reflected concerns about the possible move,
she said, adding: "We are a Jewish-owned company, we were worried by this development, and we still are."
Stories are 'accurate and true'
She told the inquiry that entertaining the readers "doesn't
necessarily mean you can just make a story up".
Former Daily Star journalist Richard Peppiatt has claimed
previously that the newspaper shaped stories to fit its "ideological perspective" and that quotes and details of
articles were regularly made up.
But Neesom insisted that stories had to be "accurate and true".
Asked whether the tabloid resorted to spinning them to make them more entertaining, she said: "I think the Daily Star
has a certain style of writing that appeals to its readers and stories are written in a way that appeals to the readers."
Peppiatt also accused the paper of having an "obsession" with glamour model Katie Price, the inquiry heard,
but Neesom denied that stories about her had been "embroidered".
She said: "I've known Katie
since she was 17 years old and believe me, Katie doesn't need help in embroidering her life, she does that quite well
The tabloid always employed journalists who value accuracy "above all else", she added.
It had come as a surprise to her that the paper used search agencies, Neesom told the hearing, adding: "I wish
I had known."
She stressed that the paper always took note of privacy, adding: "It gets expensive if
you don't."
Dawn Neesom at the Leveson inquiry: an editor
trapped in the headlights, 12 January 2012
Dawn Neesom at the Leveson inquiry: an editor trapped
in the headlights The Guardian
Richard Peppiatt, who worked for the Daily Star, says its editor was subjected to a masterfully forensic filleting
Richard Peppiatt Thursday 12
January 2012 19.06 GMT

Watching her Sun rival Dominic Mohan's light basting at Leveson
on Monday Daily Star editor Dawn Neesom must have strode into the Royal Courts of Justice filled with clicking-heeled confidence.
Yet, unfortunately for her (if less so for us observers) Thursday was the day Robert Jay QC, the inquiry counsel,
discovered he'd been driving with the handbrake on. My former editor looked truly trapped in the headlights as she was
exposed to a masterfully forensic filleting.
Her defence of the inflammatory splash "English defence league
to become political party", that Northern & Shell – as a "Jewish company" – feared their growing
influence was clearly panic usurping planning. Set aside the flawed logic of giving acres of publicity to a group you claim
to reject, I doubt Richard Desmond would have desired she frame the socio-political persuasion of the company's titles
in such overtly religious terms.
The theological undercurrent continued; when Jay asked Neesom whether someone
could be both British and Muslim ("Of course they can", she pattered, incredulously), past Leveson inquiry proceedings
offered little suggestion that examples of excruciating Daily Star juxtaposition ("Muslim thugs aged just 12 in knife
attack on Brit schoolboy") would then be thrust aloft, betraying a worldview suggesting otherwise. Seizing the buck that
seems to dangle so temptingly above the heads of Leveson witnesses, we were told that as the hands-on editor of a small editorial
team this could in no way be her handiwork.
Amid the fluttered eyelashes and nervous laughs, Neesom's evidence
at times bore comparison with fellow hackette Sharon "top spin" Marshall. A computer mock-up of a burning aeroplane
beneath the splash headline "Terror as plane hits ash cloud" was not "untrue", as suggested by Jay, it
was "dramatic" or "eye-catching", until, finally, with Jay's eyebrows showing no sign of returning
earthward, an "over-egged pudding".
Sadly, this creep toward openness was short lived. "We do have
a balanced agenda", Neesom insisted. She used the death of three Muslim brothers in Birmingham during last summer's
riots ("Heroes" bellowed the headline) as an example of the paper's unheralded egalitarianism. Memo to Neesom:
Nowhere in the article is there a mention the men were Muslims. A subbing error, no doubt.
After all, this was
a newsroom without whistleblowing channels, without staff appraisals. Having a relatively small editorial team was not a hindrance,
but "focused the mind" on accuracy. The words slapped off the desk before her like a rain-soaked copy of the Daily
Star, "Britain's most successful newspaper", lest we forget.
Richard Peppiatt is a former Daily
Star reporter who quit in March 2011 over what he said was the paper's anti-Muslim bias. He gave evidence to
the Leveson inquiry in November
From the archives...
Cops probe Muslim attack on McCanns,
28 April 2008
Cops probe Muslim attack on McCanns Daily
Star (No online link, appeared in paper edition only)
EXCLUSIVE by Jerry Lawton 28/04/2008
Vile slurs on Maddie parents
POLICE are set to investigate a vile attack on Madeleine McCann's parents by Muslim extremists.
In a hysterical rant on an internet website fanatics blame the couple for her disappearance.
They also call on
Catholics Kate, 40 and Gerry, 39 to "embrace islam".
The tirade comes as the McCanns prepare to mark
the first anniversary of Maddie's disappearance in Protugal last May.
Last night a close family pal called
on police to probe the rant. He said: "Statements like this are clearly designed to whip up hatred and should be an issue
for the police."
Tory MP Patrick Mercer added: "I am appalled that this poor family should be attacked
in such a sickening manner." Fanatical cleric Abu Waleed is believed to be behind the rant.
The website features
footage of him speaking at the London School of Shariah, which provides a platform for firebrand Muslim preachers.
The Brit-born radical is already facing a police probe for allegedly inciting racial hatred. He claimed one in eight muslims
would be proud to related to a terrorist.
He was also videoed making sick jibes about the London 7/7 bombings,
and instructed Islamic students on how to cheat taxpayers.
On the website an un-named blogger wrote: "The
recent so called 'disappearance' of Madeleine McCann is nothing more than another fruit of British values at their
"So called moral values which we, the Muslim community, are rather sick of hearing." It added:
"Kate and Gerry McCann really should question so called Western values and embrace Islam - as should the rest of the
British public."
Last night a spokesman for the London School of Shariah said: "Mr Abu Waleed is not
available to speak to you on any of these matters."
Muslim Maddie, 03 November 2009
Muslim Maddie Daily Star

'Is Maddie a Muslim?' |
By Jerry Lawton 3rd November 2009
BRITISH police believe Madeleine McCann could now
be living as a Muslim.
They think she might have been held captive in the human trafficking haven
of North Africa.
Detectives last night launched a global internet appeal urging people to help catch Maddie's
They also released an image showing how the youngster, who vanished in Portugal in May 2007, would now
look if she had been raised by Arabs.
Clarence Mitchell, spokesman for Madeleine's parents Gerry and Kate,
both 41, of Rothley, Leics, said: "Even though she has much darker hair and features, Kate knows she's still looking
at her beloved daughter."
Leveson Inquiry: live, 12 January 2012
Leveson Inquiry: live Guardian News Blog
By Josh Halliday, Jason Deans and Lisa O'Carroll Thursday 12 January
- Extract -
12.18pm: Hugh Whittow,
editor of the Daily Express, has taken the stand.

Leveson inquiry: Hugh Whittow |
12.37pm: Whittow is asked about the Daily
Express's decision to withdraw from the PCC. He points out that he was deputy editor, not editor, at the time.
But he says he agrees with the decision. He says one of the reasons for withdrawing was because it failed to stop the paper
publishing defamatory articles about the McCanns.
"Because of the McCanns I think that was a huge problem
for us and I think they should have intervened … no one was intervening at all. Everybody had too much leeway, it just
went on and on," he says.
Jay asks Whittow if he is seriously putting that forward as a reason for leaving
the PCC.
"I don't blame the PCC," Whittow says. "I just think in hindsight they might have been
able to intervene and perhaps this will reflect in the body that you set up."
1.06pm: The inquiry has broken for lunch, after which Whittow will resume giving evidence.
Transcript Leveson Inquiry
Thursday 12 January 2012
- Extract -
Q. But was that the real reason for leaving the PCC?
12 A. I don't know the real reasons,
because it was taken at
13 director level.
14 Q.
But weren't you party to the discussions which led to
15 that decision?
16 A. No, I wasn't the editor then.
17 Q. True.
A. I was the deputy.
19 Q. So it's Mr Hill I should really ask about that?
20 A. Yes.
21 Q. I think I can ask you this: is it your personal view
22 that that decision should have been taken or not?
A. I think, yes. I do go along with it. I don't think
that it was serving our best interests at the time.
25 I think -- you know,
I'm not an expert on this but
1 because of the McCanns, I think that was the a huge
problem for us, and I feel that perhaps they should have
3 intervened, you
know. Everybody had too much leeway.
4 There was nobody intervening at
all and as a result the
5 story carried on and on and on.
Q. So is this right: your feeling is that it was right to
7 leave the
PCC --
8 A. Yes.
9 Q. -- because the PCC let you down in failing
to stop your
10 paper publishing --
11 A. That
was one of --
12 Q. Just wait for the end of the question -- publishing
defamatory articles about the McCanns; is that your
14 evidence?
A. That's one of the reasons, yes.
16 Q. Are you seriously putting that forward as
a reason, that
17 the PCC failed to stop you freely publishing a
defamatory article?
19 A. As I say, it was one of the things that was happening at
the time.
21 Q. I'm just surprised that -- I know you're not the only
one to put this forward, but it does cause the notional
23 eyebrows to be raised.
I'm surprised it's put forward
24 as a reason at all. Do you
see that? You were entirely
25 free to publish those articles or not.
They were
1 grossly defamatory, we know. You end up paying
GBP 550,000 and you blame the PCC for failing to stop
3 you doing it?
4 A. I understand. No, I don't blame the PCC. I just feel
that -- I think I did say in hindsight I thought that
6 perhaps they might
have been able to intervene, someone
7 from outside, and perhaps this will
reflect in the body
8 that you will be setting up.
Q. Do you have some better reasons for leaving the PCC or
10 not?
11 A. I think it's best if others answer those questions,
because I was not the editor at the time.
13 Q. Okay, I'll take up that invitation with others.
Witness Statement of Hugh Whittow Leveson Inquiry
Nothing of relevance to Madeleine McCann case
PDF Downloads:

Transcript of Morning Hearing (pdf, 184KB)
click here to download file

Witness Statement of Hugh Whittow (pdf, 513KB)
click here to download file
Daily Express editor: PCC 'should have
intervened' in McCann story, 12 January 2012
Daily Express editor: PCC 'should have intervened'
in McCann story
Editor of the Daily Express Hugh Whittow tells the Leveson inquiry he supports the media group's decision to withdraw
from the Press Complaints Commission
By: Rachel McAthy Posted:
12 January 2012

Daily Express editor Hugh Whittow told the Leveson inquiry today
that the Press Complaints Commission "should have intervened" in reports on the parents of missing child Madeleine
McCann, for which the Express and Daily Star both made front-page apologies for in 2008.
In evidence to the Leveson
inquiry Whittow was asked by counsel to the inquiry Robert Jay what the reasons were for publisher Northern & Shell's
withdrawal from the PCC in January 2011, when it was excluded by the Press Standards Board of Finance (PressBof) for allegedly
not paying a levy to support the commission.
The move meant the Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Star, Star
on Sunday and OK! Magazine have since not been covered by the PCC.
Whittow first told Jay that he did not know
the "real reasons" as the decision was "taken at director level" and that he was not editor at that point.
When asked if it was his personal view that the decision should have been taken, he said he does "go along with
it", adding that he did not think "it was serving our best interests at the time".
He went on to
say that while he was "not an expert on this", the McCann story was "a huge problem for us", adding that
the PCC "perhaps should have intervened".
In 2008, Express Newspapers paid damages to the McCanns and
published front-page apologies for incorrect allegations made against the couple.
"Everybody had too much
leeway, there was nobody intervening" Whittow told the inquiry today. "As a result the story carried on and on."
In further questioning on this evidence by Jay, Whittow repeated that "in hindsight perhaps they [the PCC] might
have been able to intervene".
Earlier in his evidence Whittow told the inquiry he would not "put anything
in the paper unless I think it is true".
In reference to his written statement the editor confirmed that "ethics
play a big role" in the titles he is responsible for.
"I am law abiding, I behave properly, I treat people
properly," he said. "I will not publish anything unless I'm confident it's accurate."
Leveson Inquiry: live, 12 January 2012
Leveson Inquiry: live Guardian News Blog
By Josh Halliday, Jason Deans and Lisa O'Carroll Thursday 12 January
- Extract -
2.14pm: Peter Hill, former
editor of the Daily Express, takes the stand.

Leveson inquiry: Peter Hill |
Hill is being asked about Express's coverage of the Madeleine McCann case. He accepts he was running
a very high risk running the stories. "This was an unprecedented story that in
my 50 years of experience I can't remember the like. There was an enormous clamour for information … it was an
international story on an enormous scale. It was not a story you could ignore. You simply had to cover it as best you could." 2.36pm: Hill denies that, in effect, he accused the McCanns of killing their child.
The former editor says: "I did not accuse them of killing their child. The story that I ran were the people that
did accuse them and those were the Portuguese police."
He adds that there was "reason to believe that
they might possibly be true."
2.38pm: Jay accuses Hill of "whacking
the story" into the paper.
Hill responds that Jay is putting him on trial.
He is reassured by Lord
Justice Leveson that this is not a trial.
2.40pm: Hill says the paper
did its best to check the accuracy of the McCann stories it printed.
He says: "We did the best we could do
which was not very much. I'm not saying it was nothing but it was not very much."
Jay puts it to him that
he had one eye on the circulation figures. "One always has an eye on the circulation figures," Hill replies.
Hill says he received estimates of sales figures on a daily basis. He adds that McCann stories boosted circulation
"on many days".
2.43pm: Hill denies that he was "obsessed"
with the McCann story, as claimed by former Express journalist Nick Fagge at the inquiry last year.
He adds that
"it was nothing to do with an obsession; it was more to do with a method of working".
Jay argues that
there is a difference between stories about Big Brother and about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
the McCann story the entire country had an opinion," says Hill. "These were strong opinions and were informed by
the information that was coming from Portugal. We were not to know at the time the Portuguese police were not behaving in
a civil manner."
2.47pm: Information is "a free for all",
Hill says, adding that had newspapers stopped being printed "it might have made it worse", referring to the internet.
2.48pm: Hills says he was not troubled by the direction of the stories.
"There was an enormous clamour for information and I felt this story should keep running," he tells the inquiry.
Jay asks: "What happened between you and the board after the £550,000 libel case with the McCanns?"
Hill: "Nothing."
2.49pm: Hill has now completed
giving his evidence.
Transcript Leveson Inquiry
Thursday 12 January 2012
- Extract -
Q. Yes. Thank you. Your second statement, Mr Hill, deals
with the McCanns.
4 A. Oh yes.
5 Q. Of course, you've given
evidence to the Parliamentary
6 Select Committee about this, haven't you?
7 A. Yes, extensively.
8 Q. Can I take you to that statement and refer
to a number
9 of points.
At paragraph 2 --
11 A. What --
12 Q. This is in the second file
under tab 23.
13 A. Oh, 23. Okay. Yes, paragraph 2.
14 Q.
The question which was asked of you was in effect what
15 fact checking your
paper indulged in. Your answer was:
16 "That
is a very, very good question. In this
17 particular case, as I explained
to you, the Portuguese
18 police were unable, because of the legal restrictions
19 Portugal, to make any official comment on the case."
Then I paraphrase: they leaked things to the press
21 and therefore checking
the stories was not very easy.
22 And then you went on to say newspapers operate
at high
23 speed, et cetera.
I think the question I have is that those very
25 circumstances, that you were
dealing with leaks to the
1 Portuguese press, together with the fact that you knew
2 at the time that it was going to be next to impossible
to verify the truth of the leaks, meant that you were
4 running a very high
risk by running these stories at
5 all, weren't you?
A. Yes.
7 Q. May I ask you, given that answer, why did you run that
9 A. Because this was an unprecedented story that in my 50
years of experience I can't remember the like. There
11 was an enormous
clamour for information and there was
12 enormous -- there was an enormous
push for information.
13 It was an international story, on an enormous scale,
14 there had not been a story involving individuals, as
opposed to huge events, like that in my experience and
16 it was not a story
that you could ignore and you simply
17 had to try to cover it as best you
18 Q. You often published the same sort of story on the front
pages, though, didn't you, sometimes on consecutive
20 days?
A. Of course.
22 Q. Did you at any time, given your assessment of the level
of risk, which was a high risk, put into account the
24 position of the McCanns?
25 A. Of course. We published many, many, many, many stories
1 of all kinds about the McCanns, many stories that were
2 deeply sympathetic to them, some stories that were not.
3 Q.
Yes, but the stories that were not were a little bit
4 more than unsympathetic.
Some of them went so far as to
5 accuse them of killing their child, didn't
6 A. This is what the Portuguese police were telling us.
7 Q.
Yes, but regardless of that, we've already covered that
8 issue, do you
accept that some of --
9 A. You haven't covered it with me.
10 Q.
Just wait, Mr Hill. Do you accept that some of your
11 stories went so
far as to accuse them of killing their
12 child?
A. I did not accuse them of killing their child. The
14 stories
that I ran were from those who did accuse them,
15 and they were the Portuguese
16 Q. These stories weren't going to find their way into your
newspaper unless you took the editorial decision to
18 publish them; that's
correct, isn't it?
19 A. Correct.
20 Q. You had a choice.
You could either say, "No, the risk
21 is too high and/or the stories
are too damaging to the
22 interests of the McCanns, I'm not going to publish
23 them", or you might say, "I am going to publish them
because there is such a clamour for information."
That's correct, isn't it?
1 A. I felt that the stories should be published because
there was reason to believe that they might possibly be
3 true.
Q. So that was a sufficient basis: reason to believe that
5 they might
possibly be true, so we'll whack it in the
6 paper. That's true,
isn't it?
7 A. I don't use expressions like "whack it in the paper".
8 I find that to be a very judgmental expression.
9 Q.
Yes, well, I don't actually apologise for it. I'm going
10 to
carry on.
11 At the same time, Mr Hill, you knew --
12 A. The fact of the matter is that this is a public Inquiry
and I do not believe that I am on trial.
14 Q. I'm sorry, Mr Hill, I'm just going to
carry on.
15 A. But I think you are putting me on trial.
LEVESON: You're not on trial, Mr Hill. What
17 we're looking
at is the culture, practices and ethics of
18 the press.
A. Yes.
20 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: That includes the newspaper which you
had the responsibility and doubtless the honour to edit
22 for many years.
23 A. Indeed.
24 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: And therefore, looking at the
way in
25 which you are conducting that responsibility is
1 important, and in relation to the McCanns, the question
2 does arise, given that you knew that officially the
Portuguese police were not allowed to talk to the press,
4 what you should
be doing to check up or to work on the
5 validity of stories that were being
6 A. Indeed.
7 MR JAY: And the answer is what? What
did you do to check
8 on the validity of those stories?
A. We did the best that we could do, which was not very
10 much.
11 Q. Which was nothing, wasn't it?
12 A. I'm not saying it was nothing,
but we tried our best.
13 Q. Okay. But against that, of course, you had another eye
14 on the circulation figures, didn't you?
15 A.
One always has an eye on the circulation figures.
16 Q. You told the committee, I think it's
also your evidence
17 to us, paragraph 8 of this statement, in answer to
18 question 620:
"It certainly increased the circulation of the Daily
20 Express by many
thousands on those days without a doubt.
21 As would any item which was of
such great interest."
22 A. Yes. Would you like to carry on?
Q. Yes, of course:
24 "It also massively
increased the audiences on the
25 BBC as their Head of News has acknowledged.
It did this
1 for all newspapers."
2 A. Yes.
3 Q. That merely goes to support the point: it was the view
of everybody that publishing the story would increase
5 circulation or would
increase viewing figures, wouldn't
6 it?
7 A.
8 Q. Was that something that you felt you could establish and
did establish empirically in relation to the
10 Daily Express's circulation
11 A. On many days, yes.
12 Q. Because you looked at them
at the time and your
13 assessment was, on a day-to-day basis: this story must
14 be contributing to an improvement in circulation. Was
that your assessment?
16 A. Yes.
17 Q. But did you get the circulation
figures on a daily basis
18 or on a weekly basis?
A. A daily basis. That is to say, estimates on a daily
20 basis.
Because it takes some time for the actual
21 figures to be validated.
22 Q. Yes. How long does it take for the actual figures to be
24 A. Perhaps a week.
25 Q. And when you looked at the
actual figures, did that
1 change the picture or not?
2 A. Sometimes.
3 Q. We do have the data under tab 25.
4 A. Yes.
Q. For what it's worth, and this is absolutely nothing,
6 I am not
able to correlate, because I don't know when
7 the stories were published,
or discern whether there is
8 a trend in relation to circulation. All
that one can
9 see is that on Saturdays circulation tends to be much
10 higher; is that right?
11 A. Yes, but that's all
the time.
12 Q. Yes, yes.
13 A. Yes.
14 Q.
Because what one would need is to be there on the ground
15 at the time and
with expert knowledge of all that's
16 happening in the paper at the time,
is that so?
17 A. And all that's happening everywhere else.
18 Q.
But your clear evidence is, is it, that circulation did
19 go up with the McCann
20 A. I think so.
21 Q. That must have been, therefore,
a factor in your
22 persisting with the story, was it not?
A. Yes.
24 Q. Together, you say, with the clamour for information and
the pressure for information. Is that so?
1 A. Yes.
2 Q. Mr Fagge gave evidence, and I just put it
to you in
3 these terms, although we have a transcript of it under
4 tab 40, that you were obsessed with this story. Would
you agree with that or not?
6 A. No.
7 Q. And why not?
8 A. Well, I can see, perhaps, why Mr Fagge would use that
word, but Mr Fagge was not privy to my inner thoughts,
10 he wasn't part
of my inner team, and he would
11 misunder -- I can see that he misunderstood
the reasons
12 that I used the story as many times as I did, but I've
13 already explained to you the basis for that decision,
which had gone all the way back to my time on the Daily
15 Star when I had
realised that it was -- that the readers
16 were more -- the readers continued
to be interested in
17 the stories far longer than the journalists, and it
18 my policy to continue the stories and I followed it with
many different stories. It started with Big Brother, it
20 went on to
Princess Diana, various other things, and
21 that had always been my policy.
It was nothing to do
22 with an obsession, it was more to do with a method
23 working.
24 Q. Yes. Can I just probe
a little bit into that last
25 answer. Would you accept that there's
1 a difference between, on the one hand, persisting in the
2 publication of stories relating to Big Brother, which
frankly, whether they're true or not, who cares, and
4 the --
5 A. Some people cared a lot.
6 Q. Well, the persistence of publication of
the stories in
7 relation to the McCanns, where some people might care
8 extremely deeply, because whether or not they're true
and whether or not they're capable of damaging people is
10 a predominant
consideration? Do you begin to see that
11 difference?
A. I perfectly see the difference. On the McCanns story,
13 the
entire country had an opinion about that story, and
14 wherever you went, whether
you went to a social
15 gathering or, as somebody said, to the supermarket,
16 people were talking about it and they all had an opinion
about it, and these were opinions, these were stronger
18 opinions, and these
opinions were informed by the
19 information that was coming from Portugal.
20 Now, we were not to know at the time that the
21 Portuguese police were not behaving in a proper manner.
Portugal is a civilised country, part of the European
23 Union. We had
no reason to believe that its police
24 force was not a proper body.
So, as I explained to you,
25 there was an enormous body of opinion on both
sides of
1 this story and you couldn't stop that. There was no
2 stopping it.
3 Q. Apart from to stop publishing
it, particularly --
4 A. That wouldn't have stopped it, because you couldn't --
5 well, as someone's explained, we now have the Internet,
we have Facebook, we have Twitter, we have all these
7 different things.
Information is -- it's a free-for --
8 it's an information free-for-all
that we live in. So
9 whether the newspapers stopped publishing would
10 made no difference. In fact, it might well have made it
11 worse.
12 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: Was Mr Pilditch one
of your
13 reporters?
14 A. Yes.
LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: Highly regarded?
16 A. Very much.
JUSTICE LEVESON: He told me that there was a problem
18 accessing the
police because of the secrecy laws.
19 A. Yes.
And he got the impression that a lot
21 of the way that this information leaked
out was thinking
22 out loud, as a result of which he had misgivings.
23 A. What do you mean by "thinking out loud"?
I'm sorry?
25 A. I don't know what you mean by "thinking out loud".
1 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: The police thinking out loud.
2 A.
Oh, the police thinking out loud.
3 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: Not you. And to which he said:
4 "I discussed my misgivings with the news desk."
5 Did you get involved in a discussion about the
6 misgivings that your man on the ground had about this
8 A. I'm sure I would have done.
9 MR JAY: I think it
did go a bit further than that as well,
10 that every story went up with the
moniker "legal please"
11 on it, didn't it?
A. I can't remember.
13 Q. Mr Fagge told us in answer to one of my questions:
14 "In the evenings, over a beer in Portugal with your
15 colleagues, seeing this obsession played out [that was
his term, not mine] on the front pages of the Express,
17 weren't you troubled
by the direction in which this was
18 going?
"Answer: Yes."
20 Were you troubled?
21 A. No.
22 Q. And why not?
23 A. Because
I thought it was the right thing to do.
24 Q. Because?
25 A. Of
what I've explained, that there was an enormous
1 clamour for information and I felt that this story was
2 something that should keep running.
3 Q. When all this
went wrong, and it went very wrong, with
4 a price tag of £550,000, what,
if anything, happened
5 between you and the board?
A. Nothing.
7 Q. Was there no gentle criticism of you?
8 A.
There's been -- there have been hundreds of libel cases
9 in newspapers
and newspaper administrations have got to
10 live with them.
Q. Mm. Were your board aware that circulation was
12 improving
as a result of these stories?
13 A. I'm sure they were aware of the business points of the
14 organisation, yes.
15 Q. And may that have been
the reason for the absence of any
16 criticism of you, do you think?
17 A. I think editors are normally left to run their
19 MR JAY: Thank you, Mr Hill.
Mr Hill, thank you very much indeed.
21 A. Okay.
Witness Statement
of Peter Hill Leveson Inquiry
Nothing of relevance to Madeleine McCann case
Reference is made in Peter Hill's testimony to a 'second
statement' that 'deals with the McCanns'. However, this has not been made available on the Leveson Inquiry website.
PDF Downloads:

Transcript of Afternoon Hearing (pdf, 150KB)
click here to download file

Witness Statement of Peter Hill (pdf, 404KB)
click here to download file
Leveson Inquiry: live, 12 January 2012
Leveson Inquiry: live Guardian News Blog
By Josh Halliday, Jason Deans and Lisa O'Carroll Thursday 12 January
- Extract -
2.49pm: Paul Ashford,
editorial director of Northern & Shell, has taken the stand.

Leveson inquiry: Paul Ashford |
3.05pm: Ashford
tells Leveson that after the McCanns took legal action against Express Newspapers the PCC chairman denigrated the Express
editor, Peter Hill.
He describes the PCC as "wholly hypocritical and unhelpful" over the McCanns.
3.09pm: Ashford says on the PCC: "It was the combination of the
criticism and the doing nothing about [the McCann coverage] that really rankled".
3.19pm: Asked by Leveson for his thoughts on the future of press regulation, Ashford
says: "One of my points I made was that it probably was not in the PCC's remit to say anything [when the McCann stories
were being published]... because there hadn't been a complaint."
He says it should be "empowered
to be proactive" and should be able to step in and prevent problems before they are reached. "I think that's
one area that should be looked at," he says.
Ashford says that it would be "draconian" to not allow
members to leave.
3.25pm: Ashford has now completed
his evidence. The inquiry is taking a short break.
Transcript Leveson Inquiry
Thursday 12 January 2012
- Extract -
Q. Okay. Paragraph 5 you touch on the McCann story. Can
I deal with your attitude to the PCC's response to it?
11 You say you found
the behaviour of the PCC to be wholly
12 hypocritical and unhelpful.
Could you expand on that,
13 both in the context of wholly hypocritical and
14 unhelpful?
15 A. I think my problem with
it was the contrast between the
16 fact that our editor, Mr Hill, was on the
PCC committee,
17 so he had total access to them and they to him
throughout the period in which all the newspapers and
19 other news organs
were covering this story to a greater
20 or lesser extent in the same way that
we were, so they
21 had total access, but there was complete silence.
22 didn't raise it for an extraordinary discussion. Maybe
23 they would say it was not in their remit to do so, but
every opportunity was there to do so. And it was
25 a contrast between
that inaction and after the McCanns
1 took legal action and we apologised and gave them
redress, then the chairman of the PCC took it upon
3 himself to publicly denigrate
our editor, and it was
4 that mismatch of the two things that I, and I think
5 other members of the board, found upsetting.
6 Q.
The other thing that you put into the equation are
7 what's contained in
PA1, which you see is the last
8 sentence of paragraph 5. You point out
that other
9 newspapers were running similar stories; is that
11 A. It's correct, and I believe arrangements were made with
the McCanns and certainly some other newspapers that
13 they too gave some
14 Q. What you say is correct.
May I hand PA1 to Lord Justice Leveson, since he
16 doesn't have it in
that bundle.
17 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: I've just noticed.
18 MR JAY:
I copied it overnight. (Handed)
MR JAY: It probably isn't in that bundle either,
21 Mr Ashford.
I wouldn't worry about it, though. I've
22 looked at the articles
and I take your point.
23 The McCann settlements were,
I think, in the summer
24 of 2008, but you tell us in paragraph 7 that you
25 resign from the PCC immediately; you continued with it
1 for a while longer, although nonetheless you felt that
2 you'd been scapegoated; is that right?
3 A. We did.
4 Q. Of course, it might be said, though, that the McCanns
took the decision, as they were entitled to do, on the
6 basis of advice, to
sue the Daily Express primarily --
7 of course they sued other papers as well
-- and that had
8 nothing to do with the PCC. Would you agree with that?
9 A. I agree that the PCC could easily have said it was not
within their remit to do anything. As I said, it was
11 a combination
of the criticism and the doing nothing
12 that really rankled.
Q. The singling out of Mr Hill by Sir Christopher Meyer at
14 the BBC
15 A. Correct.
16 Q. That was the point which you found
unacceptable, did
17 you?
18 A. Yes.
25 LORD JUSTICE LEVESON: Have you, Mr Ashford, given any
1 thought to other ways in which regulation might be
improved? You've identified non-editors -- serving
3 editors, you've
identified some legal and lay input, but
4 is there anything else that you,
who have clearly given
5 some thought to the issue, would want to see in a
6 system, if there was to be a new system?
7 A.
One of the points I made was that it probably was not in
8 the PCC's remit
to actually say anything during the
9 McCann situation when everyone was publishing
10 everything, because there had been no complaint. So
maybe some mechanism that if something emerges in the
12 press that's of
that kind of profile, any body that
13 existed perhaps ought to look at it
before a complaint
14 comes, rather than after it. And I'd have to
work out
15 what I meant by looking at it, but certainly discuss it,
16 debate it.
the body ought to be
18 capable of being proactive, not merely reactive?
19 A. I think that's an area that should be explored, yes.
Statement of Paul Ashford Leveson Inquiry
Question 7: What your role was in instructing, paying or having any other contact with
such private investigators and/or other external providers of information.
8. For convenience, I deal
with questions 7 and 8 together. The only instance I personally recall that could be relevant is that I arranged the use of
an ex-police chief constable to try and locate Madeleine McCann in Portugal. However, I cannot recollect ever using a private
[Reference is made in Paul Ashford's testimony to a 'second statement'
that deals, at least in part, with the PCC and the McCanns. However, this has not been made available on the Leveson
Inquiry website.]
PDF Downloads:

Transcript of Afternoon Hearing (pdf, 150KB)
click here to download file

Witness Statement of Paul Ashford (pdf, 280KB)
click here to download file
Leveson Inquiry: live, 12 January 2012
Leveson Inquiry: live Guardian News Blog
By Josh Halliday, Jason Deans and Lisa O'Carroll Thursday 12 January
- Extract -
3.36pm: Richard Desmond
has taken the stand.

Leveson inquiry: Richard Desmond is giving evidence |
4.13pm: Asked about the PCC, Desmond says:
"This is an association where our competitors - or our idiots, shall we say … At the end of the day all newspapers
were doing the same thing. I saw it that we were the only one who was honest and apologised properly …
to see the chairman of the PCC on BBC TV and vilify Peter Hill and Express Newspapers, that was the final straw. I felt it
was a useless organisation run by people who wanted tea and buscuits, and phone hackers; it was run by people who wanted to
destroy us." 4.14pm: Desmond defends Express
editor Peter Hill over the paper's Madeleine McCann coverage. "Every paper, every
day, for that amount of time, was talking about that story. Poor old Peter Hill … I remember calling him that night,
I spoke to him for about two hours, because he'd done it to the best ability, reported the facts. Unfortunately, it was
fair to assume that the Portuguese police were a reliable source." Desmond says he didn't think
the stories boosted circulation.
4.25pm: Desmond
apologises to the McCanns over his papers' coverage.
"I don't wish to minimise it … and I'm
not trying to win points here, but if there were 102 articles on the McCanns, and 38 bad ones … you could argue there
were 68 or 70 good ones."
Desmond emphasises again that he isn't wishing to play down the effect of the
bad stories.
4.28pm: Desmond tries to justify his papers' McCanns
coverage because he says there was different points of view about what might have happened.
"There has been
speculation that Diana was killed by the royal family," he says.
"The speculation has gone on and on.
I don't know the answer."
"I apologise again to the McCanns etc etc etc, but there are views about
the McCanns and what happened," he adds.
Jay points out that the logic of that argument is that the paper
could write anything it liked.
Desmond says he's not advocating that.
Desmond tells the inquiry that if you agree that newspapers are important, then they should be allowed to
report on opinions.
Jay interrupts and accuses Desmond of a "grotesque characterisation" of the way Fleet
Street reported disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
Desmond continues: "On
your figure, we ran 102 articles for four months, nothing happened until a new firm of lawyers – who were on contingency
– then came in to sue us.
Once again I do apologise. I am very sorry that we got it wrong … every
paper was doing the same thing, which is why every paper paid money to the McCanns. But only we were scapegoated by the PCC." (...)
4.36pm: Desmond has now finished giving evidence.
Transcript Leveson Inquiry
Thursday 12 January 2012
- Extract -
[Richard Desmond:]
4 So when it came to the PCC, you had that thinking
5 behind it, plus you had the fact, you know, of the way
they strung out poor old Peter Hill, because at the end
7 of the day, all the
newspapers were doing the same, you
8 know, plus or minus, you know, it was
a major story, and
9 basically I saw it that we were the only honest ones and
10 straightforward ones. We stood up and said, "Yes, we
got it wrong, there's the money for the McCann fighting
12 fund, let's
try and help find McCann", the poor little
13 girl, "Let's get
rid of it, put it on the front page and
14 apologise properly", which
is what they did.
15 Then to see the chairman of the
PCC, whatever his
16 name is, you know, stand on BBC television and vilify
17 Peter Hill and vilify Express Newspapers was sort of
a final -- you know, like a -- you know, that was like
19 the final straw.
Because I felt it was a useless
20 organisation run by people who wanted tea
and biscuits
21 and phone hackers, you know, and it was run by the
22 people that hated our guts, that wanted us out of
business, that tried every day to put us out of
24 business, and yet smiled
at us and were completely
25 ineffective.
1 I mean, what else do you want me to say
about the
2 PCC?
3 Q. Can I ask you two follow-up
questions, please, in the
4 context of that answer? The first is: aren't
5 treating the PCC as if it was some sort of trade or
marketing organisation rather than at least an attempt
7 to regulate an important
8 A. Well, I don't -- yes, you're probably right. Yes.
Q. I'll come back to that, if I may. Secondly, in relation
to the McCanns, if one accepts that other newspapers
11 also defamed the McCanns,
accept that, would you not
12 accept, though, that given the, if I may say
so, the
13 systematic and egregious defamations which your
newspaper perpetrated on the McCanns, that it's a bit
15 rich to blame
the PCC for failing to provide you with
16 guidance, as you say under paragraph
18 of your
17 statement?
18 A. Yes.
Q. Because, after all, it was up to your editor not to
20 behave in such
a way. Would you accept that?
21 A. No, not at all. Every paper -- I didn't bring
22 paper with me, but I'm sure we can justify my
statement -- every paper every day for that period of
24 time was talking about
the McCanns. It was the hot
25 story -- it was the story. And poor
old Peter Hill, you
1 know -- I remember that night after he was attacked by
2 the chairman of the PCC, I remember calling him at
11 o'clock at night. I think he was convinced I was
4 going to fire
him. But I didn't fire him, I spoke to
5 him from 11 o'clock
for about two hours and my ex-wife
6 spoke to him for about an hour afterwards,
you know,
7 because he'd done to the best ability -- report the
8 facts. And unfortunately, when it came to it, as he
said earlier, I mean, it's fair to assume that the
10 Portuguese police
that were giving him the information
11 would have been a reliable source.
12 Q. Hmm. When the stories were being published between,
I think, September 2007 and January 2008, did you take
14 any interest in those
stories at all?
15 A. Not -- interest, of course, but -- you know, I would go
down, "What's happening now? What's happening?" It was
a big -- I remember going to people's homes or social
18 functions or charity
raisers and 10, 15 people would
19 come up to me, "What's going on
with the McCanns?" It
20 was a big, big, big story. Everybody
was interested in
21 the McCanns and everybody had a view about the McCanns.
22 Q. I understand that, Mr Desmond, but in your discussions
with Mr Hill, did it come out that in his view the
24 perpetuation of these
stories increased circulation?
25 A. No, no.
1 Q. But you had your finger on the pulse of circulation, did
you not?
3 A. Well, I saw the figures every day and basically the
figures don't move, as I said earlier on.
5 Q. I think you're saying Mr Hill's perception
is incorrect
6 and that the McCann stories could not have increased
7 circulation; is that right?
8 A. With respect to editors,
editors have to believe that by
9 putting a good story in, they're going
to sell more
10 papers. They have to believe that. The day they
11 believe that is the day they go home and play golf, or
12 whatever ex-editors do. They have to believe by running
a big story that the sales will go up, but that doesn't
14 necessarily
correlate, or it may do for a week.
18 MR JAY: Can I just go back to the McCanns
and raise one
19 question? You're concerned, I think, at the lack
20 consistency in the position the PCC took in singling
out --
22 A. Yes.
23 Q. -- the Express in particular, is that --
24 A. Absolutely. First of all, I apologise to the McCanns
and we have apologised to the McCanns and we have put it
1 on the front pages and nothing would give me greater
pleasure to find Madeleine and, you know, we've tried on
3 many, many,
many occasions to, in spite of some bad
4 editorial, to try and find Maddie.
So if I can just put
5 that.
Basically, every other paper was doing the same
7 thing and yet, I forget his
name, the ex-chairman and
8 his cronies thought, "We'll hang out Peter
Hill and the
9 Daily Express". They should have all stood -- I think
10 they should have all stood up and said, "You know what,
we've all wronged, let's all bung in 500 grand each",
12 which
would have been GBP 3 million. In fact they did
13 in the end, they probably
spent more than £500,000. But
14 we could have all done it as a
united body, which might
15 have been better instead of singling us out.
16 Q. But isn't it fair to say, Mr Desmond, that if you look
at the hard facts, I think the McCann litigation
18 involved 38 defamatory
articles. It is right, and
19 Mr Ashford has drawn to our attention that
there are
20 other newspapers who also perpetrated defamations, but
21 not to the same extent as your papers.
22 A. Is that
-- I'm not sure that's right. I'm not sure
23 that's
right at all.
24 Q. If it's wrong, Mr Sherborne here, who -- the McCanns are
his client -- will demonstrate that in due course, but
1 it's certainly my understanding that we're talking about
2 38 defamatory articles over a four-month period and that
your paper was guilty, if I can put it in those terms,
4 of the most egregious
and serious defamations, and other
5 papers were guilty of defamations of perhaps
6 severity in terms of quantity. Do you accept that?
A. Once again, I don't wish to minimise it, right? But
8 four
months is -- let me see now, it's 12 weeks?
9 Q. It's 17 weeks, on my reckoning.
10 A. 17 weeks, thank you. 17 weeks times 6 -- you have to
help me again.
12 Q. 102, is it, Mr Desmond? I don't know. You're the
13 businessman.
14 A. Well, I don't know.
102, very good. Is 102.
15 Q. Yes.
16 A. And there were 37
17 Q. 38.
18 A. I'm not trying to win points here, because
we did do
19 wrong, but I could say there were more, if there were
20 102 articles on the McCanns, there were 38 bad ones,
then one would say -- and I'm not trying to justify,
22 please, I'm
not trying to justify anything, but you
23 could argue there were 65 or 70
good ones.
24 Q. But the effect of the bad ones are really twofold. One,
the possible pragmatic effect, namely if people thought
1 that Madeleine had been killed, there would be less
interest in trying to find her. Do you follow that?
3 A. From my memory, and it was a long
time ago and -- but
4 I mean it was just the story every day. It just
went on
5 all the time, was she killed? Was she --
Q. You are not listening to my question and the, I would
7 suggest, inexorable
logic behind it. If people thought
8 Madeleine might have been killed,
particularly by her
9 parents -- it doesn't matter by whom actually --
10 would be less incentive to try and find her. Do you
11 agree with that proposition or not?
12 A. No.
Because if you take Diana as an example, you know,
13 all these situations
where no one actually knows the
14 answer, as it turns out, it just goes on
and goes on.
15 Q. Mr Desmond, I'm beginning to sound irritated, but I am.
There is no comparison between these two cases because
17 to be absolutely
stark about it, in the case of
18 Princess Diana we have a dead body.
What has that got
19 to do with the McCann case, please?
A. Well, you know, there has been speculation that Diana
21 was killed
by the Royal Family.
22 Q. Mm?
23 A. And the speculation has gone
on and gone on and gone on
24 and there has been all sorts of speculation about
25 and you know what? I don't know the answer. And if
1 go into a bar or coffee shop or whatever the thing is,
2 and you start talking about Diana, you will get a view
on Diana and you will get a view, and once again I do
4 apologise to the McCanns,
you know, et cetera,
5 et cetera, et cetera, but there are views on -- there
6 are views on the McCanns of what happened. And there
are still views on the McCanns of what happened.
8 Q. But that argument would justify newspapers
such as yours
9 publishing anything it liked at any time because it
10 could say, "There's always another point of view"; would
you accept that?
12 A. Probably not.
13 Q. Again, there's an
inexorable logic behind it which must
14 be right, isn't there?
15 A. What I think is free speech is very important and if we
get any more regulation -- I mean, what are we trying to
17 do in this country?
Are we trying to kill the whole
18 country with every bit of legislation and
every bit of
19 nonsense? You know, I go to Germany, I put OK! Magazine
20 into Germany. A British company, we go into Hamberg.
The Mayor of Hamberg -- we have 30 people working there
22 six years ago --
the Mayor of Hamberg welcomed me in,
23 gives us, the company, 500,000 euros
and says, "Welcome
24 to Hamburg", you know. In this country
I want to put
25 a new print plant up in Luton. We go to Luton, you
1 know, we have a warehouse, we buy a warehouse in Luton,
2 11 acres, 12 acres. Luton, as you may know, is on
a road called the M1. The first objection is that we
4 may clog up the
roads at 2 in the morning by having
5 lorries come out of our printing works.
6 Then we go the next objection and just more
7 objection, more objection, more objection. The bottom
line is how much more -- at the end of the day, we put
9 our printing plant
up and the MPs walk round it on our
10 opening night and I said thank you very
much but what
11 have you done to (a) encourage me, to encourage
businesses, to encourage anything, to invest in the
13 future the newspapers?
14 So, I mean, if we think that newspapers are
15 important, which I do, and you do, otherwise you
wouldn't be here, you'd be doing other things, we have
17 to be in
a situation where people do have opinions and
18 ideas, et cetera, et cetera,
et cetera, which, to the
19 best of their ability, if you take the case of
20 McCanns, you know, we did send journalists or reporters
or whatever you want to call them to Portugal to get the
22 facts. We
did do, you know, everything reasonable, or
23 Mr Hill did everything reasonable
to make sure he was
24 getting the facts and getting the stories across.
25 At the end of the day, the McCanns, you know, as
1 I understood it, although I've never met them, were
2 perfectly -- if we ran it for four months, you know, it
took them a long time to get involved in a legal dispute
4 with us. They
were quite happy, as I understand, in
5 articles being run about their poor
daughter, because it
6 kept it on the front page. I think it was only
when new
7 lawyers came along, who I think were working on
a contingency, that the legal --
9 Q. I can't --
10 A. Well,
that's the facts. I'm sorry, that is the facts.
11 Q. Mr Desmond I'm going
to interrupt you.
12 A. I'm sorry, that is the facts.
13 Q.
That must be a grotesque characterisation.
14 A. I'm sorry, that is the facts.
Q. Your paper was confusing the McCanns on occasion of
16 having killed
their daughter. Are you seriously saying
17 that they were sitting there
quite happy, rather than
18 entirely anguished by your paper's bad behaviour?
19 A. I'm sitting here --
20 Q. Just think about the question before
you answer.
21 A. I'm going to answer your question, and I've already
answered it. We ran -- on your suggestion, we've run
23 102 -- your
figure, 102 articles. For four months you
24 say we ran it, right?
Nothing happened, to the best of
25 my knowledge, until a new firm of lawyers
1 instructed, who were on a contingency, that then came in
2 to sue us. And, you know, I mean that's a fact. Up
until that stage, as I understand Mr Hill, they had a PR
4 company who were
working alongside Peter Hill and the
5 team.
But once again, please, I do apologise to the
7 McCanns. I'm not
trying to -- I am very sorry for --
8 you know, I am very sorry for the thing
and I am very
9 sorry that we got it wrong, but please don't, you know,
10 try and -- every paper was doing the same thing, which
is why every paper, or most papers, paid a -- paid money
12 to the McCanns.
Only we were scapegoated by the
13 chairman or the ex-chairman of the PCC.
Witness Statement of Richard Desmond Leveson Inquiry
Question 4: What your role is in ensuring that the corporate governance documents referred
to above and all relevant policies are adhered to in practice. If you do not consider yourself to have been/be responsible
for this, please tell us who you consider to hold that responsibility. Question 5: Whether the documents and policies
referred to above are adhered to in practice to the best of your knowledge.
18. I do have a role in the
corporate governance at board level and with regard to approval of expenditure (which I comment upon further below). For example,
in January 2011, the board made the decision for Express Newspapers to withdraw from the PCC. I no longer saw the benefit
of the PCC. On the occasions when we may do something wrong, the subject of the story will sue, and use a PCC adjudication
to support his or her case. The McCann story (referred to below) is a good example of how the PCC failed to provide us with
any guidance during that entire time.
Question 12: Whether, to the best of your knowledge,
your newspapers used, paid or had any connection with private investigators in order to source stories or information and/or
paid or received payments in kind for such information from the police, public officials, mobile phone companies or others
with access to the same: if so, please provide details of the numbers of occasions on which such investigators or other external
providers of information were used and of the amounts paid to them (NB. You are not required to identify individuals, either
within your newspapers or otherwise).
26. To the best of my knowledge, the newspapers have not used, paid
or had any connection with private investigators in order to source stories or information and/or paid or received payments
in kind for such information from the police, public officials, mobile phone companies or others with access to the same.
This is however subject to the following three caveats: a. I have recently found out that some reporters have
instructed - and the company has paid - search agencies in order to quickly find out routine information about a potential
source of information to enable the reporter to speak to that source, such as telephone numbers or addresses.
When Madetine McCann disappeared, there was huge amount of public interest in what had happened to her. We decided to hire
an ex-police chief constable to try to find Madeline and I would have known about that expense being incurred;
The Company pays politicians from time to time to write columns for the newspapers.
PDF Downloads:

Transcript of Afternoon Hearing (pdf, 150KB)
click here to download file

Witness Statement of Richard Desmond (pdf, 471KB)
click here to download file
Leveson Inquiry: Express owner accused of
'grotesque' misrepresentation, 13 January 2012
Leveson Inquiry: Express owner accused of 'grotesque'
misrepresentation The Telegraph
The owner of the Daily Express, Richard Desmond, was accused of a "grotesque" misrepresentation of his newspaper's
legal battle with Madeleine McCann's parents when he appeared before the Leveson Inquiry.

By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter 6:30AM GMT 13 Jan 2012
Mr Desmond claimed that Kate and Gerry McCann were initially "quite happy"
with stories in the Express, which included speculation they had murdered their daughter, and complained after four months
only because "new lawyers came along".
He also suggested Portuguese police were partly to blame for coverage
of the three year-old's disappearance, which led to a £550,000 damages payment to the McCanns, because it was "fair
to assume" that information leaked by them was "reliable".
On Thursday, Robert Jay QC, counsel to
the inquiry, described Mr Desmond's version of events as a "grotesque characterisation".
A spokesman
for the McCanns also rejected Mr Desmond's suggestion that they were happy with the bulk of the coverage, saying the Express
group was "by far the worst offender".
When the McCanns appeared before the Leveson Inquiry last year
they said some of the stories that appeared in newspapers after their daughter went missing in 2007 were "nothing short
of disgusting".
Mr Desmond, who also owns the Sunday Express, the Daily Star and Star on Sunday, repeatedly
told Lord Justice Leveson he was sorry for the pain caused to the McCanns, but said they sued only when they hired new lawyers.
"It took a long time for them to get involved in a legal dispute with us," he said. "They were quite
happy, as I understand it, in articles being run about their poor daughter because it kept it on the front page."
Mr Jay interrupted, saying: "That is a grotesque characterisation of what happened. Your paper was accusing the
McCanns on occasion of having killed their daughter. Are you seriously saying that they were sitting there, quite happy, rather
than entirely anguished by your paper's bad behaviour?"
Mr Desmond replied: "For four months we ran
it. Nothing happened until a new firm of lawyers were instructed who were on a contingency [a no-win no-fee arrangement] who
came in to sue us. That's a fact."
Mr Desmond tried to spread the blame for the untrue stories that appeared
in his newspapers, saying: "It was fair to assume that the Portuguese police, who were giving the information to [us]
would have been a reliable source."
When it was put to him that the McCanns had complained about 38 defamatory
articles appearing in the space of four months, he suggested that in the same period there would have been 70 other "good"
Clarence Mitchell, the McCanns' spokesman, said the stories the couple took issue with "massively
added to the stress and upset" they were already suffering.
"For Mr Desmond to claim that Kate and Gerry
were happy with the bulk of his newspaper's coverage ... well, they weren't," he said.
Mr Desmond
said he had withdrawn the Express group from the industry regulator, the Press Complaints Commission, because "they hate
our guts".
He suggested replacing it with a new body called the RCD — Richard Clive Desmond. He used
his appearance to criticise the Express's main rival, the Daily Mail, calling it the "Daily Malicious".
With thanks
to Nigel at
McCann Files